Total Drama Action Rewrite - Chapter 20 - BlazingPyro55 (2024)

Chapter Text

“Once upon a time on Total Drama Action…” Chris began the recap. “There was a princess trapped in a tower. Well okay, Courtney got stashed in some tower set for a couple of hours. But still, a bunch of knights went to rescue her. Along the way, some were lost, dreams were crushed, and a prince prevailed. But, it was no fairy tale ending for Princess Courtney and Prince Justin. Girl just won't stop winning. And so, the mighty Eva got the boot. And the rest of them lived happily ever after. Not! Come on, this is Total Drama Action! Forget happily! We've got fights, danger, maiming! This time, there might even be murder! So keep your eyes glued right here for another homicidal episode of Total. Drama. Action!” he ended the recap.

(Theme song)

“Breakfast taco? Is that all Chef knows how to make now? Mexican-themed breakfast foods?” Harold said as he ate a crunchy taco.

“Ew. Was that an eggshell?” Lindsay asked.

“Chef is the only cook who makes eggs like peanut butter. Smooth or crunchy style. Huh?” Harold said as he pulled out a fish drive.

“Maybe Chef finally ran out of stuff to put in the eggs, all he's got left is computer hardware.” Duncan said.

“What if there's something on it? Something all challenge-y?” Lindsay said.

“How do we find out though?” Justin asked.

“Only one way to find out. Stick it in Courtney's PDA.” Beth said.

“My PDA isn't going anywhere near that goober-coated thing. Hey!” Courtney protested as Duncan forcefully took her PDA.

“I thought you wanted to win this.” Duncan said.

“Do what you have to do.” Courtney sighed.

“I hope you all had a filling breakfast. It was so delish. I was practically on cloud nine. I could've had a dozen of them. Ha ha. But enough about breakfast. It's time to eighty-six this combination. Uh, I mean, conversation.” Chris said on the PDA as Duncan put the flash drive in.

“So weird. I think maybe Chris needs a vacation.” Beth said.

“Right now, I'm going to relax in a nice safe and secure place. And get ready for today's challenge. You're probably wondering what the challenge is. It will remain a mystery until you find me. Hopefully, you'll clue in and track me down. But in the meantime, I'm going to crack open a soda and relax. See ya.” Chris said on the PDA as the footage ended.

“Unless there's a killer reward, I'm not gonna bother finding Chris. No reason to, really.” Duncan said.

  1. “Me personally, I could use a day off from that wiener.” Justin said.

“I'm with Duncan and Justin. Let Chris wait for us.” Harold said.

“We need to find him, this is probably the challenge we need to do to win.” Noah said.

“Maybe if we find Chris, he'll have some kind of surprise! Who doesn't love surprises? I think he was giving us hints. He said he was on cloud nine. That's like, heaven, which means he's not alive anymore. What do you do with dead people? You bury them. So, maybe he's buried underground. Maybe we should dig and see if we find him.” Lindsay explained.

“Um, we could. The only problem is that makes zero sense.” Noah replied.

Confessional: Lindsay

“No one ever listens to me anymore since Courtney got here. What's so weird about Chris being buried alive?” Lindsay said.

“Oh, it's so obvious. Chris said he was feeling safe and secure. Get it? Safe? Chris said that he was going to crack open a soda. You crack a safe. Now you get it?” Courtney said.

“Uh, what?” Justin asked.

“No, still nothing.” Lindsay said.

“He's clearly in the bank vault set from the bank heist challenge! Duh.” Courtney rolled her eyes.

“Nice.” Duncan chuckled.

“Go figure. I've got a brain.” Courtney replied.

“Hey! I was the one who said Chris was giving clues!” Lindsay said as everyone left the tent.

“You did, sweetie.” Justin confronted as he left.

“Grr…” Lindsay growled.

Confessional: Beth

“I felt really bad for Lindsay, but that was some really good thinking on Courtney's part. Safe and secure? Genius!” Beth said.

Confessional: Justin

“Last time, I learned that my looks are completely gone so now unless I magically get them back, I need to use my brain all the time which is unfortunate. I'm still mad at it for betraying me before.” Justin said.

Cut to everyone in front of the safe. “So, what's the plan, Heistmeister?” Duncan asked Courtney.

“Try cleaning out your ears and listening for a change? Chris said the combination. Right after he talked about cloud nine. And he could've had a dozen breakfast burritos? And then he said eighty-six!” Courtney said as she opened the safe and saw Chris in it with a pipe. “What's my prize?” she asked.

“Hmm. I hardly recall having mentioned any sort of prize. But thanks for releasing me. It was getting stuffy in there.” Chris coughed.

“You're not smoking?!” Courtney asked.

“What? Oh no, of course not.” Chris said as she ate his pipe.

“Ew.” Courtney said in disgust.

“What? It's chewing tobacco.” Chris replied.

“Ew!” Harold, Beth, Lindsay, Noah and Justin said in disgust.

“Nah, just kidding. It's black licorice.” Chris replied.

“Ew!” They all said in disgust.

“Yeah, you're right. That stuff's disgusting.” Chris said as he spat the licorice out. “Now it's time for mystery movie day! I've got a challenge for each of you. Tonight, you're to meet me at the train station set.” he explained.

“I have a train set in my garage at home! It runs on solar power.” Harold said.

“Fascinating.” Noah said as he rolled his eyes.

“But first, I'll require full fingerprints and DNA samples from each competitor.” Chris said.

Confessional: Noah

“DNA samples? Is he trying to pin a crime on one of us or something? Wouldn’t put it past him at this point.” Noah said.

Confessional: Duncan

“All you have to do is go to the provincial police headquarters. You can get all my info there.” Duncan said.

“So, each of the competitors has to gather the evidence from any one of the other competitors. Which means, it's in your interest to prevent the other guy from getting your deets. Now go pack an overnight bag and get me my clues.” Chris said.

“I am going to win. I promise you that.” Courtney said as they all left.

Cut to the girls cabin. “I still think I should get credit for coming up with the idea to look for clues.” Lindsay said.

“If we listened to you, we'd still be digging under the cafeteria with teaspoons.” Courtney scoffed.

“Not nice.” Lindsay replied.

“Look, guys. It doesn't matter in the big picture who did what. As long as we all have fun.” Beth said.

“Lindsay. I really respect you. I was only acting like that out of jealousy. I would sincerely like us to be friends. Let me make it up to you. Can I treat you to a spa session?” Courtney asked.

“Ooh, spas are my very favorite!” Lindsay said as she was dragged by Courtney.

Confessional: Courtney

“Man, I am good!” Courtney chuckled.

Cut to Lindsay laying on a chair with cucumbers on her eyes as Courtney put Lindsay’s hands in white powder and dusted them for prints.

“Oh, that tickles. Ha ha. I've never had a manicure done on the bottom of my fingers.” Lindsay said.

“Oh, it's all the rage in France.” Courtney replied.

“Ooh, I love being trendy. Ah!” Lindsay said in pain as Courtney pulled out a hair from her eyebrow. Lindsay gasped as she opened her mask and saw Courtney putting her hair and prints into a bag.

Confessional: Lindsay

“I can’t believe I was tricked by Courtney! She’ll regret that… eventually!” Lindsay said.

A montage of the campers trying to get each other's DNA played. Duncan stepped out of the guys trailer and stepped on a wire that caused a massive chain reaction that tried to drop a barrel on him but he moved to the side to dodge it. Harold showed his head from the bushes. “Oof! Ah!” Harold grunted as Duncan pulled him outside and ripped off a piece of his beard and dripped his hand in mud to get his prints. Duncan winked and left as he looked upset.

Cut to Courtney entering the shower. Lindsay opened the stall door and put a piece of paper and blue paint on the ground to try and get Courtney’s prints. As she got out, Courtney stepped on the blue paint and then on the paper and squeezed her hair to get water on it as she left. Lindsay looked to see the paper was ruined as Courtney came back to pat her on the shoulder and then left again.

Confessional: Duncan

He tried to say something but then saw a barrel above him and stopped it as he grinned while Harold, who showed his head behind the curtains looked upset. “Nice try, loser.” Duncan told Harold.

“You’re just so… gosh!” Harold angrily said as he left.

Cut to Justin, Beth and Lindsay in the craft services tent. Justin ripped off his sweater to try and charm Lindsay and Beth but they looked uninterested as Justin was upset. “My retainer!” Beth told Lindsay as she pointed at the spaghetti. Lindsay tried to search the spaghetti but her hand was grabbed by Beth and dumped into the sauce to get her prints and then pulled a piece of her hair.

“I…” Lindsay said as she looked upset while Beth showed her retainer in her mouth while Justin got Lindsay’s prints and a piece of hair from her as well.

Confessional: Beth

“Okay, so I felt a little guilty about taking advantage of Li-- ooh! Ow!” Beth said as a barrel fell on her.

“Finally that worked!” Harold said as he got Beth’s prints and a piece of her hair.

Cut to Justin sleeping on a chair when Noah snuck to get his prints and a piece of his hair. “Boo!” Noah said which woke up Justin and made him run away screaming as Noah laughed.

Confessional: Noah

“Okay, don’t try to tell me you would have done the same thing. That never gets old.” Noah said.

Cut to Duncan and Courtney in the night on a table in front of the beach. Courtney started ruffling Duncan’s hair as he looked pleased when suddenly she pulled a piece of his hair and got his prints.

“Uh, didn't you already get a set of prints from Lindsay?” Duncan asked.

“Yeah, but it was so much fun. I couldn't help myself.” Courtney chuckled.

Cut to everyone in front of a train. Everyone but Lindsay gave Chris a set of prints, but Courtney gave two.

“So, where's my prize?” Courtney asked.

“Well, I was gonna eat 'em on the train, but you're welcome to them since you probably won’t shut up about it later. Now, can you please get on the train?” Chris said as he tossed Courtney a bag of chips as she went toward the train. “Hey, I haven't even said "all aboard" yet. All aboard!” he said as Courtney rolled her eyes.

Cut to inside the train where Chris got Courtney’s prints and a piece of hair. “Ow! Hey! What are you doing?” Courtney asked.

“Regulation to ride the train, ma'am.” Chris replied.

“Welcome aboard the 7:30 to Funville. Let the party begin.” Chef said as he brought snacks while the train left.

“There's a party? Awesome!” Harold said.

“And it's for all of us? Awesomer!” Beth said.

“Woohoo. I’m so excited.” Noah said in the least excited voice possible.

“This is great, and we all get to share this, huh, Courtney?” Lindsay asked.

“Whoop-de-doo. I'm sticking with my delicious exclusive cheese-flavored cheese-type prize snacks.” Courtney replied.

“Eh, all this stuff is horrible for you anyway. A healthy diet is important for keeping your teeth perfect.” Justin said as he smiled.

“Can I have one?” Beth asked Courtney.

Confessional: Justin

“People these days, not caring about their teeth. If brace-face Beth keeps treating her teeth like that she’ll never have a smile like this.” Justin said as he grinned, showing his perfect white teeth.

“Did you win them? Mm.” Courtney asked Beth as she ate the snacks when suddenly the lights turned off.

“Uh, who shut off the lights?” Justin asked.

“My vision is terrible in the dark!” Harold said.

“Sorry to burst your bubble but pretty sure you aren’t special for that.” Noah replied.

“Um, you can't kill the host! Ah, ooh!” Chris grunted.

“There. That's better.” Harold said as the lights turned back on.

“Look! Chris is dead!” Beth said as she pointed at a Chris dummy laying on the ground.

“Dead dead?” Lindsay asked.

“Yep. Totally dead.” Duncan said as he looked at the hand.

“Oh no. I’m so sad. How could this have happened.” Noah said with no emotion.

“No, that's not possible. I never got a decent prize. Harold, give him CPR!” Courtney told Harold.

“You picked the right guy. I'm a licensed paramedic. Did you know that CPR is actually a whole series of assessments and air connecti–” Harold explained.

“Too bad you didn’t learn that you shouldn’t yap for hours before you actually try to save the guys life!” Noah told Harold.

“Just do it, Harold! He's not breathing!” Lindsay told Harold.

“Ew. Ew. Still no pulse.” Harold said as he tried to give the dummy CPR.

“So, um... what do we do?!” Beth asked as everyone looked at each other.

Cut to Lindsay, Beth, Justin and Harold running around.

“I failed him!” Harold yelled.

“Oh, the humanity!” Beth yelled.

“I’m too handsome to die!” Justin yelled.

“Dead guy on the train! Ew!” Lindsay yelled.

“Oof!” Beth and Justin grunted as they ran into each other.

“Would you pull it together, losers? We've got to figure this out!” Duncan said.

“This reminds me of the time we were on the bus on the way to cheering camp. The head cheerleader, Carmalita Santos passed right out! I always hated Carmalita because Carmalita thought she was so great. But we had to do something! She was drooling! So me and Bitsy Stephanopolis ran to the front of the bus. Bitsy's real name is Elizabeth, but everybody calls her Bitsy.” Lindsay began explaining.

Confessional: Beth

“I gotta admit. I was kind of curious to know where Lindsay was going with this.” Beth said.

Confessional: Noah

“This is going nowhere.” Noah said.

“So Mrs. Witlock came running back from the rest stop with some full sugar fruit punch! Not the aspartame saccharin stuff. That doesn't work for these types of situations. And she gave it to Carmalita and we have to get some fruit punch for Carma-- uh, Chris!” Lindsay said.

“Yeah. Okay, anybody else have any great ideas?” Courtney asked.

“I have one.” Noah replied.

Cut to Chris’ body with clown make-up, wig and costume on. “Seriously!?” Courtney asked Noah.

“Hey, never said it was an idea to help us.” Noah replied.

“Does anyone have an idea on how to get us out!?” Courtney asked.

“Knowing a bit about trains myself, I can say that an engineer is probably steering this thing, and could be counted upon for aid. Duh. Justin, try the phone to the engine.” Harold replied.

“Hello? Hello?! Nobody's answering!” Justin said as he tried to call someone on the phone.

“We're trapped! We're all gonna die!” Lindsay said.

“Is everybody here really that gullible? Yeah, Chris just happens to croak right here in front of us, and we can't reach anybody? He's probably not even dead! I only watched when you guys had to jump out of a plane. You guys were in that episode. Doesn't anyone remember that there was no plane?” Courtney grunted as she angrily kicked the dummy, tiring herself out.

“She's right. This is probably something they planned to trick us.” Noah said.

“I guarantee the crew is just shaking the train car. And the window view is a holographic projection. This is obviously all make-believe.” Courtney said.

Confessional: Beth

“Listen, I'm obviously a little old for make-believe. But Courtney is not somebody I would've had over to my pretty pretend palace. Ever. She'd always want to be the daddy, the doctor, and the prime minister of all my dolls! And they won't like that one bit! I mean, wouldn't. If I still played with them. Which I don't!” Beth said.

“Okay, everybody. We've got to chill out and get back to the studio. Which will happen most effectively when I tell the producers that this violates my contract. No bars? How does my PDA have no bars?” Courtney said as she looked at her PDA.

“Well, I'm gonna draw Chris' shadow outline thing, just like they do in the movies. Why do they do that, anyway? Do we color it in later or something?” Lindsay asked.

“That’s extremely pointless, that’s only to know where the body is when it's gone and where it was doesn’t matter now, not to mention that it probably won't disappear anyway.” Noah said.

“Whatever, I’m still going to do it.” Lindsay replied as she drew an outline on Chris’ body with lipstick.

Confessional: Noah

“Some people are too dumb and ignorant to be saved. Lindsay and Justin are the prime examples on this show.” Noah said.

“Duncan, climb out of the ceiling hatch and go find Chef or a producer or somebody.” Courtney told Duncan.

“Why do I get to be the lucky one?” Duncan asked.

“Because... you're the only one that can handle it.” Courtney said as she hugged Duncan. “I know, I'm good.” she said as he tried to say something.

Cut to Duncan on top of the train when he saw they were about to crash into a tunnel. “Ah! Let me back in! Agh!” Duncan said as he slammed on the train.

Cut to inside the train where there were no lights. “I don't like this. Something just brushed up against my leg!” Lindsay said.

“Something brushed up against my leg!” Beth said.

“I keep brushing up against things that feel suspiciously like legs!” Harold said.

“Okay, this is getting old.” Noah said as the lights turned back on.

“Yeah. It's a real train. And I won't be going back out there again.” Duncan said as he went back into the train.

“If this is real, and we're really stuck in this car, then somebody here must be… the murderer.” Harold said.

“Oh, can't you be serious?” Courtney said.

“I am. What is more serious than... a murder?” Harold replied.

“Chris' body's gone!” Beth said as she pointed at the outline where the body wasn’t in.

“He's disappeared!” Harold said.

“The aliens got him!” Lindsay said.

“I thought you said that the body wouldn’t disappear.” Justin told Noah.

Confessional: Noah

“Okay, how could I have possibly known that that would happen?” Noah said.

“You're all idiots. This is a setup. Duncan, go check to see if he's in one of the other cars.” Courtney told Duncan.

“Yes, ma’am!” Duncan replied as he left for another train part.

“I'm going to do something productive too and find out whodunnit before it gets too late. I don't wanna get… murdered in my sleep!” Harold said.

“I don't wanna get murdered either!” Lindsay said.

“Are we just going to keep standing around like a bunch of confused chickens or are we going to find who murdered him?” Noah asked as everyone but Courtney went around to gather evidence.

“He wasn't murdered. He walked away! They're messing with your heads! Your little, hollow pinheads.” Courtney said.

“Would a pinhead be dusting the place for prints?” Lindsay asked as she dusted the place.

“Um, yes.” Courtney replied.

“Good idea, Lindsay. I'll collect evidence, too.” Beth said as she got Courtney’s chip bag.

“Aha!” Harold said as he showed a piece of green hair.

“What is it?” Courtney asked.

“It's one of Duncan's green hairs!” Harold said as he made music with his keyboard.

“Where is that annoying music coming from?” Noah asked as Harold hid the keyboard.

“Duncan wasn't with us when the body disappeared!” Justin said as everyone but Courtney gasped.

“The other cars are empty. What?” Duncan asked as he got back into the cabin as everyone but Courtney glared at him.

“These nitwits think you did it.” Courtney said.

“Chris insulted Courtney when giving her a reward, which clearly upset her.” Harold argued.

“And she's your love interest.” Lindsay argued.

“That's called a motive.” Beth argued.

“Love interest? She made me go up on the roof and she stole my prints and DNA!” Duncan said.

“Guys, let's not get sidetracked. We all know it's just a scam. Next, you'll be saying it was Professor Plum in the conservatory with a bacon sandwich.” Courtney said.

“That hair could've fallen off my head when we found the body.” Duncan said.

“That’s what they all say.” Justin replied.

“Book 'em.” Harold commanded as Lindsay, Beth and Justin approached Duncan.

Confessional: Harold

“Why suspect Duncan? Any good detective knows fifty percent of the time, the husband or wife is whodunnit. The other fifty percent of the time, it's the guy with the mohawk. He's the killer! I love this thing.” Harold said as he played his keyboard.

Cut to Duncan chained to the wall. “I'll get us back to set, and then you'll be cleared. Just hang in there.” Courtney told Duncan.

“This feels a little too familiar for comfort.” Duncan said.

“I'm sorry the others won't listen to me. They keep listening to–” Courtney tried to say but was interrupted.

“We should be looking for other clues just in case. We still have to figure out how Chris died. Can you die if somebody poisons your hair gel? 'Cause he uses a lot of that.” Lindsay asked.

“Oh, blah blah blah blah. This is the same person who thought Chris was buried alive. Doesn't it make more sense to help me try to get us off this train?” Courtney said.

“Well, at this point I don’t see why not.” Noah said.

“I guess I’m fine with that.” Justin said.

“If I do, can I still use this?” Harold said as he showed his magnifying glass.

“Yes. And congratulations on being too sensible to listen to Lindsay.” Courtney replied.

“Yeah? Well, what do you know? I could be just as right about this as anybody.” Lindsay argued.

Confessional: Courtney

“I have to admit that I was still unsure about the whole murder thing. But Lindsay didn't have to know that. The key to being a leader is making decisions. I've made all of my decisions for the next four years. Wanna know what I'm having for breakfast next April 22?” Courtney asked.

Cut to Courtney, Noah, Justin and Harold as Harold opened a hatch and looked down it. “If this train were solar powered, like my set at home, we could just throw a giant parka over it. That'd be easier.” Harold explained.

“It's still easy. Just stop the wheels, stop the train.” Noah said.

“We don't need any help. Right, Beth? We'll solve this case on our own! Ooh, shiny.” Lindsay said as she dusted her face.

“Um, I don't know.” Beth replied.

Confessional: Beth

“Look. I love Lindsay. But I'm not sure if I wanna put all my eggs into that basket. Two heads are better than one. But five heads are better than two. And any head is probably better than Lindsay's.” Beth said.

“I'll just go see what Courtney and Harold are up to. No commitment, just checking.” Beth said.

Cut to everyone but Lindsay and Duncan looking at the hatch. “What if we throw something into the path of the wheels to stop them?” Beth asked.

“That sounds like a good idea. Hey!” Harold said as Courtney took his keyboard.

“Oops.” Courtney said as she threw his keyboard down the hatch, breaking it.

“We have this giant soda bottle from the party.” Beth said as she gave Courtney a bottle of soda. She tossed it in the hatch, breaking it and causing it to splash onto Harold’s face.

“I feel sticky.” Harold said.

“What if we tried some CluckFresh?” Justin asked as he threw a bottle of chicken cologne into the hatch, breaking it and causing it to splash onto Harold’s face.

“I smell like turkey.” Harold said.

“Try this.” Noah said as he gave Courtney a pillow. She tossed it into the hatch, causing it to be destroyed as the cotton was flung onto Harold.

“Why does this keep happening!?” Harold complained.

“Now throw down a fur coat and let's see how he'd look as Bigfoot! Ha!” Duncan laughed.

“Aha!” Lindsay said as she found a napkin with orange chip prints on it as Harold played his keyboard.

“Sorry. Continue.” Harold said as he hid his keyboard as he saw Courtney glaring at him.

“I thought I broke that?” Courtney said.

Confessional: Harold

“I always have backups, just in case.” Harold said as he pulled out six keyboards and played all of them.

Cut to Lindsay explaining the case with a drawing board. “Here we have a suspicious napkin covered on opposite ends with some kind of orange powder, as though it was held like a murder weapon! And here we have Courtney eating a bag of orange Cheezies, which she refused to share. Therefore, Courtney was the only one to have orange cheesy fingers!” Lindsay explained.

“Oh, this is ridiculous.” Courtney said.

“Really? The prints don't lie.” Lindsay replied.

“I was framed! Who are you going to believe? Dingbat over here or someone who actually has a brain?” Courtney said.

“Lindsay actually made a good point for the first time in her life.” Noah said.

“Yeah, why should we believe you when all the evidence shows that you’re as guilty as my butt is hot?” Justin said.

“Why your butt?” Beth asked.

“It’s the only place with no life-ending scars.” Justin replied.

Confessional: Noah

“And by life ending, he means papercuts.” Noah said.

“No! There is no way Lindsay is right! She’s as dumb as a brick! I can’t be the killer!” Courtney argued.

“Cuff her!” Harold said when Chris suddenly appeared with a smoke bomb.

“Oh, I really had you guys. I look good in rubber, don't you think? Cracker jack special effects, dudes. Could have done without the clown make-up though.” Chris said as he showed the dummy.

“I’d say it really shows what you are.” Noah mocked.

“Whoa, coolio! How do I get a rubber Harold?” Harold asked.

“Threaten to quit your hosting job unless they give you an extra big budget to psych the kids out.” Chris replied.

“I was not psyched out. I knew!” Courtney said.

“Nonetheless, the winner of today's reward challenge is the person who solved the crime. And that person is Detective Lindsay.” Chris said.

“I prefer Detective Lindsay, Her Hotness.” Lindsay said.

“No! This isn't fair! I won two portions already! I was the one who knew you weren't dead. She couldn't even tell the difference between a human being and a rubber dummy! Besides, I didn't do it. I'm innocent.” Courtney argued.

“They all say that. The reward that Lindsay will be enjoying tonight is a night at the movies with a friend of her choice.” Chris replied.

“Oh! It's been so long since I've been to the movies!” Beth said when she suddenly saw Lindsay uncuffing Duncan.

“Sorry that we all accused you.” Lindsay told Duncan.

“Happens all the time. No probs.” Duncan replied.

“Wanna go to the movies with me?” Lindsay asked as Beth and Courtney gasped. Duncan grinned and then nodded.

Cut to Lindsay and Duncan watching a movie while drinking soda and eating popcorn. “It's not badminton, it's goodminton! Heck, it's greatminton!” Chris said on the movie as he wore a uniform and hit some zombies with a racket.

“So, uh…” Lindsay tried to say.

“Yeah?” Duncan replied.

“Oh, nothing.” Lindsay replied.

“Eh, t-this should be good, huh?” Duncan said.

“Yeah.” Lindsay replied.

Confessional: Lindsay

“I really should've brought Beth. At least we'd have something to say to each other. But it was a good strategistical, logical move. Because it messed with Courtney's head. I really feel like I can win now that I’ve gotten a hang of this strategy stuff.” Lindsay said.

Confessional: Courtney

“This. Is not. Fair!” Courtney said.

Confessional: Beth

“How can I be mad at Lindsay? Watching Courtney be jealous was the best! Especially when she tried to pretend she didn't care.” Beth said.

Confessional: Courtney

“Who cares? Heh. Not me. I couldn't care less! Heh. Not if I tried to care less. I do not… care. Nooo–” Courtney yelled.

Confessional: Duncan

“I was going to not accept but hey, it’s time I got to be the one who made Courtney look pathetic. I think I deserve this after all the crap I put up with until now.” Duncan said.

“I gotta tell you. It's great to be able to share some quality time with someone who really gets me. Popcorn? No? Really though. It's a relief to be with someone I actually like. And you've got the most adorable nose.” Chris said as he played with the clown dummy when he suddenly saw the audience. “Oh! You're here. Uh, well, um... Tune in next time for more movie madness on Total. Drama. Action!” Chris said as the episode ended.


Lindsay’s Confessional

Confessional: Lindsay

“Going to the movies with Duncan? It reminded me of ordering the Mega Combo at the movies. At first, you think it's gonna be fun. Courtney's losing her mind, Duncan's pretty okay most of the time, the butter's glistening off the popcorn. Good, right? But by the time the previews are over, you've eaten half the bucket, finished the drink, and you're feeling a little bit sick.” Lindsay said as she tossed away a bag of popcorn and a bottle of soda.

Total Drama Action Rewrite - Chapter 20 - BlazingPyro55 (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.