The Trouble with Paradise - LMC25 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Gordon stood; arms extended on the top railing of the balcony surveying the aquamarine cobalt hues of the ocean in the distance. He glanced downwards where the pool water was still lapping from Scott's recent launch. To the left Thunderbird 2's thrusters burst into life with a roar as she pushed off into the air. He exhaled loudly in frustration, cupping his chin in one hand. Scott, Virgil and Alan were yet again on another mission, he was starting to think he might as well be in space like John for all the action he saw. At least John was actively assisting rescues even from afar, Gordon was just sat around being waited on by Kyrano and Tin-tin. It was his own personal purgatory. For an ex-forces officer, it was hell on earth even if it was dressed up as a tropical paradise.

Scott recorded his altitude and checked the weather variables on route, pushing the yokes forward to adjust his height and wing flaps to compensate for the conditions. His father had briefed him prior to taking off, with this info he had a rough idea on how to proceed but he would need to confirm his preliminary findings at the danger zone first, before implementing the plan. He was heading to Toronto where a vicious fire had broken out thirty rises high. Usually, the fire service could handle these situations easily enough but this was the loft, the tallest building in the western world. No one had considered the implications of the fire service not being able to reach one hundred and twenty stories high. Or for the fire doors malfunctioning so they had closed on every floor, not just trapping the fire to the evacuated affected floors. It had quickly become apparent it was a job for international rescue.

"Base to Thunderbird one." Jeff's authoritative tone caused Gordon to look up as he moved his bishop to F5 sweeping up Tin's knight as he did so. She was too focused on Mr Tracy to notice. Gordon continued to debate his next move, one ear on the conversation as he did so. "Thunderbird one receiving you. Go ahead base." Gordon stilled; his mind made up.

"What's the situation Scott?" Jeff frowned; he could see Scott on the monitor but being onsite, Scott couldn't see his father to maintain secrecy.

"There's a fire that's broken out on the thirtieth floor, the cause unknown. Those below were evacuated easily enough, the foam sprinklers were activated but the fire was too severe to be contained. The fire doors sealed those floors off but there appears to have been a malfunction and now all the fire doors have locked on each floor right up to the hundred and twentieth. We have civilians trapped on every floor from thirty to one hundred and twenty, fire crews have managed to rescue those up to the fiftieth floor but don't have the equipment to get high enough to reach the remaining floors. The fire has now reached the forty-eighth floor and is increasing every twenty odd minutes. If it wasn't for those doors... well I hate to think about the fatality rate."

"Sounds pretty dire, can Thunderbird two evacuate from the roof?"

"Yeah, but only those from the top floor, Alan is doing that now. The fire service is going to put me and Virgil in on the fiftieth floor where we will use the oxhydnite cutter to bust through those fire doors. Alan has airlifted some firefighters to the top floor where they have accessed the building via the roof exit, they will be cutting through from there and we will meet in the middle." Scott finished pulling on his gloves.

"Sounds like a major incident, get John to keep me posted and let us know when you are out of that building."

"F.A.B" The screen went blank. Jeff returned to the papers on his desk.

"Oh, Mr Tracy it sounds terribly risky, I do hope the boys will be alright." Tin-tin's pretty features were fraught with worry.

"It certainly is but there are people depending on them to get out alive. They know the score."

Tin-tin nodded mutely returning to the game at hand. Gordon's foot tapped impatiently against the floor. Tin-tin froze in shock as she surveyed the board."My knight!" Tin-tin's heavily lidded eyes locked on Gordon's wolfish smile. Chess was one of the few ways he got to utilise his strategic skills these days. It kept him sharp but nothing like active service had. He could see the game would be short lived but knew Tin-tin would push for another round, she wanted him to mentor her so she could hold her own against the other avid chess players in the household. He settled in for what was sure to be a long afternoon.

Thousands of miles above in the Earth's Exosphere, Thunderbird five sat patiently in orbit. The black expanse of the neighbouring cosmos the only thing to be seen for thousands of leagues, the blue green orb that was Earth revolved on her axis below. John turned away from the window, mic poised ready to support the guys on the ground. He adjusted the fader on the desk which allowed him to tune out the surrounding radio chatter to focus solely on the task in hand. Right now, Scott and Virgil were working on their fifth door, the only sound was their breathing as they concentrated on the task in hand but John could hear a low rumble in the background. The fire was still accelerating towards them. He frowned as he tuned in to the chief fire officer's radio. "It's no use sir, we've got twenty trucks going but we're running out of hydrants and the additional tanks are still being replenished down at the lake. The firebreak we created on the fortieth story has just been breached. We can keep most of it at bay for now but the smoke has compromised the air."

"How long do the people have on the floors above?"

"Estimated forty minutes till it reaches the fiftieth sixth floor where they are currently cutting through although they only have twenty minutes before smoke inhalation becomes critical."

"As soon as those trucks are back, get them on the west and east sides, I want this fire contained in thirty." Ordered the chief.

"Yes sir."

John heard the chief call through and immediately transferred him to Scott. "Scott, I have the chief on the line with an update, patching him through."

"F.A.B, can you check in with Alan and find out how many floors he's evacuated?"


John called up a weary looking Alan at the controls of Thunderbird two, his cheek smeared with soot. Blue eyes were focused away from John's steady gaze as Alan cleared the roof. "Hey Alan; Scott and Virgil are on the fifty-sixth floor with a head count of eighty for evacuation when they can get up to you eventually. How many floors have you evacuated currently?"

Alan lips moved as he silently counted before responding "Eight floors, just dropping these guys off before I'm heading back. Soon I will have to evac from the air which will be a lot slower."

John frowned before he checked his communications. "Ah! The foundations are weakening from the fire. Damn!"

"You can say that again, so not only do we have the fire to contend with but we need to get these people out before the building is reduced to rubble. From what I've heard the foundations are now severely compromised."

"Okay. I'll feedback to Scott maybe he'll have a plan of action given the situation."

"F.A.B standing by for additional instructions as and when." Alan wiped a hand across his brow.

"Hang in there Alan, you're doing great." Alan's weary smile blinkered out as the call terminated.

Seven hours had passed and twilight had descended on the island. The weather was calm with a beautiful full moon which made the island glow like a pearl on the seabed. Gordon tossed and turned, dragging the sheet tighter around his chest before giving up in a huff and stripping it off again. He sat up and twisted around to the edge of the bed, taking time to stretch and feeling his back reset in the process. He grabbed his watch off the bedside table, it was three am which meant it was six am in Toronto. His brothers were still out there, they must be shattered. He should have argued with his dad more, they definitely could have done with all of them on this one.

He grabbed his red robe, shucking it over his shoulders before heading to the kitchen. He didn't bother with the lights, his actions guided by knowledge of the layout and the moonlight that played through the windows. He padded about and grabbed a plain mug before shoving it under the coffee maker. He headed over to the fridge peering at what might be left. He wasn't sure if he was hungry, as he shut the door he almost jumped out of his skin as someone materialised out of the gloom.

"Oh, Sorry Gordon, I didn't mean to startle you." Tin-tin slipped the tray she was holding onto the counter, it catching on her green silk robe.

He grinned. "It's alright, that's what happens when you learn to sneak around from the best." He relaxed against the counter, scooping up his coffee for a sip as he did so.

"Indeed, you only have yourself to blame." She smiled coyly as she decanted the contents of the tray. "To this day no one can work out how I materialise at the post plane before anyone else."

"Yep, definitely handy when you're trying to hide your shopping addiction."

"I don't know what you mean Gordon Tracy." Gordon snorted into his coffee. Tin's ever-changing wardrobe told another story. He was pretty sure she was trying to outdo Penelope, not that Tin-tin would ever admit it – that and wanting to impress Alan. He rolled his eyes.

She put her hands on her hips. "I do not have a shopping addiction." She repeated firmly but her eyes sparkled.

"Fine, fine…. Why are you up anyway?" Gordon changed the subject to save her exhausting herself in her denial.

"Father always stays up to assist your father if the boys are out all night but I convinced him to go to bed, he's not as young as he once was."

Gordon nodded in acknowledgement. "I take it dad is still in the lounge?"

"Yes, he's asleep at the desk. I managed to get his glasses off so he won't have an imprint like last time."

"Any news on how they are getting on?"

Tin-tin pushed herself onto a stool opposite him. "The good news is they managed to eventually contain and extinguish the fire. The bad news is the building is now unstable from the fire burning through the foundations. Poor Scott looked exhausted, apparently according to Virgil he has a nasty burn to his hand where his glove got pulled off under some debris when rescuing a child but he refuses to retire until the jobs done. They have just twenty floors left now but the building is leaning more and more each hour. They're now deploying the Jet Air Transporter but having a hard time trying to convince people to willingly jump from a hundred storeys high."

"Gee sounds pretty bad, let's hope they get home soon." He set his empty coffee cup in the washer.

Tin-tin chewed her lip, tracing a line across the counter. He looked up from shutting the door. "Hey don't worry about them, they'll be home soon."

"I know, it never gets any easier though does it? I just hope Scott's injury is as simple as he thinks it is, you know what he's like and poor Alan looked exhausted."

"Scott's been burned one time too many, you think he would have learned to stay away from flames by now but grandma always used to say he had asbestos hands when he used to try and lift the apple pies from under her nose." Tin-tin laughed. "And Alan? That kid gets up time after time like some powered up pac-man. Trust me; the number of times I've fought him over the years and I still haven't been able to get him to back down…..." They both chuckled.

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Alright?"

"Yes, I feel much better thank you, you always know how to lighten the mood." She stifled a yawn.

"Right, I think it's time you were off to bed!"

"But what about Mr Tracy!"

"What about him? He's my father - I'll go and wait on him although, contrary to popular belief, he does know how to look after himself you know. Kyrano's too kind to him."

"If you're sure?"

"Trust me; I wouldn't offer otherwise. Now begone!" He finished in his best Gandalf impression with a wink.

"Okay, thank you." She planted a light kiss on his cheek and smiled.

He smiled to himself, the scent of lotus and saffron lingered on his collar long after he'd gone to check on his father.

Chapter 2


Thank you so much for the Kudos! Gordon's determined to get off the island......

Chapter Text

Klaxons blared across the island; Gordon was mid length in the pool. He quickly swam over and hoisted himself onto the edge. Tin-tin hastily passed him a large beach towel from her lounger. "Thanks." He had to get to the lounge stat, his brothers were still in bed from the last call out - mere hours ago. Gordon was sure he would be needed this time. He sped up the steps and through the lounge doors just before the klaxons ceased. Scott arrived dressed and ready moments after, closely followed by Virgil and a bleary-eyed Alan. They all sat down except for Gordon who was still ruffling the towel through his auburn hair. He waved at John cheerily who smiled in return. They didn't get to spend much time together but Gordon was fond of his second eldest brother, despite not having much in common.

"Right boys; John has just taken a call from NASA. The Crawler being used to transport the X-90 space shuttle has failed. The track has come clean off the rear wheels which caused the cables securing the shuttle to snap. It hit the floor so hard that one of the rocket's fuel tanks has been compromised, causing the toxic chemicals to leak all over the runway. Usually, it wouldn't be a problem but a wildfire has broken out twenty-five kilometres away and threatens to engulf the whole site before they can mop up the chemical spill. Most have been evacuated but the astronaut crew of six were in transit on the shuttle at the time. They're trapped by they way the rocket has landed.

"Surely they can't have long father? A fire on that scale…" Scott knew it didn't bode well.

"Exactly. I want you airborne immediately for Florida. See what you can make of the area and if the cordon needs extending to include the neighbouring towns to the East."

"Yes sir." Scott grabbed the lamps, his bandaged hand holding on gingerly as he spun out of view.

"Virgil, Alan; take pod one with the fire truck and firefly. Brains go with them; they are likely to need your expertise in dealing with the chemical spill."

"Y-yes Mr Tracy." He rose off the sofa to join Alan in the lift.

"Dad Alan must be tired from last time, why don't I go?"

"That may be Gordon, but your brother is an astronaut first and foremost and therefore familiar with the shuttles operating systems to be able to extract those trapped astronauts." Jeff turned his attention back to Virgil and Alan. "Off you go boys."

John couldn't help notice Gordon slink off to his room or Tin-tin looking on in sympathy. Jeff turned at his desk. "John, you can let the launch centre know the boys are on route."

"F.A.B" He replied before signing off.

Gordon threw a shirt over his head, shoulders tense as he heard Scott rocket out of the pool. The long scar down his back was visible to him briefly in the mirror. It no longer bothered him like it used to but the memories were more painful than the disfigurement. Gordon flumped down on the bed, staring dejectedly out the window.

He was annoyed but not willing to admit it. Twice now he'd been denied going on a mission. He was just as skilled at electronic operating systems as Alan - in fact they were not so different to nuclear submarines. The family seem to forget he was forced into astronaut training when International rescue started operations anyway so he new the deal even if he hadn't frequented space much. It was his father that had insisted! He ran a hand through his damp fringe pushing it back from his forehead. Oh well; yet another free afternoon to try and amuse himself, what to do to pass the time? He'd already done his pool session for today and his physio. Maybe he would go and hone his skills on the firing range?

Virgil yawned mid flight across the pacific. He hated days like this where it was just one call after another, they seemed to be getting all too common of late too. He had just about caught up on his sleep but didn't feel quite on form. Alan was quiet too; which in a way was a blessing, usually he would chat the whole way but he was obviously too tired as well.

"I wish all these rescues would stop. I'm going to be knackered when I take Tin-tin to the Nürburgring ring next month. I'm trying out my new Mustang GT850R."

Ah!thought VirgilI jinxed the peace. He checked his position before responding. "I'm sure Tin-tin will be really thrilled to go to another high-octane track weekend."

Alan looked mildly affronted at his brother's polite sarcasm. "She loves coming to the race days, she gets to meet up with Ned and Jed's girls in the box and they have a great time. Then in the evening we all go for a meal together at the hard rock café." Alan adjusted his controls to match Virgil, smiling at the thought of spending some quality time with Tin-tin. Alan and Tin-tin had never really discussed their relationship, it was just kind of a mutual coupling. He really liked her but didn't want to commit just yet and he wasn't sure if she did either. They were both young after all, they had time.

"Thunderbird one to Thunderbird two, what's your E.T.A because we need you here yesterday." Scott's clipped tone resonated around the cabin.

"E.T.A of approximately ten minutes Scott." Virgil replied his calm tone at odds with Scott's call for urgency.

"Great. Make it five and land on sector twenty-four. The whole perimeter is ablaze - there's a chemical smog to contend with and all. You'll need respirators and protective suits."


"Well, can't be worse than evacuating five hundred odd people from the tallest building in the west." Alan stated optimistically.

Turns out rattling around in an empty villa on your own is no fun, especially when you knew your family was risking life and limb and there was nothing you could do about it. Gordon had tried his luck on the range below but found he couldn't concentrate, even though he wasn't a part of the rescue he still felt he needed to be within earshot of his father's desk in case there was anyway he could help. Brains was on the rescue too so he couldn't even sit with him. Instead he sat reading his diver's magazine instead absentmindedly skimming the articles. Midway down the page on the What's on listings, he came across the Mine Warfare and Clearance Diving convention in California. It was scheduled for next month. Gordon was an associate member from his previous years serving in W.A.S.P and the Submarine service. He knew a lot of his ex-comrades would be in attendance and it served well to keep up with the latest news and practices. Weapons were one of his specialties. He wasn't getting off this island on a rescue, he might as well try for vacation.

Gordon's eyes flicked above the magazine, his father was sat at his desk consulting some business contract or other whilst waiting for Scott or John to check in. He debated internally for a moment before deciding to just go for it - he knew what the answer would be anyway but if you don't try, you don't get. "Say Dad?"

"Yes son." Jeff didn't look up from frowning at the paperwork in his hand.

"The MWC convention is on next month in California, it's been a while since I've attended one and I'd really like to go. Is there any chance? I haven't taken any leave this year." He had walked over to the desk in a bid to command his father's attention.

Jeff pulled his diary out of the drawer to his right. "Date?"

"Twenty-first of May. It's a two-day conference so I could be back on the evening of the twenty-third at the earliest."

Jeff thumbed the pages of the diary till he came to the date in question. He looked up. "I'm sorry Gordon, Alan's already got that weekend booked out for his race practice."

Gordon refrained from scowling. Again? His brother was always off cavorting on the race track, his bedroom was overflowing with trophies and his lock up in Kansas stashed with a showroom's worth of sports cars. Gordon swiftly re-consulted his options, time to try a different tactic. He hadn't been off the island for three months, not even for a rescue and there had been eighteen of them in that time. He hadn't complained or asked for leave till now. He was sick of being told no; well now he had a solution.

"Dad, is there any way he could go the weekend before or the month after? They only run this convention every two years and its full of vital information that would be beneficial to international rescue; such as the latest chartered underwater mine beds and new detection technology. This year there's even a practical training session with the US Navy bomb disposal squad. I want to go as a refresher for my own personal development as well as to put the skills learned to use out in the field on missions. Only three months ago I had to rescue that fishing vessel whose nets got ensnared with that old Baltic mine near Mexico. If I hadn't been able to disable the mine it would have been a catastrophe." Gordon crossed his fingers behind his back. His father wouldn't be able to refuse him now. finally, he would feel like he was doing something worthwhile and would be in a stronger position to go on call outs in the future - if he could prove he was a useful asset.

Jeff mulled over the proposal; weighing up Gordon's counter argument. He placed the contracts down and folded his arms. "Well, I agree it would be beneficial for you to undergo a refresher and you may very well come across technology that could be of use to us in the future." Jeff focused his second youngest. "I'll grant your leave" Gordon tried not to jump for joy, "but on the condition of wanting a full report on the skills and knowledge you have learned and how they in turn, can be put into immediate practice. Agreed?"

"Fine by me! Thanks Dad!" Gordon grinned, flushed with his success. Jeff allowed himself a brief smile noting the echoes of resemblance to his late wife in Gordon's joyful demeanour.

"You're welcome but don't thank me just yet, you have the arduous task of informing your brother why his leave has to be rescheduled."

Gordon groaned; Jeff chuckled to himself as he watched his son leave. There would be tantrums but they were adults now, it was time they learned to sort out their own problems. Like most parents, Jeff may have underestimated his younger son's conflict resolution abilities.

Chapter 3


Happy Anderson day to all!

Chapter Text

Gordon looked up from tinkering with one of Thunderbird four's rear turbines where he had been trying to dislodge a large rock for most of the day. He hammered the top in frustration before stopping to sniff the air. "Smells like when dad melted that plastic spatula on the hob." He wrinkled his nose in disgust. Echoing footsteps from behind suddenly became more pronounced. He straightened as he turned around. "Christ it's you!"

"Gee thanks Gordon, way to greet your older brother." Scott ran a bandaged hand through his hair, it was the closest he ever came to looking dishevelled.

"Disaster averted I take it?" Gordon picked up a T-bar to start fishing for the stone again. He knew the full details, having not left the lounge till he knew they were safe but Scott didn't know that. Plus; when Scott reported on a rescue he had a way of making it sound so exhilarating! It was like Gordon could almost experience the mission through him.

"It was a close call - too close but we made it by the skin of our teeth. Virgil and Brains set about using that new powder of his to neutralise the chemical spill. I used Thunderbird two to lift the shuttle so we could turn her, then Alan hauled the guys out in the nick of time. We evacuated the whole site then Virgil lifted the shuttle to Kodiak Island so it didn't fuel the wildfires - should they reach the site. We've left that situation in the capable hands of the firefighting crews and the Air Force. They have it under control for now and to be honest I'm beat so their welcome to it."

"Well, I'm sorry I missed the show but glad it went A-Okay." Gordon cursed as he lost the T-bar in the turbine.

"And just what are you trying to achieve here?" Scott raised a brow in mild amusem*nt.

"Long story short; Tin-Tin noticed a rock in the turbine that I missed in my checks. It's not affecting the performance too bad but it will eventually. I can't get it out for love nor money and I really don't want to have to take the blasted thing apart." He fell back on haunches in defeat.

Scott motioned for him to move aside. "Let me take a look." He grabbed his torch out of his sash and peered into the turbine. "Impressive." He surmised.

"Yeah, it just won't budge."

"Hmmm." Scott surveyed the littered tools at his disposal before settling on a good old fashioned rubber mallet. He stood, running his hand midway along the turbine rotor casing before suddenly giving it a confident whack. There was a clunk followed by a ding. Gordon snatched the torch off Scott's waist and peered inside the turbine before looking at him in disbelief. "That only happens in movies. Lucky fluke."

"I think the word you're looking for is skill."

"You're a jammy blighter!" (He quoted one of his favourite Parker sayings) "I've been on this all day; it didn't even take you a minute."

"Like I said skill; and your welcome."

A beeping interrupted them, still smiling Scott answered the call. "Hey sweetheart." Gordon rolled his eyes as his brother's face lit up.

"Hey, how are you? Is now a good time, I know you've had a lot of call outs of late?"

"Yeah, all good; just helping Gordon with a little maintenance on four." He smiled at his girlfriend of three years. "And where might you be?" He could hear the wind channeling down the call, Rose's brunette locks blew wildly about her face as they were teased loose from her ponytail. He thought he could see fields behind her.

"Well speaking of maintenance that's kind of why I called you. I got called to assist a raid in Buckinghamshire which went fine but on the way home I hit a pot-hole and shredded a tyre. I didn't realise my breakdown cover had lapsed so I had a go at changing it but wondered if I showed you, if you would just be able to confirm its alright?"

Gordon started to pack away his tools watching Scott slipping into mission mode. He could see his mind going into overdrive at the fact his girl was stranded on some freeway and had to change her own tyre. That would not sit well with him. He was waiting for him to reply with you should have called me earlier…. I would have sorted breakdown cover for you. 3, 2, 1 and…

"Rose; you should have called earlier; I could have sorted out something." Gordon smiled at his toolbox, shaking his head. So predictable.

"Scott you're not even in the country! If I wanted assistance, I could have got it but I'm just after a second opinion. Dad taught me to change a tyre when I learned to drive but I've never had to do it before and I can't get hold of him. So just tell me please, does this look right?"

Gordon came to stand near Scott looking at the video feed on his wrist. Scott scrutinised the tyre in question, zooming in so he could check the nuts and the wheel alignment. "I take it the tension on them all is good?" Rose promptly set the phone on the gravel a short distance from the car. They watched her ankle boots and slender legs crunch over to the tyre before she bent to pick up a bar. "Nice view." Whispered Gordon.

"I agree, the English countryside is stunning at this time of year isn't it, Gordon?" Rose's voice carried off screen.

"Yep. I can see why brother is head over heels for England." Scott audibly shunted him across the floor the squeak of his boots ringing in the cavern. He shook his head,unbelievable. Gordon grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Rose grabbed the bar placed it on the nut then put one foot on it and balanced her weight, the nut remained stationary. She repeated the process on all the others. "Alright good; now just show me the inside of the wheel arch." There was a short scuffle as she picked up the phone and complied.

"Okay; well from a visual point of view it all looks good to me. Just take it easy and get it looked at when you get to the garage to replace the other one."

"I always take it easy." She replied mimicking being affronted. Scott looked at her in disbelief as he started walking to the elevator not wanting to end the call but wanting a little privacy.

Gordon waved as he watched him go before finishing tidying up his tools. He was so engrossed in his task on his knees he didn't hear her approach. "There you are, Mr Tracy said you might be down here." Gordon paused picking up the last wrench which happened to be right near her blue boots, his eyes trailed upwards taking in her perfect petite form and the way her uniform complimented her figure. The utility belt clinched at her middle. Her jade eyes peered down at him through thick black lashes and winged eyeliner. It was Tin-tin. He stumbled to his feet, his back protesting at having been bent over for too long. He winced.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, fine just need a minute for my back to catch up with me, Y'know twenty going on eighty." He bit out.

"Lie on the floor."

"Come again?"

She laughed. "Lie on the floor and slowly relax your self onto it, your back will naturally realign against the hard surface and you can slowly move into a position that can help you decompress and take the pressure of your back."

"Your joking? If I go down there, there's no coming back." He leaned on the side of his submarine obscuring the number four.

"Trust me."

He sighed. If it was any of his brothers, he would have flatly refused but he couldn't refuse her. "Alright I'll indulge myself in your nonsense." He tentatively sat on the floor doing his best not to grimace before lowering himself back.

"So, before you elected yourself as my physio - you said you were looking for me?" He flinched as his lower back pressed into the floor.

"Gordon try to relax. I was wondering where you were and you've been gone for a while. I should have guessed you would be here, I made you coffee."

He continued to stare upwards, his back was almost right now - well his kind of normal. Suddenly gentle hands were lifting his knee. "Err what are you up to?"

"Gordon your stiff as a board."

"I thought that was the idea?"

She huffed somewhere near his thigh as she gently lifted his knees up. "I asked you to lie flat not tense up like a clam. Just loosen up and let me lift your knees." She finished propping them up. "There."

He sighed in relief. "God that's amazing." He was shocked, why had no one ever taught him this before? The relief was almost instantaneous. It was heavenly… well more than heavenly - even better than….


"You have no idea. If I could move, I could kiss you."

She giggled; he did look better which was a relief. Not many people knew how Gordon struggled at times, she didn't think even she comprehended what he had to endure. Chronic pain was no laughing matter and yet somehow, he managed to live life to the full everyday and never once complained.

"I'm glad, stay there until you feel it's passed. I thought I heard Scott here a moment ago?" She tried to distract him.

"What you mean you couldn't smell him before you heard him? He smells like a gas canister after ignition."

Tin-tin pulled herself into a cross legged position by his head. "I take it he's alright?"

"Oh yeah, Rose called him so he's as happy. Did you know she could change a tyre?"

"No, I can't say that comes up when we take tea together at Penelope's occasionally. He still hasn't convinced her to live here then?" She checked her clipboard, flicking through the checklists she needed to complete when Thunderbird 2 and 1 were back. The boys mostly did their own but when they had been on back-to-back rescues like this, she was usually able to convince Mr Tracy or the boys to let her do them.

"No - well not that I've heard. I've tried talking to him about it and so's Virgil but he's pretty closed off about the whole affair. I think they are in some kind of fragile détente over it. They have both agreed not to bring it up and to continue as they are. He loves her so much; he doesn't want to push her away so he's backed down for now." Gordon really felt for Scott, Rose was a huge part of his life and he wanted her here with him more than anything but he wasn't selfish enough to force that life on her. As someone who spent most of his life trapped on this infernal island feeling like a spare part, he understood why Scott was willing to give her the choice. Rose had a career of her own and was progressing well but for Scott it was like living with his heart ripped out left behind in England. He wasn't whole anymore when she was away but at the same time, he would be bereft if he lost her completely. Scott denied this but Gordon could see the painful truth in his eyes when he'd brokered the subject. So at Scott's request to leave it, they all pretended everything was fine.

"That's so sad, I wish there was something that could be done. They deserve to be happy, you all do with the amount you have to sacrifice." Sacrifice. He never used to see it that way, after what happened to him international rescue had been a lifeline. A role that offered the active service he was used to and the chance to save people in need…. Or at least that's what he thought it would be. These days it just involved him sitting on the substitution bench watching from afar; game after game. Ready for action but never required. Scott's predicament only proved that they were all suffering in some way but at least his brother got to be distracted on missions, at least he went on enough of them to bump into the love of his life. Gordon not only had a non-existent personal life but he also effectively worked less than part-time at present. He wanted a life or at least one that he felt could be considered worthwhile.

Anyway - he was dwelling again and that wouldn't do. "Alright, I think I'm good to go." He slowly pulled himself into a sitting position. His back felt like it no longer wanted to snap in two as he straightened.

They stood awkwardly for a moment. "Well, I had better go and make a start on Thunderbird one. The way things have been lately she could be needed at a moment's notice." She handed him his coffee.

"Ahh cold coffee, thank you."

"I suspected it would take me a while to find you so it's in a thermal mug." She was already waking away.

"You're a gem thank you!" He called as she walked down the hangar.

"Your welcome" she replied her melodious voice almost too soft for Gordon to hear as she took the lift. He perched himself on the wing sipping his coffee as he watched her disappear into the monorail. He was lucky to have a friend like Tin-tin.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

There had been a short respite in rescues which was a relief after the last four days of back-to-back missions. Virgil and Scott mostly bore the brunt of them but Alan had his fair share including rescuing a crew from moon base who were lost when their buggy failed and left them stranded on the dark side of the moon. It had been just over forty-eight hours without a rescue now. The boys were just starting to unwind. Gordon had risen early as was custom, he'd exercised, breakfasted and read patiently in the lounge as he waited for the rest of the household to surface. He had plans for today and they involved family bonding time…well that was how he would go on to sell it when justifying his antics later.

His father was sat opposite reading the morning papers, Kyrano and Tin-Tin could be seen enjoying a coffee together in the kitchen. He was pretty sure Brains was in his lab, he didn't come out for much. That meant he was just waiting on Alan, Scott and Virgil. He was itching to go outside but it was vital that he got his family to go to the pool after he had got down there so he could enjoy the full effect. He was tired of all this stuffy sitting around indoors.

Half an hour passed and he was starting to twitch - where were they? He'd lost interest in his magazine a while ago, his father on the other hand was still engrossed in the paper. Once upon a time he had been a man of action, a decorated Colonel and astronaut. His dad used to be a pioneer! Now he just whiled away his days here in 'retirement' investing in tomorrow's innovators. Gordon wasn't sure he wanted to retire early, the sedentary life his father led would drive him positively crazy but his father seemed content. Although maybe Gordon reflected, when you ran a secret global rescue agency that was enough to be getting on with.

His musings were interrupted by the youngest family member who sauntered into the room in a crisp floral shirt and magenta tie. There wasn't a crease in his cream chinos. He looked like he should be in Monaco, not spending a day at home on the couch. Alan nodded at him before making a grab for the remote off the coffee table and putting on the Dakar rally highlights. Not long after Scott and Virgil finally walked in together conversing intently about the latest modifications to Thunderbird one which Virgil was going helping to install. Perfect, it was time! Gordon clapped his hands together.

"Right, it's a beautiful day, too good to be wasted in here. We should go out to the pool!" He was met with several groans. "Oh, come on! You're not all that old yet are you? or have you forgot how to enjoy yourselves? Its dull in here."

"Hey watch who your calling old." Scott glanced up from his phone.

"I'll come with you Gordon; shall we play ball?" Tin-tin suggested.

"Sounds good! Race you to the pool, first one in gets first dibs!" He was already moving, they both capered across the lounge getting wedged in the one bi-fold door that was open on the veranda. They both laughed before Tin-tin squealed at being squished out the way.

Alan sighed. Maybe he would go outside after the highlights, he would invite Tin-Tin on a walk.

"I think I'm going to head outside too; coming Scott?" Virgil asked.

"Sure." He glanced at his watch longingly one more time before following Virgil outside.

As planned; by the time his family started to trickle out onto the patio, Gordon was safely ensconced in the pool with Tin-Tin. He had tactfully placed himself facing towards the villa so he could enjoy the full effect. They were both taking it in turns, batting the beach ball in what was already becoming a fast and furious game of water volley ball.

Virgil was the first to venture out. He threw the ball back into the pool good naturedly as Tin-tin lost her grip. He belted it straight at Gordon. "Hey!" He leapt up to reclaim it just in time. Virgil smiled as he stretched out on his favourite swinging chair, tucking a cushion under his head. Scott came out shortly after, drink in hand with his book tucked under his arm. He settled into the chair. As he bent down there was an almighty volley of shots as the brashest raspberry rang out across the patio. "What the!" Scott fished underneath the seat cushion until he located the offending item. He launched it straight at Gordon who was trying to hold it together, it tapped him squarely in the face causing them all to fall about laughing. "You will pay for that buddy."

"Have to catch me first! Do you wanna come in?" Gordon splayed his arms wide. The ball bounced off his head "Owww" he looked offended as Tin-tin smiled sweetly.

"Thanks Honey; I owe you one." Scott raised his drink to her grinning. She smiled but quickly dived under water as Gordon leapt at her, the waves crashing harmlessly over her head. She tried to grab him by the leg but he swiftly evaded her, his body conformed to the classic mermaid swimming style. She surfaced pushing her cap back into place.

Virgil had settled down and closed his eyes, the soft morning sunlight playing across his face highlighting the chestnut red hues in his hair. Jeff stepped out on the veranda shortly after hearing the raucous laughter, he had not spent much time with the family of late and reflected it would be good to spend some time with the boys. He made his way down the steps, slipping his sunglasses on as he did so. He walked past the pool edge noting how damp it was already, with Gordon around his water bill was astronomical. All he felt was a slight resistance against his lower shin, the next minute Virgil yelped in surprise.

"Dad! You can't sit in that one, Alan's reserved it." Gordon called.

"It's my house and I'll sit where I dammed well" –

Jeff finally caught sight of Virgil and abruptly decided to heed Gordon's advice. Scott peeked around the shade of the swinging chair before rocking back with a bellow of laughter. It cheered him right up. "It's not funny! Gordon you Ass" –

"Virgil!" Jeff barked before returning to his notes. Their antics generally went over his head, unless there were broken belongings or bones then he'd wade in but only when absolutely necessary and bad language. He couldn't abide it.

"Sorry; Gordon you moron." Virgil accentuated.

"Hey! Don't take out your cream pie face on me! I didn't walk into it. If you look towards your feet there's a towel." There was a wet slap as he returned the ball to Tin-Tin. What a glorious day this was turning out to be. Just one more left. The big finale.

He made them wait, even Tin-Tin had got out of the pool by the time he surfaced, the sun was almost at full height and the heat was just starting to border insufferable to those not accustomed to extreme sunbathing. Brains sat with a hat on, challenging Scott to a game of chess. Virgil had well and truly dozed off; one hand almost skimmed the floor as he swayed gently. Tin-Tin was discussing Jeff's plans for Monday along with the projects he would need to converse on in his scheduled Tracy industries meetings, when Alan finally graced them with his presence in his thick rimmed sunglasses. Gordon had been grabbing a quick drink but deftly took a swift and elegant dive back into the pool. Gordon was so skilled he could enter with water with minimal splash back when he wanted hence why his brothers couldn't comprehend why he had to cause so much mess generally.

Alan slowly meandered down past them all as he went to sit on the lounger next to Tin-Tin. He had a tall glass of soda in one hand and his motor magazine in the other. "Hey Tin, you enjoying the sunshine?"

"It's a stunning day I think I might actually gain a tan by the end of it." She lifted her head as she shielded her eyes against the sun to see him with one hand.

He chuckled as he sat on the edge of the lounger. For a few short seconds he was perfectly poised then the middle collapsed as it folded in on itself. Alan found himself sandwiched as his soda went sky high before pitching all over his front. Oh dear! Not something Gordon had accounted for. He dived debating how long he could hold his breath. This was going to be an epic tantrum; he could hear the indignant shouting as muffled as it was by being submerged.

"What goes on here!" Alan struggled to get out becoming more flustered by the minute before Scott stepped in and offered him an arm. He was shaking with mirth and almost bent double. "Some help you are!" Scowled Alan as he straightened up. "Look at the state of this! It was brand new." Tin-tin was already up trying to mop his shirt which temporarily rendered him mute. He coloured up. "I can manage thank you." He haughtily took the towel and sponged at his shirt.

"Alan I'm sure with a bit of stain remover it will come up like new, give it to my father and he will work wonders." Tin-Tin sat down again and crossed her arms; she was only trying to help. Alan huffed before inspecting the lounger and found it wasn't clipped in properly. He rounded on Scott. "That damned rocket of yours ruins all the furniture!"

"Yeah, let's not mention all the scorch marks on the roundhouse when you over cook her out of there." He retorted.

By now Virgil had awoken, quietly observing the theatrics. He scanned round for who he suspected was the culprit but he had suspiciously vanished…

"That was one time Scott, with you it's a daily occurrence!"

"Yeah, because more often that not my girl and I have missions to attend. Not all of us get the cushty commute once a month." There was a note of bitterness in his voice.

"Cushty!" Alan looked furious.

"Boys! That's enough. Alan; if it offends you that much you can put the furniture away each time before your brother launches otherwise pipe down. We were enjoying quality family time, let's not spoil it."

"Fine! Well, I won't spoil it any longer. I need to change now anyway!" And with that he was gone.

Scott knew better than to say anything but Alan had no idea how lucky he was. Scott made an effort to focus. Once calm he returned to the table to consult his next move. Brains who had been cringing from the confrontation visibly relaxed as normal service resumed.

Jeff was still observing his sons. He looked at his watch then at the empty pool. "Scott; get Gordon's attention and give him the all clear, would you? If he hasn't already drowned himself."

There was a rippling of water just as a ginger mop skimmed the surface. Gordon sucked in a huge breath before working through a couple of breathing cycles to regain equilibrium over his breathing.

He was hyper aware his father was staring at him, his face unreadable as ever. Maybe he had over egged it this time – well again? The silence wore on, one of his father's favourite tactics to guilt trip them into blabbing. It had worked till he reached his teens. Credit where it was due though his father still knew how to make him stew, even if he had learned not to rise to the bait. He'd since come to realise it was a key military tactic for making recruits wish they hadn't been born.

His father looked at his watch. "Twelve minutes, impressive. I think that's a new record even for you."

"It's not bad."

"Is there anything else we need to be aware of?" Jeff replied gruffly.

"What's there to be aware of?"

Jeff pinched the bridge of his nose. Something only the two youngest children of the Tracy patriarch could achieve. "Have you got it out of your system?"

"Well; I'm still a bit restless been cooped up all week, but this pool session has really helped." Still refusing to acknowledge his actions.

"Well do what you have to but refrain from winding your brothers up, I'm sure your time could be better spent." There was a mild undercurrent of warning.

Tin-tin had been watching the proceedings. She had a good idea what the problem might be. "You know I fancy a walk along the beach, How about it Gordon? I saw a species of starfish I didn't recognise the other day, maybe we will see one again and you can tell me what it is?" She played with the tassels on her kimono.

He debated for a moment before his face brightened. He hopped out and grabbed his shirt. "A new species, interesting. Can you describe it?" They headed off in the direction of the coast deep in conversation.

"Thank Christ for that!" muttered Scott.

Virgil laughed "Tin-tin deserves a medal." he replied, pulling up a chair next to him and Brains, Jeff retreated to the villa.

"A-agreed." Brains added.

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

They all called it a beach but it wasn't really a beach, it was more of a narrow belt of mixed sand and shingle that formed the small coastline of the island. The tide was out, the sound of the retreating drift of shingle momentarily drowned out by the rush of incoming waves as they crashed back on to the shore. Where it had been hot and close by the pool there was a slight breeze in the air here that was welcome. The early midday sun beamed down on two figures who left bare footprints in the sand as they meandered along the shoreline.

"So, tell me what's bothering you."

"Hang on I thought we were looking at starfish?" She gave him a sweeping side eye of innocence. "Ohhhh; I see. congratulations, you set that up well." Gordon stalled, not sure of what to make of trap he'd had walked into unawares.

"As funny as that whole debacle was; you only prank like that when you're aggravated by something."

"No, I don't, I find it funny to wind them up. I like watching the shock register on their faces and then denying all accountability whilst trying not to laugh my ass off." Gordon smirked.

"Yes, that's the obvious reason but I also know that's not the main reason, I suspect boredom was a large part of today's antics." She redid her hair in a neat bun as they walked.

"Since when did you become so observant?" He asked surprised. It was common knowledge that he was the joker of the family but no one questioned what drove that behaviour, well at least not till now. It was true though, playing jokes was something he generally did when he was annoyed and needed a little stress relief or when bored out of his mind.

"I've always been observant. I just choose not to speak up unless I feel it's appropriate. Something is troubling you; please Gordon I'm here to listen."

He sighed and sat down, patting the golden sand next to him as he did so. She carefully folded herself into a comfortable position. Gordon picked up a stick and started to trace a pattern in the sand, how to explain his feelings without coming across as attention seeking or ungrateful? Tin-Tin was quiet and still, hands clasped in her lap. She didn't pressurise him sensing he was close to talking.

He swallowed, still concentrating on the pattern he was hacking at. "I don't know where to begin or why I'm so riled. Don't get me wrong there's not a day that goes by that I don't know how lucky I am. Normal people would be quite content with this life. The stunning scenery, the underwater beauty of the south pacific. Working for such a celebrated and world-renowned organisation, even to be the great Jefferson Tracy's son. Billionaire equals happy kids, right?" He cracked a smile that more like a grimace. "When I was in W.A.S.P we were barely in the same place for a month. I saw things Tin; both good and bad but the travel, spending time with my comrades, studying the oceans and patrolling the seas – I couldn't get enough of it. It was intoxicating and thrilling. I was having the time of my life! I achieved so much in such a short time. Then well; you know it all went to pot." He shrugged as he tried not to dwell on the worst period of his life.

He stopped drawing but still didn't look up, afraid of what he might see, it wasn't like him to share in this way but it had been so long since he'd had a friend to confide in. He was craving for someone to listen. Someone who wouldn't tell him to get over it, or who would keep suggesting solutions and comparing their own strife's to his.

"You know I haven't been off this island in over twelve months? Its okay though because that's the job, I need to be here to be available in case of emergencies. I can still indulge in my hobbies; I have time to study and to train. I make the most of my time safe in the knowledge that what I do is important, I literally save lives. Except I don't, or at least nowhere near as often as I would like. Do you know the last time I went on a rescue?"

Tin-Tin tilted her head to one side whilst she pondered for a moment. "Was it that one with the fishing boat and the mine? I can't quite remember but it was some time ago."

"Three months ago. I'm tired of being left behind, watching the guys out on multiple rescues and not being there to support them is really tough. I know water rescues are not as common and that's my specialism but I feel I could have been of use; I'm trained to assist in a multitude of scenarios and yet I always seem to be last on the active service list and I don't know why. Don't get me wrong, I love this job and I can't see myself ever doing anything else but I can't shake these feelings. After my accident, international rescue felt like a second chance or me but i can't help but feel that i'm wasting it." He glanced up at her cautiously, worried he'd divulged too much.

Tin-tin felt so sorry for him. She could understand why he felt this way; a young man wanting to make something of his life, overshadowed by his brothers' achievements, by his father's legacy. Gordon would often joke about his award-winning qualities but he would shy away from praise and he would never rate his skills above anyone else when it really came down to it. She could feel the self-doubt rolling off of him, His Amber eyes had quickly dipped again, his arms crossed on his knees. She was sure it wasn't intentional but being excluded from rescues was really starting to affect him. She never realised the importance of international rescue to him and the deeper meaning it carried. Gordon felt international rescue had thrown him a lifeline and rescued him just like the people they helped everyday. Almost as if he felt he had a debt to pay.

"Oh, Gordon I'm" –

"There you two are! You know you missed lunch? I brought some with me, I thought we could have a picnic down here." Alan was within a few feet of them now a rolled up tartan blanket and hamper in hand. Gordon quickly stood up and dusted himself down.

"Alan! What a lovely idea!" She stood as he leaned across to peck her affectionately on the cheek. She took the blanket from him and laid it out, he knelt on one corner as he placed the hamper on the other to keep it flat. She looked over Alan's shoulder and smiled apologetically at Gordon who waved his hand in a casual don't worry about it gesture.

Alan chatted animatedly away about the mornings race results as he busied himself handing out the sandwiches'. He looked around before sighting his brother. "Here, these are for you. Come and sit down."

"Thanks, but I best be getting back to the house I promised to clear out pod four with Virgil."

"Well at least take these with you to keep you going." Gordon automatically took the proffered food with a hastily remembered thanks.

"Enjoy your picnic." He raised his sandwich bag in an awkward farewell.

"Bye Gordon, come by and see us later if you finish with Virgil early." She hoped her face conveyed the true meaning, that she was there for him. He nodded and with that took himself off up the shore. She watched him go, her concern for him lingered as he trudged back up the beach with his head down.

"I'm glad I caught you, I have something I wanted to discuss. It was going to be a surprise but I'm just so excited I can't contain it any longer." He laughed in that charming boy next door way that made her heart soar. He was so handsome when he was in one of these moods, the whole world seemed to ignite around him you couldn't help but get caught up in his enthusiasm. His blue eyes radiated with happiness.

"Really? I would say don't spoil the surprise but you know I can't wait to find out! Come on then what is it that has you so thrilled?" She took a small bite of her tuna and watercress roll.

"Well, I'd been planning for months for the right moment to arrange it, I even booked the leave just after Christmas to make sure father would agree then worked it out with the guys. In a couple of weeks, we are going to Germany to the Nürburgring ring! I called Ned and Jed so Emily and Lorie are going to be there too. I've arranged for you girls to watch the race in the V.I.P box then in the evening we're going out to dinner." He looked at her expectantly.

She finished chewing. "Wow Alan, it would be lovely to spend some time away with you and I know you've been looking forward to racing at the ring for a while now. Are you sure your father doesn't mind us both going?"

"Nope, I squared it with him ages ago and I deliberately planned it just before changeover with John so we switch over without overrunning on the schedule."

"Do the girls know?"

"Yeah, so feel free to call them and plan ahead if you like."

"I wonder if they would like to squeeze in a little shopping trip too?"

"We have a track meeting scheduled in the morning so you could go then?"

"That sounds perfect! Thank you, Alan."

"You're welcome. Can I interest you in some chocolate?"

"You had to ask?" She smiled as she casually prised the box from his hands. She took a strawberry crème and savoured it before going back for a cheeky second. Alan whipped the box above her head. She launched onto his lap "Alan you know that's not fair, you're too quick!"

"You don't stand a chance!"

She bowled him over giggling before emerging triumphantly surprised with the box in her hand above his chest, she could feel him chuckling as his arms encircled her waist. She didn't mind as long as it kept him from stealing the box again. She said as much which caused him to laugh again.

Eventually she graciously rolled off of him, straightening her kimono as she did so. Alan settled back on his back hands behind his head. They were both content for a moment just to bask in their surroundings, the sunshine radiating warmth that coursed through them.

"Did you and Gordon find the starfish?"

Tin-Tin was promptly brought back to her earlier concerns, she felt a little guilty. She should find him. "No, we had a good look though, maybe I will have more success next time."

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

"Drat." Alan activated the comm. "Hello."

"Alan; I need you back here, there's another space rescue. Bring Tin-tin too, I'll brief you when you get here."


They both hastily grabbed the blanket whilst chucking leftovers in the hamper before sprinting back up the beach.

Chapter 6


Thank you for the views so far, i hope your enjoying this one. Trouble is brewing....

Chapter Text

It was late morning on Tracy island, most of the boys had risen around mid-morning (Except Gordon and Scott who were natural early risers). Tin-tin had also risen early, there were a few supplies the island needed that couldn't wait till the next delivery plane so she had gone to buy what they needed and to meet up with a friend for coffee in Auckland. Alan would have gone with her but he was still exhausted from the run of rescues. The one they had raced back to the villa for on Friday turned out to be a false alarm just as they were set to launch. It was now Sunday morning and so far, it was quiet.

When he had eventually got up out of his pit and breakfasted, he decided to head to the games room where he found Scott and Gordon playing a game of pool. Virgil was nowhere to be seen, most likely still in bed reflected Alan.

Gordon sharpened his cue as Scott paced the end of the table, crouching down at points to eye up his shot. They were down to the last ball each. "Hey" He called in greeting.

"Hey fellas, how's it going?" Alan pulled up a bar stool.

"Scott's posturing his way to glory because he can't beat my master class of a game."

"If you're aiming to distract me with your whittering, it won't work." Scott forcibly Shot the cue ball into the edge of the table using the momentum to split off his ball from where it rested next to the eight ball and Gordon's. His striped ball rocketed straight into the far pocket leaving the eight spinning slowly on its axis. He stood up leaning on his cue with an award-winning smile, dimples on full display.

"I think it's time you proved yourself." Alan nodded towards the table.

Gordon gave an easy grin before turning his attention to the shot. It was slightly misaligned, not ideal but also not impossible, bit of a pain it was in the centre of the table though. He had to lean over, one leg off the ground to reach. He had an opportunity here; he deftly took his shot, the cue ball clacking with the intended target which whizzed off into the far-left pocket, the number eight then spun straight into the middle pocket. "YEEESSSS!" He plonked the cue on the table whilst Scott looked on in disbelief.

"Lucky shot." Huffed Scott from the wall.

"I think the word you're looking for is skill." Scott glowered at him. Gordon winked before Scott broke into a bark of laughter.

They both grabbed a glass of juice before pulling up next to Alan at the bar. Scott flipped round so he was resting backwards with his elbows propped up on the counter. "So, anyone got any plans for today?"

"Nope." Gordon twirled a straw around in his pint glass.

"I might play some tennis with Tin later but other than that no not really. Why have you got plans?" He looked across to Scott.

"Hah, I should be so lucky. If I was over in the UK, I'd have many plans." It was his turn to looked dejected as he took a mouthful of his drink.

"How's that going?" Alan asked - he was never one for tact.

"Ah you know, I love the girl, she loves me but we live over twenty-two thousand miles apart. I think we were both kidding ourselves that we could be together like a normal couple."

"That's a real shame. I think you guys are swell together but you'll find a way; if there's a problem to solve, you're the man to go to. I thought you offered to move with her to a remote location in the UK?"

"I did, I found the perfect location on Dartmoor, even squared it with dad and the MOD but she refused because she didn't want International rescue to be exposed or Thunderbird one to become a target." He looked on bitterly.

How did he do it? Bulldozer Alan had achieved more in two minutes than Gordon and Virgil had in weeks. They had been trying to coax this conversation out of Scott but getting him to open up was tougher than cracking a clam open. Gordon dared not interrupt.

"That's rough, if its any consolation you've got someone pretty special there who cares for you and and international rescue and does a great job at protecting our secret."

"Yeah, she's certainly dedicated to her job." He snorted.

"And to you."

"How so?" He sat up straighter.

"Isn't it obvious? When you said she doesn't want Thunderbird one falling into the wrong hands, what about the pilot? There are some people out there who we know would literally kill to have international rescue's secrets. Why would she want you on the mainland when she knows your safe here, especially when she was hurt so badly trying to protect you and that was before she was in love with you." Alan casually swigged his drink unaware of the impact of his words. Both of his brothers stared at him dumbstruck before Scott sprang off his stool and ruffled Alan affectionately on the head.

"Hey! Knock it off! What did I say?"

"You know Alan, you're wiser than you look sometimes." Scott grabbed Alan's head in his hands and kissed him on the forehead before bouncing out of the room. Alan furiously scrubbed at the middle of his forehead.

"Well; I think you just made his day." Gordon commented.

"Happy to be of assistance if it stops him being so withdrawn and snappy. I thought he knew what girls wanted. I never had him down for floundering in a relationship."

"Happens to the best of us."

"Hmm. Well, I can't hang around here all day, I need to prep for the upcoming track day. Been training in the simulator for weeks."

Oh no! Gordon had forgot he needed to have his conversation - well to stop procrastinating about it. He suddenly remembered his fathers' terms and inwardly cursed. He really wanted to go, sure he felt bad about letting Alan down at short notice but he really needed this. He was desperate for some other company and a place where his experience and knowledge would be welcome. How to break it to him?

"Yeah...about that…. I er booked a Mine warfare and clearance conference on the same weekend."

Alan whipped round to face him. "You did what? Well, you can't go. I've had this booked since Christmas." He replied haughtily.

"Well Dad has asked if you can reschedule as this would be a good training opportunity for me in regards to international rescue. It's a business trip not for leisure." Gordon was fretting with a paper coaster.

"RE-SHEDULE! Are you kidding me? No, no, no, NO Way! You will just have to go to the next one."

"They only occur every two years. Come on Alan, please. I've not been off the island in just over a year and this is an excellent opportunity to develop and maintain my skills. You know Dad's policy on leave."

"Gordon, I have everything booked! The Hotel, the track, the car's being imported. Tin's coming with me. Your being unreasonable."

"Me? Unreasonable. Seriously you want to play that one? Unreasonable is making John say in space an extra month after Christmas so you could go and get wasted with your buddies on New year. Unreasonable is you hogging the bandwidth to catch up with your racing crew and live races. Unreasonable is never taking responsibility for your own maintenance checks. You also went on leave just last month." Gordon stood; he was never quick to anger but it was building. The stool clattered to the floor unnoticed.

"One night doesn't count as leave! This is outrageous. I'm going to father."

"You can try but it won't get you anywhere!" Gordon treaded upstairs after him across the landing that led to their bedrooms and up to where they would enter the lounge. Alan rushed past the ornate brass statue in the corner, past the screen and stormed into the lounge. Virgil looked up from his painting, caught Alan's look of fury and decided against any further interaction. He selected another colour before shooting Gordon an inquisitive glance. He just shook his head and went to stand behind Alan.

Jeff was at his desk again, blissfully unaware of the trouble that had brewed in the basem*nt. "Father?"

"One minute Alan." Jeff peered at the remaining project plan with his glasses half way down his nose. Alan's brow crinkled at the bridge of his nose. It wasn't his finest look. His hands we balled into fists. Gordon had flopped down onto a nearby chair, he wasn't going to get worked up over nothing.

With that done Jeff looked up and chucked his glasses on the desk. "I take it you wanted to see me."

"Gordon tells me my leave has been revoked." It took all of his remaining tolerance to remain polite and to the point. The vein in his temple was throbbing with his barely controlled restraint.

Jeff stared critically at Gordon. "What did you tell him?"

"That I've booked the conference and it's a training opportunity to refresh my skills for IR and a knowledge seeking exercise."

"Then I don't see what the problem is, Alan you can go next weekend or the weekend after." Case dismissed, Jeff thought to himself.

"Dad, I've had this booked since Christmas! Like I said to Gordon the hotel is already booked, the car's being imported and the race is scheduled for two pm."

"It's a track day, is it not? There are races scheduled every day." Jeff replied unperturbed.

"Yes, but this race is special Ned, Jed and Frankie are going to be there, this was the only one we could do altogether and this year's potential sponsors have been invited. There's to be a networking event afterwards."

Uh oh. Money, Alan was playing the money card. If there was one thing their father prioritised it was income for international rescue. It was common knowledge Alan gave most of his sponsorship money to International Rescue as a charitable donation. It certainly helped bolster the coffers which was needed when you had a satellite, a rocket and two powerful aircraft to maintain as part of the fleet. Gordon could see it coming, he had lost.

"Please dad, I can't let this one go. It's too important and I've already pulled out of Monte Carlo this year. If I hadn't already got everything lined up then of course I would cancel and let Gordon go but I can't lose this income. This is the beginning of the season, if I don't set things up now, I can't guarantee my salary. Thunderbird three has already gone through a couple of fuselages this year and the replacements weren't cheap."

"Alan this decision is non-negotiable and Tracy industries is not yet in such dire straits that I can't outfit my own rescue organisation. Now that's enough." He added sternly.

Alan hissed at Gordon. "See what you've done! Are you happy with yourself? It's literally in a couple of weeks, I barely have any time to reschedule, I'll be a joke!"

"You already are." Muttered Gordon.

"What did you say?" Alan growled; his tone sharp.

"Boys! That is enough!"

"No Dad! It's not fair, I've have been on non-stop rescues yet and all he's done is sit here! If anyone needs some leave and respite it's me! I was looking forward to being able to fully relax! I'm due to relieve John on the Monday so it's not like I can go the weekend after. Not when I already extended his duty in January." He folded his arms.

Jeff rubbed his temple. To be fair, it had been a while since his boys had a bust up but if he didn't nip this in the bud, he could see it coming back to bite him. Alan wasn't one to let something go, he was too hot headed.

"Credit to you Alan where its due; you did actually follow my instructions and didn't leave it till last minute to book your leave like you usually do. You have also worked hard this month." Jeff paused weighing up his decision. "Alan you can go, I'm sorry Gordon you'll just have to sit this one out." Alan knew better then to gloat but his eyes said enough.

Sit this one out? Sit this one out? No change there then. Why was he surprised? and why was he surprised that hurt so much.One strop from Alan and that was it, dad just changed his mind again!

He worked hard to keep his voice light but it was laced with passive sarcasm."Oh well, I guess I'll just have to book my leave for two years' time from now on then, it's fine. Would have been boring anyway." Gordon gave his brother one last withering glance whilst ignoring his father completely and strode out the room.

Jeff sighed. Why did he feel this wouldn't be the end of it?

Chapter 7


Cheeky weekend update :-)

Chapter Text

Chapter 7

After the initial drama at the beginning of the week, life on the island had reverted to normal. Rescues continued to come in but they were fewer and far between giving all the boys much needed respite. Jeff looked at the stats surprised to see over forty-five rescues this month, that had to be a new record! He was proud that his boys had achieved such a feat but naturally their expenditure was also over this month as a result. He had been reviewing his accounts all afternoon with his financial advisor to see if they could re-coup a little to compensate. He stretched back in his chair feeling his back re-align with a satisfying click. Kyrano appeared at the edge of the lounge and bowed.

"Dinner is served."

"Swell, thanks Kyrano." He stood up only to get trapped behind his desk as the whirlwind that was three hungry kids sailed past him. Anyone would think they didn't get fed; he shook his head in exasperation then paused when he noticed that Gordon was still lying on the couch.

"Are you alright son? Better get moving if we want to beat the piranhas." He smiled the creases around his eyes crinkled prominently.

Gordon stood and started to make his way across. "Yeah, I'm fine just not that hungry."

Well, that wasn't unlike Gordon, he had never been a ravenous eater and not one to snack either but usually he liked to be caught up in the hubbub teasing his brothers as they filtered in for dinner. "I saw you were out at the point of no return earlier?" The point of no return was the nick name for the most remote part of the island, a lovely shallow cove but hard to access. It could only be reached at low tide or via boat.

"Yeah, I fancied a hike and a decent ocean swim, haven't done one in a while and its good for my stamina." Jeff nodded. It wasn't compulsory but all the boys had their own fitness regimes that they adhered to; their job could be incredibly demanding not just mentally but physically.

Jeff came to a halt facing his son. "Look. I know you can't go next weekend to the conference but why don't you take a dive around the island? You haven't done that in months as long as you're within twenty minutes of the island in case there's an emergency, I don't see why you couldn't take out the boat." Jeff reasoned.

"Thanks dad, I might do that." Jeff gently clapped him on the shoulder.

"Come on let's go and see what Kyrano's served up."


Tin-Tin had tried for days to find an opportunity to talk to Gordon. She knew there had been some mild disagreement with Alan whilst she was on the mainland but she wasn't too concerned about that, the boys were susceptible to the odd tiff from time to time. They were siblings, it was only natural they wouldn't see eye to eye all the time. She was more worried about what he had confided in her, especially as he had started to become more withdrawn, she didn't want to go as so far to describe it as depression but his behaviour wasn't far off. He'd taken to wearing sunglasses and lounging by the pool rather than in it. She couldn't encourage him to partake in a game of volley ball, tennis or even chess. His brothers tried to include him in their conversations but gave up after a few attempts when he just kept giving one-word responses. He was usually quiet by nature but lately it was like he wasn't even in the same room.

She watched him get up from the lounge heading to the kitchen, this was her chance. She dropped her magazine and casually headed out after him. Her heart sank in disappointment as she rounded the corner to see him talking to her father and Brains. His eyes flicked up from the table as he gave her a small nod but didn't acknowledge her presence any further.

"Hey Brains, you know that DPV we've been tinkering with? Where's it at? Dad's given me permission to dive around the island this weekend so I thought I'd take it for a spin. We tested it a couple of times but I want to really put it through its paces."

Tin-tin accepted the still lemonade her father offered her with a smile. She leaned against the counter watching the guys at the table. Kyrano picked up the tray on the counter before silently slipping into the shadows.

"F-f-unny you should mention that, Gordon. I was actually adjusting the thrusters on it this morning, so you could give it a try but maybe you should err, attempt it in the pool first. Then we could monitor the situation more ah carefully. I-it isn't without its risks." He pushed his thick rimmed glasses back up his nose in frustration as he jotted some formulae in his notebook.

"Can't be any worse than hydrofoil blades and propellers can it?"

"N…no but you can err still get maimed or oxygen starvation or decompression sickness – to name a few." Brains blinked, diverting his eye contact from Gordon, he didn't do very well be being directly challenged but when it came to safety or championing one of his inventions, he could hold his ground somewhat.

"Alright, pool it is. Where is it and I'll try it on nearer the time to check the fit and run through the controls again."

"Its in the silo in the equipment compound under apparatus to be tested."

"Thanks Brains, you're a star!"

"Gordon, could I have a word?" Tin-tin asked gently.

Brains sensing a shift in the atmosphere hastily gathered his papers. "I'd better go and check on the aha software upgrade." As he scurried out the door.

Gordon settled into his chair. "Sure."

"I just wanted to catch up before I go away this weekend. I know we didn't get a chance to finish our conversation." She drew a chair opposite him.

"Oh that; don't worry about it. I'm going diving this weekend and testing that new kit so I've got plenty to occupy myself with now." He smiled but something in his eyes remained hidden.

"Well, I'm glad you have a chance to go out and spend some free time on your own. How about the rescues? With us gone this weekend its likely there will be a rescue, hopefully you'll get a call out."


"Have you spoken to your father? You know he doesn't do it on purpose don't you? He likes to stick to his routines. It's just a habit but if you told him you would like to be more actively involved, I'm sure he would consider it."

"You mean my Dad is stuck in his ways."

"I didn't say that." A small smile playing at the edge of her mouth.

Gordon sat for a moment, twiddling with the salt and pepper pots. Novelty ones of two propeller aircraft's. When you pressed the button, the blades would dispense the seasoning. Gordon had brought them as a Father's Day gift when he was about twelve.

"No; not yet but I feel like I shouldn't have to ask. He knows I want to assist as much as the others. They don't have to beg to go on rescues. I've tried Tin, I've really tried." He stood up. "but it's alright. I've come to the conclusion that I just need to get used it."

With that he gave her a light peck on the cheek before he walked away. "Oh Gordon." She whispered softly to the empty room.


Alan finished loading the last of the luggage into ladybird, why Tin-tin needed this much for a weekend trip he'd never know. Might as well add the kitchen sink. He huffed as he got the last suitcase up onto his shoulder.

Tin-Tin hugged her father tightly and planted a kiss on his cheek. "See you soon."

"Keep safe my daughter."

"I will, I'm not the one racing!"

"Yes, on that note, you be careful son." Jeff clapped Alan on the shoulder. "Racing's a dangerous game."

Alan rolled his eyes. "I'll be fine dad, just you wait. Hopefully next time you see me I'll have several exclusive sponsors falling over me."

Jeff chuckled and ruffled Alan's hair. "A chip off the old block for sure." Alan grinned back; it wasn't everyday he received his father's praises.

The whole family had come down to the silo to see them off. Alan turned around to face them. "So long fellas!"

"Have a swell weekend both of you." Scott called.

"Have a lovely time." Virgil embraced Tin-tin. "Make sure he spoils you rotten."

"I will."

Whilst Tin-Tin was otherwise engaged, Alan walked up to Gordon and offered a hand. "Thank you for this buddy. I owe you one." Now Alan was on his way, his feelings of anger over the situation had abated somewhat.

Gordon paused then shook his hand. "I want to hear all about it when you get back."

Jeff looked relieved. He was worried there might have been a last-minute confrontation to handle but he was pleased to see his sons being so mature about the situation.

Tin-Tin broke from her hug with Scott to say her goodbyes to Gordon. He held out his arms smiling. "Don't forget me."

"How could I ever forget you? Look after yourself, won't you? Promise me?" She pulled back searching for the truth in those tawny irises.

"I promise, go and have a great time and quit worrying." He added quietly but not unkindly.

She gave him one last squeeze before heading over to the plane where she jumped into the main pilots' quarters.

"Demoted already." Gordon quipped to Alan.

He laughed. "It was a compromise. Her 'bug' she gets to fly."

"Otherwise, I get dibs on his 'bird' next time." She added as she placed her sunglasses on.

Scott and Virgil chuckled. Now they knew why their brother was being so gracious. "Bye!"

The engines fired; pre-flight checks having been conducted earlier; they took off up the runway before taking off. The family watched till they were a small blip on the horizon. There was a strong breeze today rushing into the silo bringing a stout chill on the wind. Virgil shivered. "Time to go back upstairs I think."

Jeff nodded his agreement. Scott looked to Gordon "Coming?"

"Nah I've got the new DPV to take out."

"DPV?" Scott looked confused.

"Diver propulsion vehicle" Scott still looked confused. Gordon rolled his eyes. "Underwater jet pack."

"Ohh! Right; maybe lead with that next time. Want some company? I could keep an eye on the boat and where you are while your under?" Scott offered.

"No thanks, I won't be long and Brains will be on comms if I need him."

"Alright then. See you later."

With a final wave, Scott joined the rest of his family in the elevator. Finally! Gordon sighed in relief. He'd lost too much time already, too much hanging around! He anxiously waited a few more minutes till he heard the lift slot into place before running over to the equipment bay. Opening his personal locker, he quickly grabbed a small waterproof bag before turning to pick up the DPV. Then he sprinted to the lift that took him to the monorail. He navigated through the honeycomb of silos until he came to the one at the end where they stored the boats.

They had five vessels in the family. A family yacht, a bowrider boat, two sailing boats and then his own personal beloved Cuddy cabins, the Moby Debt (It was the first boat he'd brought himself and affectionally named as he was in debt for some time after purchasing her). She was always moored on the small pontoon within the natural cavern, the waves lapping at the hull. Behind Gordon there were steel reinforced doors that created a tight seal to the rest of the island when there were severe weather alerts. He quickly offed his stuff into the cabin before starting up the blower, whilst he waited for that he quickly stripped down to his suit and chucked on his flippers, storing his clothes in the cargo hold. Then he fired up the engine making sure the kill cord was secure on his wrist. He'd been casting in off in various vessels since he was a teen, the routine was second nature to him now.

He moved around the deck unhitching the mooring lines as he went. Grabbing hold of the wheel he glanced over his shoulder before deftly pulling away from the dock. He moved from the shadows of the cavern into sparkling blues where the sunlight kissed the ocean. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, his hair whipping about him. He was taking the boat to the east side of the island where they had a small boat house. From there he would head out with the DPV to his rendezvous point. Any doubts he had about his plan washed over him as he breathed in the salty tang that was so familiar to him. His lips broke into a wide smile, this was the life! The strong sea breeze, the crash of the waves against the hull, the steady bounce underneath his feet as the boat skipped over the ocean. Nothing in sight except open seas and the glorious rocky outcrop of the volcanic island they called home. He took a moment to savour the euphoria of pure joy that cascaded up through him. Some people's happy place was in their car with their records blaring, or flying at ten thousand feet but for him, being out on deck at the helm in the brilliant morning light was enough to inject a burst of welcome happiness into his life. He should have done this sooner. He only now realised how much he had been craving this freedom, the thrill of independence.

It was over all too soon, Gordon saw the section of coast he wanted and adjusted his course before knocking down his speed and aligning with the dock. He hastened to secure the boat before shutting everything down and ensuring his gear was packed away. He's checked the weather; she should be safe here for the weekend till he could collect her. Taking one last look around the boathouse, he shrugged on his pack across his front and carried the DPV out onto the jetty. He strapped it to his back and fitted his rebreather and mask. He then checked that he integrated oxygen tanks were functioning correctly, before plunging into the water. He bit back at the instinct to gasp at the temperature difference and quickly fired the turbines up. Checking his oxygen level once more, he set off.

Although the water was choppy above it was fairly calm once under but Gordon remained alert to strong currents. He was impressed with the jet packs performance; he and Brains had upgraded the turbines as well as the motor increasing the speed and range considerably. He checked his navigation device on his wrist constantly, it was very easy to drift off course when using a DPV. Luckily this wasn't his first rodeo, he used to use these all the time back in his W.A.S.P days. Granted they were not as technically advanced as this one. He continued to speed on, he had four minutes left till extraction. Dark blue shadows loomed in his periphery at points before fading away, occasionally a shoal of tropical fish glinted past him light crystals in sunlight. There was a beep that told him he'd reached his location, he wiped off his speed taking his time to rise steadily before breaking the surface near the black circular structure he had seen from below.

He swam over to the large yellow buoy in the water, they were a good fifty miles off the island and used for their own occasional water sports activities. He had set these courses himself when he first moved to the island. They were good for training exercises as well as recreational pursuits. Gordon hauled himself up to perch on the edge. There was just enough room but as he tried to wriggle out of the pack, he almost fell off back into the ocean again. He cursed in surprise. Gordon pushed up his mask. He looked skywards before glancing at his watch, his breaths were almost returning to normal. It had been some time since he's undertaken an underwater dive of that duration. He'd forgotten how taxing it could be. He continued to bob up and down, his anxieties staring to bubble to the surface. This was the riskiest part of his plan. He'd been very careful to plot location so that even if it did trigger security on the island, they would likely just pass it over as a random military flyover. They got them sometimes; it wouldn't be out of character especially as it wouldn't be landing.

Gordon saw a black dot in the distance then heard the familiar drone over the open water. He stood up holding onto the buoy for support. He heard the beep of his watch. "Star Lord to Rocket, approaching extraction point…. E.T.A one minute so you better be there."

Gordon shook his head smiling at the familiar voice of the pilot. "I'm here jackass, pick me up."

"You know I could just fly by."

"Don't you dare!"

There was a bout of laughter before the comms were severed. Gordon looked up again, hand over his eyes as a small Heli-craft blotted out the sun, the propellors going nineteen to the dozen. The side door was already open with a cable being lowered. Gordon glared at it in impatience. Come on…come on! He leaped the last few feet to snag the harness before quickly securing himself. He opened the comm and signalled with his hand. "Okay take up her up!"

Gordon slowly started to chug upwards as the winch worked on pulling him up, his wet gear quickly drying as the winds buffeted him. As he reached the lip of the craft he grabbed out onto the side before pulling himself in to sit on the edge. He swung his legs around as the door automatically closed. He threw his mask on the floor along with his gear and ruffled his hair. He looked towards the co*ck-pit where the pilot had whipped around to glance over his shoulder.

"Gordon you daft bugger! Fancy meeting you here!"

Chapter 8

Chapter Text

Gordon strapped himself into the co-pilot seat. Grinning from ear to ear. It was hard to remain anxious when he was so elated at seeing his best friend. Gordon watched as the island became a insubstantial blip on the radar.Well, no going back now.

"Hello Milord." Gordon inclined his head to the right.

His companion looked over in disdain. "Don't start."

"What?! Would you prefer Lord Henry?"

"Star lord or no lord. Why am I even here anyway? Last time I checked you had a pilot's licence."

"Dad was being awkward. Alan is away this weekend too so he has the plane. Dad didn't want me to go because I have to give a presentation on Monday. I'm meant to be preparing for it."

"Ahhh! Hence operation get me out of here. Your father is being short-sighted again." Henry (or Harry as he preferred to be known) checked his radar whilst flicking a shock of raven hair out of the way.

"I guess. To be fair it was Alan being a pain in the ass. He's always off gallivanting, it wouldn't have killed him to do the presentation. It's for a private space travel company, he knows more about that than me. Anyway, enough of my family politics. How are you?"

"Oh, not too bad. My parents are smothering me, Mother's trying to marry me off to the nearest family of prestige. Father's trying to get me to take over the estate. Meanwhile I'm Just trying to adjust to civilian life again you know? I had so much freedom that I didn't have at home, I could almost be normal. People back home just don't get where I'm coming from half the time, all they want to talk about is their latest property investment or who's dating who in what social circle and all I want to do is find a proper job that suits me. Hence coming on this conference in the hopes I might get taken on by a contractor based on my previous skill set."

"Sounds delightful! Yeah, it's pretty rough those first few months…years after coming out but it's not so bad now." Gordon looked wistfully at the ocean below. He thought he could see a couple of dolphins leaping up at points. There was silence in the co*ckpit from both men, not wanting to acknowledge the hollowness of Gordon's words. Harry was abruptly made redundant last year when the British Navy decided to downside their Fleet Arm pilots in favour of automated ones. The money never mattered to him but the loss of the stability of his job and his unit had devastated him. "Anyway, can't dwell on what we can't have anymore can we?"

"No that's true."

They sat in companionable silence once again, Gordon kept anxiously checking his watch but so far so good. How long that would last, he didn't know. "Hang on your mother's marrying you off to who?"

Brains was in the lab tinkering away with his latest invention, wrist heat sensor devices that would be able to detect people up to a range of forty feet. He had been so engrossed he didn't notice Scott flit by. It was just after two in the afternoon. The sound of china thudding on the worktop disturbed his focus as did the smell of bacon. His stomach rumbled in desperation and hopeful anticipation.

"Gee thanks Scott, I-I guess I err lost track of the time." He bit into the sandwich with relish.

Scott smiled. "Good job we know what your like. I'm amazed you survived living on your own."

"W-well I'll admit it was a challenge, I seem to remember John was the same."

"Yep, the two of you at college couldn't cook beans on toast to save your life but then you are geniuses so, I think we can let you off for not remembering to eat sometimes. Hey! Have you heard from Gordon? Said something about testing a DPV?"

Brains dropped his sandwich. "I-I told him to tell me when he was heading out. I'll go and find him."

"You'll have a job."

Brains looked confused.

"You'll need a boat and twenty odd minutes to get there."

Brains looked startled. "I t-told him to err only test it in the pool! Its still not been f-fully tested." He pushed back his sleeve to reveal his watch.

Scott looked concerned. Gordon had always been a risk taker; something that hadn't been curbed but still Scott expected him to know better. They both waited for the call to connect, the blue display was flashing a video icon.

"The person you are calling cannot be reached at present." The call hung up only for a messenger icon to appear almost immediately. Brains pushed the button impatiently.

"Hi Brains. I can't answer the call right now but I can explain everything. Head to silo five and locate the locker on the Ocean Breeze. I left something for you and the guys. If possible, try not to tell dad until absolutely necessary."

"I don't like the sound of this." Scott stood with his brow furrowed. "Come on."

One short monorail trip later and they were in the cavern. Scott streaked towards the Ocean Breeze with Brains hot on his tail. He sprang onto the deck in one smooth leap before turning as he patiently waited for Brains to hobble on, holding an arm outstretched as the scientist stumbled to one side. "T-thanks."

Scott went to open the cabin only to find it was locked. It was never locked. He cursed his brother under his breath. "He's locked it, we need to look around for the key fob." Scott started to run his hand down the door jams and under the mat at his feet. Unfortunately; Gordon was a pro when it came to hiding things, his room as a child used to be an Aladdin's cave of his brothers' possessions. Brains tore the seat cushions off and the rubber matting. A call from above interrupted their scavenger hunt.

"Do I even want to know?" Brains and Scott paused like they had been struck by lightning. Both started breathing again when they realised it wasn't the family patriarch.

"I suspect Gordon's done a runner, come and help us find the fob will ya?" Scott looked up his hands on hips.


"I know, come on! get down here." Scott hollered back.

A few minutes later the three of them were stripping the boat, top and bottom deck. Scott threw his hands up in the air. "I give up, lets kick it in and bill the little jerk for the damage."

"Woah, woah! Hang on a minute Scott, let's think this through before we get too drastic. Father loves this boat and he's going to be angry enough as it is."

Brains chucked a cushion back on the seating area, they all flumped down.

"So, you think he's run away to that conference."

"He told Brains he was going to test the DPV this afternoon, dad told him he could go diving and he told me he was heading out to open water to test the DPV this morning."

"A-a-and now he won't answer our calls."

"Damn." Virgil shook his head; Gordon was going to be in so much trouble. He leaned back under the shelter of the top deck looking up. He froze in his seat then nudged Scott and Brains next to him. They all looked up.

"Well, I'll be dammed." Scott prized off the fob that was taped to the ceiling. "The little devil. Well done, Virg."


Scott cleared the deck in two strides, slapping the fob against the pad. The lights lit up green with a short trill before the door locks released. He stepped over the threshold and went straight for the locker on the left. Scott snatched the note off the locker he stood reading intently for a moment. "When I get my hands on him…" He passed the note over his shoulder so Virgil and Brains could see.

I misplaced the key for this too – am I bad sorry!

It was hastily written in Gordon's finest scrawl, the kind of writing where you have to squint or you'd mistake it for hieroglyphs.

"A-allow me." Scott stepped aside to allow Brains to whip out a pen knife. These lockers were only built for clothes nothing too valuable, he flicked open a knife and jimmied it down the side. A few minutes later a distinct click could be heard.

"Nice." Remarked Virgil appreciatively. Brains smiled; he opened the door to reveal an VP6 player. He passed it to Scott who motioned they should go and sit down again. Once there he hit the play button.

A video sprung up on screen of Gordon, it looked like he was…. At the point of no return? He was surrounded by the rich lush foliage of the island's most inhabitable terrain. They could hear the bird calls in the background. He looked calm but there was a tightness to the set of his jaw. "Hi guys. I see you found the key and the locker key…. Impressive! Well long story short I'm not here. All I've done for the last three months is sit around waiting to get called out…only to watch everyone else go out. The conference and hotel details are in my room so if you guys need me; you know where to find me. If dad asks then I'm sorry; I know how he feels but you guys cope without me just fine all the time so I can't see this being a problem. See you Monday – if I have the balls to come home." He winked and screen went blank.

"Well. I'd like to say that that's not true but his points are valid. He hasn't been called upon at all of late." Virgil looked saddened to realise his brother felt so undervalued as a team member.

"We have a problem; dad is going to blow his lid." Scott skimmed a hand through his hair, the other still clutching the VP6 in his open lap.

"C-can I aha go back to the lab now?"

Gordon and Harry had landed at Los Angeles airport. They had found a booth in a coffee house for a quick break before heading straight to the hotel. Gordon nursed his americano whilst Harry relaxed into his seat taking a sip of his caramel macchiato. Gordon was hyper aware of bustling activity of the airport in contrast to the silence of the island. He watched as group of students raucously stomped past the café barriers their team leader in front desperately trying to call some sort of order. He could hear a man berating a waiter in rapid Mexican as the baby in the booth across from them wailed loudly.

"Christ! Is real life seriously this chaotic?" Gordon watched a woman protesting loudly at the flight deck.

Harry shrugged. "What would I know of real life? It's not exactly like I live in society either." Harry hailed from the Cotsworld's. Gordon had visited once or twice, the acres of countryside estate a stark comparison to their small tropical paradise.

Gordon changed tact; it was hard to find topics of conversation when you were as socially isolated as he was. He couldn't talk about normal topics such as work, friends or travel. "It's good to see you again, who knew when we first met five years ago that we would still be in touch."

"Yep, I was only on a secondment I wasn't meant to stay long enough to befriend the natives."

"We didn't need a brit making himself at home either, from the Royal Navy Air Fleet no less. Did you get lost?"

"Everyone knows you guys just look for unicorns under the sea."

Gordon snorted into his coffee and tried to keep a straight face as Harry's eyes glinted in amusem*nt at having provoked Gordon into spluttering in mirth and indignation.

"I'll have you know I was part of an elite sub division of the US Navy, the finest naval force in the world."

"Meh. Debatable" He shrugged draining his coffee.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Ah crap." Gordon caught sight of who was calling.

"Ah better to seek forgiveness than permission."

"Yeah, especially when you were foolish enough to seek permission in the first place." Muttered Gordon. Harry stood up folding his waxed jacket over his arm.

"I'll give you a minute."

"Thanks, if I'm not out in five come and rescue me."

Harry shook his head grinning. Not being able to put it off any longer he accepted the call. A thunderous expression greeted him in perfect imitation of his father at aged thirty odd.

"Ah Scott, hello there!"

"Hello yourself. Do you have any idea of the amount of trouble you're going to be in? What the hell are we meant to do if we get a call, we need you here you daft bat! I can't believe you think your expendable!"

"OK. Question one: yes I do and two I am expendable Scott! You guys usually cope."

"Yeah, because we have Alan, now we're two men down." Scott scowled waiting for a better response. "If you turn back now, I think I can distract dad till you get home. He's already started asking after you."

Gordon gulped. He wasn't looking forward to the fallout from that one. Scott's wrath always went straight over his head but his father's was a lot harder to ignore. He steeled himself. "You'll just have to let him down gently, tell him the boats broke and I'll walk back after low tide.

"Oh yeah because he's not going to make me immediately go out in one and pick you up. Or use your own damn Sub or the other four boats we have. Or have you disabled those as well!"

Gordon sighed. "Tell him what you want, I don't care. I was going mad cooped up at home I needed some time out. If I'm so essential you can come and pick me up from here in an emergency. Your always banging on how fast that aircraft of yours is." With that he hung up.

"Well how do you like that?" Scott grumbled at his watch face. He was still peevishly wittering under his breath about how the youngest always got away with murder compared to him on the way to the lounge. Some things never change.

Chapter 9


Sorry for the late update - major IT trouble. Thankyou to those of you following this one 🙂

Chapter Text

The chain link fence rattled as the cars screamed by in a frenzied blur of colours below, the sound of engines whining as they jostled for position. Tin-Tin stood in the front row leaning on the railing outside the box. Last night had started off so well. They had arrived mid evening and were staying in the most extravagant hotel in the town, The Fairmont. Tin-Tin was not a stranger to lavish accommodation since knowing the Tracy's but even so; this place must have been eye wateringly expensive. The marbled forecourt had a glass façade that was flanked with mirrored waterfalls before leading into an expansive waiting lounge. Inside the hotel had its own casino, spa, infinity pool and gym. Tin-Tin felt it was a shame they only had two nights in which to use the facilities, she would have been content for a week. You couldn't really call their room a hotel room for it was effectively a penthouse styled apartment with its own private kitchen, bar, lounge and bedroom in gold and cream hues. The bathroom alone was the size of her room back on the island. It had a wet room to the right and a large rectangular pool to the other that served as a whirl pool bath. It was inset at floor level with a shallow step around the inside to sit back and relax. She and Alan had spent most of last night engaged in trying out the expansive stone bath, enjoying the freedom of being on their own.

Alan was a different person when he was alone with her; charismatic and relaxed, the need to feel like he had to prove himself slipping away. The constant competition from the obligation to outshine the others was gone, allowing him to be his true self. Last night he had wrapped himself around her, talking about his ambitions and where he wanted to take her next. She had listened enraptured in his arms, whilst throwing in the odd suggestion as they planned their epic world trip. It was a fantasy; they both knew that deep down. Alan had a duty that he had to honour, one that was more far more important than their own pipe dreams. She assured him she was content so long as they were making memories together. Wherever they were.

Tin-tin was awoken from her reminiscing by the roar of the cars zipping past on their fourth lap. The rain had made the track greasy which made her anxious due to the increased risk of a collision. The canopy that extended over the balcony kept her dry, the last rain shower still trickling into the gutter. She was alone. It had transpired that Chelsea (Ned's partner) had come down with a migraine at last minute and Jed had broken up with Kim two weeks ago but failed to tell anyone. Alan felt bad but Tin-tin assured him she would be fine as long as they spent time together this evening.

Inside the box had been stifling with lots of wealthy clientele made up of the sponsors and family of the racers, she knew a few by name but not enough to feel comfortable holding a conversation on her own. Several men offered to buy her a drink, some more charming than others and some outright forward. She feigned trips to the bathroom when she couldn't stomach conversation any longer or the lingering hands that felt the need to steady her waist or perch in the small of her back uninvited. In the end she escaped to the balcony with the lashing bitter wind and drizzle knowing that few would be willing to brave the weather. She drew her dusky pink feather boa around her neck as she burrowed deeper into the high collar of her tailored felt red coat.

Alan adjusted his stance, hands firmly on the wheel as he took the inside line on a corner pushing Ned a place down. His lips quirked into a smile; someone wouldn't be happy. Considering the weather had been dire this morning it wasn't turning out to be a bad run at all. The car had exceeded all his expectations - she was a dream! Light weight and responsive, she was a joy to handle but with enough traction that she stuck to the track without bucking her driver in the dust. The flappy paddle gearbox was an intuitive design he reflected as he changed down a gear. He cursed; broken from his evaluation of the car's performance as number seventy-nine jostled for his position. "Oh no you don't buster" Alan muttered as he re-positioned himself to combat the guy trying to outflank him. "Only four more laps to go. Bring it on!"


"HE'S WHERE?!" Jeff bellowed.

Scott stood motionless as most personnel did when hauled up in front of a superior officer for a good bawling out. Virgil winced next to him whilst Brains cringed in the corner at a fair distance. He could still feel Jeff's anger roiling over him even at a distance. Kyrano remained impassive as ever to the left of his employer, his expression indecipherable. They had managed to get away with holding out till after dinner citing that Gordon was having boat trouble but as dusk fell, they'd had to confess. Jeff was livid.

"At the conference father, we found a message." Scott nudged the video player onto the edge of the desk.

"And you failed to mention this earlier?" He scowled at them. They all wisely chose to look at a point of interest around the room. Anywhere but their father's desk.

Jeff snatched up the device and tried to play it but found he couldn't access it. Scott stepped forward to assist only for Jeff to smack it on the desk crossly. Gordon's voice filled the room as the message re-played. Jeff watched in silence, his frown deepening. The video ended but still the silence dragged on. Feeling the need to defend his absent brother Virgil found his voice. "Dad, he was feeling isolated" –

"That might be but there were better ways to handle this so don't go defending him."

"Dad, if you'd just" –

"Or you Scott, Gordon is capable of answering for his own actions. I suggest you two go off and get an early night as you're the only remaining operational crew. You too Brains."

They all nodded. It was all they could do when their father was in one of these moods, there would be no pacifying him tonight.

"And don't you lie to me again about something like this in the future. Understood?"

"Yes Father."


He waited till he was sure his sons were out of earshot before he hit the desk with his fist. He was so angry at Gordon's reckless behaviour; it had endangered their entire operation. It would only take two of three rescues to come in at once and they would be swamped. Or a large rescue operation. Lives could be lost. He didn't care what time it was, he punched in the dial button on his own watch.

Gordon had just got through the door of his hotel room, chucking the card on the dressing table when his watch beeped. He'd had such a great afternoon and evening catching up with Harry and talking through their plans for tomorrow that he stupidly answered without checking the incoming call. "You can wipe that smile off your face son."Oh boy.

"Hey dad, I guess you know where I am?" Gordon walked over to the sofa and sat abruptly.

"I'd like to know how you got there but my bigger concern is what the hell you think you're playing at!" Jeff scowled at his second youngest causing him to bristle.

"Dad you said I could go, then you changed your mind!"

"Gordon, you know better! We can't have more than one of you on leave!" Jeff ignored his son's criticism.

"I'm never needed anyway! every time I volunteer - I get told no! And i can recall several times that Scott, Alan and Virgil have been off together." Gordon threw his free hand in the air in frustration. "Its one rule for them and another for me!"

"That's not true and you could still be needed, your're our only underwater specialist. You have to be here in case we recieve a call. I want you home now."

Gordon snorted. "Not likely." He muttered.

"What did you say?" Jeff all but growled.

"I said no. I haven't left the island in over twelve months the others have – even John! He went to that guest lecturer role last month."

"You're not staying, I want you home by sunrise. You've left us understaffed and there are rules for a reason. Come back and we can discuss your next period of leave... although after this little stunt…"

His fathers' words ignited the fire that had been simmering inside him. "I wouldn't have had to pull this little stunt if you had just realised how miserable I am!" Gordon stood up vehemently glaring down on his father's image but his voice was level and controlled. "What was it you said when we were asked to watch over the zero-x launch? Ah! Yes. I remember! You said rules were made to be broken. So, consider them broken! If there is an emergency then call me and get Scott to pick me up otherwise, I'll see you on Monday." He terminated the call.

Jeff sat dumbfounded for a moment shocked by Gordon's raw anger till he focused on his attitude. None of his children would get away with speaking to him like that! He hit the dial back option only to be immediately cut off. He tried again, only for it to happen again. He was going to have serious words with that boy as soon as he got home.

"Sometimes they have to find their own way Mr Tracy and learn from their own actions." Kyrano placed a large than usual dram of whiskey by Jeff's elbow.

Jeff necked the drink before Kyrano deftly filled it again. This time Jeff nursed the tumbler, mulling over the conversation from moments ago. "I don't disagree Kyrano but he's left us in dire straits here and he knows better. I just didn't think he had it in him to take off. Sure; he acts out sometimes but he's the quietest and most leveled headed of the lot of them - Well bar Virgil but he's basically platonic." He caught his friend's expression. "I know its always the quiet ones." Jeff frowned into his drink momentarily before taking a swig. "He said he was miserable; how did I miss that?" The heat of the drink was taking the edge off his rage as his son's words replayed in his mind.

"Mister Gordon has never been one to wear his heart on his sleeve. I think my Tin-tin was trying to help him but he was avoiding her."

"Tin-tin suspected he was unhappy?" Jeff was surprised, he didn't think they were that close. Scott and Tin-tin were the best of friends and there was definitely something between her and Alan but he had rarely seen her in Gordon's company.

"Since most of your son's have been out on rescues its often just him and Tin-tin here. They spend most of their time on the beach or playing games together, sometimes they even do the maintenance on the remaining vehicles when they aren't bothering Brain's in the lab." Kyrano picked up the empty glass and bowed. "Goodnight Mr Tracy, maybe things will become clearer in the morning."

Jeff tossed and turned unable to settle since he had retired for the night. He rolled onto his back and huffed in frustration staring at the ceiling, Gordon's words wouldn't leave him.Maybe he had been too harsh? No he reflected, what Gordon did was wrong. He should have told him the truth! – how was he to know his second youngest felt so frustrated and unhappy? He wasn't a mind reader for crying out loud! Gordon knew the rules and had broken them... there would have to be consequences but what?Jeff rubbed his temples, the cuff of his sleeve catching him in the eye. He'd never meant to govern his son's lives so much but he had little choice as international rescue had surpassed all his expectations and gained traction growing into something that he still struggled to define, even after all this time. He'd unwittingly conscripted his sons into this job which had quickly ensnared itself in all their lives. He remembered when they'd initially tried to rota leave every week which had worked well till they'd become really well known. Now it was a twenty-four seven operation, the calls for help rarely stopped and they couldn't be ignored. He sighed. something was going to have to change.


Tin-tin pushed her way through the crowd, her exposed ankles getting wet in the splash back of the puddles in her haste. Seeing who she was, the security lifted the bar to let her through to the pit box. She worked her way down to the third one becoming lost among men and women in red racing overalls, she really should have worn the blue coat but wanted to show her support for Alan by wearing his colours. No one paid her any mind as she weaved her way deeper into the garage stepping over wires and skirting around tool racks. The smell of oil and spent tyres clung to the air. Nearing the back, she approached a group that was clustered around the screens. There he was. She smiled at the sight of his ruffled blonde hair; his cheeks flushed with success. He stood heads taller than most people in the room with his bare arms folded, his overalls gathered around the waist. She knew he liked to watch the race afterwards and figured this was what was taking him so long. His gazed flicked up, picking her out from across the room like there was no one else there. She smiled demurely just for him.

Alan excused himself and headed over before embracing her. Someone wolf whistled as he kissed her softly. "Knock it off Ned!" Alan yelled not even looking behind him, there was a roar of laughter. Alan smiled again, still pressed against her lips. She broke away her hands on his chest.


"Thank you. Do you want to see the car?" She nodded. He clasped her hand and led her across the floor before opening the door to the driver's side. She sat in it, taking a moment to appreciate the black leather interior with the neon orange trim and the way the bucket seats gripped her. Her hands ran over the controls on the wheel before she flicked through the different sport modes. It was nice, she'd quite liked it herself.

"Its beautiful Alan 300 km an hour too!"

"Yep, it's the fastest road legal car on the market." Alan turned away to speak to someone as Tin-tin stepped out.

"Ah! I need to go and talk to the sponsors are you okay here?"

"Its alright Alan, I'll go back to the hotel to get ready for our dinner reservation at eight."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, as long as we get to spend some time together tonight then I'll be fine."

"I promise."

"Hey Alan you coming?!"

He threw her an apologetic look before disappearing out the door. Tin-tin checked she had her bag, phone and purse before heading out to hail a taxi, she didn't have much time to get ready and she wanted to look her best. She had been looking forward to spending some quality time with Alan all day after being on her own.


Gordon and Henry had spent the morning perusing some of the trade stands with the latest diving technology. They marveled at underwater infra-red scanners, the latest DPV's, a wetsuit that had its own built in thermal heating system and retractable flippers – Gordon had brought himself a set and was chuffed with his purchase. It was busy, they were constantly having to push their way to the stands to gain a glimpse of the wares on show. Gordon bumped into a few old acquaintances, as did Henry. Just as they were filing in to the conference room Gordon accidentally got pushed into a tall hulk of a man in the throng of the crowd.

"Watch where you are going!" The man hissed. He had an English enunciation but it was heavily accented.

"Sorry!" Gordon noticed the man's thick brows and dark eyes under the horn-rimmed glasses, he had sandy coloured hair and a thick moustache. Gordon reached for the man's sleeve as he made to leave. "Hey do I know you?"

"I think you are mistaken…. sir" The stranger sneered. Gordon quickly took stock of the man's features.

"Sorry my mistake." The guy snatched his cream blazer sleeve back before stalking off.

"What was that about? I literally left you all of two minutes." Henry handed Gordon a croissant and Coffee.

"Nothing, just a misunderstanding."Where had he seen that man before?He was somewhat familiar. Gordon shook his head and put it down to a case of mistaken identity. They entered the conference hall and took their seats. This morning was the briefing for this afternoon's excursion in open water for those that had opted to take part in the live controlled detonation exercise. Gordon already held his bomb disposal credentials but this refresher would extend his licence so it was a worthwhile exercise. As they settled in to the presentation Gordon couldn't help thinking about the man in the cream blazer, there was something about him that made him feel uneasy but the reason continued to evade him.

As it turned out all would become clear only too soon.

Chapter 10

Chapter Text

They stood on the wharf in the blistering white hot sunshine, the weather worn boards under Gordon's feet heated the thin soles of his aqua shoes. He hauled the top of his wet-suit into place whilst they waited to board the Navy's submersible of choice the Manta ray. The Manta was the bigger and more cumbersome sister ship of the famous Stingray (that was now used exclusively by the World Aquanaut Security Patrol or W.A.S.P as it was more commonly known). Gordon had never had an opportunity to get aboard the celebrated Stingray but he had been in a Manta once or twice and was relishing the opportunity to reminisce. They were much wider than Stingray, spanning thirty-five feet across in the classic manta ray shape with large wings and a pointed fin. They were capable of taking a crew of eighteen, nimbler than your standard warfare sub but perfect for expeditions and research exploits or unobtrusive patrols with its deep blue camouflage.

"So excited we get to go in one of these bad boys again." Gordon enthused.

"I don't know why your so excited over a tin can, I'm looking forward to the actual mine disarming. I'm keen to see this new neutraliser they've developed in action - although it would have been more fun if they were doing an aerial mapping exercise too." Henry finished pulling up his zip.

"Shipmate; I cannot believe you just said that." Gordon looked outraged. "Submarines are some of the most sophisticated vehicles to grace this earth. You couldn't live in your Heli-carrier airborne for fourteen months at a time. Plus, most subs have an active service life of over sixty years now. They are not a Tin can." Gordon formed quotation marks with his hands. The queue started to move forwards.

"Ah!you say that but a little bird tells me that spectrum has something up its sleeves; some kind of flying airbase in development."

"You're not still dating her, are you?" Gordon glanced at him incredulously.



Henry snorted at the nickname that Gordon had bestowed on his former girlfriend because she had the looks but was just as expressionless as the old plastic doll. "Oh god no! Too high maintenance for me even if she was everything I wanted in a woman. Has it really been that long since we've seen each other? Noooo, I'm a free man now, its just she's qualified for the spectrum elite as one of their pilots. We still talk on occasion although its rare these days."

"Spectrum? Wow! she'll fit right in there."

Henry laughed bringing their conversation to a close as they met up with the group again for boarding. They were right at the back of the queue. Call him paranoid but Gordon liked to have eyes on the crowd, not the other way around. As they got near the boarding hatch, they changed to single file before descending down the ladder into the sub. They moseyed their way down the narrow corridors with regular intersections. Gordon could see the man in the cream blazer slightly ahead, he still felt he should keep an eye on the man. Something about his demeanour was off – call it gut instinct.

"God, I forgot how claustrophobic these sodding things are." Henry shuddered.

"I've been in smaller; this is really quite roomy." Gordon was thinking about his yellow little sub. It was tight for space but it made her perfect for those narrow underwater river networks he sometimes had to navigate on rescues. Gordon wondered if his dad was still pissed and how much trouble he would be in when he returned. He hadn't planned to hang up on his dad (it had been a very much spur of the moment thing) one that Gordon was sure his father would hold against him for some time to come. He checked his watch out of habit in case he had missed a call but there was nothing. These next few hours would be the only time he was truly unavailable and it would be typical that there would be a call out but like he said to his dad, they managed without him all the time, he doubted today would be any different.

The familiar chatter of a symphony of frequencies echoed around Thunderbird Five's control room. John was stood in his familiar haunt by the lettered window of the satellite. He had heard all about his brother's antics after Scott had warned him not to take offense if Dad was a bit short with him. John shook his head. It seemed the youngest had been pushing his father's buttons once again, certainly nothing new there. Although the rest of the family was surprised by Gordon's antics, John was not. He had spent months viewing the lounge like he was looking into a fish bowl when fielding through call outs, it wasn't hard to spot the increasing disappointment etched across his brother's face and the flash of frustration in his amber eyes when being skipped over for duty once again. John knew that feeling only too well, except he wasn't as affected by it. Sure; he had seen some action in his early astronaut days but nothing like the kind of service he knew his brother had been accustomed to before his accident. His Father should have known better than to neglect his son's need to serve.

"Calling International Rescue." John scrambled to pick up his discarded sliver mic, Alan always teased him that it looked absurd but John loved how it looked like Saturn upended. John regularly retorted with at least it didn't look like a hairbrush which was Alan's preferred mic of choice. His face broke briefly into a fond smile. "This is International Rescue, receiving you. How may we be of assistance?"

"You have to help us! There's been a landslide on the mono line just past Beijing, we're heading straight towards it but our brakes have failed. We are travelling at over a hundred kilometres per hour and we can't stop!" The voice sounded like a young woman; she was incredibly distressed. John could hear her breathing was erratic, coming out in short fractured bursts.

"Alright, just try to take a few deep breaths for me." He waited a moment. "That's great, don't worry we are here to help, can you tell me your location?"

"Ulanqab, our Train is the B768 from Hohhot to Tianjin." John jotted down some notes in his unique shorthand.

"How long till you reach the tunnel?"

"At this speed one hour twenty but we're increasing in speed all the time, we are still working to repair the brakes but we're not sure we can get it done."

"Understood. And you are?"

"Jiao, I'm the train operator."

"Alright Jiao, stay on this frequency and standby. I will confirm our E.T.A shortly. Just Hold tight and call me if you feel you need to, my name is John."

"Okay, thank you John."

John muted the line on his end before immediately opening the frequency to the island. He waited with the practiced air of a man who had done this a hundred times before, no matter how dire the circ*mstances he knew his family would do their dammed best to help.

"Go ahead John." When hearing those assured words, it wasn't hard to see where John got his professional manner from.

"Father, there's a mono-rail incident in China. There's been a major landslide on the line just outside Beijing, most services have been diverted but there is one that's on a Collison course and their brakes have failed. They have just an hour and twenty till they hit the danger zone."

"Right. Scott get in the air; I'll brief you there."

John could hear a terse FAB as his brother disappeared from view. "Virgil, take Brains and Pod Five."

"Yes sir."

"John forward the coordinates to both of them."

"Already done." John looked up from his computer.

"Excellent, keep us informed."

"Always do, over and out." At least this rescue could be easily managed by a skeleton crew. John was confident they would succeed. He called Jiao back, the relief in her voice this time palpable. Then he sent the full report to his father so he could brief Scott allowing him to turn his attention to other potential calls for help. Whilst his brothers were engaged it was John's job to divert all other calls to local rescue organisations if he could. People would often call International rescue these days before standard emergencies services so it was up to John to triage these calls and prioritise those they could assist whilst keeping an eye on the current rescue operation. He could sense it was going to be a manic day but he would handle it, he always could.

"Okay so the site we are visiting today has already been swept for mines and to the best of our knowledge they have all been located, a mere five in total in this deep-water sweep but don't be deceived, these devices are still capable of taking down an entire naval fleet." The instructor paused to cast an eye over his audience to check they were still engaged. "The technology we are going to show you today works to disable the sea mine through the distortion of magnetic fields to stimulate the trigger of a boat's magnetic field. We will aim to carefully plant these devices at a safe distance before returning here so that we can remotely detonate them. All of what you need to know was discussed in the brief earlier. Any questions?"

Silence. "Right then, we are splitting into two groups. Technical diving team and detonation team. Techs follow me, detonators report to Dominique over there."

Gordon and Henry gathered their gear and followed Jerry out the door to the chamber. He did a quick head count before nodding in approval. Two other instructors Owen and Trey joined them. they would take a pair of the group each. Gordon and Henry were assigned to Trey. Once ready they exited the sub and headed to their first location to plant the nuke neutraliser as it a was aptly nicknamed. Gordon not one to be easily encumbered whilst carrying kit had offered to carry it. There location was a fifth-teen-minute swim away, visibility was good today as the ocean was calm making it easy for them to check in with each other. "OK guys?" Trey radioed. They both gave the OK signal hand signal, favouring a quick response.

Back on the Manta the other team were being instructed on how they could identify their team members on the scanner and the use of body cam software that allowed them to track the divers process. There was a fail-safe Dominique informed them that meant the neutralisers had to be synchronised which ensured that none of them went off prematurely, reducing the risk of endangering the personnel planting the devices.

Most people were crowded around the screen but one man lurked on the outer periphery as he skimmed his hand over the railing then the back of the chairs near the control. He had a stylus in hand as if taking notes on his pad but actually he was clicking photos of every available circuit board and controls he could see. He pushed his fake glasses up his nose and feigned dropping his pen, it was time. Out of his ankle boots he produced two plastic slim canisters which he quickly snapped. A odourless gas poured out into the cabin around him, he quickly turned his back and slipped on a mask. By the time he turned around most were succumbing to the effects, Dominique flailed, wide eyed clutching at her throat as she dropped to her knees. She clawed outwards, crawling along the floor in a silent plea for help as she watched the others drop like flies around her. Her last conscious effort allowed her to reach the feet of the only man still standing, when she desperately grabbed at his trouser leg, she saw the mask. The shock barley had time to register on her face before the sandy haired man with the horn-rimmed glasses kicked her off. He smoothed his linen trousers down in disgust before stepping over her prone body.

The man double checked his surroundings, it was laborious but he needed to be sure that everyone was down. One by one he dragged the five workshop attendees and their stewards out of the main brig before sealing the door. Satisfied no one would be disturbing him anytime soon he made his way to the main console. He took a seat in what would be the commanders chair. He used a knife to jimmy off the panel beneath the dash before inserting a small device that clipped directly into the mainframe. A few minutes later it chirped, the LED switching from red to green. Satisfied he got back up. Months of preparation had led to this momentous moment. It had not been an easy mission to infiltrate the exclusive association and their infernal cross checks. He'd had to secure a Navy service number, fake ID's, 3D print the weapons to get past the infernal scanners and body checks - not to mention pull together his most superior disguise to date. No, it had not been easy; yet he had never doubted his skills or felt he would be caught, well until he'd bumped into that infernal Gordon Tracy. For one terrible moment he thought he had been outed but his disguise had fooled even him. "Now no one will be able to stop me, I simply need to wait for the fools to prime the devices then detonate them, allowing me to make a swift exit, the detonation will divert the attention from my escape and I will be free to take this manta. What I could get for her on the black market will be a tidy sum indeed." His eyes flashed with an undercurrent of malicious electric yellow as he laughed in merciless delight, no longer bothering to alter his accent.

Gordon activated the device which caused a small inflatable beacon to unfurl from the top. Henry depressed the button that activated the anchor. The device swayed in the gentle eddy of the current. They had explained in the presentation earlier that once primed the anchor would detach allowing the device to rise where it would release a magnetic wave capable of triggering a bomb within a hundred-foot radius. Gordon was impressed at how compact the device was and the fact it could be so effective from such a distance allowing for safe handling. The technician had explained that this was an early prototype but, in the future, they hoped they would be able to shoot them from a specially designed underwater drone so the need for human divers to risk themselves in the placement would be eradicated. The light primed itself as amber to show it was 'ready to go'. Their instructor called through "Excellent guys. Perfect tactical placement, now let's get the second one in situ."

This time Henry took charge of the transport of the device before Gordon then primed it using the coordinates given. They really would have to look into getting some of these somehow, they would revolutionise some of his undersea rescues, Brains may even be able to streamline the design for other purposes. "Right guys, great job lets head back to the extraction point." Gordon nodded and gave an OK.

On the way back he noticed an underwater cavern some meters beneath him that piqued his interest. "Say, has that been charted?" He indicated to the small entrance.

"Yeah, it was included in the initial survey. It was once the bones of a large tanker, the SS Horizon. She sank in 2025 and was unrecoverable due to the sheer size. These days she's more reef than ship but still surprisingly intact."

"Amazing!" Gordon eyed the marine life including the five sub types of algae and sea kelp. "Woah! Is that an oarfish? They are super rare; I'm surprised your allowed to detonate here. Mind you, this is shallow water for it to be residing in…most unusual". Gordon continued to track the giant serpent like fish's movements whilst he tried to get the footage on his body cam.

"You're a waspie aren't ya?" They were the only unit to take on marine researchers and biologists as part of their chartering the oceans and patrolling for threats of a mother nature variety.

"Ahh! you got me, yeah. Certified marine biologist here."

"Well unfortunately as you probably know, all explosives that are identified within US waters must be neutralised within twenty-eight days of discovery. Luckily one of the side effects of these new devices is that the marine life really do not like the disturbance in the magnetic field, it's akin to an underwater tremor so most things tend high tail it out of the area once they are activated." Sure enough as Gordon looked round, he noticed several shoals of fish fleeing. That would explain why it wasn't in its usual depths.

"Good to know."

They carried on for several more paces till one of the other groups joined them from the left. They all waved to each other as they fell in alongside. Moments later the final group could be seen in the distance. They were about four hundred meters off the Manta when their instructors froze. They were all hastily conferring on a closed link. Gordon shared a wary look with Henry as they drew to a halt, other members of the group looked equally concerned. Trey appeared to be shouting into his comm.

Gerry radioed to all of them. "Listen up mariners. Battle stations! For reasons unknown the Manta ray has just high tailed it out of here without us and the detonators have been activated, we have just five minutes before this mine bed becomes a hot bed. We are officially in the sh*t!"

Chapter 11

Chapter Text

Tin-tin sat in front of the mirror adding the finishing touches to her elegant top knot. She reached for the hair spray dousing herself so much that she coughed and spluttered for a moment till she wafted the spray away. Next she selected the blush pink gloss, pouted and applied it liberally. Tin-tin stared at her reflection; she had spent ages contouring her nose but it still dominated her face much more than she would like. She frowned in displeasure.

Tin-tin heard the door click open. She spun round in her seat and hurried to the front room. Alan shrugged out of his jacket and hung it in the rack by the door. "Tin? Tin I'm sorry I'm cutting it fine I'll just get changed and" –

He caught sight of her and stopped mid-sentence awestruck. She wore a long-sleeved aquamarine dress that shimmered iridescently when she moved. A modest slit cut midway up her thigh, the dress wrapped clinched in at her waist to meet the modest V neck cut design.

"Oh no! is it too much? I knew I should have gone for the navy one." She smoothed the dress self-consciously.

Alan tried to engage his brain forcing his mouth into gear. He crossed the room before he was even aware and drew her hands into his. "No Tin-tin, you look exquisite! Forgive me I just… you're so beautiful I couldn't express myself properly."

She laughed, the musical tone resonating through his core. "Thank you, that's one of the loveliest things anyone has said to me. Now shouldn't you get ready?" Her lips quirked in amusem*nt.

"Yes! Oh, look at the time, one moment. I'll be five minutes."

"I laid your suit on the bed."

"You're a Diamond!" He shouted back from the bedroom.

She sat down on the sofa smiling to herself as she strapped her green kitten heels on. They had originally planned to go to the café in town but they'd never dined at the hotel before. The restaurant was world renowned and Penelope herself had recommended it, so they had decided it was an opportunity they shouldn't miss. Alan had reserved a table last night when they arrived. Tin-tin was looking forward to finishing their time away on a proper date which was a rare thing. She stood up and smoothed her dress before heading over to pick up her clutch that was styled the same as her dress. She checked her phone and saw she had a message from Gordon.Hey, just checking in to say I hope you're having a lovely time. I realised I didn't get a chance to say thank you… you know for the other day. Just talking helped a lot. Anyway have a great day and I'll see you when you get home. I want to hear all about your weekend before Alan doesn't stop talking about cars! Oh, and tell my brother he better treat you like a princess ;-)She laughed and dropped him a quick line.

"What's so funny?" Alan called from around the door before ducking his head back to adjust his bow tie.

"Just a message from Gordon. He wants me to remind you that you should be treating me like a princess!"

"Princess! Didn't have you down as the type. Have you enjoyed the weekend so far?" Alan hopped into his shoes.

"Oh yes! It's been lovely! I've been shopping, watched the race, been behind the scenes all that's left is to spend some quality time with you which is all I want."

He grinned at her words giving his tie one last adjustment in the mirror before stepping out into the lounge. "Well then let's go!"

Before he could get to the door Tin-tin intercepted him playfully and hung onto his lapels drawing herself into him, the scent of his aftershave engulfed her in a heady cloud of comfort. She settled happily on his chest, content for a moment before tilting her head. He kissed her deeply struggling to resist before breaking away. "We could just stay here? I'll order in?" She kissed him again.

"The nights young there's still plenty of time for this later." She giggled.

"Damn, I'm not sure I can get through three courses."

"I never known you not to finish desert I'm sure you'll manage." She trailed her hand down towards his naval before abandoning him last minute and opening the door.

"You're a tease."

"I know." She gave him a smile over her shoulder. He turned to make sure the door was secure. How he was going to get through dinner was anyone's guess.


Scott was trying to catch a runway train somewhat unsuccessfully. "Dammit!" He hauled back on the thrusters as hard as dared trying to great drag. The cities were flying by in a blur, the speed unstoppable. "Thunderbird one to Thunderbird two, you done with clearing that landslide yet?" His voice was strained as he grappled for control. When they had arrived he'd quickly realised it would take too long to repair the train to bring it to a controlled stop, they were going to have to clear the blockage on the line first.

"Not yet Scott we're almost through but its going to take another twenty minutes at the least, we need to stabilise the bank again because it keeps sliding."

"Alright; but make it snappy, we're going to be on you in fifteen! I can barely hold her."

"F.A.B we'll let you know when we're through."

Scott switched off the comms grating his teeth. He hated high speed monorails, far more trouble than they were worth if you asked him. The number of times they had been called out to divert disaster with them over the years, his mind pitched back to the time his father almost died on one with Lady Penelope. Lady Penelope had been asked to invest in a cross county automated monorail but his father was wary of the venture so had gone to investigate with Penny and Brains only for all of them to nearly die in the process. That had been an awful day Scott never thought they would have to save their own family but thank god they could. It was thanks to that incident that his Father convinced key persons of influence across the world to veto automated Trains. The law was passed in US and Europe first before eventually nearly every other county followed including China. Not that had helped them much today Scott thought.

"Thunderbird five to Thunderbird one"

"Thunderbird one receiving you."

"I know your tied up but the passengers are starting to panic and so's the driver do you have an update I can give them?"

Scott's worried face broadcast back at John; his brow creased. "To be honest John, I'm concerned too. Virgil's struggling to stabilise the bank, it keeps slipping. Brains is trying to deploy the concrete mix and hope it holds at least long enough to get the train through. I'm slowing them as much as I can whilst they clear the line. They have identified the fault but don't have an engineer to repair it on board."

"I have an engineer on standby but how can we get him onto the train?"

"Leave that to me, if the company can get him to the next station then give me the coordinates and I'll pick him up. Then I can lower him on from the air."

"Isn't that a bit risky for a civilian?"

"I'll have Virgil go with them, we don't have a lot of choice the engineer will be able to do a quicker repair and have the right equipment, we can't afford to lose anymore time."

"Okie dokie… hang on to that thought one moment."

Scott waited impatiently whilst being buffeted by the turbulence caused by the grapple to the train below. The tension of holding Thunderbird one in this position was starting to drain him. He dug harder into his chair trying to muster some patience.

"Sorry Scott, situation might be brewing with the US Navy."

"Well, their gonna have to wait. I reckon we're going to be here for another hour at least."

"They've not called for us yet but I strongly suspect its only a matter of time. I'll listen to it properly in a minute. The engineer is going to meet you at Beijing."

"Okay thanks. I guess I'll go back to wrestling this train in the meantime."

"I Don't envy you."

Scott gave a wan smile despite the situation; he knew it was John's way of diffusing the escalating pressure. He signed off so he could return his attention to the task in hand.

Virgil had the DOMO holding up the bank whilst Brains was using the fast-drying liquid concrete canon to shore up the bank. They were cutting it fine, his face a mask of concentration while silently willing the bank to hold. "T-that's its Virgil its holding! Try letting go of the er bank." Brains called over the comms.

Slowly Virgil began to withdraw the support arms. As the last one lifted a small torrent of soil cascaded. "Oh no."

"Wait! Virgil."

"I know!"

A few tense minutes passed as they waited to see if the subsidence would pass. It was in that silence that Virgil heard it. He'd recognise the whine of those frustrated turbines anywhere. Brains looked skywards. "Time to get out of here!" Virgil shouted.

"Thunderbird one to Thunderbird two, E.T.A to danger zone is two minutes."

"Yeah, I hear you, literally. We're moving out now." Virgil pushed the DOMO to full velocity.

"Will it hold?"

"It'll have to, you'll just have to be quick."

"Oh, that shouldn't be a problem." Scott switched frequencies. "International rescue calling Jiao, do you read me?"

"Copy, is the line clear?"

"Its clear but we need to be fast as it could collapse. I need you to remain calm; I'm going to sever the line now which means you might rocket forward. Tell the passengers to brace and remain in their seats. I'm then going to shoot on ahead to pick up the engineer who will then be lowered into the engine cab."

"I'm not sure I can do this."

"Yes, you can. You've handled this like a pro so far, just a little bit longer and we'll have this thing under control."


Scott could hear the message being transmitted to the passengers in rapid Mandarin. "Ready?"


"Alright; I'm going to start easing off but you may still feel a surge. On my count."

"Five, four, three, two, one. Detaching now" Scott rocketed over the front of the train, relieved to be able to move more freely. "You alright down there?"

"Yes. For now."

Just then there was a mighty rumble, if he had been on the ground he would have felt the vibrations. Scott watched as the side bank gave way completely burying the track. "Good news Jiao you're past the bank, now hold tight and we'll be with you soon."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank us yet, we've still a long way to go but we'll get there."


Tin-Tin and Alan strolled through the bar arm in arm. She leaned in laughing as Alan finished his story. A few heads turned to admire the beautiful young couple and some stared as they recognised who it was, their heads bent towards their cohorts as they whispered speculating who Alan Tracy's charming companion was. Was he dating? Who was the girl? How long had they been an item? Another Tracy set to Marry? This was exciting news! There had been speculation about the eldest Tracy boy getting married for months now, maybe the youngest would beat him to it? The gossip festered around them but Alan had learnt to tune it out over the years. So much so he didn't hear his name being called initially. He looked around in surprise when someone tapped him on the shoulder.


"Alan, fancy bumping into you and the lovely Tin-tin again."

A brunette guy swung round on the bar stool to face them. "Well, if it isn't our number one driver. Care to join us?" He raised his drink.

Alan looked flustered. "Actually, guys Tin and I have a reservation next door so we best be getting on as we're a little late, maybe we could join you for a drink after?"

"Say we do too! Right now in fact! I bet they could put our tables together. It's been so long Al since we've seen you properly! Anyway I never got to finish asking you about that carburettor earlier." Alan could caught a whiff of alcohol on Ned's breath. There was no way he was getting out of this; he hadn't seen his friends in months and they were two inebriated to notice they were gate crashing a private date. "Yeah OK, I guess there's no harm in asking is there?" Alan conceded.

He let the boys walk on to make the arrangements allowing him to hang back with Tin-tin a little. "I'm so sorry I know you wanted this to be a special evening."

"It's alright Alan, I understand as they say it's rare, they get to see you. I can't deny you seeing your friends, maybe we can just retire a little earlier together, we have to be gone early tomorrow." She wrapped herself around his arm once again.

"I don't deserve you sometimes sweetheart; I promise I'll make it up to you."

"I'm sure you will."

They caught up just in time to see two tables being pushed together. A waiter asked to take her coat which she obliged before allowing herself to be seated next to Alan. She had so been looking forward to this meal hopefully Ned and Jed wouldn't keep them long. Maybe they would still have time to take a late evening walk around the gardens under the soft gibbon moon.

Conversation naturally flitted to cars. Jed smoked his cigar, the vapour trail lazily wafting in Tin-tins face, if she had any appetite left by the time the food was served it would be a miracle. She gazed around at the other tables watching the efficiency of the waitress nearby before her attention was captivated by an elderly couple holding hands as they talked like the world around them didn't exist, their love for each other all encompassing. Both were grey and fail in their advancing years but the lady's eyes shone like diamonds in the candlelight. What it must be like to still be in love at age, all the cherished memories they must share and how precious their time together must be.

Tin-tin was brought back to their table, startled from her people watching by the arrival of food. She carefully smoothed the cloth napkin on her lap, she definitely did not want to ruin this dress. Tin-tin caught the smell of the seared Duck as her Duck ceviche was placed before her. She thanked the waiter. Alan moved his arm to allow his smoked salmon to be placed before him. Once all their food had arrived the conversation lulled momentarily as they all sampled their dishes. Tin-tin's small bite was explosive, the little morsel was packed with garlic and chili complementing the Duck nicely.

"So, Tin-tin, you still living on the island with the family? You and Alan don't fancy breaking away?" Ned tucked into his ham hock soup.

Tin-tin threw a small glance at Alan. "I am Mr Tracy's secretary and since he works from home the island is the best place for us - that and my father has not been well of late so we like to remain close to support him."

"I'm sorry to hear that, nothing too serious I hope?"

"Oh no just bad cluster migraines, they seem to come out of nowhere but he's been much better with the latest treatment plan."

"That's good to hear. What about you Alan; sick of living under your father's roof yet? With your brothers to boot! I don't think me and my brother would have survived each other if we still lived together.

Alan chuckled good naturedly. Well, if I had a brother like Joey, I would have packed my bags long ago. I remember him at school, he was evil to you some days although I seem to remember you gave as good as you got. Remember when he set fire to your teddy so you sat there and bit every head off his little toy soldiers. There were literally hundreds!"

"Oh, you didn't!" gasped Tin-tin.

"He did! He's got the teeth to prove it too!" laughed Jed. They all joined in.

"Wow that's quite…."

"Vindictive?" Supplied Jed.

"Creative?" Ned added.

"Determined of you. I see your competitive streak was ingrained from an early age." Tin-tin finished smiling. Their empty plates were swiftly removed.

"I suppose you could say that." He signalled for the waiter to bring over the wine to top up their glasses. Tin-Tin refused, one of them had to be fit to fly in the morning.

Main course was shortly served, Tin-tin had opted for the sauerbraten and roasted vegetables. The conversation steered nicely away from private lives to the safer confines of racing and the league tables. It was always awkward trying to explain why they all still elected to live together, its not like they couldn't afford their own place or get jobs outside the family which made it extremely awkward to explain.

More wine was decanted into their glasses just as they finished their meal. She wasn't sure when it started but the conversation was becoming more boisterous as the boys roared with laughter. "Do you remember that time where Alan was so drunk, we found him asleep in your mom's dog bed?

Alan looked outraged. "That wasn't me! That was Gerard!"

"No, no he's right that was Gerard. Alan was the one that got wedged in the dog flap and we thought the fire service was doing to have to cut his ass out of the door." Jed was in hysterics.

Alan coloured beet red. They were right. He remembered the panic setting in when he realised his hips were stuck and there was no going back. Jed had lost his key and his parents were away so Alan had volunteered to get them back into the house.

"Maybe we should continue this at the bar?" Tin-tin looked around at the restaurant, more than a few glances were straying to their table because of the men's antics.

"Excellent idea Tin-tin! I like your style." Jed turned to find an attentive waiter at his elbow receipt wallet already in hand. He hurried to present it. "Your bills sirs/ madam." His moustache twitched in barely disguised disapproval. Ned took the book before Alan snatched it and gave the waiter his card. He tapped it before they could protest. The waiter nodded. "Thank you, sir." Alan had opted to offer a generous tip too. The waiter looked considerably happier.

"Alan! We were going to pay!"

"Don't worry about it, I don't get out much, consider it my treat!"

They picked up their jackets and shrugged them back on whilst Alan held out Tin's black velvet coat so she could slip back into it. They thanked the waiters before heading out towards the bar. "Alan, I think we better think about calling it a night, we have a long trip tomorrow."

"Awwww! Alan don't go! Just one….one more drink" Slurred Jed as he stumbled into Alan who in turn knocked Tin-tin.

"Just one more drink." Alan pleaded leaning into her.

The other guys looked expectantly at her too. She sighed a polite smile playing on her lips. "One more, then we really must go, we have to be gone early but i'm sure we will be able to meet up sooner next time."

"Ah Tin-tin you're a legend!" Grinned Jed giving her a clumsy hug.

Ned got the round in before they headed out onto the veranda, the crisp night air refreshing after the hours sat indoors. Tin-tin let Alan light her cigarette before he lit his own. He lounged back, blowing a plume of smoke into the air. "Since we're swapping embarrassing stories who remembers the time when Ned got locked in the back of the recovery van."

Ned rolled his eyes. "It wasn't my fault. I went to grab the toolkit at the back - what idiot makes a van with no interior handles and automatic locking!"

"What idiot leaves his fob in the ignition?"

They howled with laughter. Another hour passed. Tin-tin watched the moon rise into the sky. By this point Alan was well and truly inebriated and she was tired of the conversation. If he didn't want to come to bed that was his prerogative. They had to be back in the morning or Mr Tracy would not be pleased and Alan was due to relieve John the very next day although looking at the state of him he'd be luckily to survive flying across the Earth tomorrow let alone leaving the Earth's atmosphere. They had stopped paying her attention some time ago. She rose to leave gathering her clutch and coat about her. "Well boys; it was lovely to spend time with you this evening, now if you will please excuse me, I must bid you goodnight. Alan, are you coming?"

He looked at the lads serious for a moment till his face crept into a mischievous grin, his blue eyes glittering in the patio lighting. They laughed. He saw Tin-tins impassive face and sobered a bit. "Sorry darling, one more drink as a nightcap and I'll be up." He tried to pull her towards him in a clumsy kiss but she placed his hand to her lips planting a chaste kiss of her own and waving. "Goodnight."

"Night Tin"

"Night Tin-tin!"

She sighed and picked her way through the crowd of revellers before pushing back out of the bar and into the foyer. She keyed the buttons on the elevator more harshly than she intended. Catching her face in the mirror she realised her poker face had slipped, she tried to compose herself. Stepping out of the empty lift she strolled down the lengthy corridor looking over her shoulder, unnerved at her own muffled footsteps being the only sound that accompanied her on the luscious carpet in the silent corridor. Fumbling with the key card she managed to open the door and slip inside where she shut it firmly in relief.

Chucking her bag on the cream sofa she threw herself down to rip her shoes off, her arches relaxed in relief sinking into the thick pile of the carpet that she scrunched her toes into in relief. The feeling was beyond satisfying. She huffed sending her fringe skywards, she was trying not to be angry. It wasn't Alan's fault; she'd spent most of the day alone but she had been really looking forward to some quality time tonight. His friends had completely sabotaged any chance of that and he had done nothing to stop it happening. He was still getting wasted in the bar, they had to leave at five am and it was eleven now. He would be in no fit state to pilot now which meant that after the commercial flight to Auckland she would have to complete the last leg of the journey piloting them herself. She was not impressed.


Jeff had been monitoring the rescue closely; with all his family off the island it was unnaturally quiet so much so that Kyrano had settled in the lounge to keep Mr Tracy company. Jeff had not interacted much with the boys but received updates regularly from John, this rescue was too delicate for Scott to waste time feeding back to base when he was so heavily involved in the rescue himself. The last update he received was that Scott was going to attempt lowering Virgil and a specialist engineer onto the stricken train to repair the brakes in an attempt to bring it to a halt. Jeff glimpsed up at his son's portraits praying they didn't get another rescue for they wouldn't be able to help. His gaze lingered on Gordon's portrait; he should be here. He scowled.

John's portraits eyes flashed white. Something must be up. "Go ahead John."

"Father we have a problem."

"Are Scott and Virgil on track to rescue that train?"

"For now. That rescue is still ongoing and not an immediate issue. I've been listening to a report from the US Navy." Jeff noticed John's usual jovial expression was gone, his naturally quirked lips set in a grim line. "There's no easy way to put this dad." John searched for words as he tried to break the news.

"John? What happened?"

"They were on a routine mine sweep and detonation as part of a practical workshop at a conference when their Manta ray submersible was stolen leaving two of their instructors and three attendees stranded in deep water." Jeff gripped his desk hard, no it couldn't be? He eyes flicked to the portrait, His knuckles turning white. "The mine detonators had already been primed; the fail safe overridden by the man who stole the ray. The mines were detonated and the area is a mass of devastation, the other Navy subs are currently deployed in the East. They have ships scouring the area and have sent down drones but there's too much sediment. The waters are murkier than waste water. I've seen some of the footage you can't see more than a metre in front. They are requesting help with the search and to retrieve their divers." Kyrano didn't think it was possible for Mister Tracy to become any paler but he looked as white as a sheet.

"Do they know the names of the missing operatives?"

John blanched, he hadn't wanted to divulge that information but his father had asked outright. "Well, the man who stole the sub has left with the crew which they can only assume are dead or being kept as hostages for they have had no contact and can't rouse them." It was Jeff who paled this time. "They have an electronic register that was uploaded to the server of the groups that had returned twenty minutes prior to the theft. The missing divers are: Trey Walker, Gerry McGee, Alice Davies, Lord Henry Pembrooke-Smythe and…... Gordon Tracy. I'm terrified... I can't get hold of him at all. What do we do?"


Tin-tin came round finding herself curled up on the sofa, her left side of her face painful from the sequins that had dug into her delicate skin. Her mouth felt dry with a bitter aftertaste. She yawned her hand skimming her phone. She checked but no new messages, it was five minutes past midnight.Guess I must have dozed off.She got up suddenly chilly as she padded over to the bedroom, the bed was still made. She was livid! He was supposed to be back by now. She tried calling him, the ringing seemed endless as the call tried to connect. "Your through to Alan Tracy…." She dropped the phone on the bed in frustration, she guessed she would just have to go an get him herself. She quickly freshened up in the bathroom wiping off her smudged make-up, the harsh florescent light deepening the dark rings and puffy skin under her eyes. She marched out and snagged up her coat plus the hotel key before grabbing at the door.

Alan was surrounded by empty shot glasses. Most of the bar staff had signed off for the night leaving a skeleton crew. They had managed to secure one of the nicer booths in the corner of the room with the deep sofas and armchairs. Ned had a pretty redhead entwined in his lap regaling her with his previous championship wins. Two of her friends sat in between Jed and Alan with another raven haired and olive-skinned beauty to his right. She was tucked into his hip, there wasn't much room on the sofa. A bottle rested on the glass coffee table on its side. It was her turn to spin, necklace chinking against the table as she leaned forwards. The bottle spun like a top before coming to rest, pointing at Alan. He groaned "Not again! I swear this stupid thing is rigged!" They all laughed. "Truth or Dare?" She asked her golden eyes challenging him. The others waited eagerly in anticipation; Jed offered Amy a toke on his cigarette which she lazily accepted with a seductive smile. His hand clinched her waist closer. Turned out she was Danish and here for a spa weekend with her friends, they couldn't have bumped into better company.

"Stop!" Ned held up a hand. "He had truth a moment ago - he doesn't have a choice it's a dare!"

Alan looked a little green. "No more alcohol please! You'll kill me."

"Alright, how about you kiss me." The girl at his side snuggled closer, her face inches from his. He could see the specks of brown in her golden black rimmed irises, close enough to feel her breath tickle his chin. "I can't."

"Do-it! do-it! do-it!" A chorus of drunken chanting drowned out his response. Everyone was stamping their feet and clapping hands in excitement and before he knew it Alan was being teased forward by his now unravelled bow tie, his lips locked as she slipped into his lap, his hand brushing against the bare skin of her arm as he tried to stop her falling into his lap completely.

That's when he caught sight of her stumbling backwards into a table, green dress shining like a beacon in the night. He would never forget the sheer look of betrayal as she fled the reception area. It would haunt him for months to come.

"Tin-Tin! Wait!"

Chapter 12

Chapter Text

Dad? What are we going to do?"

Jeff couldn't shake the ringing in his ears, the lounge fell away as he was transported back to another time. Explosions erupted like dust fountains as grenades fell to the left and right. His dusky chestnut red hair blazed in the early dawn glow as he vaulted the chain link fence, tearing his hands apart on the wire and landing hard. blood soaked into the sand, sticking to his wounds. he set off at a run zig-zagging across the across the dunes trying to make it more difficult for the ammunition to hit home; but he was weak. He clutched on to the one grenade he had managed to lift off his captor. He was starting to slow, his emaciated body giving up on him but he wouldn't be beaten. His fiancé was waiting for him to come home, today marked their twelve-month anniversary of what should have been their wedding day. A year and a month since he had been shot down and captured, he was pretty sure she assumed he was dead. Well; he still might be if he didn't hop foot it out of here. He ducked as another round of ammo whistled just over where his head had been only moments before. If he could just make it up the hillside and across the border, he would be safe.

It was at that moment it started to rain hellfire. He heard the planes before he saw them, large plumes of smoke that could be seen for miles. The rebels hollered and screamed at each other to regroup. Good, well at least I'm no longer a concern. The steady thrum of a bomber thundered through the air, casting enormous shadows all around Jeff, it was almost like night had descended. Jeff looked up in horror as the carpet bombs rolled down like a curtain towards him. He took off; no longer caring who was around him, knowing he had to get out of here. He stumbled on, one hand clutching at the horrendous stitch in his side, the other scrambling up the hill for purchase. His mouth was parched, tongue licking the dust off his lips. His stomach yearned for food it was never likely to receive. He was tired, abused and broken, he desperately tried to wipe the grit and blood out of his eyes. The ground shook, he would never forget the sound of the engines and the level of terror they instilled in him even after his recent treatment and the horrors he had seen. Bombs whistled before crashing down just behind him, he dared not look. Just keep going Jeff, your almost there he told himself. He carried on scrabbling up the bank when a shock wave took him straight off his feet. He hit the ground hard. Winded and suspecting a twisted ankle or worse he looked to the sky and prayed for salvation as the dust descended on his damaged body and assaulted his lungs.

Kyrano touched Jeff's shoulder lightly but Jeff stared right through him, his grip unrelenting on the desk, his eyes glassy. "Mr Tracy?" A gentle squeeze. "Jeff!" Kyrano called firmly. Jeff jolted forwards shocked, glancing around at his surroundings quickly like a startled deer before his gaze settled on his old friend. He hadn't had an episode like that for many years. "Yes, Kyrano? I'm sorry I don't… I'm not sure why I was so overcome."

"It is okay Mr Tracy; you have received terrible news about one of your children, it is bound to affect you. Mister John was wondering what the best course of action will be?" Kyrano folded his hands back into his voluminous sleeves and stood.

Jeff snapped back to attention remembering his son's presence and noticing his deathly pallor. "John, I take it this isn't public news? The Navy's hardly going to want to publicly admit this incident."

"Your right; they are still arguing with command who have since contacted me to say we were called by mistake and they are handling the situation themselves. They would of course contact us straight away if we could be of assistance. I've already told them as it was logged as a call, I need to know the outcome of the situation for our records; whether or not they will comply I have no idea."

Jeff put his head in his hands shielding his face from view. International rescue's assistance had been vetoed. If he just sent the boys in anyway serious questions would be asked as to why, when the higher-ranking Navy officials had ordered against it. He couldn't throw his weight as Jeff Tracy rescuing his son because he wasn't meant to know. If they meddled too much this could put unwanted attention back on finding their base, it wasn't like the US forces hadn't come around snooping for their secrets before. They didn't take kindly to advanced technology and weaponry being hidden from them. IR's secrecy was a bone of contention for many world governments and armed forces. This could cause a huge political conflict of interest by undermining the Navy but this was his son and he would not abandon him to his fate the way the air force had him for the sake of diplomacy.

"John, I want you to monitor the situation closely and report any changes. Do not tell Scott and Virgil about the situation but have them on standby to assist the Navy once their mission is complete. Get Scott to report in as soon as their operation is concluded in China and I'll fill him in."


"And son?" John's eyes flicked up. "Don't you worry we'll find your brother, he's smart and adaptable with more than nine lives, if anyone can survive an underwater mine bed he can."

John nodded not trusting himself to speak. His father was right, his brother had an uncanny habit of coming back from the dead, he could only hope it would be the same this time. The alternative didn't bear thinking about. With a final wave he cut the line, suddenly he felt very alone but he didn't have time to dwell as he had two rescue operations to field as liaison. Plenty to keep him occupied. Thank god for that, I'd go stir crazy otherwise.


It had been some time since Virgil had been suspended from an aircraft and certainly not from Thunderbird one but his brother was the most skilled pilot he knew, he had complete trust in him. A nervous engineer clung to Virgil in his harness holding his tool kit tightly to his chest. "Are you ready? Remember you don't have to do this if you don't want to, we could try and lower our own engineer on board."

The slim raven-haired young man nodded. "I'm ready, I know the braking system like the back of my hand it will take me half the time of your engineer."

"Good man." Virgil lifted his wrist. "Alright Scott get us into position."

"Copy that, I'll let you know when you can attempt to board."


Virgil opened Thunderbird one's hatch to await Scott's instructions. The whistling of the wind and the whine of the jets rendered any communication between him and the engineer futile.

Back in the cabin Scott was working on fresh coordinates from John to pin point the train's most up to date location. Thankfully Thunderbird one was the quickest thing in the skies, it wouldn't take long for her to catch a train; even a runaway. He accelerated fast making the poor engineer jump against Virgil's chest. "Sorry it's a bit tough to acclimatise to on your first trip." Virgil yelled before he relayed into his comm - "Some warning might be nice next time for our guest."

"Sorry!" Called Scott; it was rare for him to have passengers. Sensing he was near his target he reduced height to skim just higher than the monorail bar. Sure enough, he caught sight of the carriages ahead. He could see the city on the horizon too. Soon it would be too hazardous for him to fly above the track in such an urbanised area. They had to do this now. He flicked open the right frequency. "International Rescue to Jiao; are you there?"

"Yes, please tell me help is coming."

"It is. You know the track like the back of your hand, any hazards I should be aware of in the next five minutes if we try to board?"

"There is the sub tunnel in ten minutes where we go underground for ten kilometres before re-merging and some trees that border the line just before."

"Right. Commencing boarding now, it will feel very similar to earlier in that there will be a dull thud and maybe some movement. Please don't be alarmed, it's just the grapple line. Can you ensure someone has the roof hatch open for my man to enter?"

"Yes sir."

"Great. Let's get this done." He closed the frequency before quickly opening up his direct line to Virgil.

"Virgil standby."


Scott swung in to the left so he was aligned with the train, they passed a large meander in the line before they opened onto a straight again. Now was his chance. They had just minutes left to get this right. Don't mess this up. He took a deep breath placing his thumb over the trigger, the target locked on. He depressed the button. The satisfying clunk of the magnetic clang of metal on metal confirmed his success, now he just had to hold her steady which was no easy feat at over two hundred kilometres an hour and counting.

"Alright Virgil! Its secure, good luck!"

"Thanks Scott." Virgil looked out of the open hatch where he secured a pulley and carabineer to the line, the train clacked below them as the carriages rocked from the speed. The poor guy, Kai was positively green at the gills. Virgil leaned forwards one knee on the edge of the hatch the other in a ninety-degree angle as he knelt down. "Right time to go, try not to worry, this is a regular occurrence for us, we will get you there safely. Just think of It as a giant zip slide." Virgil stuffed his hat in his pocket as he stood, the wind buffeting his slicked back fringe teasing the gel out.

Virgil gestured for the man to come forwards past one's landing gear and to the hatch. They were deep into the cargo hold but not for much longer. Luckily the Kai didn't require too much coaxing because they were losing time. "Five minutes till the Tunnel Virgil." He ignored his brother's impatient warning and concentrated on securing his passenger, giving him one last reassuring smile they stepped to the edge. "3, 2" They were out the hatch before one not wanting to put the fear of god into Kai any longer. They flew down the line, the friction from the repel could just be heard over the commotion of the train and Thunderbird one's turbines. Kai was yelling in his ear. Virgil concentrated on his landing which was coming up fast. His feet hit the deck with the skill of someone that has completed the manoeuvre many times over the years, Kai crashed to his knees only to be hauled up by Virgil last minute. He took the brunt of Kai's weight for a moment whilst he adjusted to his new surroundings. "There that wasn't so bad, was it?" Kai looked bewildered. Virgil clapped him on the back. "Come on the hatch is just there." There was already a cabin crew member reaching out to assist them. Virgil made Kai go first. That was when he turned and saw the tunnel. He turned backwards and slipped his feet into the ladder. "Scott, we made it, you can sever the line."


Virgil ducked and slammed the roof hatch just as Scott released the line it whipping up swinging violently in the breeze, the train thundered into the tunnel. It was up to them now Scott thought as he banked hard before acclerating hard up over the hillside.


The first thing he felt was the sensation of floating adrift. His head lulled against his chest, his arms spread outwards, the current threading through his fingers as it grabbed him in its clutches. He woke up in shock yelling from the pain suddenly tied down. He panicked taking in huge lungsful of air. Everything hurt including his back….Oh god! He was paralyzed again. No, no, no, no this could not be happening, his willed his body into action but it was murky and dark, he couldn't see a thing. Then a bright white orbed flared to his right as two people in diving gear swam into view. He stopped thrashing. The pressure he felt reduced slightly as Henry looked down at him. An emotional wave of relief stabbed through the pain. He watched Henry's lips move but there was no sound. Gordon tried to fumble for his comms but he couldn't reach, something had his arm but he wasn't parazlyed. Whew!. He shook his head but instantly regretted it as a huge wave of nausea crashed over him. He tried not to retch, now was not the time to vomit. Henry mimed taking breaths so he did, he kept very still till the danger had passed. He whimpered which scared him more than anything. Since when did he whimper?

Henry was communicating with the person next to him furiously. From what Gordon's addled mind could make out, they could hear each other. So why couldn't he hear anything? He guessed his comms were fried. Then his eyes widened as he remembered. The mine exercise, the stolen sub, the detonation and then the blast. They were well out of the danger zone they had reassured themselves but best head to safety anyway. Gordon had remembered the old wreck and suggested to the teams they should make for that. They swam as fast as they could but Alice had got caught in some netting, she was panicking failing around but the blast was imminent. "Help! help i'm snagged!"

Gordon was the quickest to react by swimming back to her. He waved at the others "Go, Go! Tts just ahead i've got this!"

"But Gordon!"

"Don't argue Harry! Get gone all of you!" He didn't have to impress upon the danger they were in. Gerrry snatched Harry's arm nodding to Gordon before they pushed on.

"Its okay Alice; we'll have you out of here in a jiffy, luck for you i'm quite a talented fisherman. Reel them in all the time." She laughed nervously but feeling reassured she stopped trying to break free. Gordon flicked out a knife with no time to explain how he'd smuggled it through security. She held the cord tight whilst he quickly sawed through. Her leg was completley ensared, why couldn't people take their waste home with them? He deftly worked his way upwards, focusing on making the quickest cuts with the most impact. Alice managed to pull the last of the tackle off.

Gordon signalled with his hand if she was okay? She signalled back and smiled in gratituded. They swam to catch up with the others, Alice wasn't as fast as Gordon and he was determined not to leave her behind. He grabbed hold of her to boost her along with him. The wreck wasn't far now, the group that had scouted ahead had found a chamber they could lock themselves in to protect from the incoming pressue waves. He saw Henry and Trey swim through followed by the others then Gerry. Just as Alice was across the threshold Gordon knew it was going to be bad. Shoals of fish flooded his vision, octopuses and even a shark rushed by, the equivalent of an unwater stampede, He was almost swept away. Soon the little chamber they had found would be flooded with marine life. Knowing what needed to be done Gordon watched Alice's fluorescent pink flippers slip away before slamming the door shut and twisting the wheel. The sudden rush of pressure as it slammed into him was the last thing he remembered. His lost conciousness quickly as mutiple thuds surrounded and pushed into him.

He felt someone grab his hand and squeeze it tight. Henry looked towards it, holding his other hand to his heart. Trust me were the unspoken words. Gordon squeezed back not being able to nod. He had no idea what was going on but he felt so awful he started to shake all over. Henry looked to Trey concerned, he said something to him that had Trey swimming off to the side. Gordon had no idea if anyone else was injured or missing but he had a horrible feeling he knew there was only one way out of this but he had no way of contacting them. One if he called he risked blowing his idenity with his brother answering and two he wasn't event sure if they could call them with their communications fried. He could only hope somone topside had thought to call in International Rescue, if they hadn't...well let's just say it wasn't going to get better anytime soon.


Virgil jumped into the corridor and smiled at the conductor that had helped them through. Kai was already asking them to lead the way so Virgil fell into step as the pressurised doors opened to allow them through. They were in the engine cabin. A young girl who was sat at the dash turned briefly to greet them. "International rescue are we glad to see you!"

"Virgil, nice to meet you, sorry about the circ*mstances. This is Kai, do you mind if he has a look?"

Jiao stood to allow Kai to have full access to the panel. He immediately downed his tools and set about pulling off the cover that concealed the inner workings. Virgil could see a whole myriad of coloured wires, modems and circulatory. It was certainly complex and Virgil knew Brains would have needed time to get to grips with the system whereas Kai was already removing wires and delving into the heart of where the control panel claimed the fault lay. Jiao paced impatiently behind him, her shoulder length bob crashing against her cheeks with the accelerated momentum of the train. He was struggling to remain upright without being jostled so how she was pacing he had no idea. She was so young Virgil reflected - perhaps Tin-tin's age? She must be terrified. The cityscape started to come into view, its skyscrapers lighting up the twilight like fireflies. Virgil caught sight of bridges that loomed ahead and roads that crossed directly above and below them, the infrastructure was incredible but he barely had time to study i at the speed they going.

Jiao ran to the windscreen. "We are in Tianjin now where the line terminates. We have all of a few minutes!"

"Kai?" Virgil called in concern.

"One moment, pass me the plyers would you please?" Virgil stooped down and handed the plyers handle first to Kai, he delved back in up to his elbows. A scream from Jiao made Virgil vault back up above the control panel.

Scott had landed at the train station in Tianjin. His primary concern to now work with the railway control to divert all trains and to evacuate the public from the platforms just in case this ended in disaster. "I need someone to lock all level crossings and ensure the public don't take matters into their own hands by ignoring the measures in place."

Cho nodded relaying his message to the local police department. They would station patrols around the major rail and road intersections through which the train would pass. The train had now just entered the perimeter of the city. Scott just hoped they had done enough. He scanned the live tracking data below him, the red blip the train in question as it rocketed along the line. Scott saw it too late. He jumped on the mic.

"Mobile control to Virgil come in."

Virgil's eyes widened in horror, with little time to react he shoved Jiao towards the floor and shouted "Duck" for everyone else's benefit. The crossing barrier smashed against the windscreen with an earthshattering bang. There was an audible crack as the glass gave in, a crystallised pattern expanding outwards from the centre of impact.

"Oh no!" Jiao had her hand over her mouth the other supporting her off the floor. Virgil swore. Kai was unconscious with a bleed to the head. "Can you tend to him?" Virgil felt his watch vibrate but ignored it, there was no time.

Jiao nodded. Not wasting a moment longer Virgil peered into the panel where he had been watching Kai working just a few moments ago. The plyers were tangled up in the wiring below. Virgil tried to reach them but his arm was more robust than Kai's and it took him a moment of grappling to secure them in his grip in the confined space. Virgil located the half-finished repair; he saw the frayed wires that Kai had exposed and thankfully thought he knew what to do. He rooted around for some wire crimpers before quickly snipping off the ends of the damaged wires before then quickly grabbing the plyers and re-knitting the wires back together twisting them so they became entwined once again. "Try the emergency break now Jiao!" Virgil called his voice strained as he tried to extract his arm from the hatch.

Not needing to be told twice she passed the first aid duties back to her crew member before slamming into her seat, ignoring the glass shards beneath her. She grabbed the red emergency leaver and slowly but firmly pulled it towards her increasing the pressure. They heard the screeching of brakes overhead, she pulled harder. "Aaaaghhhh!" They had reduced speed greatly but still thundered around the corner skidding into the station. Scott stood up above in the control tower, his face a mask of concern at the state of the windscreen and the speed of the train, sparks flew from the overhead rail as it tried to screech to a halt. "She's still coming in too fast, prepare for impact. All emergency teams on standby!" There was a scream of sirens outside the station, the only confirmation he needed.

Jiao closed her eyes, never letting go of the brake, the lever marking her hand with a red imprint from the pressure. There was a huge rocking sensation before they halted abruptly sending them all sprawling backwards. The train stopped. Virgil collapsed his back against the dash, his legs pulled up in front of him. Jiao squinted cautiously looking outside then down at Virgil who grinned back at her. "Nice driving." She smiled in relief before offering him an outstretched hand.

Virgil sat in the pull down chair behind Scott on their way back to collect two where she had been safely left with Brains close to the landslide site. They had stayed long enough to ensure Kai and Jiao were treated for their injuries (Jiao had a few lacerations to the face and Kai concussion but both would be well enough to go home that evening which was a relief). They had also assisted with the evacuation of some very relieved passengers, again thankfully there were no major injuries. The rescue was a success. Both were exhausted but extremely happy with the outcome.

"This is so weird." Virgil surveyed the scene before him.

"What's weird?"

"You ferrying me. I've had enough high-speed travel today thank you, give me my girl any day. Yours makes me nervous like some jumpy thoroughbred."

Scott chuckled and turned over his shoulder. "Don't let Rose hear you say that."

Virgil laughed out loud.

"Base to Thunderbird one."

"Ahh, shoot! I forgot John said dad wanted a word, I think we might get called out again. Thunderbird one to base, go ahead."

"Scott, I hear that the rescue was a success?"

"Sure, was dad, Virgil and Brains did a sterling job. I'm just returning Virgil to Thunderbird two then we're ready to return to base."

"I'm afraid I need you to return here and switch pods, there's another rescue to attend." Scott frowned. He had been flying for hours now in several different time zones, he was starting to feel it. He had really hoped the whatever the Navy's little issue was had resolved itself. Virgil leaned forwards behind him adjusting the volume of the speakers on his chair. He pulled his cap back on.

"What we got?"

"I need you to head to California. There was a diving exercise hosted by the US Navy that's gone wrong thanks to sabotage and theft of their submersible. Some divers have been stranded and the Navy don't have the resources to rescue them. They have been combing the area but it's a large-scale search in deep water, they need as many agencies as they can get to scour the area."

Scott increased his speed. "How many missing?"


"And the navy can't find them because?"

"The rest of their submersible fleet is on operations due to the conflict in the East and they are having to hunt down the missing sub that has the rest of crew on board, most likely as hostages or worse therefore that takes prioity. They've tried sending in drones for the diveres but the waters are too sedimented from the concussive shockwaves of the mine denotations four hundred feet from their location."

Scott's stomach suddenly somersaulted. California. Gordon. Hadn't he mentioned an underwater training demonstration with the Navy when he first booked the event…before his father had put his foot down?

"Dad. Isn't Gordon out on a dive today with the Navy?"

You could have heard a pin drop. Virgil sat stock still. "Dad?"

"He was and yes your brother is one of the missing, come home and i'll brief you in full when you get here - but hurry! Time is of the essence!"

Chapter 13

Chapter Text

The atmosphere on the island was tense. The weather unusually overcast and the seas rough; mirroring the mood of the household. Inside the villa Scott and Virgil were ready to high tail it out as quick as possible but their father insisted that they paused long enough to try to eat whilst he filled them in on what they knew so far. It had been hours since their last meal. They sat on the couch together with a plate of bacon sandwiches each. Both of them only wanted something light because of the rescue operation and mostly because neither of them could stomach much at all. Their little brother was missing and they his only hope.

"So; what your saying is the Navy are dragging their feet as usual. Well to hell with what they want! We're the experts when it comes to rescues - let us handle it." Scott lost half his bacon in his lap from gesturing with his sandwich. He scrubbed at his trousers in frustration. Virgil nodded in agreement.

"I know boys and I agree. If they don't call by the time your ready to depart then I will be having serious words with them. Brains did you manage to dig the underwater maps out?"

"I er did Mr Tracy. Given the ah.. last coordinates of the manta before it was stolen, I suggest we concentrate our search within this one-hundred-kilometre radius."

"But that's huge! Surely we can narrow it down a little?" Virgil blurted out.

"I-I'm afraid not Virgil. You see if they er were unfortunate enough to suffer the after effects of a concussive wave underwater, the pressure would have been catastrophic and expanded across er many ah... leagues. Its quite possible that ah, Gordon and his companions will have been separated. The waters will also be treacherous with the amount of debris not to mention the er…. likely injured or dead marine life."

"Are you saying he could be dead too Brains?" Virgil asked in barely more than a whisper. He couldn't bear the elephant in the room any longer.

Brains looked pained as he glanced to their portraits, he couldn't bring himself to look those present in the room outright. "It is sadly a- ah possibility if they were exposed to the er blast but they were well away from the danger zone, just outside what was deemed safe. If they found somewhere to shelter it's quite possible that they err would be okay." Brains spared the family from the details of the haemorrhaging of internal organs that could occur, among the other terrible scenarios that were playing out all too clearly in his mind. He was praying that the divers had found shelter, he was sure Gordon would have been aware of the consequences of such an impact. It was one of the worst ways you could die - apart from decompression sickness, another possible complication. Brains shuddered involuntarily.

"Let's get Thunderbird Four loaded then and we'll take Two together. No point taking One as one of us will have to man Thunderbird Four." Scott placed his plate to one side where Kyrano immediately picked it up. "Thank you Kyrano." He bowed.

"But who? Neither of us have taken her out on exercises for months - maybe even a year!"

Scott frowned. It was true; he hadn't actually done anything with Four in a long time, they were all meant to cross train in each other's specialisms but things had slipped. They'd always had Gordon and it was rare to get a water-based rescue. They tended to concentrate on taking it in turns double crewing on Thunderbird Two.

Jeff had pulled up the training records. "Scott you last operated Thunderbird Four eighteen months ago and Virgil…. three years ago! One of you is going to have to step up as we don't have a lot of choice. Scott, you can operate her but are you still confident with diving?"

"Yep." He replied with more confidence than he felt, it was well known he wasn't one for going in the pool for leisure let alone diving but he was confident he still knew the principles.

"Right. Go with Virgil and check your diving gear then get ready to depart. Thunderbird Two with pod Four."

"F.A.B" They both took the lift to the catacombs below. Brains accompanied them. Jeff flicked up the brass ashtray on his desk. He'd feel better once this rescue was under their control. "Base calling Thunderbird five, base to Thunderbird five. Jeff tapped the desk in impatience as he waited for the call to connect, his brow furrowed.

"Receiving you father; loud and clear. Are they ready to go?" He spun round to face the camera. Well turned out as ever his hair stylishly flipped over to the left.

"Primed and already deployed." Sure enough, he heard TB2 moving up to the launch pad. His boys weren't wasting time. "Any updates?"

John's jaw tightened in response as his blue eyes flashed with frustration. "There's still a strict order not to call us, they have begrudgingly accepted the coast guard's assistance and the feelers have been put out towards Marinevilie but they are indisposed at the moment. They still haven't located them and it's been over two hours now."

"Right John. Tell them the director of International Rescue would like a word."

A soft smile warmed John's tired expression. "Yes director."Boy! That Navy Vice Admiral had it coming.John was keeping the line open for this one.

"This is International Rescue calling Naval control. Please respond."

"Receiving you, International Rescue. Go ahead."

"Hello Captain. I'm calling in regards to the call your unit logged at O' three hundred hours. I know we were stood down but our director wishes to speak with your Vice Admiral regarding the matter."

"One moment sir."

"Thank you."

John could hear a hushed conversation going on in the background. He picked at the edge of the console impatiently, leaving perfectly shaped crescents in the soft ply.

"Thank you for waiting sir, the Vice Admiral has advised me that he is too busy to consult on the matter right now but he would be happy to schedule a call later after the operation has concluded."

John put on his best winning smile, hugely sardonic but his voice as light and chipper as someone that was having the best day (The benefits of audio only). "I understand, it must be hard trying to coordinate a rescue without the experience of managing these types of situations daily or having the equipment to handle the job. We'd certainly struggle if warfare and defense was on the agenda but thankfully that's not our job." John chuckled politely. "Not to worry; please advise your Admiral it was simply a courtesy call to say that assistance is on the way and we look forward to collaborating with our fellow services on this one." Maybe you'll all learn somethinghe added silently.

There was the drop of headphones at the other end along with what clearly sounded like a mic being snatched out of a subordinate's hands. John's grin extended even more. Bingo! John transferred the line straight to his father's desk temporarily placing the Admiral on mute. In a rare display of unprofessionalism, he added "Enjoy!" before saluting his father and pressing un-mute. Jeff shook his head but there was a smirk playing on his lips. He was still trying not to chuckle; he'd heard everything. Jeff had never met anyone who could be as passive aggressive as John, people sometimes asked him if he was absolutely sure he wasn't British. Jeff pulled himself together.

"Just who do you think you are? Do you know who you're addressing here? For the last time we do don't need your services so call your men off. Now if you will excuse me -"

"I will not excuse you; so listen up! Your operatives calledmyteam requesting International Rescue's assistance. We're duty bound to attend once called unless identified as a fake call to which we can prosecute against according to federal law."Really?Thought John. Well, that was news to him."My team are on their way and I am seeking your full cooperation from one director to another. That diving crew needs all the help you can get! It might already be too late based on the oxygen they have left and the radio silence. You really want those lives on your conscienceAdmiral?"

"You're threatening to prosecute the Navy?" The Admiral's voice dripped with displeasure as he read between the lines.

"If that's what it takes, but I'd rather we work together on this one. We have our secrecy to maintain, I don't see why you would object to our help; we certainly wouldn't report it to the public. The way I see It, you can then put all your resources into finding your kidnapped crew and submarine."

"Very well but I want to be kept informed of any developments, two of our personnel are down there."

"Understood. The man you just spoke to will be your liaison. He oversees all our operations and I have every confidence he will keep you up to date. Good day Vice Admiral. "

He hung up. John smiled in spite of the situation. His dad had done it and got them to cooperate "Well done, Director.I will be sure to keep you in the loop too. I'm scanning the last known location with the satellites up here, it's unlikely I'll find anything but it sure helps me feel better. I hope wherever Gordon is he knows we're coming for him."

"Let's hope we can find him in time."


Gordon was clammy and shaking with pain, the shock was beginning to take hold. "Gordon its Alice. Can you tell me where it hurts?" He tried to read her lips but struggled. She mimed being in pain. He pointed to his ears and his shoulder. He groaned in agony. The level of pain had increased exponentially since he had last woken up. She nodded before gently squeezing his hand, she dared not touch him anywhere else knowing it could cause him immense pain.

He was half delirious at points, drifting in and out - when not being terrified about the fatigue that kept overwhelming him or why he couldn't remember where he was. The rest of divers were holding an emergency meeting whilst he was being held in the recovery position on the floor of the wreck.

Gerry and the other's clustered around Gordon. They'd tried to make him comfortable but there wasn't a lot they could do. Gerry had established that they had lost their long-range communications but their internal ones between each other had thankfully remained but some were suffering from static or blown speakers. Henry had quickly come to the worrying conclusion that Gordon was deaf because his eardrums had blown from the pressure but they had remained quiet not wanting to alarm him. There was a lot of blood around his ear canals and down the side of his face from what Henry could see. Alice was previously a Navy medic and had been able to run a quick assessment. He needed help and fast.

Alice spoke. "Guys, I hate to say it but it doesn't look like a rescue is coming. Gordon is a high risk for DCS we can't move him unless we can adequately control his ascent."

"Right. I suggest we split into teams. Henry and Alice will remain here to care for Gordon, whilst Trey and I begin a controlled ascent to see if we can call for help above the water."

"But visibility out there is nil and we won't be able to contact you if you get lost, surely it would be better to see if we can establish comms again!" Henry countered.

"Lord Henry I would usually be inclined to agree with you but your friend doesn't have that long, we have to try. We've dived in worse conditions." He added gently.

Henry nodded. They did one last check of their dive computers and tank levels before pushing out of the small metal cabin they were in. If Henry had to guess it would have been some kind of antechamber at some point. They all gripped hand to elbow in one last gesture of goodbye before they exited. Henry resealed the door in an attempt to keep the clearer water in but it wasn't much use as there were small rusted holes which the silt started to filter through. If it wasn't for their emergency light they would be sat in pure darkness. Henry checked his gauge; another thirty minutes and they would all have to switch to their reserve tanks, then they would only have another forty minutes at most.

"This is all my fault. If I hadn't got caught! I'm so stupid!" Alice glanced at Gordon's prone figure in anguish.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault, it was the prat's that dumped the nets here in the first place and the git that took off with the sub."


"Jerks, idiots"

"You have some funny mannerisms."

Henry smiled. "Don't we all?" He winked. "How about while he's out we concentrate on trying to hail a rescue? We know we still have some short-range comms; we should aim to call out every five minutes in the hopes we are heard."



For the second time today, they were feeling out of sorts. "Can't she go any faster?"

"Would you like to try?" Virgil calmly stared his brother down.

"I-I can assure you Scott she's at er.. maximum ah speed." Brains piped up from behind.

Scott sighed. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, I'm just used to being there by now." The fight went out of him as he took in the expanse of ocean struggling to comprehend that his brother was down in that vastness somewhere. Lost to them. He just had to be okay. Scott wasn't sure what if would do if he wasn't. He chewed his lip in concern.

"It's alright, we all feel it. The best thing we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best like we always do." Virgil checked his course. "Ten minutes till we reach our destination."

Scott stood. "Right, I'll go and get ready for Deployment, you and Brains continue an aerial search and let me know if you find anything."


Scott pushed through the hatch door to the pod before quickly descending down the short flight of steps. He'd already got changed before they left as he had anticipated it might take him a long time to get into a wet suit and he was right. That was certainly going to need some more practice. He had a new appreciation for how quick Gordon could dive into one. Scott reached the little sub and placed his open palm on the reader, stooping into the hatch. The door decompressed behind him. He pushed straight through to the main co*ckpit relieved when he sat down that he'd managed not to hit his head. He adjusted the seat to accommodate his longer legs, another stark reminder of who should really be sat here. He felt like an imposter. Scott surveyed the controls above him as well as in front. "Hmm well this could be interesting…." He flicked the red and green switches overhead simultaneously before grabbing the yoke, his sweating palms the only indicator of his anxiety. "Give me the skies over this any day." He murmured. Scott had always had a healthy dose of caution when it came to the deep, it was well out of his comfort zone.

"Scott are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

"Deploying in 5….4….3….2….1…"

Scott's stomach flipped up and over as they the pod released, it hit the waves with a crash but all he felt was the firm rock of the waves. The ramp extended and the pod door flipped down automatically. Scott prepared to set off, he depressed the button. Nothing happened! Surprised he tried the one next to it but that just turned the interior light on. He frowned.

"Problem?" Virgil's voice carried across the comm.

"Nooo, just a little rusty on the old launch procedure, I fired up the systems, depressed the ignition…."

"You need to twist it clockwise."

Scott flicked it across, the roar of the turbines was music to his ears.

"Thank you."

"No worries, good luck down there. Call us if you need to."

"Will do."

He splashed into the ocean descending at speed till the computer told him he'd reached the last known coordinates of the Manta ray. He had the mine coordinates laid over the top too so he wouldn't stray into the danger zone as the Navy couldn't guarantee that the detonation had been completely successful but looking at the devastation, they couldn't have been far off of completing the mission. He couldn't see anything apart from silt and darkness. Occasionally he saw dead fish gripped in suspended animation and at one point a dead shark hovering above the seabed. Delicate little rock formations were spread far and wide, the ecosystems they once supported scattered to the seas. Drifts of seaweed floated lazily obscuring his view further. He'd be lucky to find anyone down here. He blinked against the image his mind conjured in font of Four's searchlights. He couldn't be here, he had to be safe. Scott knew better than most what his brother was capable of, the training that he'd had drilled into him at W.A.S.P. Most people couldn't have survived this but his brother wasn't 'most' people. He consulted the sonar, which grid reference to search first?


"Tin-tin! Tin-Tin please!" Alan pounded on the door, no longer caring who he woke. He'd ran back up to their rooms, falling wildly out of the elevator and startling a late-night couple before rocketing down the corridor. He had quickly discovered she had locked him out. Tears stung at his eyes as he tried again; his voice lowered this time. "Tin please, I'm not going anywhere let me in!" He had no idea how much time had passed only that it had been a while. He collapsed down the side of the wooden door with a thud. Just then the door violently opened. He found himself catapulted backwards into the room. Before he knew it, he was at her feet, she slammed the door. He scrabbled and twisted around, the movement causing the room to tip unpleasantly. He gasped; she was already striding away. He got to his knees, pausing to get a grip of the nausea.

"Tin-tin, please; just let me explain!"

"Because its not what it looks like? No Alan I won't suffer any more insult at your hands this evening. I don't want to talk about it." She paced away before rounding back on him conflicted. "How could you!" Her face was contorted in pain, her eyes red rimmed. "All I wanted was you, Alan. No Fancy hotels, fast cars, friends – You and me!" Her shoulders heaved with emotion as she stifled a sob.

Alan managed to stand; his face masked in anguish. "We just got talking at the bar, the girls were interested in Ned and Jed, I didn't lead them on I swear! Then we started that stupid game. I had no idea she was going to kiss me!"

"Oh well that's all right then, I'll forgive you for ignoring me the rest of the day and this evening! Its probably my fault for going to bed early instead of partying."

"No of course not!" He tried to reach for her hand.

"Don't you touch me!"

Alan recoiled from the venom in her voice. She had never used that tone in all the years he had known her. He swallowed, hand dropping to his side.

"Tin-Tin it was never my intention to hurt you, you must know that?" He pleaded.

She glared at him; black smudges were all that remained of her cat eye that she'd spent most of the early evening perfecting. Her eyes were blotchy and dress askew, her raven tresses had started to unravel from their neat knot. "I've never been so betrayed in all my life. I thought we had something special, that we were akin but tonight I saw the real Alan! The one the others tried to warn me about, the selfish immature one who doesn't care for anything or anyone as long as he gets to do what he wants!" He flinched at her words. Something deep inside her hated herself for saying those words out loud but that part of her was not in control right now. Before she said anything else she might regret she turned on her heel and slammed the door to the bedroom.

The message was clear. He knew he had been lucky to be let into the apartment at all but that was Tin-tin all over; kind hearted and he had been the one to break her trust. He put a hand over his mouth and tried not to choke.What had he done?

Sometime later he dragged himself onto the deep crushed velvet sofa and curled into a ball. He couldn't sleep for the sobbing from the next room which wrenched his heart in two with guilt. He was angry with his friends, with the girl and himself. He replayed the night over and over, berating himself. Eventually he dropped off into a fitful induced slumber.

He could only hope to be worthy of her forgiveness in time.

Chapter 14

Chapter Text

Trey and Gerry were just under their maximum dive time but knew they still had to take precautions in their descent, rising together but pausing for regular decompression breaks, the last one taking place at fifteen feet below the surface for five minutes. They hovered whilst they gave their bodies the chance to expel as much of the remaining nitrogen as possible, flippers treading water. Gerry consulted his watch. Another ten minutes and the guys below would be at full time on the dive putting them at a greater risk of decompression sickness. "Let's take it easy. Don't want to put ourselves out of action and not be able to help them."

"Gordon's in a bad way let's hope helps not too far away. Thank God Alice was with us." Alice had only left active service last year where until then she'd been part of Trey's unit. If you had an emergency, she was the one you wanted by your side.

Gerry nodded before indicating it was time to rise. The last part they had to really slow their ascent; their impatience was clear but their need to follow protocol prevailed. After one final precursory check of their surroundings, they broke the surface, their heads bobbing above the waves that churned around them. There was nothing to be seen for miles, they tried their comms. Static. There was nothing. They were debating their next course of action when they paused mid conversation, the sound of an aircraft was approaching. Gerry Grabbed his waterproof flare ripping it out of its pocket. The approaching aircraft was following a grid formation. "The're looking for us!" Trey cried in excitement. Gerry launched the flare heavenwards, its red plume arched over them.

"Say what was that?" Virgil craned forwards watching the skies in front of him intently. Brains came up behind his shoulders and quickly scanned the sky.

"A flare!" They both chorused.

Brains captured the coordinates on the scanner, reading them to Virgil as he did so.

"Right. let's head on over there and check it out!"

Scott patrolled the waters, the sonar blipping steadily as he expanded his search. He carefully skimmed and navigated his way forwards being guided by gut instinct alone. Gordon had to be here somewhere! According to the information John had been able to wrangle the divers had just ten minutes left before they had to start ascending which was bad news because if they had been capable of doing that, they should have already been breaking the surface. Maybe they were trapped under debris? Scott shook his head. This would never have happened if they'd all just taken a bit more care not to ostracise Gordon.

"Thunderbird two to Thunderbird On- Thunderbird four!" Scott ears pricked at the underlying current of urgency from Virgil who was usually the calmest of them all. Scott flicked open the mic.

"Thunderbird four receiving you."

"Scott! We found two of the divers! They have given us the coordinates, it seems Gordon went to rescue one of the crew and didn't make it to shelter in time, he closed the hatch on them all to protect them before being hit. According to the guys he's pretty banged up and they're concerned he has barotrauma injuries especially to his ears."

Scott glanced at the coordinates that he had been sent. He was thirty degrees south. He adjusted the course, his mouth set in a grim line. "I'm on my way, standby for extraction."

"Will do. Oh, and Scott there's a small complication."

Seriously? Just how much more trouble could he be in?"Such as?"

"Scott; Henry's with him."Ah, a lot of trouble.Scott racked his brain for a solution, there was no way he was not rescuing his brother but he also had their identities to protect. Harry was a very good friend of Gordon's and had attended many family gatherings and gala's, he had met all of them – even John. He would recognise Scott instantly; they had bonded quickly over their passion for flying. Scott had been interested by the inner workings of the fleet arm whereas Harry found Scott's tours of duty and his fighter pilot experiences fascinating and very different to his own. They hadn't seen each other for a couple of years but Scott was concerned. He would have to tread carefully.

"Leave that with me. I'll think of something."

It took him mere minutes to reach the wreck once he knew their location. Thunderbird four was minuscule in comparison as he pulled alongside the hull of the wreck. Most of her was surprisingly structurally sound but there were a few areas of obvious corrosion including the middle of the ship where a large section had gone completely. Scott stepped out of the seat leaving the co*ckpit to enter the chamber behind. One his way out he started to pull on his mask before pausing at the hatch. Suspended on the hook next to him was the rest of his brother's equipment. Hanging by the strap were the protective welding goggles. Inspired, Scott made a grab for them and shrugged on the cutting tool and tanks for effect. He staggered surprised by the weight. "Gee, how does he manage this?" He adjusted the straps on his shoulder before palming the door to open the hatch.

"Calling Thunderbird two from Thunderbird Four."

"Thunderbird two receiving."

"Can we speak freely?"

"Yes, the guys are in the medical bay with Brains being monitored for any complications."

"Good. I'm going in but I warn you I'm going to disguise my voice and you should too. I'll be known as Glenn from here on out." The beep indicated the chamber had pressurised. He did a final check of his dive watch and breathing apparatus.

"In that case call me Grissom."


The hatch opened, immersing the little antechamber. Scott hoisted himself out in one smooth motion and pushed off into the unknown. As he got closer to the wreck the more anxious he became. Normal rescues where casualties were involved were tough enough but his own brother? Sure, they'd all had their fair share of scrapes before and they'd survived but how long could their luck hold? He floated through the gap in the wreck and to the left where he was told they would be. Sure, enough he caught three heat signatures on his screen, two were sat up but the other person was prone on the floor, their heat signature was faded in comparison. Scott swam under the twisted metal before grabbing hold of the door firmly and spinning the wheel to the left. He had to really shunt it to push it back, at first it was so gloomy he couldn't see a thing until a shape emerged right in front of him.

The man grabbed his arm and indicated he needed to come with him. Scott nodded clearly and followed him through. Inside was a small light propped up on and old struct, a svelte figure was crouched in the corner and in front of her...Oh Gordon!Scott swam over and tried to lower himself next to Gordon's other shoulder promptly losing his balance before quickly recovering himself. He didn't have his brother's grace in the water, none of them did. He tried not to gasp. Gordon was trembling but it was his face that concerned Scott, trails of blood tracked down under each ear lobe. He rested his hand on his shoulder momentary before remembering he had company. He passed them both a communicator and indicated they should stick it to their helmet.

"Can you hear me?" Scott winced. He'd settled on some kind of English accent but it came out silted and seemly over posh.

The others eyes widened in shock, they had no idea how they could hear him but they could! They signed yes.

"You should be able to talk back, what's the situation here?" He had tried to soften the accent but he knew he still sounded fake. He decided he would just have to try and keep conversation to a minimum.

The women spoke. "He needs immediate treatment; we have to get him out of here and to a hospital. Potential concussion, barotrauma, maybe DCS"

"Alright let me go and get the stretcher."

He hadn't wanted to bring it with him in case he needed his hands to clear any obstacles. He'd left it moored to thunderbird four for easy access. "I'll come with you." Replied Harry.

Scott nodded. They slipped out to get the board as Harry launched into conversation. "Thank you for coming to rescue us, just in time too! I've been so worried; he went back for Alice and wouldn't let us help. Then he knew what was coming and he was just short of time and decided to sacrifice himself to save us the silly bugger! But then that's Gordon all over, its something you just have to live with if you want to be his friend." Scott smiled as he grabbed the stretcher, sounded about right. "I just hope he's going to be alright. I don't want him to have to go through what he went through last time; it nearly broke him." Scott faltered in unhooking the stretcher, he was just about to reply before he remembered he wasn't supposed to know Gordon.

Instead, he replied. "He must be lucky to have you as a friend, looking out for him."

"I'm not sure he would agree, we have a tendency to provoke the living daylights out of each other. I've already told the sod not to go dying on me because I know he's prime poltergeist material."

Scott couldn't help it, despite the situation he laughed. Call it gallows humour but Harry wasn't wrong. Scott just hoped and prayed that today wouldn't be the day they found out. Harry smiled. "Sorry most people don't always understand but I find dark humour is the way I process situations like this.

"There's no need to apologise I understand."

Once back inside they cleared some space next to Gordon so they could lay the stretcher. Obviously, nothing about this situation could be done textbook so they rolled him the best they could at ninety foot deep and surrounded by corroding metal lockers and beams. Eventually he was secure allowing Scott and Harry to lift him while Alice swam alongside. It took them a few minutes to grapple with the stretcher in the confines of the cabin but they managed it and eventually cleared the wreck. They headed towards Thunderbird Four. Scott opened the hatch and went in first before Alice and Henry lowered Gordon in. Scott had a fleeting moment of panic when he couldn't remember the button to operate the drain and air valves. He was definitely going to have Gordon show him again. Ah ha! There they were. He selected the two smaller buttons. The minutes ticked by; Scott painfully aware that every minute waiting was another that slipped away for Gordon. The little cabin was a tight squeeze with all of them, really it was only meant to take Gordon and perhaps one other at a push. Scott and Harry braced the stretcher upwards taking the weight as the water drained.

Eventually the all-clear signal beeped and Scott opened the door fully. They lowered the stretcher onto a bunker before Alice jumped straight to it. "Have you got any oxygen?" She glanced around for it before her eyes fell on the transparent glass case above the bunker. "Is that what I think it is? A hyperbaric chamber?"

"Yes, but we only use it in absolute emergencies with our trained team member, unfortunately he is…indisposed today." Scott glanced down, the goggles still obscuring the top part of his face, he had removed the breathing apparatus to make it easier to communicate.

Alice had already pulled off Gordon's mask and had two fingers to his neck monitoring her watch. She pulled a face. Gordon was still unresponsive. "I'm a navy medic – well a recently retired one, these days I'm a paramedic. I have experience of this kind of treatment - if you would consent to me using your equipment." She threw Scott a look that suggested asking was simply a courtesy.

Thankfully, it appeared his brother at least had the sense to hang around in good company. "Sure, if you think he needs it and are confident to use it then go for it."

By this point Alice had already slipped a mask on to Gordon's face and threaded up the oxygen. "Got a first aid kit in this tin?"

Scott smoothly passed one across, Gordon was still unresponsive. There was no way he would have let that comment fly if he was conscious. Alice ripped open the box and instructed Harry to cut off Gordon's wet suit, flinging the scissors across to him. She needed to make a quick and accurate assessment to ensure there weren't any other nasty injuries lurking, such as internal bleeding. Plus, Gordon was soaking wet still and cold. "Blankets!" She barked. Scott disappeared to the cupboard in the corner. By the time he returned his brother was unclothed, Alice checking his ears with a torch. She swore. "The ear trauma is too severe for us to use the tube. It could cause even further damage. We need to get him to a hospital as soon as possible but at a low altitude as possible to prevent further pressure complications." She took the blankets from Scott and whipped them across Gordon before tucking them in. "He has some superficial bleeding but I don't believe its internal, still wouldn't hurt to run a few tests top side. You got an IV kit?"

Scott opened the cupboard at face level and pulled one out. He held onto the bag whilst Alice prepped the needle, ripping the canula from the sterile packaging that she rested on Gordon's chest. She tapped his arm in several places, the trouble was he was so cold they weren't distinctive enough. Scott passed the bag to Harry and gripped Gordon's arm tight above the crook of his elbow in an attempt to raise a vein. "Thanks"

"You're welcome, Glad to have you on board is all I can say." A small smile escaped her lips whilst she concentrated on the situation in hand, she plunged the needle in and was rewarded with a steady flow of blood, she deftly secured the cannula as Scott took back the bag and hung it on the wall.

"Right is he stable enough if I get us to the surface?" Scott's voice slipped between American and something that passed for English.

"Yep, time to go!"

"I'll just be in the cabin stay here where there's room but if you need me shout." They both nodded before returning their attention to Gordon.

Scott flunked into the seat; his legs were burning with that heavy feeling that you sometimes experience after swimming. He was exhausted and he'd barely been out there for anytime at all. "Thunderbird Four to Thunderbird Two."

"Thunderbird two receiving you, how is he?" Scott flickered the receiver volume down so the others couldn't hear through the door

Scott pushed forwards on the controls, turning his head to once side to hear Virgil better. "Well, we got him out but he's got some kind of ear trauma, a touch hypothermic and unconscious. He can thank his lucky stars the woman he rescued is a seasoned navy medic. He's in good hands."

"Well, that's something. I'll update father and John and bank back round for you."


"Oh, and by the way. Considering you've been dating a brit for so long that accent was abysmal. I mean that was some form of British, wasn't it?" Virgil's soft chuckle didn't go unnoticed.

Scott frowned. "Ha. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with in a minute." It was his turn to smile at the growing radio silence.

"See you topside" Replied Virgil.


Alan woke to a jacket slapping him in the face. He groaned, his joints protesting from the odd position he found himself contorted in. He rolled over just as the door slammed, then it all came back in a rush. Oh god! Last night, it had all started so well. He ran his hands down his face, his breath stale with the tang of alcohol. He somehow pushed himself off till he was on the floor which was actually harder than just standing up. When he did manage to stagger to his feet the room span before him, it was still pitch-black outside but someone had turned the lamp on. He got to the counter in the kitchen and rested his head on the cold marble countertop till he got some control over the bends. His bow tie dangled open limply against the counter, his hair at all angles. Then it hit him. The aroma of strong coffee. His stomach roiled as his face balked a shade lighter than white. He ran off to the bathroom where he was violently sick. He made it just in time.

Tin-tin had risen when her alarm had gone off, a mere hour after she had finally finished crying herself to sleep. Her chest still hurt; her shoulders clenched around her like they were trying to shield her but the damage was already done. She had already showered and packed her stuff away in the bathroom. She'd angrily kicked Alan's across the floor till she realised he would just hinder her escape so she picked it back up on the bed and stuffed his clothes in it. Then she had gone out to wake him up. He'd left the light on all night. She watched his chest rise and fall as he slept. He looked so innocent like that. That was when she'd thrown the jacket at his face before she started to feel anything. She slammed the door and sat on the bed. She'd debated for hours just leaving him here to make his own way home but if she got back to the island without him there would be questions raised, ones she didn't know how to answer right now or even if she wanted to. So, she was just going to have to put up with his company but that didn't mean she had to like it. She pulled her hair into a neat ponytail tied off with a pretty emerald ribbon. She would be flying later and she didn't want her hair in the way. She chucked a pair of big shades in her handbag to hide behind as soon as it was light enough. Their taxi was already scheduled for 4.30am.

She took a deep breath and breezed through the living area where they had been so happy yesterday evening. They should have just stayed in; it was too much to hope they could have one night in public together. She rolled her eyes at the sounds coming from the bathroom as she poured herself an orange juice. Ordinarily she'd be right by his side but as it was very much self-inflicted and after his antics last night, she found herself strangely void of any sympathy, of any feeling at all. She was simply numb.

He came out fifteen minutes later, freshly showered with a towel around his waist, the shadows under his eyes were still visible. Alan looked across to see her sat near the door with her bags, her nose firmly in her magazine. He glanced at the counter to see a fresh orange juice and a pack of paracetamol. Far more than he deserved but maybe an olive branch? He necked the pills and took a swig, his now empty stomach protesting at the gesture. He couldn't say he was looking forward to the journey home. He had been so stupid last night!

He almost spoke to her but at the tensing of the magazine and the crossing of the legs he knew it was dangerous territory and beat a hasty retreat. Tin-tin peeked over the top of her magazine as he disappeared back into the bedroom in just a towel. She scowled at the article she'd re-read four times and not taken in. She was angry for even still thinking about him in that way. She chucked the magazine on her lap. She still couldn't understand how he could let another woman kiss him. He'd got so annoyed when Eddie had arrived at his home unannounced to see her and they weren't even really together then! What a hypocrite. They had always been on and off but never because there were other partners, then she finally felt things had started to become serious as they started to spend their nights together as well as their days. They're relationship had only grown more physical, more intimate in the last year going from strength to strength yet on reflection never really progressing. They never really did anything together, Tin-tin had tried to engage him in some of her interests but he was never interested or he would be just suggest they do something else. Maybe on reflection she should have realised it might not work between them even if her feelings were strong for him, had she just been holding on? When secretly deep down she suspected he didn't care as deeply about her as she did him?

Alan emerged dragging his bag behind him. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yes" Tin-tin stood before setting her bag on its wheels. She grabbed the door.

"Tin I - "

"Alan. I told you last night, I don't want to hear it. let's just get home. I need some space. To think." She paused her hand on the handle.

"Alright. What ever you want but I'll still be here Tin-tin I care about you."

She froze. There it was care not love. It slashed through her heart like a knife. Her eyes burned as she forced herself to walk on. They exited the lift and dumped their room keys in the return box before heading out to meet the taxi that would take them to the international airport before then flying to New Zealand where they would pick up Ladybird and return home sometime late in the evening. The driver took their suitcases before Tin-tin rapidly moved around to take her seat in the back. Alan took the other side, the middle seat felt like a crevasse between them. Both turned their attentions to the windows, the driver seemly picking up on the atmosphere turned the radio on low and got on with it. It was going to be a obstinate journey home for them both.

Chapter 15

Chapter Text

The room was dark and unfamiliar to him. All he could make out was a door with a halo of light spilling through the frame in an otherwise gloomy space. He blinked as it all came into sharper focus. He had to do a double take for a moment, his ears felt like they were still submerged. It was the weirdest thing as he could quite clearly see he was on land. Gordon reached out a hand snagging the monitor attached to his finger.Uh oh.Further investigation led to the IV drip above his head. He swallowed back the bile that rose in his throat. He didn't think it was going to be this bad, he knew he'd got blasted by the pressure but he thought it had just knocked him about a bit. This was serious. He backed up against his pillow but found he couldn't sit upright. His stomach lurched. He tried to move his feet in a panic, his arms - desperate for some kind of recognition, some kind of sign that proved he wasn't paralysed. At some point he must have cried out, attracting the attention of a shadowy figure that emerged from the deeper recesses of the room.

"Woah! Easy. Easy Gordon!" Henry slammed the emergency button whilst trying to reassure his friend who couldn't hear him. He squeezed Gordon's arm. "It's alright!"

"Why... Why can't I hear…" Gordon tried to talk but he could barely hear himself. His eyes widened, the whites on full display. The doors burst open, the light blinding Gordon. He twisted away from it like it had burned him. The doctor did a quick scan of what the monitors were telling her before she focused on the patient. She dropped her stethoscope on the bed and sat on the edge blocking out everything else so that Gordon had no choice but to focus. He took in her warm eyes, crinkled around the edges with the first signs of age, her salt and pepper hair that framed her kind features. She drew her hand to her middle and mimed breathing in and exhaling out, taking deep breaths before pointing at him. His eyes were still darting around the room, his hand gripped tightly in hers. She took his other hand and got him to breathe. The nurses said something to her but she shook her head, never taking her eyes off him as she dismissed them from the room. Someone had turned the light on. He could see Henry in the corner, concern etched on his face. He broke into a warm smile and a little thumbs up as Gordon caught his eye over the doctor's shoulder. Gordon nodded. If Harry was giving him a thumbs up he must be okay. His breathing fell into sync with that of the doctors, grounding him.

After a few minutes Gordon could feel himself relax, he felt his neck sink into the pillow as the tension left his arms, then his torso. As each part of him de-stressed he could feel the starchy linen of the gown chafing against him, the pull of the IV in his arm where he had stretched it. The thing that gave him the most reassurance was the weight of the blankets. He could feel how they were moulded to his body. As he sunk back into the mattress, he shifted his legs in to a more comfortable position. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. He was okay! He could move! Suddenly he was overcome with a tidal wave of heaviness, the exhaustion forcing his eyelids to waver but he refused to let them close. He needed to know what was happening.

The doctor smiled reassuringly at him offering him the universal check in sign that divers used. Gordon formed his hand into the same signal at his side, she nodded. She gently raised his bed up so he wouldn't have to look up at her all the time. "Gordon; my name is Dr Palmerston but you can call me Lizzie. Can you hear me?" She spoke slowly and deliberately but more loudly than she usually would.

"Yes… vaguely it sounds like we're still underwater, it's all muffled." Gordon's throat was dry from the Oxygen treatment. He swallowed awkwardly to which Lizzie offered him a drink. He winced in pain at the swallowing motion.

"I'm sorry if you're in pain, we have given you what we can for now. Gordon you've had treatment for the early signs of D...C...S." She enunciated. His brows shot through his mussed fringe. "We caught it early and you've responded well. Take it easy and its unlikely we will have any repercussions but we will be keeping you in for observation for forty-eight hours just in case. Do you understand?"

"Yes" He lied. He was only getting an intermittent odd word but from her body language and the words he had understood, he got the general gist. That would explain the raging aching in his joints. Bubbles of dangerous nitrogen would have been starting to fizzle in his joint cavities, left untreated he would have literally boiled under his skin. the eruption of bubbles of trapped gas that would have eventually killed him.

"You also suffered barotrauma of the ears but the change in pressure was so great that you have perforated both your eardrums. Your left should heal on its own" She pointed before slowly indicating to his other ear. "but the right has a sizable hole in it. we're going to give it a couple of weeks to see if it will knit together by itself but that one might require surgery."

"Sorry I caught burst ear drum and surgery? Is that why I can't hear." He replied loudly.

"Yes, that's why you can't hear but it should only be temporary."

He sighed slipping further into his pillows, well that was something. It would do for now. His eyes started to drift. "What about my back?" He slurred.

"Absolutely fine. We took a lumbar CT scan as a precaution after seeing your history. Get some rest, I'll come and see you in the morning. Your friend is welcome to stay."

Gordon slipped away mid-nod. The Doctor turned to face Henry and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Thank you. After his accident last time I think he panicked, its his worst nightmare being hospitalised after what he went though." Henry had heard snippets about those dark days after his accident but this was the first time that he had seen the true extent of Gordon's trauma. He had already been thinking of staying longer to look after his friend, now he definitely was.

"Yes, I saw his notes, he must be an extraordinary man to pull through like he did."

"He certainly is."

"Will his family be here soon?"

"Yeah, it's taken them awhile because they live abroad out in the south pacific."

"Oh wow! I didn't realise the Tracy's had relocated! No wonder they haven't arrived yet! His father just said they'd be here as soon as they could." He stifled a yawn. Seeing he was exhausted Lizzie stood to take her leave. "Well goodnight, the sofa converts if you want to get your head down, bedding's in the cupboard. Normally we'd say go home but I think he would benefit you being here."

"I'd never leave him; not till I know he's fully aware he's safe."

She smiled and slipped out the door. Henry flumped down on the sofa not even bothering to set it up. So, Jefferson Tracy was on the way, well this could be awkward. He could only hope Gordon would be awake to explain his actions. Henry didn't really want to be the one to admit he'd heli-carried his son away. Henry liked Gordon's father but he was a bit of a battleaxe, typical colonel of old apart from his had this terrifying habit of flicking from friendly to authoritarian on a dime. Henry knew he wasn't the kind of man you wanted to get on the wrong side of and unfortunately, he may have crossed that line. "You owe me Gordon Tracy" He whispered as his eyes closed.

Alan had spent most of the flight on Fireflash alone. Tin-tin had promptly seated herself at the café lounge as soon as it was safe to do so; knowing full well that Alan was unlikely going to be able to tolerate the intense aroma of roasted coffee and breakfast brunch. Now they were in Auckland collecting their little plane to make the final leg of the trip. Alan was conducting the pre-flight checks of the exterior. He stood up satisfied and started to chuck the bags into the storage space before pushing his shades back up his nose. Alan turned to see Tin-tin carrying out the checks that he had only done moments before.

"It's ok Tin-tin I already checked."

"Yes, well if you don't mind, I'll check again. I don't really trust your judgement right now." She didn't even glance up from the undercarriage.

He frowned. "Suit yourself!" He clambered into the passenger co*ckpit with more gusto then required as he leapt forcibly into the seat. Tin-tin took her time before finally satisfied, she clambered into the front. She pulled down her cap and goggles before slipping on her gloves. Then she fired up the engines and got ready to communicate with the control tower and taxi.

I don't trust your judgement right now.He knew she must be hurting butouch!He'd never realised she could be so cold! She was such a beautiful gentle soul; wiser than her years his friends would often tell him. Along with the how did you manage to pull her? He honestly didn't know the answer himself. It just sort of happened and now he wondered how he was going to build those bridges again when he couldn't even pinpoint the catalyst of their relationship in the first place. He hunkered down into his seat, the fresh air finally starting to help his head feel clearer. He needed to think of something before they got home, it was obvious that something was fractured between them. He really wanted to plead with Tin-Tin not to tell anyone what happened. His cheeks flushed warmer than the plane's radiator at the humiliation of it all. His family would kill him….Kyrano oh god! Alan had dishonoured his daughter. He knew he wouldn't be outwardly angry but Alan could picture the look of disappointment now, far worse than any angry outburst. It was crushingly painful knowing that Kyrano would no longer look fondly on him as a son. Would he even let him see his daughter again? Much less date her?Alan looked around his feet for one of the bags they kept for emergencies. He didn't know if he was going to be sick or hyperventilate into it.

Jeff was struggling to let go. He'd put together a contingency plan as soon as Gordon reached the hospital to manage International rescue operations and was due to leave just as soon as Alan and Tin-tin got back in this afternoon. They were a man down, likely to be for some time. He wanted to be with his son but he also knew he had a duty here. Sure, Scott had handled operations before whilst he was on a brief weekend with Penny but it hadn't exactly gone to plan. In hindsight Jeff realised, he may have been overly harsh when struggling to control his own anxiety of letting go. Funnily enough it was Scott who convinced him to go this time. "Dad he left this island thinking he wasn't needed by his own family. Let's not make the same mistake again. Life's too short."No laying of blame, no anger towards Jeff. Just sound advice. Jeff finally realised he had not just overlooked Gordon but he had undervalued his eldest son's merits. Scott had always been mature for his age, recommended by peers and superiors alike for his steadfast resolve under the direst of circ*mstances. Scott had been ready to lead for a long time, he couldn't let go completely but he resolved to do better.

Jeff placed a duffel bag on Gordon's bed before opening the drawer to pull out a few sets of pyjamas, trousers and underwear. Then he stepped over to the wardrobe to pull out a few shirts. He huffed in distaste trying to find a nice simple plain shirt. Was there anything in this boy's wardrobe that wasn't outrageously bright or garish? He found the plainest he could along with one that he knew was one of Gordon's favourites. He zipped up the bag and sat down. Gordon's whole world was in here. His favourite books that spanned his childhood and beyond, right through to his diving certificates proudly displayed on the wall. On wall opposite the bed was a collage of photos from his college and W.A.S.P days, Jeff gazed sadly at the one in the middle. Gordon beamed hoisted up in the middle on Henry and Glenn's shoulders. You could see Henry and Gordon had aged; they had grown into their looks as they had matured but Glenn would be forever frozen in time. Jeff turned away; he knew the pain of losing Glenn had never really left his son.

The twinkle of gold and bronze Olympic medals was the next thing that captured his attention, suspended from the desk lamp along with other trinkets such as bits of coral and drawings. Jeff stood up and thumbed through a few of his latest. Virgil was the well-known artist of the family but when Gordon could apply himself long enough (It was a rare thing), he also had a natural talent for art. Where Virgil worked in oils and watercolours Gordon preferred detailed pencil sketches. The top one was of Thunderbird four cruising up from the seabed with leather-back turtles and angel fish but the one underneath caused Jeff 's throat to hitch, his hand trembled as he pushed the image of Thunderbird four aside. It was a half finished sketch but Jeff would recognise that heart shaped face and dazzling smile anywhere. His hands ghosted across his wife's profile as if he expected her cheek to respond to his touch like she always had. Gordon had captured her life essence perfectly, right down to the dimples. He forced himself to pop it back.

"Dad?" Scott faltered at the strange look of melancholy as Jeff turned towards him. "Erm. Alan and Tin-tin are home, just coming in to land now."

"Okay, have them meet me in the lounge?"

"Sure. You good? The Doctors said he's stable Dad, I think the worse is over now."

Jeff sighed. "I'm sure you're right. Give me a minute and I'll be there." Scott nodded and disappeared as Jeff rounded on the bed picking up the duffel bag and hoisting it across his shoulder.

Alan and Tin-tin sat apart on the couch that formed Thunderbird three's launch sequence wondering what news Jeff needed to tell them. Both of their hopes of slinking away to their respective rooms were dashed when Scott had informed them if was urgent. Tin-tin played with the hem of her dress nervously not making eye contact. Alan saw the room was starting to fill. Before anyone could ask them about their weekend, he dived in. "Say where's Gordon?"

Tin-tin looked up; her eyebrows raised as she scanned the room before her eyes settled on Scott's. He glanced at Virgil. "He's" -

"Why I called you here." Jeff finished as he entered the lounge. Kyrano took a seat next to Tin-tin which was most unlike him and took her hand.

"What's going on? Where's Gordon?" Asked Tin-tin.

"It's a long story and one I am sure the boys will fill you in on, but in short Gordon decided to bunk off on vacation to that conference without my permission and got injured when someone hijacked the submarine leaving him and some others behind on the mine detonation training exercise. Instead of being safely ensconced miles away in the sub, they were left exposed on the perimeter of the danger zone. From what we gather Gordon went back for a colleague who got entangled in some fishing nets. He managed to free her and they all took shelter in a cabin of an old wreck except Gordon, for he knew he couldn't make it in time and shut them in, taking the full brunt of the aftershock. Luckily they were far enough away but he's still damaged his ear drums and got a mild case of the bends for his trouble."

"Will he be alright?" Alan looked as white as a sheet.

"The doctor has reassured me he's well enough. She suspects he will have a significant degree of hearing loss whilst his ears try to heal but its likely to be temporary but he may still not have the degree of hearing he did but we won't know for a couple of weeks when he will need a reassessment. He's being kept in for forty-eight hours. Now this obviously leaves us short but I need to go and see him, unfortunately he's being treated in California. So, while I'm there Scott will be in charge of all international rescue business, Lady Penelope is on her way to assist to make up numbers."

"I'm going with you."

Everyone in the room turned towards her except her father who smiled wisely. "Tin-Tin your needed here, we're short staffed as it is and you have more rescue experience under your belt than Penny, not to mention time logged in Thunderbird three. You're too vital to operations." Seeing her tearful expression Jeff softened far quicker than he would of with any of his boys. "I know your worried about him sweetheart, I only plan to be forty-eight hours at most then he will be home with us."

She nodded forlornly; she was upset over Gordon but that wasn't the only reason why she was going to pieces. For a moment she thought she had been presented a opportunity to escape. "Excuse me." She hurried from the room. Alan tried to go after her but was called back by his father.

"You need to remain here for a moment longer." Alan huffed and flopped back on the sofa. "Now I am entrusting Scott to manage things in my absence, do not make it harder for him than necessary. Do I make myself clear?" Solemn nods bobbed around the room; Alan winced still not comfortable with the movement. "Good. Scott, I want a report messaged at the end of every day, if you me; you call. I have every confidence in you son but don't get offended if I get antsy from time to time. Its hard for me to step away and I only have all our best interests at heart."

"Yes sir."We'll see how long he lasts this timebefore he's hollering down the video link at meScott thought. He tried not to catch Virgil's eye as he winked behind their father.

"Any questions?"

"Did they find the others yet?" Virgil asked.

"No. The Navy are still combing the ocean for them. Word has it W.A.S.P are on the case along with a contingent of the Royal Navy who were on operations nearby." Jeff sighed. "I just hope they can find them."

"We were lucky Gordon was off the submarine at the time really." Virgil's words drew them into a subdued silence.

"Give Gordon our love." Scott was the first to start functioning again. It wouldn't do to dwell, they were a rescue organisation not covert ops. That wouldn't deter Scott from doing a bit of listening in though to see if they were needed in the near future - If the situation changed.

"We wrote a card." Virgil passed it over having just got Alan to sign it. Jeff smiled and slipped it into the bag just as Tin-Tin re-entered the lounge. Her face was blotchy from tears but she had pulled herself together. She passed Mr Tracy a small book that was obviously well loved. It was very dog eared, with the spine almost coming apart.

"Can you give him this from me?" It was a copy of Peter and Wendy. Jeff smiled remembering it from Gordon's childhood. Gordon had recently introduced Tin-tin to the story and he'd let her borrow his childhood copy. "I think he needs it more right now."

Jeff eloped her in a hug. "Sure thing. We'll be back before you know it." Tin-tin felt so much smaller in Jeff's arms, she tried not to cry again. This was all too much. She stepped back almost tripping over Scott who steadied her. She flashed a watery smile.

"Easy Tin, are you alright?"

"Yes, it was a long journey, I'm going to lie down for a bit." He nodded letting her go. He watched Alan step back out of her way, his eyes adverted towards the floor.What was going on there?

The rest of the family said their goodbyes before Jeff headed down to the hangar. Twenty minutes later he was airborne in Tracy one. The boys watched from the balcony, the sun already starting to wane. They all hoped Gordon would be home soon, it simply wasn't complete without him.

Chapter 16

Chapter Text

Early morning light streamed through the window's blinds filling the room with an angel like glow. Henry sat on the sofa by the window with a strong but pretty dire tasting hospital coffee. He grimaced as he took another sip. He was exhausted from nurses dipping in and out to monitor Gordon's condition overnight, prodding and poking him at intervals to check the various vitals were within the right parameters. Just after midnight Henry had to help Gordon to the bathroom where he was still dizzy.

Henry sniffed his vest; he'd really have to go to the hotel and get a fresh set of clothes soon. All he had was the vest and some jogging bottoms the man from IR had given him. The hospital had found him some slippers too. He 'd insisted being dropped here by International Rescue straight away because he'd needed to stay with Gordon. He still couldn't believe he had met the elusive International Rescue. One of the things that struck him as unusual was the amount of personnel they seemed to have for he only saw one man throughout the rescue, which when you heard about some of their feats was just astounding! How they did it he didn't know but he was sure grateful to them for rescuing him and his friend. He wondered about their lives outside of the organisation. What kind of backgrounds had they had before and why so secret? If Henry was a betting man, he would have guessed ex-emergency services maybe even military as they often transitioned into emergency services or enforcement roles after service. It would certainly be his dream job. Having caught a brief glimpse of that colossal aircraft it was obvious they needed skilled pilots. Mind you they would have been on better wages than most serving personnel he knew to afford kitting out a global rescue organisation or maybe they went into it with a hefty inheritance? He was just musing about where they might hail from when the door opened. A tall well-dressed man slipped into the room with an overnight bag in hand. His attentions were directed solely towards Gordon.

Henry shrunk into the sofa a bit further, he didn't want to intrude but he also didn't feel like announcing his presence, maybe he could just slip –

"Hello Henry. You been here all night?"

"Yes sir. I needed to know he'd be alright." Jeff tucked the bag under the bed and before claiming the other end of the sofa. He didn't want to wake Gordon.

"Doctor tells me he might need surgery to mend his eardrum but it's a pretty routine procedure and much more refined these days than the previous treatment available." Henry nodded. "Has he been awake much?"

"Several times in the night for routine checks, although with his lack of hearing and exhaustion he's nodded off easily enough again."

"Good. So Henry, this conference; any idea how my son might have got there?" Jeff's face was inscrutable, his body turned towards Henry. Henry tried not to back up from the sudden proximity. He debated for a moment, he didn't want to get his friend into trouble, well any more trouble so he figured he best come clean…...sort of? He sighed.

"I may have given him a lift, I was staying in Sydney and figured I might as well pick him up on route. I thought he told you he was getting a lift?" Henry wasn't good at looking innocent but in the short time he'd known Gordon he knew he was a damn sight more authentic than him.

"I see; well you know all you had to do was radio and you could have landed?"

"Ahh where's the fun in that?" He lips quirked in a mischievous gesture.

Jeff shook his head, there was a reason his kid got on with Henry like a house on fire, they were of the same ilk. Even Henry's mannerisms reminded him of Gordon at times. He knew Henry was covering for Gordon. "Look Mr Tracy, I'm sorry. I know Gordon was meant to be somewhere else but he's really struggling with normal life lately. You know what its like, he misses those days. The action, the travel and the underwater exploration. Life as lovely as it is in the paradise you've created is a bit of a slower pace than what he's used to and he detests office work. Scott seems to have a natural affinity for business but let's be honest Gordon's not the office type."

Jeff chuckled quietly.If only you knew."I know it has been a challenge for him to adjust and I recognise I was too harsh on him this time. He's a grown man now I shouldn't be dictating when and where he can take leave but those lines blur when he's also under my employment at my company. Just promise me next time, you'll stop by for a drink – and maybe announce yourself when you're in my airspace.

Henry held out his hand. "Deal."

Jeff shook it firmly his eyes dancing with amusem*nt. Henry wasn't a bad kid. Jeff looked over to the bed his son was still resting. "How's your parents?"

"They're well thank you. My mother Has just taken on a patronage with a local Equine rescue and my Father is still active in the property investment market even though he really doesn't have to be but he likes to keep busy. You know you and the family should come over one long weekend my mother would love hosting you all and my sister would be thrilled."

"I'm not sure we could all make it but thank you for the invitation, it would be good for us to get away as a family. Now you look shattered; why don't you go and get a change of clothes and some kip? I'll be here for the foreseeable."

"That sounds like a plan. Can you drop me an update in a bit?"

"Sure, give me your number?"

Harry rattled it off before stretching awkwardly and grabbing his gear. "I'm sorry he got hurt, we were only meant to be at a conference…. It wasn't meant to end in this way. We were very lucky that International Rescue found us when they did. They are simply an amazing organisation. What I wouldn't give to fly that beast of a machine, I only saw inside the belly of the thing but what a cargo craft. Those pilots are lucky devils!"

Jeff smiled the skin around his eyes crinkling with warmth. "I've heard its pretty impressive. Shame we don't know who they are but I am sure they know how grateful the public are that such an organisation exists."

"Well I certainly thanked them from the bottom of my heart, so I only hope they know how sincere I was."

"I'm sure they did."

"Bye Jeff." Henry quietly glided out the door. Jeff sighed and got up to sit in the chair by the bed. Gordon really was sleeping well; he must have done a number on himself reflected Jeff. He sat in silence for a few moments before turning his wrist outwards to view the face of his watch. No messages or calls…maybe he should check in - let the boys know he got here? Make sure they were holding the fort. He went to hit the dial button when the sheets rustled next to him. Gordon rolled on his side towards Jeff before his eyes started to flutter.

He caught sight of his dad and groaned into the pillow. "That's no way to greet your old man." Jeff's deeper voice was more audible to Gordon so he could mostly make out what he was saying.

"Hey dad." He still didn't move. He was capable of getting up but he really didn't want the third degree.Maybe if he trumped up his injuries a little his dad would simmer down a bit. He'd more than earned a reprieve surely?

"What were you thinking?"

"You might have to be a bit more specific."

Jeff scowled. "When you got your buddy to airlift you off the island; what were you thinking? What if we'd got a call at that exact moment? I seem to remember expressively denying you leave." There was a long pause whilst Gordon twisted to face his father fully.

"Sorry I struggled to hear that. Could you try again?"

Jeff rubbed his temples before looking his son in the eye. "You're a co*cky…." Jeff took a deep breath. "Look. I'm not going to lie; when the boys played me that message you left, I was incensed that you could be so reckless and would endanger the organisation in such a way but then you went missing and for a moment I feared the worst." Gordon saw the pain reflected in his father's eyes, saw his sharp intake of breath. Gordon had to watch his lips carefully to try and read what his dad was saying in places. "Gordon all I could think about was the last time I spoke to you we fought and you hung up and I never got a chance to say goodbye. That I love you no matter how many buttons you push." Gordon looked so pale his usual freckles were stark against his skin. Jeff was reminded of sitting by his bedside as a child. Reading to him on those rare times he was home. Whenever he was home, he told him he loved him, when was the last time he'd told him that of late?

Gordon tried to reach out a hand. "I'm sorry. I was irritated at being left behind all the time. All I want to do is be part of the team. I don't want to waste my youth on some island; not when I could be helping those in need. It's a waste. I feel like an orca in an aquarium. I know where I belong and it's not stuck on an island." Jeff placed a hand on Gordon's shoulder. He'd had a lot of time to think on the flight over.

"You know Scott had to find you? It wasn't until we were without you, we realised how rusty they were on water rescues; how much we needed your talents. There was a horrible moment where the boys thought they were going to fail. I want you to promise not to do this again if I promise that from now on, we will take better care to involve you in future rescues and training." There was much more to be said but Jeff suspected Gordon was struggling to hear but maybe not as much as he was making out. It was more his son's overall condition that was making this conversation hard to follow for him.

"I promise."

Scott sat at his father's desk; he had been quietly monitoring the situation with the missing manta-ray. It turned out that the Navy had found the manta secreted in an underground cavern, they gave chase causing it to crash just forty miles off the coast of Mexico. The suspect appeared to have vanished as mysteriously as he had infiltrated the group. The crew were successfully recovered but suffering from some kind of neuro-toxin. They were under close surveillance but it wasn't yet known what kind of long-term implications may occur from exposure. One of the Navy guys was dead with a bullet to the head. Gordon had been lucky in reality, although his experience had been a close shave too. Scott's face darkened, they better catch the felon.

The sound of a bag hitting the deck brought him back to the present moment. He followed the spot where the bag was upwards till he saw the white and blue uniform. "Alan?"

"Today's changeover day."

"Yeah, but I can't take you, I have to stay here and we're a bit short on the ground right now. John's already straight with it. He understands. We need you here too." Scott turned back to his reports.

"Scott, I promised I wouldn't go over this time, John's already exceeded his hours from the previous month. He needs to come down. With what's gone on with Gordon lately seems to me that we should appreciate each other's sacrifice's a bit more."

Scott sat back and scrutinised his brother carefully. "Who are you and what have you done with Alan?"

"Give over." Alan glowered. Tin-tin's gaze wondered from where her and Virgil were sat just outside on the veranda. Alan hadn't noticed her yet.


"Hmm, sorry Virgil. I thought I heard someone call my name." She took a sip of her soda.

"I asked if you had a nice time away, weren't you meeting the girls? Did you get to go into the race pit? I know you were keen to see the engine's performance first hand."

She pushed her glasses up her nose as she took another sip. Tears threatened stinging the corners of her eyes. Virgil was such a kind soul but if she told him the truth, she wouldn't be able to stop the torrent of emotion that was foaming just under the surface. She picked at her short floral summer dress that she had intentionally picked because she knew it set Alan alight with desire that he couldn't quell. "Well, I was meant to but unfortunately there was a change of plans and they couldn't make it so I went shopping alone for a bit then got to explore the pit. It was fun."

Virgil paused thoughtfully, was it just him or was her voice a little too breezy, strained almost? "That's a shame you were on your own for so long, I bet you were really looking forward to hitting the town with the girls."

"I was rather but its ok I'm sure there will be another time."

"Hey Tin-tin could you come here a minute?" Scott's voice carried from the lounge.

"I better see what our esteemed commander requires." Tin-tin smiled trying to be playful but falling just short.

"Tin-tin honey is something wrong?" Virgil reached for her hand as she stood forcing her to remain. She needed to get out of here.

"No not at all, I just have a headache, we changed so many time zones yesterday I must be a little jet lagged."

Virgil scanned her face as if he could see into her soul. She stood patiently her hand loosely in his. "As long as you're sure but if you need me, I'm here."

"Thank you, Virgil, your much too kind but I really must-see what Scott wants." She stepped through the doors and caught sight of Alan. She didn't miss the way his gaze tracked over her body or the way he tensed as she entered the room. She lifted her head a little higher and went and sat brazenly on the desk. Her skirt rode up as shimmed on. "Ah! There you are. I hate to be the one to ruin your sun worshiping but how do you fancy seeing the stars? John needs to come home and I can't leave base."

Tin-tin froze where she sat. She could almost feel Alan's eyes burning into her shoulders from behind. It would be at least a thirty-minute journey. Alone. With Alan. "I would Scott but I am feeling a little jet lagged, could Brains go?"

"Brains is indisposed on a project for dad at the moment. I'm sorry Tin I hate to say no to you but it would be doing me a huge favour if you would go."

"Well alright, seeing as you asked so nicely."

"Thanks Tin you're a star" He gave her a chaste peck on the cheek not noticing his brother flush. She smiled back and hoped off the desk ignoring Alan completely as she went to sit on the sofa.

"Well, don't keep the girl waiting I thought you wanted to get going?" Scott asked.

Alan nodded curtly before sitting on the sofa making sure they didn't touch. Scott pressed the button at the desk that started their descent through the floor. He could just see Tin-tin remove her glasses on the way down. Virgil breezed in from the corner of the room where he had been observing unobtrusively. "What is going on there?"

"I know right? Definite bust up but what the hell over is anyone's guess. They were only away a few days!"

"I'm not sure but whatever it was Tin-tin is really torn over it."

"Yeah, and Alan being acting like a scolded cat around her. He couldn't get outta here fast enough." Scott surmised thoughtfully.

"Well, I imagine they'll work it out eventually they usually do." Virgil took a seat at the piano where he opened his book.

"That's what i'm banking on." Scott muttered under his breath. He made a point to try and catch Tin-tin on her return if she was still not right. He wanted to know what his brother had done to upset her so much; Alan was acting guilty as sin. Scott had just given him a chance to make amends privately in case he hadn't had a chance yesterday. The last thing they needed was that drama on top of everything else. He returned to the desk unfortunately the reports weren't going to write themselves.

Chapter 17

Chapter Text

"Four weeks!" They exclaimed in unison; Gordon winced at the ringing in his ears.

"That's correct; is there anywhere Gordon could stay in the meantime?" Lizzie looked to them both.

Jeff's mind was accelerating into action. "Let me make a few calls." He placed a hand on Gordon's shoulder before exiting the room. Gordon sat on the bed in a fresh change of clothes ready to be discharged. He couldn't fly or swim for four weeks - it could even be up to two months if he had to have surgery and diving was off the cards too! (Slight problem when you lived on an island in the middle of nowhere and were one of five much needed rescue operatives - well six if you counted Tin-tin).

"Is there any way I could speed the healing process up?" He necked his next dose of painkillers whilst taking a swig of his bottle.

"Nope, the only thing you can do is rest and hope you a quick healer."

Gordon huffed hopping off the bed. He was still struggling to hear but was quickly learning to lip read. Granted; he knew a small amount of sign language for the purposes of rescue but he wasn't proficient enough to use it full time and it was no use when other people could rarely sign back. He held out his hand to the doctor. "Thanks for sorting me out."

She gave a beaming smile. "You're most welcome. Take care of yourself young man, I don't want to see you here again!"

He grinned back before he picked up his bag and waved. He found his father just outside the main hospital lobby. Jeff wrapped up his call before relieving Gordon of his bag, he made to protest but Jeff shook his head which was enough for him to pipe down. They stepped towards a silver SUV where the driver stepped out and took the bags before opening the doors for them both. Gordon hated going anywhere in his dad's personal car. The whole chauffeuring thing drove him nuts. He always liked winding Parker up by beating him to the rolls to open the door but Gordon didn't feel up to trying to outrun his father's chauffeur today, he dipped his head in thanks as he slipped into the back seat. It was a hot day and the leather was warm despite the air conditioning.

"Right, here's what we are going to do." –

Jeff turned to a tugging on his sleeve. Gordon pulled a face cupping his ear. Jeff had been turned towards the window so Gordon couldn't make out what he was saying and the background noise of the radio and the engine starting up was making it even worse. "Ah" Jeff looked sheepish before pressing the button to bring the shield up between them and the front cab, he turned face on towards Gordon.

"Better?" He nodded. "Good. Well don't worry about anything you just concentrate on getting better."

"But Dad, you'll be short" –

Jeff raised a hand. "Yes, we will, but we'll make do. Penny's coming in to help and I can straighten a few things out. You will stay at the condo until you are fit to travel."

Gordon sighed. How ironic. He couldn't wait to get off Tracy Island and now he couldn't wait to get back on it! He felt so guilty leaving them so short staffed, it was never his intention to be away for more than a few days. Jeff caught his expression. "Don't worry about us. What's done is done, you just concentrate on getting better."

Some time later the car rolled up to the forecourt of an expensive looking apartment block with two large palm trees out the front. Jeff told the driver to wait for him before ushering Gordon into the lobby. Jeff had put in some calls to the office and luckily no one was staying in the apartment opposite the office that was reserved for staff members that needed to stay over for business, so Jeff advised them to book it out for the next month. The doors pinged open on the 112th floor, the grey carpets felt plush underfoot as they stepped out onto the landing. The 112th floor was only home to one apartment. Jeff opened the door with the code before gesturing for Gordon to enter. He was pleased to see the cleaner had already been sent in to lay out fresh linen and stock the essentials in the fridge.

Gordon dumped his bag in the lounge before crashing on the unfamiliar leather couch. At least it was quiet here. His ears were still sore, the pain relief keeping the worst of it at bay but he still felt dizzy and the car journey hadn't helped. In fact he felt pretty sick. He groaned and closed his eyes. Jeff dipped the blinds before placing a drink and his medication in reach along with a large empty waste bin just in case of an emergency. He then went to the bedroom and selected a light throw which he draped over Gordon. Gordon lifted it up and burrowed deeper, his short stature meant he could quite comfortably lie flat out on the settee. Jeff looked down at him, God he really didn't want to leave him. Not like this, but he didn't have a choice. What a mess! A gentle knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. He strode across to open it.

Henry grinned from ear to ear his arms full of crisps, chocolate with a bag slung over his shoulder. "Come in." Jeff carried on walking down the short corridor talking over his shoulder. "Thanks for staying on a little longer just till he gets on his feet a bit. I hate leaving him but I have to get back."

"Its no problem Mr Tracy - honestly. I've not seen Gordon for so long its going to be good to spend some extra time, even if he's not up to much." He glanced at his friend's prone form on the sofa.

"If you need anything just call, someone will be here in a couple of days with more clothes and supplies to keep him going and I'll check in every day." He scooped up his bag, threading the strap through his hands. Henry hadn't ever seen Mr Tracy look quite so…. not stressed as such... Strained maybe?

"Don't worry I'll call, he'll be OK."

Jeff gave a sleeping Gordon one last gentle squeeze on the shoulder.

"I'm sure he will Henry, thanks again."

He shook Henry's hand before taking his leave. Time to get back to the island, he had rotas to implement and International Rescue to maintain. He'd told Gordon not to worry but in truth he was concerned, however were they going to manage for a month?

Scott was in a mad rush; his father was due home at any moment. They hadn't had any rescues in the whole forty-eight hours since he'd been gone, but Scott was still fretting about his earlier decision of letting Alan go up to the satellite. His father had since advised him Gordon couldn't travel home for a month. Scott knew his dad was going to say that Alan needed to stay on the island but John was already home resting. He knew his dad would be less than happy. Personally; if Scott had known the full situation, he would have sent Brains to replace John and had them all here. Now they would probably have to waste another trip and running Thunderbird three wasn't cheap. In hindsight it had been a poor decision on his part, he'd just wanted to resume some kind of normalcy for them and Alan was right, John needed to come home. He sat at the desk with his chin supported in his hand.

"Why so glum Scott?" A chipper voice called across the lounge. John had just surfaced from his room with a default coffee in hand.

"Ah nothing, you know how it is. Dad never likes leaving base, never approves of how I manage things in his absence."

"Ah. Try not to get so worked up, you know he's a perfectionist and it comes from the heart – well; deep, deep down somewhere near where his heart should be." He sat himself down on the armchair in front of Scott.

Scott chuckled. "I know. I know. Maybe he won't be so furious this time seeing as we haven't got called anywhere. It's not like I've inadvertently caused a ocean disaster this time." "

"You can hope."

"Hmm. Say where's Tin-tin?"

"No idea." John looked around surprised.

"Did you notice?"

"What? The ginormous Elephant in Thunderbird three?" John set down his coffee in his lap. "Yeah, what going on? Alan tried to kiss her and it took all her might not to recoil. Stiff as a board. I honestly thought he was in deep peril for a moment then the danger passed."

Scott sighed. "Mind keeping an eye on the desk?"

"Sure thing."

Scott made to step out from behind the desk. "Jeff Tracy to Tracy Island." Scott blanched.Dammit!"I swear his ears burn." Scott muttered. John snorted into his remaining coffee.

"Tracy Island receiving you, you're clear to land. See you in five."

"Everything alright son?"

"Just fine, welcome home dad." Scott signed off. John raised his eyebrows at him for being curt. "What?" Scott shrugged.

Ten minutes later Jeff was back in his rightful place having called a family meeting. "John What are you doing here?"

"Good to see you too father."

"Sorry John I didn't mean to sound unwelcoming; I'm just surprised." His gaze fell on Scott in a silentexplain.

"It was change over day yesterday so it went ahead. I was going to stop it but Alan reminded me how important it was that we respected each-others respite time and opportunity to all rota regularly so I went ahead with the switch. Obviously had I known the true extent of Gordon's condition it wouldn't have gone ahead."

Scott's eye contact never wavered under his father's scrutiny as he stood behind John.

"Right. Brains if you don't mind, I'm going to need you to do a spell on five."

"T-that's no trouble Mi-Mister Tracy."

"Good Brains, Scott, I want you gone in the hour. Bring Alan home and then together I think we can scrape by."

Tin-tin was trying to keep a brave face but the last thing she needed was Alan back on the island. She was so worried she'd missed half of what Mr Tracy was saying. She sat straighter and hoped she looked attentive.

"I- I could er, send a drone Mr Tracy then no one would have to drop Gordon's stuff off saving personnel and er time."

"Good plan Brains."

Tin-tin protested softly. "But Mr Tracy, the drone could get lost on route or intercepted and poor Gordon is unwell and alone. Let me go, with all the boys on the island you will have a full crew – and not to mention Lady Penelope and Parker." Jeff mulled over her proposal frowning. He didn't like it.

Scott glanced over at Tin-tin catching sight of her anxious expression. "She's right dad; they'll be four of us to four birds, more than enough and with Penny in reserve. Someone's going to need to keep Gordon in check or he's gonna be leaping before he can walk - or even worse swimming and our girl Tin is the perfect role model." Scott gave her a gentle squeeze around the shoulders. Scott was always so kind, it was what she loved about him.

"That is a good point, he's with Henry right now but he has to leave for England in the next couple of days. Tin-tin go and pack enough to see you through for at least a couple of weeks, including Gordon. Do you think you can keep him sane and away from the pool?"

"Oh Yes. I promise, he will do everything the doctor has ordered."

"Good well off you go."

She nodded before making a swift exit. She went straight to Gordon's room to pack. Tin-tin headed for the dresser and started busying herself with pulling clothes out, selecting casual outfits that would match along with a few smarter options. She lost herself in her duties of packing thankful for the opportunity to escape as soon as possible. She folded the shirt too harshly so it just unfurled in a lump. Huffing in annoyance she did it again trying to take more care.How dare he even try to kiss her!She'd ignored him all the way up in three refusing to head up to the top deck and then when John crossed over the threshold and Alan had turned to leave, he had taken her hand and planted a kiss on her lips before she'd even had time to react! She slammed the drawer as if shutting the memory away. He'd obviously thought he was going to get away with an audience in John but Tin-tin hadn't yielded at all and it had been a very awkward moment. She buried her head in her hands. Sometimes she felt guilty at the way she was treating him - not being able to forgive and the next she was so hurt she wondered if she could ever forgive him for what was really a small transgression, or was it? Was she being over the top or was her reaction justified?What am i going to do?she thought.

Gordon had spent the first day mostly vegetating on the settee trying to get his bearings. Henry dutifully saw to it that Gordon wanted for nothing and was welcome company but Gordon knew he was due back in England for an important family wedding that he couldn't get out of. He was watching the TV with no sound and subtitles when the doorbell chimed. He turned, not sure if he had heard something. Henry put a hand out indicating he should stay put and opened the door. Silence loomed. Gordon craned his neck over the edge of the sofa keen to see who it was. He couldn't think of anyone that would visit.

A head of blonde hair peeked around the corner. "Alice!" He beamed with a boyish grin.

"Hello again. I couldn't leave without checking how you were. I went to the hospital but I was surprised to find they'd discharged you already!" She popped some chocolates on the coffee table.

Henry had explained about his hearing so she was speaking louder than usual. He flicked his legs off the end of the couch and patted the space next to him. "Its OK don't move on my account."

"Sit here and I might have a chance of hearing you." He grinned.

She smiled and obeyed whilst Henry passed her a drink. She not met either of these boys before the conference but the disaster had led her to befriending Harry and he suggested she should come and see Gordon as he would be pleased to see her. She had been a little worried that he might not be up to visitors but to look at him you wouldn't know he'd had a close encounter with death just a few days ago. She pointed at him. "You're looking well."

"Yeah, thanks to you! Harry told me what you did, Thank you just doesn't cut it but I am really really thankful you were on hand. Sounds like you gave those International Rescue boys a run for their money."

"Awh it was nothing, just basic training right? If I hadn't got caught you wouldn't have got hurt." She looked down.

"Hey I don't blame you at all, it wasn't your fault."

"Hmm. Well, I'm glad that man from International Rescue arrived when he did but didn't he have the strangest accent, Harry?"

"Really? Piped Gordon.Well, this was interesting, hadn't dad told him Scott had rescued him?

"Yeah, he sounded British but not quite?"

Henry looked amused. "It sounded fake to me, one minute he sounded more well to do then me, then the next he was some kind of Cornish co*ckney."

Gordon burst out laughing. Ah man! trust him to be unconscious for that, Scott must have felt the need to disguise himself from Harry and thankfully despite the dodge accent it looked like he had been successful. He would have to see if John had it recorded.

"You didn't see the guy's face then?"

"No, he wore some kind of welding gear?"Smart move brother.Gordon was relieved he hadn't busted their cover as well as left them short staffed. His father wouldn't have been so forgiving then.

The conversation soon turned to the doomed Mantra Ray. "You guys heard anything?" Gordon asked. His ears were starting to throb - not to mention itchy and he was struggling to concentrate on the conversation but he was keen to know of any developments. That Man with the large brows and the repulsive attitude hadn't left his mind. He felt sure he'd had something to do with the sabotage.

"They aren't telling us anything. They say its too early at this point in time but a full investigation is under way. I want to know how the suspect went unnoticed." Alice frowned. It shouldn't have happened there were strict protocols in place and it was members only.

"I heard reports that one of the navy crew was killed the others appeared to have been drugged. They know it was a male but he fled the scene and has gone to ground." Harry had been trailing the news for what little info he could find out; Gordon had pinged a message to John but he hadn't been able to enlighten him much more either.

They all sat deep in thought for a moment, none of them voiced it but they knew they were all lucky to still be here but it just wasn't something you discussed, not in their field. Death was around every corner; it wasn't something you needed to dwell upon.

The afternoon drifted away in good company and happier subjects. Gordon had been struggling with having conversations after awhile so Harry had devised an ingenious game where they had to flip old pennies into different types of glasses. It soon became apparent that Alice was a precision thrower and she won all the pennies leaving the boys sore losers. She scooped all her winnings across the carpet into her waiting arms, Harry tried to intercept her winnings but she swatted him off easily pushing him to one side. He almost face planted in her lap but she pushed him off again before he could land. He looked up at her, smiling playfully. Gordon tried to convince Alice to take another all at stake round but she refused. "Nah ah. Have you never heard of quit while your ahead?"

"I'm an all or nothing kinda of guy."

"You don't say?" She mocked glancing at her watch. "Well as lovely as this has been I have a flight to catch. Thanks for having me over."

"You're welcome." He stood to shake her hand. She clasped his arm back. He didn't have to say anything else; she knew he was eternally grateful for her help.

Henry and Gordon followed her to the door, He noticed Harry slip her a piece of paper and smiled, someone was smitten. Henry opened the door. They all paused mid goodbye in surprise for there on the doorstep was Tin-tin with two suitcases at her feet.

Chapter 18

Chapter Text

Scott you've got to get to that crew you have minutes before they're submerged." Jeff barked through his suit's comms.

"I'm almost at the stern. No signs of life so far." The ship groaned echoing around him as it listed a drop further, Scott grabbed on to the door hatch that was almost vertical. He had a bag of several emergency masks with ten minutes worth of oxygen and no idea how many people might need them as the head count above was still taking place with the survivors and the missing. He bit back at the queasy feeling building in the pit of his stomach, he did not want to play God today. What if he couldn't get them all out? He shook his head he couldn't think like that. He steadied himself using his arms to pull himself along the port windows. The water streamed off of him as he entered the dry section of the stricken cruise ship, not that it would be dry for long.

"I'm at the door now, standby."

"F.A.B Scott, standing by."

Scott pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge. He stopped braced himself against the window and the door frame and tried again, grunting with the effort. He hammered on the door. No answer. He risked taking his mask off, it hung loosely on his chest. "Hey! Anyone in there? Can you get the door open? I'm here to rescue you but hurry we don't have much time!" The onimous creaking of the ship almost drowned out his shouts. The sound made him gulp. He did not like this situation at all. Too many variables that made it hazardous. He could be as easily entombed as them if he wasn't careful.

"Help! Can you hear us?"

"Yes! It's international rescue! Can you let me in?"

"Hang on!" A male voice yelled back.

"How many of you are there?"


He had ten masks as that was the largest capacity Thunderbird 4 could take, he would just have to hope it was just the seven here and that no one else was trapped. "Alright! Open the door and be careful! You don't want to drop into the water below." With that he hunched up against the port window crouched on top of it as he reapplied his mask. He then quickly hoisted the bag around to his front so he could easily hand out the masks. He glanced up his blue eyes focused on the scraping noises and shouting from above. It seemed the furniture of what he guessed was the kitchen area had blocked the escape route as the ship had started to sink. The water started sloshing at his feet as the port window underneath him cracked. Scott took a cautious step back feeling trapped. What he wouldn't give to be airborne right now.

Alan was straining from the level of control required to skim above the ocean, scowling in frustration at the occasional waiver in concentration that caused him to dip every now and then. Scott always made it look infinitely easy to fly this thing but Alan found her jumpy in comparison to Thunderbird three.

"Can you see anything Alan? The Italian authorities reckon there are still at least sixty odd passengers missing. Two lifeboats from the ship have been recovered, Penny is just extracting the last passengers from the top deck of the ship." Virgil's jaw formed a tense line, he wanted her back here with him but she refused to leave the remaining passengers till she had them secured.

"Nothing yet Virgil, I'm not holding out much hope, its freezing down there, I can't imagine someone would survive long once they hit the water and this ship was almost sunk by the time we got here."

"Alright, keep at it and shout if you need back up."


Virgil detested not being able to see what was going on below. "Penelope how are you doing?"

"No better and no worse than five minutes ago, now if you will excuse me, I'm a little preoccupied. I will call when you can raise the platform."

"Fine." He replied tersely. It wasn't often Virgil lost his cool but when he did, he looked akin to a certain younger fairer haired brother.

Penelope landed catlike on the railings, she couldn't reach the last person from the platform where she had promised Virgil she would remain, so she had hooked a safety line on and jumped for it. Balancing on the railings she was able to lend an outstretched hand to a young woman who clawed her way up Penny, stepping roughly on her shoulder in a panic to get on the platform. Two men hauled her up the rest of the way, her sneakers forcibly leaving Penelope's shoulder. She rolled it out before bending down once again to offer her arm to another man, once on the railings he was tall enough to scrabble on. They were running out of room on the already crowded platform. Below the crowd of desperate people clawed at the railings, scrabbling for purchase.

Despite the chaos around her Penelope remained calm as she crouched on the metal rungs, it wouldn't do to lose her head, there were enough people doing that. The shouting, screaming and wailing could be heard above the clamour of the waves and the clanking of the liner as it got pulled under. There were at least another sixteen that she could see as she did a quick head count.. Another two managed to hop on of their own accord. Then the colour from her face drained in horror. Just to her left she saw a mother holding on one handed, cradling a young child to her breast.

Before she knew what she was doing she unclipped herself and started to traverse over to the left. Other people still tried to clamber onto the platform but there was still enough room, she judged they should all be able to make it with inches to spare. She had to concentrate on her every move, trying to step over people grabbing at her legs, the white knuckles of desperation clinging to the edge beneath her feet. The ship lurched and she windmilled before quickly grabbing on with all fours and steading her hold. She was almost there. Her eyes locked with the raven-haired women, her hair and olive skin dripping with sea spray, her pretty cobalt tunic in tatters. The babies' cries carried on the wind along with the mothers' desperate pleas, she was weakening, Penny could see it in the whites of her eyes. "Don't give up now I'm almost there." She called across. The woman nodded.

Little did Penelope know but a young man had been trailing her from the mid-point. Sensing the lady might need assistance and appearing to be on her own he had taken off after her rather than save his own skin on the platform with everyone else. Seeing him, two other men had followed. The captain who had refused till last minute to leave his ship and another tourist, his camera still attached around his neck. They pushed their way along, shoving people over them to the platform when needed, the occasional foot or elbow making contact with their faces, snagging on their clothes, the water was perilously close now soaking their trousers. The captain fell into step with the slim young man in front, he nodded at him. The kid (For he was no older than eighteen) nodded back, they could do this they had to. A fierce gust of wind ripped through stealing the captain's hat and tossing it into the seafoam below. He stared for a moment as it sunk with his ship before tightening his grip.

Penelope had reached the rung above, one arm outstretched. "Pass me the child please, come on you can do it." she called arm outstretched.

The young women tried to raise her the child from the crook of her arm but she couldn't. She sobbed. She was beyond exhaustion and fear, it had consumed her. Sometime ago the feeling had left her arm, the muscles spasmed into gripping the child hard enough to bruise but now her fingers felt dead. She tried; she had really tried but she was so weak. The thick sliver railing was too wide for her petite hand. It squeaked as her grip started to relinquish. She knew it was too late. She kissed her precious bundle on their head, tears streaming into their soft downy hair. She inhaled the precious smell of her baby girl one more time; and let go.

"Nooooooooo!" Penelope screamed, arm still extended as the little bundle started to slip, time almost slowed but not enough. She pitched herself off the stern into the tempest below.


Gordon has risen early to say goodbye to Henry who was returning home. He was sorry to see his friend leave, out of all of this, having extra time with him had been one of the best outcomes. They had promised to stay in more regular contact and Gordon hoped it wouldn't be as long till he next saw his friend. Tin-Tin was still asleep, the house was quiet as he padded through the lounge in socks and cream shorts. She had been so pleased to see him and you could see she wanted to pepper him with questions but had refrained as he had been tired by his guests before she arrived, so she had gone to bed early. Hopefully today he would find out a bit more about home and how they were all keeping.

He grabbed his t-shirt off the sofa and threw it on before heading to the fridge and pouring some juice. He leaned back against the cool marble counter. Today was the first time he felt more like himself. He downed the juice feeling energised, smiling in satisfaction. He headed over to the sofa and pulled out his tattered trainers from his original overnight bag. Gordon bent over, concentrating on lacing them up and trying not to be put off by the disconcerting way the floor swayed on his outer periphery.

He felt a tap on the back of his shoulder and almost jumped a mile high. Tin-tin tilted his chin gently with her fingers. He gulped. "Where do you think you are going?"

"Er to get breakfast."

She pulled back and folded her arms.

"Alright; I fancied a morning run. I need to keep my fitness up. Its very easy for me to lose muscle mass and I need my core strength maintained for my back, along with the physio that's the bane of my life, especially when I can't do my usual swim."

"Come with me." She crooked a finger towards her in case he hadn't heard her. For the first time he noticed she was in bright lycra leggings and a loose fitting shirt with her hair pulled into a high pony. Intrigued as to what exercise she has planned he followed her out onto the balcony. The early morning sun had warmed the decked area already, the balcony above providing some shelter from the glare of the rising sun that twinkled off the sleek sliver railings and glass panels. He looked at the mats in resignation. "Yoga. Not exactly what I had in mind, I was after something a bit more… athletic." He wrinkled his nose in obvious distaste.

Tin-tin claimed her mat to the left and rolled her eyes at him over her shoulder. "Gordon, I know you practiced yoga for a long time after your initial injury. It has many benefits that I don't have to explain to you. Technically we shouldn't even be doing this till you are better but you need some form of exercise."

He paused to kick off his trainers that he'd strained himself to put on, a small smile playing across his face. "You know I can't hear you?" She swatted his arm. He pushed her back just as she side stepped him easily and took a defensive stance.

"Fine, fine!" He held up in hands in exasperation. He knew she probably wouldn't spar with him today but he wouldn't come to harm even if they did, Tin-tin had evasion down to an art form and could create space in places where you thought she was cornered without expending herself in the slightest.

He resigned himself to doing as he was told. They both worked through a few simple warm up stretches of their limbs before moving onto a yoga warm up. Gordon bent and sat crossed legged before holding his hands palm up on his knees. He could feel the gentle but firm pull of his back muscles as he sat straight and focused on the magnificent LA skyline that stretched out before them. He glanced to see Tin-tin smiling back at him in encouragement before turning to face front again to stabilise his breathing.

Tin-tin followed his lead as he started on a seated twist. Her left hand on the floor and right supported on her left knee she slowly twisted to the left, looking over her shoulder away from him for five breaths before turning back. She noticed he didn't hold the position as long as her but his flexibility was good.

They continued with several other warm up poses ending with the child's pose before moving onto the more strenuous movements. They flowed from the Back bend before rising up into the warrior poses. He couldn't face the downward dog today, it would make him too light-headed. Despite his inner ear issues causing some balance problems initially, Gordon already maintained a strong core which helped him to keep his balance where others would have struggled. Tin-tin glanced over in occasional awe which led to a wobble or two but she quickly recovered. After thirty minutes she called time. "Time to wind down."

"Seriously? You're not saying that for my benefit are you because I could do this all morning." He was currently balanced one foot resting on the side of his knee, his arms outstretched above him in a straight arrow. He didn't even twitch as he talked, his body remained in total alignment as he remained fixated on his point of focus.

Tin-tin was already back in the child pose taking a break. She stood so he could see her, a healthy flush had broken out across her cheeks. "Trust me it's for my benefit." she gasped in the heat.

He laughed finally wavering. "Alright let's hit the floor."

They spent five minutes in the corpse pose just letting their mind wander. Tin-Tin's thoughts were pleasant – at first. The sun on her skin, the far way hum of early morning traffic, the birds overhead and the jet she could hear passing over reminding her of the aircraft at home and in turn her family. Alan's bright smile dazzled her senses causing her to frown. Against her will she wondered what he was doing right now, asleep most likely. The way he looked so peaceful and content, resting on the pillow next to her in the early morning light. Waking up next to him filled her with quiet contentment. Then the image shattered as she saw him with that brunette nobody draped across him, her silvery dress clinched where his hand met her thigh and his mouth connected with hers and not her own.


Gordon held his hand extended outwards from where he was crouched. He pulled her up into a sitting position, the hurt evident on her face caused him to reach out and wipe a tear.

She scraped at her face. "Hay fever, the pollen count must be awfully high today."

"Yeah, real problem in the city." He lingered holding onto her hand. "Are you sure your alright? You're very quiet about this weekend just gone."

"I'd rather not talk about it." She replied in a small voice.

"Sorry I didn't catch that."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Of course, you didn't" she mocked.

"I genuinely didn't you were rather quiet."

"Oh" She noticed his confused face for the first time and laughed. "Sorry"

"My fault for crying wolf. I told dad I couldn't hear him too when I thought he was going to kick off"

She gave a half laugh, half sniff. A little louder she replied. "I'd rather not talk about it, yet."

"Fair enough then. Come on, can't lie around all day. Got proper exercise to do." He struggled wincing out of the crouch.

"Let's stretch first"

"Agreed." He extended upwards slowly as she grimaced standing up. "Nothing to see here, just two young adults in their prime." They both laughed while trying to stretch fully without cracking. Gordon could always lighten her mood quicker than a flame could ignite. She couldn't help it, his good-humoured nature drew happiness even from the darkest of moments. It was in his nature to make others happy. She smiled tentatively as they broke off to their respective rooms to shower, maybe she could heal here.


The tides were quickly turning for Scott, sweeping him with them. he'd just passed the last mask to the remaining crew member after laying out the plan for them when the ship finally sank fully. Something heavy struck the stern above them as it shuddered on its way down sending them into a spin, bubbles sprouted upwards in a fountain, obscuring his view for a moment. The boat suddenly plummeted around them and for a time he was suspended as it all fell away around him, he watched the crew shoot off downwards not looking back like he told them. The speed of the ship sinking increased dramatically. Chairs, bins and possessions drifted down around him like he was incased in some giant snow globe. It wasn't till he was nearly struck in the head by the old stairway, that he got his bearings to push on. He kicked with all his might, pushing downwards towards what he thought had been his carefully thought-out exit but now up was down and down was up - he had no idea. He just caught sight of feet disappearing around the corner ahead and made a spurt for it. He'd never felt so off kilter during a rescue before, it was enough to shake him out of his daze. Somehow, he pushed off out of the final hatch (where he had cut the old external door off) to see the under-ocean expanse that for a moment seemed blissful in comparison to the wreck that was now crashing below him.

His thoughts turned back to fear, where were they? He should have been leading them out but somehow got left behind in the confusion. They only had minutes on those respirators, he had to find them. "Base to Thunderbird 4" Scott ignored the call pushing around wildly before he remembered to look up. he was so used to assessing situations below him. He he saw what looked to be figures clustered together high above. He inflated his BCD and shot upwards. He closed the valve again "Woah!" He was now a good ten metres above the crew they looked at him in surprise from where he had just rocketed past. He quickly made his way back to them breathing hard and cursing himself for it, realising he was expending precious oxygen faster than a balloon with a puncture.

Scott got to the men and pointed east to where he knew the tracker indicated he'd left Thunderbird four. A quick count told him thankfully that they were better prepared than him and had managed to remain together. He pushed on with them following behind. They managed to get back near the sub unscathed. Now he had to get them in and quickly. He hastily selected the first three who looked like they were struggling the most and went in with them to de-pressurise. The water drained away painfully slowly, Scott barely registered John trying to hail him. He literally pushed the men out before instantly hitting the button again. A few painstaking minutes later he was back out. Two of the men were supporting a tall, large man with a shock of red hair undulating in the tide, he was unconscious. Scott instantly helped them to pull him into the hatch. As the water got to their waist Scott removed his respirator and tapped the man's pale cheeks hard. They pulled him out the hatch. "Go we've got this!" They shouted. Scott immediately backed out to get the last man whose face was one of concealed panic. He was trying his hardest to remain calm but there was nothing left in his lungs to expel, he could hear his heart pounding in his ears whilst he tried to resist the urge to claw at his neck. As the water finally cleared, he inhaled nosily trying to suck in air as fast as possible on his hands on his knees, his white shirt practically see-through revealing dark skin underneath.

"Thank you, man, I thought we were gonners for sure."

"You're welcome that was certainly a close shave, let's get you guys top side."

Scott made it back into the now very crowded sub. The large gentleman that had collapsed was now sat upright in the corner but still looked weak. "How is he?" Scott bent down and checked his vitals. Luckily, he had a steady pulse if a little sluggish. Scott stood and leaned across one of the other guys to grab the oxygen mask and a emergency blanket.

"He's pretty out of it put then he just nearly downed so its to be expected. He's lucky to be alive, hell we all are!" A small wiry guy clapped Scott on the back. "Thank you amigo."

"You're welcome, I'm sorry I got caught up at the end. I should have got you to safety quicker." Scott was appalled. He'd nearly lost this guy through his own stupidity. He knew better than to lose his bearings and to deploy his BCD too much. He'd allowed the situation to get the better of him.

The last guy he had brought back in with him piped up. "Hey man, don't beat yourself up like that. What you just pulled off was a miracle! We were all waiting to die, you were our salvation. That was a hell of a situation to be in, none of us could have got out without you."

Scott smiled. "Thank you that's very kind" –

"Scott, will you come in!" He looked at the console distracted. "If you'll just excuse me…"

"Sure" with one final check of the guy on the floor Scott pushed his way through as they parted to let him get to the controls.

"This is Thunderbird Four to Base and Five. sorry for the radio silence, I had my hands full with seven of the crew that were trapped. Returning to the surface now, one needs hospital treatment immediately."

"Alright, head to the coordinates John just sent over and a rescue ship will be on hand for you to offload the crew, once completed check in for further instructions." His father tone concerned him; something had gone wrong but what exactly? He fired up the turbines and got ready to ascend. "F.A.B I'll report in as soon as I'm top side." He cut the transmission and turned to see five men ducked uncomfortably, the smallest with his hands resting on the back of Scott's seat was the only one with plenty of headroom. It was getting hot and stuffy; the inside of the screen was already condensing with droplets. Scott fired up the vents in an attempt to clear it, definitely time to go. "Hold tight guys, it might get a bit bumpy."

"No worse than what we've been through today."

Little did Scott know his experience was the tip of the iceberg to what had occurred above.

Chapter 19

Chapter Text

Chapter 19

Penelope's hands felt icy against the soft crocheted wool as she flipped her body to take the impact. She tried to protect her precious cargo but she knew it would be futile. Hitting the water would mean she would go under and where she would probably survive, the child would surely not. Still; she couldn't stand by without trying, watching the child die would haunt her to the end of her days. Better to die trying to save a life then a lifetime tormented by regret and what ifs. She closed her eyes as she braced for impact.

Virgil had been focusing on maintaining a steady position above, while Penny worked to secure the causalities below when he heard the kind of scream that only occurs when someone is moments from death. A high-pitched scream of unadulterated fear. His heart froze in his chest, something had gone wrong, had they lost someone? Not having time for proper protocol Virgil radioed "Penelope respond." The sea crashed and roiled in response; the sound of his own Thunderbird reverberated back faintly through the mic. Virgil remained calm even as he felt the adrenaline start to spike. That couldn't have been her. It didn't sound like Penelope; His Penny didn't scream. "Penelope come in! Do you read me?"

All he could hear was the rumble and crashing of waves along with the muffled thudding of the mic before he heard "Quick grab her!"

Another more muffled voice cut in. "I've got her! but she's slipping I'm losing her boot!"

"Grab her leg! Pull her up!" The stranger panted with the effort. "Come on….. No way! She's got the baby! She did it!"

Virgil heard the cry of a young infant.

He gripped the controls until his knuckles flared white. He instinctively looked to his left but there was no one there. No one to call to assist and he couldn't leave the controls, not with this wind and the platform extended with all those people on board. The autopilot would be too risky. His mouth was dry, his collar wet with perspiration as he was forced to listen to Penelope's fate in the hands of a stranger. He had to think of something and fast.

Suddenly she was swinging like a pendulum, her hair slipping out of its bun messily around her face as the wind whipped it into a frenzy. The back of her head banged into to something hard, killing her momentum as she crashed into the vertical decking. She clutched the baby to her chest even tighter. Dazed; her breathing caught in sharp stunted breaths as the sea below her roared; engulfing the remaining cabin wall. The baby's wailing brought her back from the brink of unconsciousness. "Shhh, it's alright my little darling, I've been in worse scrapes then this, I'll get us out of here…. just you wait and see." She could feel hands clawing at her boots then her thighs as they made a grab for her waist. As Penny was up hauled across the railings, she knew there would be bruises later. As she was pulled up fully, she saw the captain had the mother of the child by one wrist. He strained to pull her up with all his might, his feet locked on the rungs like stirrups. This rescue had gone horribly wrong; she didn't want to call for help but on this occasion she reflected, she was royally up the proverbial creek without a paddle and assistance would be required.

"Thunderbird two to Thunderbird one."

"Thunderbird one receiving you"

"Alan, I need you over here, Penelope is in trouble."

"Trouble! What kind of trouble?" He frowned in concern as he adjusted the mic on his headset. He hated Scott's mic on the chair, it wasn't practical. As soon as he'd set off, he'd shove it out of the way, abandoned behind him like he always did.

"I'm not sure but civilians are having to pull her out of harm's way and I can't raise her on the comms." His brow was creased in concern.

"Alright. I'll try to finish here as soon as I can. I have just located five causalities on a makeshift raft of cargo. I'm acting as a beacon I can't leave till their picked up."

"How long will that be?" Virgil was unusually sharp leaving Alan surprised.

"Their E.T.A is ten minutes."

"Ten minutes is too long!" Virgil wiped an arm across his forehead. "Okay I'll try Scott. Hold the line."


"Thunderbird two calling Thunderbird four."

"Thunderbird four, go ahead Virgil."

"Scott; please tell me your finished." Virgil was becoming increasingly worried; he tensed his hands in attempt to stop the tremors.

Concerned at the lack of protocol Scott was quick to respond. "I'm done here, what do you need?"

Virgil rolled his eyes heavenward in a silent thanks. "Scott its Penelope; somethings wrong! She was helping passengers onto the platform and told me she would let me know when it was ready to come up but it's been twenty minutes and I heard a scream and now I can't get hold of her at all." The words rushed out.

"Alright, take it easy. Give me your coordinates and I'll be there."

Virgil reeled them off. "Scott can you maintain this open line with me, I'll ask Alan to inform base and to keep this line clear."

"Will do." Scott hung up. "Gee, must be pretty bad to rile Virgil up like that, I best hotfoot it over there." He had already dropped off the crew from the ship with the nearest life boat vessel. He was only minutes from the wreck now as he had been on his way back to see if he could assist in anyway until Virgil was ready to collect him.

The waters became even choppier as he approached the stricken ship, the rain had also started to plummet splashing the windscreen in golf ball sized droplets. Scott could just make out Thunderbird 2 above with a very overcrowded platform. His eyes quickly assessed the scene directly below where he could just make out a small group of people resting on top of the silver railings that would have once formed the stern of the ship, the water was starting to lap over the last of the remaining deck. If the ship broke away, they would be expelled into the sea. As it was, they were moments away from being submerged. Scott usually controlled the mission but had delegated to Virgil whilst he was tied up below water. Time to take the lead - they had to act fast. He flicked open the broadcast to all thunderbirds and base.

Thunderbird four to Thunderbird two. Get that platform up now! it's at capacity!"


"No buts; do it Virgil. I've got the others - or will have. Can't waste time talking. Get the platform up and Standby. Alan; do one more sweep of the area for final casualties."

"F.A.B" They intoned both knowing better than to question Scott simply by his tone.

By Now Scott had steered himself into position as close as he dared. He flicked the controls to automatic so that Thunderbird four wouldn't stray from her current location before quickly zipping to the hatch and slapping the open button. It hissed before releasing upwards. He jumped up onto the ladder, his head popping out from the hatch.

"Hey!" He waved his arms at the group of people. He could see Penelope looked disorientated but sat upright and one of the men was holding a bundle of blankets as high as he could. Scott immediately dived back in the sub before throwing out a yellow buoy. As he ripped the cord it automatically inflated into a raft. He tied the cord to one of the external rings on four's bodywork with a secure double figure of eight knot. He pulled on it to double check it was secure. "Hop on!"

One of the guys swapped holding the baby, passing it to a younger more lithe looking man. He lined up his jump knowing he had seconds left before he was in the water. He pushed off into the air before landing into the raft, he bounced slightly causing Scott's heart to freeze thinking the guy was going to bounce straight out into the water with the baby before he managed to grab a rope on the side of the raft and steady himself. He sank further into the raft checking the baby.

"Nicely done!" Scott yelled across the gale and torrential rain. The guy flashed a smile despite everything, he was just so relieved to have made it. Scott turned his attentions back to the group. The ship had now well and truly gone, they were all scrabbling in the water, Penelope was barely keeping her head above but the life jacket served to keep her afloat. One hulk of a man who looked to be a civilian helped pull Penelope along whilst the captain brought up the rear with a young female. They all swam for the raft as fast as they could, the rain and saltwater lashing into their eyes. Scott was already drenched to the skin, his legs dug into the top rung to give him support. Within minutes all four of them managed to drag themselves on to the raft helping support each other. Once satisfied he had everyone, he made to move. He was worried about the baby in this weather but it would be too risky to get it on board, better to stay in the raft, he noticed the swaddled bundle had immediately been transferred to the young woman who was sobbing her heart out in relief holding the baby against her breast as she leaned into hug Penelope who awkwardly patted her back.

"I'm going to tow you to the nearest lifeboat, hold on!"

He hopped back down, skipping the ladder completely before quickly diving into the seat. He called ahead to the life boat he'd already been dealing with and gave a quick summary of his passengers. Then he switched back to the IR transmission. "Thunderbird four to Thunderbird two I have Penny as promised. I don't know her condition yet but she's responsive and was able to swim to the raft." Scott heard an audible sigh of relief. "Base, I'm dropping these guys off with the Italian water search and rescue, then Penny and I will be ready for collection by Virgil once he's dropped his passengers off."

"Well done, Scott. Alan's conducted two sweeps and reported no more casualties. Wrap it up then head home."


Scott was able to quickly off load their very grateful passengers before stepping out to help Penelope on board. He scrabbled down the edge of Thunderbird four to help her up. With some difficulty he managed to get her into the little dusky yellow sub. He sat her down on the gurney and almost called the boat back but she protested, slapping his hand away lightly as she shivered. "Lady Penelope, you really should see a doctor."

"I'm fine Scott, just a bang to the head and rather cold but otherwise fine. Nothing a cup of tea won't sort."

"Hmmm" He finished shining a torch in both her sky-blue eyes, his fingers relaxed their firm grip on her chin. "Where did you hit your head ?"

"Back here." She felt the bump and winced. Scott looked to where she indicated. Sure enough, there was a cracking bump. He grabbed an ice pack out the first aid pack, snapping it against his leg, before wrapping it in a cover. "Hold that on your head for the journey back, I'm still not ruling out a trip to the doc."

She took the ice and gave her best stare of contempt at such an idea. Scott rolled his eyes before turning back to the chair. She pulled the blanket he had left closer around her. "I don't need mollycoddling."

"Molly what?"

"Stop fussing."

"Ohhhh; I see. You think I'm bad? Wait till Virgil gets hold of you.You gave him quite the scare." Scott emphasized. Penelope groaned; leaning against the hull. Scott flashed her a wicked grin, there was no way she was going to get away without being fussed over.

Once the pod had safely docked Scott ushered Penelope out and sat her down in the sick bay – much to her disgust. He was still soaked through, the polyester of his uniform starting to chaff uncomfortably. Scott had already made Penny change into his spare uniform as he was worried about her being too cold. She had a clear air of defiance, her elegant chin pointing upwards. He appraised her sternly as he sat her on the bunk with her straggled wet hair and borrowed clothes, the glint in her eyes did not fill him with confidence that she was going to stay put. "Don't make me strap you down."

"I'm not sure Rose would approve."

Luckily for him he didn't blush easily. He shook his head, now he had all kinds of wild – uncomfortable thoughts he did not need. His hands had tightened on her shoulders for a moment too long. He quickly withdrew. He could still her laughing as he tried to pull himself together.

"Just stay there and try not to hit your head again." He managed to bite out before he disappeared. Penelope laughed once more before wincing in pain. She reapplied the ice pack.

Scott grabbed a quick change into a spare uniform of Virgil's (There was no way he'd fit Gordon's) and slipped into the main cabin. Virgil looked over his shoulder. "Where is she?" Scott noticed the immediate tension in the line of Virgil's shoulders and the strained quality of his voice. Scott sloped down in the co-pilot seat exhausted before leaning over to flick the flight controls to him.

"Sick bay. You're welcome to her. Stubborn as a mule! No immediate signs of concussion but a nice lump forming on the back of her head, Neck is a bit stiff, I suspect whiplash but she attributes it to the cold."

"OK, I will see if I can persuade her to co-operate, thanks for getting to her in time." Virgil would never be able to explain how much rescuing her meant to him.

"Anytime, you know we'd all do anything for Penelope. She's like family."

He nodded in response before swallowing hard. He wasn't capable of forming a more adequate response.

Virgil headed down the well-trodden route to the sick bay his mind whirring with horrible images. Scott had explained (whilst waiting to be collected) how Penelope had seen a mother clinging to the railings let go of her baby. She had no time to react and before she knew it, she had jumped to grab the child with no line, no regard for her own safety. Images of her being swallowed by waves with her head bobbing up before submerging after the child she had lost kept looping on repeat in his head. That golden halo of hair fanning on the surface of the sea as she was rocked by the tide face down. He knew if the baby had hit the water Penelope would have searched and searched with every breath left in her body. He shook his head trying to clear his fears. The danger had passed; she was safe.

He'd made a cup of tea on his way down knowing she would want one. As he rounded the corner his grip failed, the mug shattering at his feet, spraying tea and ceramic shards in all directions. "Penelope!" He rushed through the clear doors as they hissed open, pulling her lifeless form into his arms. "Penelope" He tapped her shoulder as he tried in vain to rouse her. "Penny!"

Chapter 20

Chapter Text

"Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise just go with it!"

Tin-Tin had been with Gordon since the beginning of the week and over that time it had become apparent that she was doing her best to put on a brave face. She was usually a bright soul but now she was too bright, her words and actions strained with almost forced quality at times. Then there were the lows, he noticed the little things like the downturn in her face when she thought she was alone and the absentmindedness when she gazed over her tea in the evenings. He knew it had something to do with the weekend she was away. She had been so excited before and now she could barely bring herself to talk about it, but it was obvious the events of that weekend were playing on her mind, leading him to one conclusion. She wasn't telling him because he'd been the one to upset her when he inadvertently ruined their weekend away. When he went missing, they would have been called back. His dad hadn't said anything and he hadn't really plucked up the courage to ask what had happened when they realised that he was missing. He'd tried calling Scott but his watch was engaged and he'd messaged John who hadn't replied. Gordon felt guilty, especially when she'd come to keep him company. Tin-Tin wasn't the type to tell you to your face that you'd upset her, she didn't like to cause a scene and shied from any form of confrontation. Gordon decided he wanted to make it up to her with a day out at somewhere he knew she'd always wanted to visit.

The yellow cab pulled up at their destination just as dusk was falling. Tin-tin stepped out of the cab her eyes alight with excitement as she looked across the expansive lawns at the large white building with tall windows and three domed roofs. The late summer evening light glowed like an orange halo behind her as she shut the car door with a thud. She was awestruck. Gordon tipped the driver before he drove away leaving them on the kerb. "Shall we?" He proffered his arm.

"I can't believe your taking me to the Griffith Observatory!" She practically skipped along beside him. She'd wanted to visit ever since Jeff had introduced her to the concept of space. She would often proof read for John and a lot of his early journals had been written from this very observatory. He spoke about his time here with such fondness and passion that she had been desperate to see it for herself.

They stole up the sweeping lawns and straight into the main entrance before Gordon indicated they should head straight on up to the promenade walkway. At the top of the stairs, he covered her eyes with his hands and led her across the narrow corridor to an empty section of balcony. When he'd got her into position, he removed his hand. "Open your eyes."

She gasped; taking a moment to scan the whole one hundred and eighty degrees. "Wow! ... You can see everything!" She scrabbled for her camera from her shoulder bag and started to take a panoramic image taking in downtown LA, a flat network of buildings in the heart of the basin that spread all the way out to the coast on the horizon. You could see for leagues and leagues - she couldn't get over it. Los Angeles after dark would be a sight to behold from up here. Gordon stood back for a minute just watching her, letting her appreciate the view. He was just happy he had been able to make her really smile again.

She turned on her heel beaming back at him. "So, is there a plan?" She fell into step beside him her smaller pace just keeping up next to him. He threaded hands with her again and leaned into her shoulder as they strolled around to look at the east terrace where more panoramic views of Los Angeles awaited.

"Well, I have tickets booked for the planetarium at 8.45pm and then it's the Star party tonight." His eyes glinted with barely contained excitement. Tin-tin noticed for the first time that several groups of people were assembling telescopes all over the lawns. She had heard about these parties where the observatory invited local telescope groups to set up on the lawn and share their knowledge and passion for observing the skies.

"Oh Gordon, this is wonderful thank you!"

"You're welcome! Might as well have fun while I'm grounded." He winked.

They spent the next hour trapsing the terraces taking in the sights of the famous Hollywood sign, it was a fine evening, they could even see the Wilson observatory. Once done on the roof terraces they meandered around the exhibits till Tin-tin found the one she wanted.

The words were stencilled on the wall in black italics with the images she knew so well emblazoned below under the title of Quasar systems.A Quasar is a highly luminous astronomical object, a type of active galactic nucleus found at the centre of galaxies in their infancy.The exhibit then moved on to the most recent Quasar systems found including "The Tracy quasar system, discovered by John Tracy 25th May 2066." Tin-tin's hands traced over the stencilled placard at waist height.

"Do you remember that day? He called in from Five and hung up on himself three times in excitement, between that and Brains stuttering even more in his eagerness at trying to verify it. I'm surprised John's discovery ever saw the light of day." He smiled fondly at the memory whilst Tin-Tin chimed with laughter.

"We should take a photo to message him."

"Alright." Gordon pulled out his phone to take a selfie of them pointing at the exhibit over enthusiastically. They remained posing as the flash flared before stepping away. He glanced at his watch, It was time for the show.

They poured into the planetarium, the ebb of the crowd carrying them along the foyer like an electrical current. As they filtered in, he helped Tin-Tin to find their seats by the dim blue LED lights on the steps and walkways. Once settled they waited for the show to begin. The dome loomed above them dark and empty. Tin-Tin settled into the leather recliner shivering with a mixture of anticipation and from the coolness of the leather against her bare legs and arms.

"I think I need to pinch myself."

His lips quirked in a lopsided grin. "I assure you its real. I knew you loved astronomy but your bordering John levels of nerdom."

Suddenly the speakers boomed as the narrator began. "Welcome to the Samuel Oschin Planetarium. Let us take you on a journey of discovery through the ages from the big bang to the shaping of our solar system and beyond!" Gordon winced in pain at the feedback, his ears rang. He knew he might have trouble with the booming of the speakers, he pulled his noise cancelling headphones out of his bag. Once in silence he relaxed, the pain subsiding to the usual dull ache, the ringing becoming less intense. He wasn't concerned about not being able to hear the show, he didn't need a story teller to tell him about the cosmos. The history of the earth had been engrained in him since he was a small child by his father, John, even Alan was able to explain some of the major astronomical events with glee.

One last smile at Tin-Tin was lost as the dome burst into light, stars shone forth into existence as they blinkered around the dome. Their seats reclined back so they lay looking at the stars. As the 4D experience took hold he could feel the shudder of the chair and imagine the rocket sounds that would be echoing around the chamber as they took off on their expedition, he felt the slight sensation of a lighter G-force than a real rocket take hold of him as the stars came down around him. He couldn't help it; he extended a hand to reach the star next to him but it remained obstinately out of his reach. The stars rotated and imploded before exploding into nothingness; for in the beginning there was no light.

It started so slowly Gordon started to wonder if the projector had failed but there in the centre of the dome, something seemed to build, a swirling dark mass that was barely visible against the backdrop. His chair started to expand encasing around him as the temperature in his seat became warmer like heated seats in a car. He twitched at the sudden release of compressed air behind his neck and from the underneath where his arms rested, it was like the cold sensation of a spray deodorant. It tickled his skin as the seat contracted back before the heat returned as the mass of nothingness in the air started to undulate and grow before their eyes. The sky almost became a Martian red in intensity becoming brighter and brighter till there was a large flash! Gordon blinked as the cosmos reverted to the inky darkness. It was still really hot, the sky midnight black and empty seemingly of anything, but Gordon knew this was the time when atoms started to develop. A diagram pitched up in a 3D format above them to illustrate this. Then the atmosphere around them started to cool till it became really quite chilly, Gordon dug into the chair chasing after the last shred of warmth. The cooling replicated the stage of universe at about 110 million years after its creation. More areas of matter started to form before little lights started to blip into existence.

Gordon looked over to see Tin-Tin completely enthralled. As the starts burst into creation across the heavens they refracted like rebel diamonds in her eyes, twinkling as her blush lips pursed in surprise at the lightshow. She looked…...other worldly, more stunning than the creation of the universe bursting into life around them. He found himself drawn in by the way she bit her lip in concentration, to the way her eyebrows quirked in surprise. He wasn't sure when but suddenly he no longer felt anything but wonder at her beauty, the innocence that he adored and the gentle soul that slept behind that inquisitive gaze. He was no longer aware of where he was, for he wasn't really present anymore.

Eventually credits began to roll above them, the light becoming warmer like an energy bulb. He found Tin-Tin turning towards him. Her expression curious as she took in his features. Realising he was still staring he quickly broke into his best lop-sided grin and shucked his headphones. He could feel his heart beat in his ears. It skipped a beat. "Amazing right?" He led with.

"Incredible! Did you see the aurora borealis? It looked like the real thing!"

"Yeah, pretty stunning, I loved sensation of the launch and the expansion and cooling of the universe."

"And the shuddering as the Earth's core formed!"

"Sorry to break it up guys but we have another viewing in ten." The steward smiled warmly at them as she grabbed some old ticket stubs, shoving them into a black bag.

"Sorry!" They both chorused as they grabbed their things.

"No worries, glad you enjoyed the show!"

They smiled before exiting the aisle and heading out into the cooler night air. Tin-tin shivered a little, Gordon's jacket was off his back and around her shoulders before she could even rub her arms. "Thank you"

Dusk had fallen, the night a beautiful inky pink as the last rays of the sun faded giving way to the night. The full moon started to rise in the East. They strolled down onto the lawn where various groups of people huddled around forty to fifty telescopes. They walked from group to group each focusing on various fields of interest, snatches of conversation filtered across; discussing moon phases, planetary alignments and binary stars. Tin-tin didn't know which to explore first till an older gentleman stepped forwards. "Care to view? In just a few moments we are hoping to see Mars pass through the beehive cluster."

"Presepe is within the constellation of Cancer I believe?" Tin-tin enquired as she stepped up to the large telescope.

"Yes indeed; I see you know your constellations." He used his stick to help lever himself into a chair. They were the only ones surrounding the telescope - most of the other telescopes were larger fancier affairs drawing the eye of the public. This telescope was much older although Tin-tin suspected the kindly man was far more knowledgeable than some of the other surrounding enthusiasts.

"I dabble, its more of a hobby really. I'm drawn to the mythology as well as the science." She started to view the celestial event unfolding before her.

"Both subjects as fascinating as the other." He replied in a plummy British accent. "Tell me; what do you see?"

"Mars has aligned, the stars are framing it like diamonds, it really is very beautiful. Funny that the planet that shares the name of the roman god of war should find itself located in the manger."

The old man pushed his thick frames up his nose as he chuckled. "Among two donkeys' instead of a cavalry."

Gordon was lost with the mythology talk. "Is it true they recently discovered another planted within the beehive?"

"Yes, Pr0213 b was first discovered in January of this year and the IAU have now confirmed it is a newly discovered exo-planet just this month."

"Wow! it's that we are still only just discovering them now."

"Space isn't infinite but there's still much to discover, probably far too much to categorise in our life time much like the deepest depths of the ocean." Gordon smiled; he could relate to that. Tin-Tin waved him over to view the spectacle.

As he slotted in next to her, he tripped a little, his balance still off kilter. She steadied him by placing both her small hands on either side of his lower back. Her touch sent a shiver down his spine like an electrical current, he found he was suddenly hyper aware of where her hands made contact with the small of his back, with only a thin scrap of fabric holding back her touch. He swallowed and readjusted his position on the scope as she slipped away.

He could hear her chatting to the gentleman as he tried to focus on the spectacular event in front of him. If he missed this opportunity because he wasn't focused John would certainly have something to say about it. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the lens. The stars dotted the landscape mostly clustered with the brightest in the centre of the mass. Just to the left he could see the outline of a disk that he assumed must be mars. It was indeed an incredible sight to behold.

He had never reacted to Tin-Tin's touch before but there was something about that steady confident hold that had caught him by surprise. Taking a moment to remind himself now was not the place to unbox these feelings, he composed himself and stepped back from the telescope.

"Pretty amazing, thank you for letting us use your telescope."

"You are most welcome; your friend here tells me your John Tracy's brother? I've read his book Quasars against the universe and have to say it was most compelling!"

"John's quite the astronomer – he has to be because I can actually understand most concepts of the universe when he explains them. Some have specified it's a miracle - I was the one family member not interested in astronomy or becoming an astronaut but John has a passion that's infectious. It's hard to ignore."

"Ah let me guess, Gordon Tracy the marine biologist. You have some interesting journals of your own. My good friend Professor Randall is very interested in your discovery of bacteria living in the walls of the ice cabins of Iceland. It has given us hope that if bacteria can live within the ice then similar micro-organisms might be found on some of the exo-planets that harbour similar Ice fields and caverns."

"See you don't think space is related to your subject but its more closely linked than you think!" Tin-Tin and Gordon regularly debated this.

"Why of course! Life on this earth was birthed from the sea, why should that not be replicated on planets with similar conditions?" The man gazed at Gordon expectedly.

"Because there aren't any with similar conditions." He countered.

"Not that we know of! As I said earlier the Universe is like the ocean dear boy! Just because you haven't seen a Architeuthis Dux doesn't mean they don't exist."

"Well, no, but giant squids are well documented in sperm whale dissections and there have been observations of them in the wild, they just aren't as big as what we expected them to be after the kraken myth. Its simply too deep to explore their habitat to gain conclusive evidence of full species and size."

"Exactly! Just like the universe is too far beyond our reach to gain conclusive evidence of other planets that can support life but we have identified the right habitats conductive to life. We mustn't write off theories until we can dispel them through science! One day we could have a need for marine biologists on space expeditions."

Gordon laughed politely. "Not within our lifetimes I fear."

Another family of two adults and three older children were now starting to take interest in the telescope. The man stood, making ready to limp over.

"I might be inclined to agree with you young man but I hope you may yet see it in your lifetime." He extended his hand which Gordon shook before he then moved on to pat Tin-Tin's hand in farewell. Pleasure to meet you both."

"And you Professor…" Tin-Tin paused realising she hadn't caught his name.

"Professor Sanderson."

Her face fell into a O shape in shock. He winked, patting her on the shoulder before departing to meet the family behind them.

Gordon looked at her in shock then back at the old man.

"NottheProfessor Sanderson?" Gordon stood in shock. Even he recognised one of the greatest names associated with astronomy in recent times.

"Yep" Tin-Tin practically whimpered. The man who created dark matter filter for the hydrogen collider experiments that meant dark matter could be observed in action for the first time in history."

"Oh wow! And he's read John's books! We can't tell him; he'll combust faster than a primed supernova."

They both laughed.

Gordon scanned his phone on the lock before pushing through the doorway as it opened. Tin-Tin flicked on the light as she passed through, it was two am and although she'd had an amazing time at the observatory, she was starting to feel tired. She headed to the kitchenette and pulled out a glass before running the water. Gordon flipped onto the sofa, kicking off his shoes before checking his phone.

"I'm turning in, thank you for such a wonderful evening, I really enjoyed it."

"You're welcome, I'll turn in a bit later." He itched his ear.

"Are they still bothering you?"

"Not really, I'm no longer terrified of sneezing so that's a bonus. This one just feels a bit itchy."

"Hmm, well try to get some sleep."

"I will good night"

"Night Gordon."

Tin-tin drifted down to the guest room before entering the en-suite to get ready for bed. What an amazing day! The highlight had been meeting old professor Sanderson, to meet someone so extraordinary yet so down to earth was refreshing. She removed her earrings before swiping her makeup off with a flannel dipped in remover. The planetarium had been thrilling too, it felt like she had been there at the beginning of time. She was bursting to tell – Alan. The thought brought her up sharp at the sudden ache in her heart. Alan wasn't as invested as her in the science of the universe but he was still interested in some elements such as comets and the planets. He was also a firm believer of extra-terrestrial life that they sometimes speculated about together because his brothers mocked him for it but Tin-Tin never did for there was a small part of her that yearned for Earth not to be the only planet capable of life. She looked across to the empty side of the bed and sighed. The anger didn't dispel the loneliness she felt with him gone.

She suddenly realised she had left her bag in the kitchen. Her phone alarm would wake them up. Annoyed with herself she kicked back the covers and padded out in her blue satin nightgown and stole down the corridor like a ghost, not wanting to wake Gordon as she passed his room. When she got to the lounge and kitchen area, she noticed the light was still on. There on the large settee was Gordon, one hand trailing on the floor with his phone abandoned underneath. He was turned slightly on his side, his auburn fringe shielding his eyes. She wished she was strong enough to lift him to bed, he couldn't be comfy there. Instead, she grabbed the throw off the neighbouring armchair silently shaking it out before tucking it around him. She also pulled off a cushion by his feet and placed it just behind his head careful not to move him too much. It was then she felt the radiating heat from his right ear. She gently felt the skin behind his earlobe it was warm to the touch. She frowned. Why hadn't he said anything?

She removed her hand carefully before picking up his arm and arranging it on top of the blanket. She noticed the antibiotics next on the coffee table and counted the tablets, then she read the dose before looking at him over the packet. He'd been taking two not four a day! Silly idiot!

She popped them back on the table before retreating to collect her bag off the counter Tin-Tin paused, turning to check on him one last time. She rested against the doorframe. "You and I are going to have a talk later about following instructions" She shook her head softly "Goodnight Gordon and thank you again for a wonderful day." She whispered as she flicked off the light.

Chapter 21

Chapter Text

Chapter 21

Penelope was limp in his arms. Her face was stained with mascara-streaked tears, eye lashes resting against her pale cheeks. Virgil tried to push his feelings aside as he laid her out on the floor quickly grabbing the blanket and popping it under her head. He checked her airways, breathing and circulation which were all surprisingly normal. His panic dropped down a notch. He carefully lifted her eye to check the pupil and was swatted feebly for his efforts.

"S…. stop fussing." She sighed as she tried to roll over. Hope flared like a wildfire in his heart.

"Penelope, its Virgil. I need you to stay awake. At least for a moment."

"Gah! Leave me alone." She tried to wrap the blanket around her. If it wasn't so serious Virgil would have laughed. She was definitely not her usual mild-mannered self.

"Can I pick you up off the floor at least?"

She stirred and turned to face him. "Why am I on the floor?"

She's more with it. That was a good sign thought Virgil. "Penelope, I think you have one hell of a concussion coming on. You were unconscious for a moment there."

"I was?"

She tried to sit up but far too quickly, her head swam leaving her with a sickening feeling. Virgil, sensing the change in her demeanour quickly dived for the waste bin but was too late. Penelope was sick all over the floor. She felt awful, she'd not been physically sick since her late teens. "Oh, Virgil I am sorry." She looked really upset knowing she had just desecrated his beloved ship and embarrassed to have him there as a witness. She could feel the heat as her cheeks flushed fuchsia.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it." He had already offered her a handkerchief before scooping her up where she settled against his chest, her arms around his neck. He lifted her with ease to the bunk and settled her down knowing the movement of being in flight and carried wouldn't be helping her. Virgil then raised the bunk so she was sat upright and started to run a series of checks. Once satisfied he grabbed a glass of water from the sink and some painkillers. "Here take these. It will help"

Penelope; no longer feeling so well meekly complied, the fight having left her. He tucked her in some blankets and sat on the end of the bed.

"You can go. I'll be alright."

"Penelope you've have a head injury and most likely a concussion, you need observation for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. I'm not going anywhere."

"It's just a bump."

"So was mine initially and it resulted in a brain injury. It doesn't hurt to take precautions." Penelope remembered how poor Virgil had struggled to regain his memory after suffering amnesia when Thunderbird two had been blown up on what was meant to be a routine rescue but turned out to be much more sinister. He rarely talked about that time; it was too traumatic for him and there was much he still didn't remember. Her injury must have disturbed some uncomfortable memories and it wasn't helping that she was being so dismissive. She reached out for his hand and squeezed it firmly. He glanced down surprised before looking up.

"I'm sorry; I can't imagine what you went through, I promise I will do whatever you advise. Even being under observation. She smiled at him. "In fact, I'd be honoured if you could stay."

He smiled sheepishly at his hand in hers. "I'd be happy to keep you company."


Jeff had held off the debrief after hearing about Penelope's complications with her injury and seeing how exhausted they all were. The doctor arrived shortly after they landed, giving them a chance to conceal rescue operations. Thankfully Penelope had a moderate concussion and nothing more serious. They had explained she had fallen backwards by the pool. She was to rest for at least a week so they were back to being short-staffed again. Jeff had stayed up late running over what he knew of the rescue, ready for the debrief as well as some much-needed contingency planning.

At eleven AM the next morning he called them in. This one wasn't going to be pleasant; the boys had completed a successful rescue but, in his opinion, they had scraped by. There were several performance issues that needed to be addressed and improved upon. Some of the things that had gone on yesterday were largely due to inexperience, this was a learning opportunity for them all. As Kyrano handed him a coffee he was surprised to see Penelope take a seat on the sofa. Virgil stood and quickly found a large cushion to place behind her back before shifting to make room for her feet which she ended up tucking under Virgil's legs.

"Penny, you don't need to attend this, you're on strict orders to rest." Jeff scolded her. She would have never let him get away with similar behaviour.

"I think I do Jeff; after yesterday I don't want the boys taking the blame for what were my own actions. I feel the need to explain myself.

"Very well. Shall we begin?" He glanced around. Scott and John sat companionably together with Alan in a neighbouring armchair, there were nods of approval all round. Parker hovered by his Lady's side should she require anything. He had been very distressed yesterday when she arrived back hurt. He was still muttering how it wouldn't have happened on his watch.

"Yesterday's mission was certainly a success and there is a lot to celebrate; but there were also some mistakes towards the end of the rescue that we need to review to ensure they do not occur again." Jeff panned around the room once more to ensure he still had their full attention. "Right, so let's start with the good news. John."

John flicked up a data log on his tablet. "Well, the good news is there were no fatalities which is a miracle in itself. Six hundred passengers and fifty-nine crew members all accounted for. Well done guys! That was no easy rescue I wish I could have been there to help you all out."

"Alan; take us through the preliminaries."

"I arrived at danger zone at 9am local time. Initially I carried out an assessment which identified four life boats from the ship and numerous bodies in the water. Local life boats were already on the scene but overwhelmed. I established a working communication with them and we agreed a course of action in that all but one of their ships would suspend their searches and concentrate onboarding the existing casualties whilst I scouted for others. The local navy was dispatched along with a UK Naval carrier which acted as a landing site for thunderbird two to drop off causalities in the end, so it was a multi-organisational approach. I reported my findings to Virgil and we agreed that I would be best placed to scout and direct local assistance whilst he focused on evacuation of the remaining passengers of the ship."

"Virgil: report."

Virgil shifted uncomfortably; it wasn't often he had to report in such detail. He was struggling to concentrate as Penelope's dainty feet snuggled further under him. "After Alan's report and from the initial call to Brains we knew that there where people trapped in the submerged section of the ship already, so we dispatched Scott in Thunderbird four. Then Penelope and I began to evacuate the remaining passengers trapped hanging on the almost vertical deck. We had to act swiftly as seventy percent of the ship was already under. Penelope guided the passengers onto the platform whilst I maintained the position."

"So far so good, Scott?" Jeff looked to his eldest son who was tapping his foot on the floor, his leg jigging with pent up inactivity. He was not used to waiting to report near to last and been mulling this over all night. He still wasn't satisfied with his poor performance yesterday. It didn't happen often but when it did it sure bothered him. He frowned.

"My primary objective was to locate the missing crew; we had no idea where they might have ended up but somewhere around the middle or towards the end of the vessel. I located the crew in an air pocket and managed to free them – those new respirators worked swell by the way Brains." Scott nodded at the live portrait where Brains smiled in acknowledgement. Scott paused to take a sip of coffee, steeling his resolve before running a hand through his hair. "I'm not going to lie father; I was literally out of my depth on this one. It's been a long time since I've had to swim that far in full gear, by the time I got to them I was already lagging. When I released the crew and they shot off I struggled to keep up, which was further impacted when the ship finally started to increase in its descent. It was hazardous terrain that I'm simply not used to navigating. When I finally escaped the maze of cabins, I couldn't see the men anywhere."

"This is why you ignored our calls?" Jeff asked sternly. Scott never ignored protocol the only other times he had were when he'd been unconscious. Jeff had suspected something was amiss.

"I didn't even hear the call; I was too busy over egging my BCD and worrying I hadn't managed to save anyone. Anyway; I did get them all in the end, only one suffered oxygen deprivation but I managed to get him on a tank pretty quick in Four. Then I dropped them off and the next drama unfolded." Scott threw a side glance at Virgil.

"Meanwhile Penelope and I had managed to secure one group of passengers and Penny had gone back down to fill up the next platform, everything was routine until I heard…." He trailed off, looking to Penelope for the answers he'd been dying to hear since that dreadful moment where he thought he had lost her.

"Till Virgil heard the scream of the mother who dropped her baby. I had been securing people onto the platform when I noticed a young woman with an infant swaddled in the crook of her arm, she was barely hanging on. She hadn't even cried out when she saw me, she was too exhausted from her sole focus of keeping her child out of the water. I made my way across and pleaded with her to hold on. I watched in horror as the child slipped, the mother's look of anguish sent me into action. I simply couldn't let the baby fall so I leapt into the abyss."

"You threw yourself off? No safety line, no grapple?" Jeff looked appalled.

"There was simply no time Jeff, I hadn't even copied Virgil in. It was a child who needed protecting -saving. There wasn't a choice and I'd do it again if I had to." She lifted her chin in defiance as she saw Jeff was about to speak. Noticing her steadfastness and knowing the Lady as he did, he closed his mouth again. Alan looked at her in complete admiration of her actions while Virgil couldn't bring himself to look at her for fear of his feelings being exposed. He could see her boldly staring at his father out the corner of his eye. She was the only person he knew that could get away with that outside the family. Although Penelope tried to live outside her regal status, you couldn't become complacent. She was a Lady and a Lady's decree should be respected.

"I managed to reach the baby, but as I did something caught me by the leg which I now know was one of three extraordinary men that came to our aid. My head unfortunately connected with the deck and I was too stunned to reply to Virgil haling me. The men pulled me up and the next thing I knew we were swimming across to meet Scott. We dropped the men, woman and child off before returning to Thunderbird 2"

There was a long silence, stifled only by the shuffling of paperwork. With Tin-Tin gone Jeff was having to take his own notes. He put down his fountain pen but continued to sift through his paperwork. The others waited with baited breath. This could go a multitude of ways if the nervous twitching and fidgeting in the room was anything to go by.

Jeff steepled his hands in front of him. "I recognise this was a complex rescue under difficult circ*mstances but there were several faults that could have led to disaster."


"Alan let me finish." Jeff held up a hand as Alan scowled back at him.

"Scott, I know I don't have to spell out the consequences of your mistake. I know it's down to lack of experience, but I need you to gain experience and quickly. Until Gordon is well, you're going to have to continue these duties."

"That's all well and good father, but where the hell do I get this experience? The only time I dive is rare and usually on the job. I guess I can take a few dives off the coast here but I have no idea how recreational diving is gonna help me get out of a sinking vessel." Scott folded his arms unusually defensive. "We need Gordon back."

There were murmurs of agreement. "Agreed, but he's not going to be for at least another two weeks - perhaps longer and we can't always rely on one person as this incident has proven."

"I've had an idea!"

All heads turned to Virgil. "Gordon was feeling like he wasn't involved enough, right? He's got some time in recouperation now so why don't we ask him to devise a training programme for us all in regards to diving? He could start with a workshop or presentation and when he is well enough, he can build in regular training. He used to take new recruits through their paces, I'm sure he can manage us lot trying to master diving."

"What a fabulous idea Virgil." Penelope exclaimed.

"He would love that and we would really benefit from it. We do flight and fire drills all the time, it would make sense to have a water rescue training programme." Scott looked enthused by the idea.

"Alright; well, that's settled then. I'll contact him later. Next is the fact that Penny was hurt because she was having to work alone and maybe – no offense Penny, not quite experienced enough to be working alone as of yet. Afterall you are trained as agent and not as a rescue operative."

"I asked to go dad, I could have helped like I did on the ocean pioneer." John cut in, his usual polite and peppy self but there was a steel to his posture and a challenging steadiness to his gaze that suggested mild annoyance.

"I told you John, we needed you here in case thunderbird three was needed. We're going to have to call Tin-tin back with Penny out of action now." Alan's head lifted; his attention caught.

"Penny in the future I want you to listen to the boys. I played back your communications with Virgil just prior to the accident and Scott said the platform was overloaded, you should have sent it back up when Virgil checked in."

"Yes Jeff, I accept that. I promise I will do better in the future. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Virgil those poor people were desperate. I was just doing my best."

"It's ok Penelope, it's tough when you need to rescue people that frenzied. As their hysteria builds its hard to remain rational and to follow procedure when they are crying for help." Virgil could understand for he struggled with it the most out of all the brothers, the war between compassion and duty. She nodded unwilling to express anything further in words.

"Right any questions or are we done?" Jeff asked.

There was silence. "Well thank you all for your time, your dismissed. Penny go back to bed." He ordered.


"Yes mi'lady?"

"It appears dear Jeff is worried about my wellbeing, could you please bring the throw out of the guest room and the pillows off the bed?" Parker tried to keep a straight face.

"Yes mi 'lady and I'll bring your mid-morning brew."


Just a few minutes later and Penelope was wrapped in a red tartan fleecy blanket with her little finger pointed outwards on her bone China cup giving a sigh of contentment. Virgil tried to stifle his amusem*nt as Penelope graciously raised her tea to Jeff before taking a sip. Jeff scowled before excusing himself, he could still hear Penny and his son laughing as he left.


Gordon was kicking back on the veranda finishing the salmon and salad Tin-tin had put together. "Hmm you cook just as good as your dad." He complimented before scraping up the last morsel.

"Thank you. He used to love teaching me to cook when I was little. I used to have this little apron with rolling pins and a message that translated as 'Daddy's assistant chef'." The plates chinked as she gathered them together on the table.

"I bet you were adorable, little mini Tin-tin getting covered in flour and batter. I'd love to see some pictures."

"You should ask my father, there's nothing he enjoys more than finding embarrassing photos of me as a child and presenting them to anyone who will listen. He was always showing your grandma."

Gordon smiled fondly at the memory of his beloved Grandma.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

"Oh! hello it's dad. Wonder what he wants?" Gordon accepted the call.


"Gordon, how are you doing son?" Jeff looked like he was sat in his room which was unusual.

"Yeah, not too bad. You?"

"Fine, I mean how are you, as in how are you healing?"

"Oh. Erm yeah, perfectly fine, check-up was alright. Still gotta do some more healing but one of the ears is starting to close really well, the other one is going to take a bit longer." Somewhere over the top of his wrist he could feel the burning disapproval of a woman who knew different. He inched the watch closer to his face. "At least I can hear now."

"That's great! I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. Any news on when you can come home?"

"Why - you missing me?" He grinned but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Of course, we're missing you – maybe not the incessant pranking. Its why I'm calling actually."

"What about pranking?"

"No missing you." Jeff made a sound of exasperation. Gordon sat straighter whilst Tin-tin made to leave to give him some privacy. He waved her back down.

"Gordon, since you've been gone it's come to my attention that perhaps we – no I; had underestimated the importance of water-based rescues and the skills required. It's also become apparent that your brothers have nowhere near the confidence that you do in the water. Scott's been the only one brave enough to step up so far and even he is struggling. Therefore, I have a proposal."

Gordon glanced up at Tin-Tin in surprise. She beamed back at him nodding, urging him to say something.

"Gee! Go on then, I'm listening."

"I want you to devise a training programme, like our fire drills to be given once a month in which you all practice water-based rescue skills such as diving, swimming with casualties and so on. I know you won't be able to do the practical for a while but Virgil suggested maybe you could deliver a workshop to tie them over?" Jeff was hoping this would give his son the outlet he had been craving and benefit their rescue operations. Gordon would have plenty to do and feel more included and the boys would be better prepared to deal with all rescue types.

Gordon sat quietly for a minute processing what his dad had just proposed. He was already thinking of potential subjects; ordered in most important skills to recap such as diving basics, open water rescues, swift water rescues and how to swim in strong currents.

"I'll give you some time to think about it." Jeff stated gruffly mistaking his pause.

"I'll do it!" Gordon's eyes lit up.

"Excellent. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Now is Tin-Tin there?"

Tin-Tin came round the table and sat on the arm of the chair so she was in full view of Mr Tracy. "I'm here Mr Tracy."

"Tin-Tin, how are you? I hope Gordon's been behaving himself?"

"Hey! I'm the model gentleman!"

A smile flashed across Jeff and Tin-Tin's faces. "He's been absolutely no trouble."

Just as the words were out of her mouth Gordon off camera indicated to his lap and nodded at the arm she was sat on, mouthing 'looks uncomfortable!' She stood before sitting on side of his lap so his father couldn't see. Gordon was careful to place his free arm on the arm rest. He wasn't prepared for the warming sensation from the pit of his stomach. As she complied, he could trace a hint of jasmine in the air. He swallowed as he tried to control the chemical reaction kicking off inside of him. So much so he'd missed most of the conversation.

"Oh no that's terrible is Penny, ok?"

"What happened?" Gordon asked, playing catch up.

"She knocked her head pretty bad on a rescue but she's well enough to be playing ladyship in the lounge. She just needs to rest, but that's why I need you home." Jeff looked to Tin-tin.

Home? That would mean he would be here alone for at least another two weeks.That was a depressing thought, he was enjoying having company.

"Of course, Mr Tracy I will pack right away! You'll be alright won't you Gordon?" She turned towards him.

"Sure, I guess. I mean I need to keep an eye on that infection but" –

"Infection? I thought you said you were fine?" Jeff asked sharply.

Gordon turned the watch face to him. "It's nothing, just a little niggle, I'm on a different type of antibiotic now. Just had a bit of redness with a mild fever."

"Will you ever be honest?" Jeff sighed in frustration.

"Not likely." Jeff glowered at him. "It's alright Tin-Tin the boys are pretty exhausted. One of them will collect you from the airport on Wednesday, do you think you can teach Gordon to look after himself before then?"

"I'll do my best Mr Tracy."

With business concluded they said their goodbyes. "Take care son, remember I want you home as soon as possible so concentrate on getting better. See you on Wednesday Tin-Tin."

As soon as his dad signed off Tin-Tin turned round more squarely on his lap. Her knees resting between his open legs as she balanced perilously close to his...Oh boy!

"Congratulations Gordon! I think your father has realised how much we need you. How do you feel about it all?"

"About what?" His voice was a little pitched.

"About the training silly! You wanted more involvement; I know it's not rescues but surely this is a good step in the right direction?" She pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh. Yeah that. I agree I'm quite excited by the prospect actually. Interesting to hear that my brothers are struggling with confidence in the water but I could definitely help with that. I have loads of ideas already, it will be fun."Damn he was blabbering.

"Are you ok?"

"Hmmm? Yeah, fine just food for thought you know?"

She stood up to gather the plates. He shut his legs as she did so; leaning his chin on his hand in what he hoped came across as casual.

"I must text Penelope and check she is alright; I wonder what happened exactly?"

"She'll have trusty Parker looking after her, she'll be alright."And Virgil won't be letting her out of his sight.He thought to himself. Ever since Anderbad something was different between them.

"It's a shame I have to go, I don't want to leave you on your own, are you sure you'll be, okay?"

Feelinf safety now there was distance between them, he stood up to clear the glasses away for her, flashing a grin across the table. "I'll be fine, I'm twenty-five not ten, I can take care of myself. They need you and It won't be much longer before I can come home."

Tin-Tin rinsed the plates before loading the washer whilst Gordon stuffed the laundry in the dryer. He kept telling himself he would be fine on his own as he stole glances of her wiping the surfaces but he knew it was a lie. He also knew he was in deep trouble; for he had a sinking feeling he was falling for his brother's girl.Oh Boy! I'm going to hell in a handbasket!What was he going to do?

Chapter 22

Chapter Text

It was Tin-Tin's last day. Gordon's feet slapped the pavement along the boulevard as he tried to distract himself. The early dawn light refracted off the surrounding metropolis, the traffic just starting to build. He could smell coffee interspersed with frying bacon and fast food outlets along with the ever present polluted smell of the city that clung to its streets like a stain to fabric. He detested running but since he had been forbidden from his usual morning routine of swimming a hundred and twenty lengths, it would have to do. He had to keep in shape despite his injuries. It had nothing to do with he couldn't bear the fact he would be on his own from tomorrow, or the that he was struggling to think pure thoughts – talk about fatal attraction, if his brother found out he'd be dead.

Gordon took off down the wide avenue alongside the palm trees, the air was clearer here on the wider promenade; the streets cleaner. He was trying to pin point when and exactly how it had happened. Tin-Tin was his friend; that was all. Everyone knew she was with Alan, (maybe not officially) but she was. She had never been available since he knew her. He had been one of the last to meet her and not exactly in the best mood to make friends when she first came to live with them. Not only had his mother recently died but He'd also been recovering from a spinal injury, trying to cope with being discharged from service - along with the death of his best friend. He had been hurt and angry at life for dealing him such a callous hand. Relationships and meeting new people had been the last thing on his mind. People seemed to get too close and they died, so for a time he conditioned himself to keep everyone at arm's length.

And then international rescue started and the first few years were some of the best of his life. Most days he was on call, spending more time with his family than he had in all his adult years so far. His enthusiasm for life came back as did his sense of humour and easy going self. Life had a purpose again. Tin-Tin had brought a fresh lease of life to the island and someone to confide in that wasn't family. She was kind and courteous and brought joy wherever she went. As the rescues started to dwindle for him, his brothers started taking on more and more missions while he stayed at home. He'd become lonely once again, especially when Grandma died. That was when he started spending more time with Tin-Tin who was often at home as much as him. They'd hit it off with their shared interests of diving and exploring the island. Their friendship had bloomed as Tin-Tin and Alan's relationship had blossomed.

Gordon scowled, ignoring the stabbing stitch in his side. Alan, his younger charming brother with the James Dean eyes and glittering racing career. He never really stood a chance; everyone knew he was the least good looking out of the lot of them and then any remote confidence he'd had in his appearance had been snatched in the wake of his horrific 'accident.' Of Course, Tin-Tin was going to fall for Alan! He was handsome, daring and lived life on the edge. Gordon had flipped right over that edge leaving him broken.

Anyway; anyone who knew her could see she loved Alan. It wasn't fair on Alan either - yes, he was an idiot sometimes when it came to his relationship but Gordon knew he cared for her dearly and was incredibly possessive; often getting jealous of Tin-tin's interactions with Scott and Virgil. Not to mention when Eddie came to visit, he'd had a very short fuse that weekend and spent most of the night moping on the veranda. Gordon knew if Alan got wind of his feelings for Tin-Tin that would be the end of their already sometimes tenuous relationship. The implications for the rest of the family and international rescue didn't even bear thinking about. She was settled, happy and loved. He wouldn't jeopardise that for anything – especially not for his own selfish gain.

He was nearing the condo, so he slowed his pace. The sweat soaking his shirt already in the early morning heat. He told himself his feelings were irrational. He'd never even looked at Tin-Tin this way before, it was just because he was under the weather and spending more time with her. It had been a long time since he had been in a relationship it was a purely natural impulse towards the fairer sex and nothing more, it would fade. In his mind's eye he saw her back home on the beach, reworking her salt ingrained tresses into a bun at the nape of her neck. He felt her smile lightening his heart as she glanced back at him on an open trail. His thoughts flashed forwards to her eyes sparking with injustice but promising retribution over the chessboard in the lounge and the way she rested her hands on his leg as she tried to ease his pain when he was on the floor. He saw the stars refracted in her eyes in the planetarium and the look of awe on her face that stole his breath away. He groaned out loud before looking around self- consciously. He had to get a grip. He couldn't, mustn't give in to the desire. His chest ached and not from the forty-minute circuit. Feeling worse than he had before he'd set out, he traipsed up the stairs.

It was still early so he crept through the door and made straight for his room, he saw a note and snatched It off the door.You better not have gone running – gone to get some supplies, back soon – Tin.His lips quirked into a smile against his will. He'd been trying to get up earlier than her for the last couple of days so he could go for a run and today he had won. The growing ache tugged like a chain around his chest again. He carefully folded the note and popped it on his bedside cabinet before stripping off for a shower.

He'd just stepped under the cool water before swearing out loud. He shut it off in frustration, he'd forgot to cover his ears. Again. Stepping out and dripping water everywhere he pulled open the bathroom cabinet, scattering the contents in his haste. "Dammit!" There was no cotton wool; only Vaseline. He slammed the door a bit harder than intended, the contents rattling some more. Chucking a towel around his waist he padded back out into the bedroom, his footsteps soaking into the carpet. He checked his bedside table and the top of the drawers with no luck. Annoyed and just wanting a shower, he headed out into the corridor in case he'd left some in the lounge. He was so engrossed looking for anything to stem his ears with that he didn't hear the door go.

Tin-Tin walked in her arms full of brown grocery bags. She hoisted them onto the counter before looking at Gordon who was still searching for something in amusem*nt. "Problem?" He whipped around so quick he had to grab the towel.

"No, just looking for some cotton wool, I could have sworn I had some left."

Tin-Tin sighed as she delved in the bag and produced some a cotton roll. "Good job one of us notices these things, are you sure you're going to manage on your own?"

He accepted the cotton wool looking mildly offended. "Yes. I used to live on a ship eight months of the year on my own just fine thank you."

Tin-Tin folded her arms. "The big one with all the W.A.S.P personnel and the chefs?"

He couldn't believe this! She was being so cheeky. "I'll have you know I had to pay for those meals out of my own wage packet! And I did Laundry and made the bed."

"Fully functioning adulthood then."

He tried to keep a straight face but he couldn't. She broke down laughing too. "Go on! Go and have your after run shower. I thought we could go to the beach as it's my last day."

Suddenly remembering he was less than decent he started to head back to his room. He turned to face her from the corridor. "Sounds like a great idea, give me five minutes and I'll be there." He walked smack bang into the door. Stunned for a moment, he rattled the handle in haste before pushing it aside. Tin-Tin was still laughing long after he'd gone.


"Maybe we should have gone for the centre."

"Alan, we've done this a thousand times. It looks fine." Scott threw his hands in the air whilst John flitted past with a table cloth.

"It has to be better than fine Scott, it needs to be perfect." Alan placed a vase of lilies in the centre of the table.

Virgil turned round from the fairy lights he was hanging on the pergola. "Alan, it is perfect! Now will you stop stressing? We've still got over four hours till Tin-Tin gets here; Scott's not even left yet!" Virgil nodded in thanks as Scott grabbed the lights as they dropped to the floor. He hoisted himself up on the chair to rehang them just as Penny entered the fold. The boys stiffened.

"Virgil, they need to go just a little to the left; Alan put that cutlery down before you do yourself an injury, Parker will lay the table." Parker stepped out of the shadows with his hands spread as Alan sullenly deposited the cutlery in his open hands.

"What can I do?"

Penny was hanging garlands from the railings. "Alan; why are you still here? You should be getting ready. I hope you are going to shower."

He blushed beet red. "Of course, I am!"

"Go!" She made a shooing gesture. With one last nervous glance he did as he was told, disappearing into the undergrowth.

Scott jumped off the chair and sighed. "Well done, Penelope I was about to have a hernia."

She smiled. "Scott he's only young and he's nervous. I'm sure he will come back refreshed and in a calmer state of mind."

"Just why is he so worked up anyway? Are him and Tin-Tin okay? I know they've been off of late." John asked grabbing a chair.

They all looked to Scott who they knew had been talking to Alan. Usually if Alan had a problem the whole world new about it but this time, he'd remained remarkably withdrawn which was not like him at all. They knew it must be serious. "Honestly; he won't say. All he says is he did something that really upset her and he was stupid. He's desperate to make amends and wanted to surprise her with something special."

"Gee, he must have been extraordinarily stupid even by his standards." John mused.

"John!" exclaimed Virgil surprised. Scott smirked.

"Boys; That's enough. Whatever happened is between them. There's still Plenty to do before she arrives. Now I must go to the kitchen and check on the supper arrangements."

"Lady Penelope don't you think you should take a little break?"

"What ever for Virgil?" She replied hand on hip.

"Well…. Its just…. That you err, you should rest. As the doctor recommended." Scott held out a Garland to John who was only too happy to get out of the way.

"Virgil, I have rested for three days which was the time recommended, I'm sure a simple walk from the garden to the kitchen won't harm me, but if you wish you can tag along." She strode off before he could reply. "Penelope! Wait!"

Scott (not looking up from tying the garland) muttered to John. "See I told you there's something brewing with those two."

John tested the fairy lights. "I don't see it. She's no more friendly with him than the rest of us."

"You weren't looking at them the other day during the de-brief, were you?"

"No, I was actually paying attention. I had stats to deliver. It's easier on five not to pay attention because it seems like I'm trying to listen to transmissions at the same time so I can get away with looking a bit vacant." John cursed. The lights wouldn't turn on. Grabbing an auto screwdriver from the toolbox he undid the screws on the control unit.

"Penelope was tucked up to Virgil the whole time and barely took her eyes off him."

"Hmm. Has he ever mentioned anything?" John bit the screwdriver between his teeth as he used his hands to grab the loose connection.

"No but he doesn't have to he's smitten."

"Really? Wow-wee! Gordon and I will be the only ones left. I always knew I was destined to be married to the stars, maybe one day lady luck will push her way into my life. You and Rose alright now?" John tested the connection. The white likes blinkered into life like fireflies. He snapped the box shut before re-screwing it all together.


"We're getting there, it's her friend's wedding next month and dad said I can go."

"That will be swell, a chance to spend some time together and for her to introduce you to her friends."

"Yeah, I guess."

John smiled shaking his head.


"Nothing. Its just when its our relationships you're Mr talkative yet as soon as we inquire about yours you clam up."

"Big brother's prerogative, it's my responsibility to ensure you don't co*ck it up for yourselves."

John barked with laughter. Scott could be overbearing but it came from a good place, he always wanted them to succeed in life. "Come on, no doubt Alan wants an opinion on what to wear."

"I was going to the kitchen to check on supper, why don't you go?"

"Penelope's checking on that remember."

"Yeah, but she won't taste it. Proof is in the pudding and all that."

"Scott." Jon rolled his eyes. "You know if you had to cover Five, you'd go through the months rations in a week."

"I would not." He looked wistfully towards the kitchen where the heavenly aroma of something akin to apple pie was calling him.

"Scott!" John called from the opposite door.

"Alright, don't get that quiff of yours in a tizz, I'm coming!"


Alan paced in his room, running through the conversation he had been rehearsing ever since that unpleasant night. It was important he got it right, for he may not even get one chance let alone another. The last time they had been together Tin-Tin had been borderline hostile. He really did deserve it, but at the same time he felt she was being a little unfair in not giving him a chance to explain. He hadn't led that girl on at all, it was just a harmless game that got out of hand. The irony was if Tin-Tin had been just moments later he would have pushed the girl off his lap and it wouldn't have even looked like anything had happened.

He threw several shirts on the bed. He instantly dismissed one knowing Tin-Tin hated it. He flicked past a bold crimson affair before his fingers traced the collar of a power blue shirt with an ivory collar. The one he had worn on their first ever date to the movies in his old college town. He smiled affectionately at the memory, yes that would do nicely.

He shrugged off his gown before slipping the silk shirt over his shoulders. Surely, she couldn't still be angry? It had been almost a couple of weeks now, maybe she'd had time to process things while she was away. He wondered if she had been thinking about him? He'd missed her like a hole in the head. He tried to call her initially but she was ignoring his calls so he text her…. after a while he gave up but that didn't stop him composing messages in the early hours, hovering over the send button.

He exhaled; nerves were starting to get the better of him. If he could just see her face to face, he swore he could pull them back from the brink. He purposefully pushed his jackets left and right on the rails sifting through till he had a few options. He tried on the informal cream blazer and spun in the mirror – nope too formal. He opted for a tan leather number but no, somehow, he was now too broad in the shoulders. He discarded it bitterly, he loved that jacket! In the end he settled for a bottle green zipped cardigan which complimented the blue and his chinos. He flared out the collar and smoothed his hair. He was ready. Now he just had to await her arrival.

Chapter 23

Chapter Text

Sunshine reflected off their shades as they strolled down the pier past the hustle and bustle of summer crowds. The seagulls circled overhead looking for their next victim against the powder blue backdrop of a cloudless sky. It was blisteringly hot. Gordon wore a light short sleeved shirt and shorts whilst Tin-tin wore a neat little green shirt dress with a high collar and wrap waist. The heat would have been stifling if not for the cool sea breeze.

They walked companionably taking in the sights as they threaded through the throng of people to the funfair. Gordon was eyeing up the roller-coaster.

"No! Walk away. You are nowhere near recovered enough."

"I know, it's just I can't even remember the last time I went on one. I used to love them as a kid.". They pushed on with Gordon dragging his heels with one more wistful look over his shoulder. When he glanced back, he saw Tin-Tin looking at the Ferris wheel its bright yellow and red cabs swaying gently in the breeze. "Fancy a go?"

"Yes, I think this is a safer option for you and I bet the view is wonderful."

"Alright." They walked up to the vendor where there was a short tussle over who was going to pay. Gordon managed to swipe his card first. He winked before holding out an arm to indicate Tin-Tin should climb aboard first. After a short wait they were slowly moved up the first rung as the cabs behind them started to fill. Tin-Tin clung to the edge in anticipation while Gordon leaned back resting an arm on the bar above the seat.

"You know, it's been tough recovering initially but I'm glad we got to spend this time together, it's been great."

She smiled pushing her fringe out of her eyes. "It has been nice to get away." Tin-Tin looked out getting a peek of the horizon as they were gently lifted up.

"I wanted to make sure you at least got to do some activities while you were here, I know it doesn't make up for my behaviour but I want you to know I am truly sorry."

"What do you mean?" Tin-Tin eyes broke away from the view as she focused on Gordon opposite her.

"Well, my stupid antics ruined your weekend. I know dad would have called you back to the island as soon as he worked out I was missing." Gordon wrung his hands in his lap.

"No, he didn't; We arrived home whilst Scott and Virgil were out getting you, we had no idea what had occurred but I was so worried when your father told us, you were missing and no one had told us why."

"Really? But you were so upset when you arrived, I felt sure it was because I'd ruined both your weekends by being a self-centred Jackass." He glanced up surprised.

"Not at all! You did nothing that jeopardise our weekend so please don't blame yourself." Tin-Tin's eyes burned behind her sunglasses, the skyline becoming hazy as her eyes brimmed. She was going to have to do better than this, she would have to facehimagain soon.

"Oh well; if you're sure."

"I'm sure, if anything being here with you was just what I needed." The cab drew to a halt at the top of the wheel. Los Angles panned out all around them, she traced the golden coastline for miles on one side before taking in the mountains on the other. The people below looked like uncoordinated ants as they grouped together. Tin-Tin stood up, her back to Gordon while she composed herself. He wondered what she was hiding. He'd just assumed it was him, what else had happened?

He went to stand beside her, hands gripping the rail. "Stunning, isn't it? The way the sun refracts off the ocean. If you look over there it looks like crushed sapphires dusting the ocean, I could watch the play in colours for a lifetime and still be amazed by the view."

She nodded not trusting herself to speak. The car began its descent. Gordon sighed. "Forgive me if I'm intruding; but I know something has been cutting you up inside and I know you said you didn't want to talk about it, but when you do; I'm here for you alright?" He gently squeezed her hand before taking a seat.

They finished the rest of the ride in silence with Gordon berating himself for bringing it up. It hadn't sat well with him knowing she was going home and he hadn't apologised. Now he'd made things worse for her by dredging up some sort of painful memories. He didn't want her to go home like this. When they reached the bottom, he hopped out to hold the door before they thanked the guy in the cab.

Up ahead was a large market stall with air gun targets. All above and down the sides of the stall were an assortment of brightly coloured stuffed animals in various shapes and sizes. Gordon broke out into a smile before dragging a flummoxed Tin-Tin along by the wrist. He drew to a halt in front of the stall holder. "One ticket please."

"Sure, that will be five dollars sir. The targets will start up in a moment you need to hit 25 to win a prize, 75 to win big."

"Understood." Gordon picked up the rifle, comfortably shouldering it as he lined up his sights down the barrel in the absence of a scope. His finger feathered the trigger as he waited calmly. A bell sounded signalling the start of the round. The first target swung up to the left, moving swiftly backwards. It flicked down as he hit it, the scoreboard instantly flaring to life. Another one whipped up at the back in the shape of a clown with his arms bent and palms exposed. It cracked down before it had even had a chance to fully rise. Gordon leveled the gun straight to his right as another popped up at the front, this one a clown on a unicycle. By now the stallholder was watching slack jawed from under his cap, he stopped leaning on the edge of the post and paid attention. This guy was something else!

It ended in just over a minute, Gordon placed the rifle back on the table and flexed his shoulder. He grinned at his score of 105. New high record flashed in red with fireworks dancing across the screen. The merchant still looked dumbstruck in his rolled-up flannel shirt. He took off his cap. "Wow. Erm top prize which is any of the super large stuffed toys along the top there (He pointed above their heads) Which one would you like?"

Gordon invited Tin-Tin over and beamed "Lady's choice."

She held her hand over her eyes shielding them as she surveyed the toys whilst walking the line. When she came back, she pointed. "I'd like the white rabbit please."

The young lad used a pole to hook down the rabbit before passing it to Tin-Tin. They said their thank you's and left as Tin-Tin held onto the rabbit tight around the waist. It was half the size of her. She smiled at Gordon between the floppy ears. "Thank you."

"You're welcome - that was fun!"

"I feel like you may have cheated the poor man."

"I'm sure he's conned hundreds of people today; those targets weren't easy." Tin-Tin co*cked her head at him with a look of disdain. Anyone who knew Gordon knew he was one of the best sharp shooters around. His brothers had yet to beat him on the range at home.

"Well thank you anyway I love my little….erm. Giant bunny." She smiled her melancholy mood lifting again.

They decided it was time to get back as Tin-Tin would need to be up early to leave. They were halfway up the pier having just brought some candy floss when Gordon heard shouting and yelling from behind. A blonde woman with a child on her hip and a tall man with a buggy came thundering past; their feet thudding on the decking, sending vibrations up their feet. The crowds parted just in time for Tin-Tin and Gordon to see a young Blonde-haired boy push himself through some tape where the smaller protective rail had come away. As he pushed under, he overbalanced before toppling backwards straight off the pier with a small yelp.

The parents just reached the rail as he fell, his mother let out a blood curling scream. The Father looked ready to jump in after him as their other young child burst into tears. Her pretty little blue dress flared over her mother's bare arm, her cheeks flushed as wailed harder.

Tin-Tin ran; kicking off her shoes as she flew across the worn boards, she dropped the rabbit and her bag as she ran. "Tin-Tin!" Gordon yelled.

She leaned over the barrier and could see the child struggling below. Doing a quick assessment of the nearby hazards, she hauled herself up on the rail before diving in the perfect ark straight off the pier. Gordon dropped their belongings and took off his own shoes. He arrived just in time to hear the splash as Tin-Tin landed. She smoothly rose to the surface treading water and looking around desperately. The child had gone under. She dived again. Gordon searched his surroundings before quickly sighting the life ring. He rushed over to the box and released the door before grabbing it up in his arms with the rope. He ran back and peered in the water again. Someone had the young couple's child whilst both of them craned over the balcony. "James! Jaaaammmess!" She keened before breaking down in her partners arms. He embraced her tightly, his own fear exuding from him.

"Has she come up again?" Gordon asked his voice tense. His eyes roved anxiously scouting for any sign of her but all he could see was the waves crashing against the pier.Where was she?His stomach flipped.

"She came up once but we haven't seen her since. The boat is on the way from the harbour." One of the spectators replied. Gordon nodded grimily. The father of the boy suddenly started towards the barrier before Gordon body blocked him "Move out of the way I'm going in! She needs help."

"Sorry I can't let you do that sir. If you go down there you could die; my friend used to be a lifeguard. She's trained, You're not." He placed a firm hand on the taller man's chest, palm spread as he dug his heels in. "Don't leave your daughter without a parent. I know what that's like and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy." The guy remained, his whole stance rigid for a moment as his wife clawed at his arm. Eventually he swallowed and nodded defeated before retreating back onto the pier.

One disaster adverted he whirled round to check the waves below again. If she didn't surface shortly, he was jumping in there, to hell with his injuries! He kept scanning where he had last seen them, by now a crowd had gathered but he could hear the police fighting their way through the throng, urging people back. "Come on Tin, come on!" He muttered under his breath.

Then he saw it. At first, he thought it was a figment of his imagination then he saw the rippling on the water. She broke through the surface gasping for air with her hair plastered against her face with a lifeless little boy in her arms, he couldn't have been much older than five. "Tin!" Gordon shouted. She looked up just as he threw the life preserver. It landed perfectly a few yards from her so as not to injure her or the boy. She made a swim for it on her back, one arm wrapped around the lad to keep his head above the water. She reached out panting as her fingers scraped at the ring. She strained again before finally being able to grasp the little white rope before then being able to put her arm over the ring. She propped the small boy across the ring, panting with the effort.

Gordon squinted towards the harbour, where was that damn boat! The kid was unresponsive. The mother was inconsolable. Gordon felt so helpless. "Its alright, she's got him that's the main thing, the boat will be here soon and they will help him."

He shouted over the edge. "Hold on Tin, the lifeboat's coming!"

"Okay!" She continued to tread water whilst trying to rouse the young boy from unconsciousness. His arms hung limply in the water, she desperately tried to maintain his airway but it was near impossible with the waves crashing against and over them. She couldn't find a pulse, his lips were blue.

Just then a small raft jetted through the water leaving white surf in its wake. A crew of six at its helm. They cut the engines as they neared. "Hey!" Gordon called to get their attention indicating he had the rope. The boat came near until one of the crew signaled for him to throw it down. He launched it down, landing in the boat in a small pile. One of the crew members deftly started to reel it in until they had Tin-Tin in arms reach. They hauled the boy out in the brown shorts and the marvel shirt first, instantly starting cas care. They began compression's just as Tin-Tin was lifted out. the mother screamed and collapsed to the floor, her partner sinking with her in shock.

"Come on, lets get you to the harbour office, if they air lift him out of here one of you might be able to go with him."

The guy nodded. Gordon quickly gathered his belongings whilst someone else collapsed the buggy and handed their daughter back. The Police had arrived in a patrol car and once they told them who they were, the female officer told them to hop in. She radioed to her colleagues to finish up with the crowd control before she hit the lights and maneuvered around the crowd.

The car had barely pulled to a stop before the mother was leaping out of the back seat with her daughter cradled in her arms. The female officer detained her. "Easy. I know it's hard but I need you to follow my lead, okay?" She nodded.

Together they walked up to the harbour office where the officer enquired for the latest update. Both parents were frantically discussing between them who should go with their son as Gordon strained to hear the report. His hearing (although much better) was still not back to normal causing him to frown in frustration. Overhead Gordon heard the thrum of a chopper. He shielded his eyes to see a air ambulance. He knew the kids chances of survival were slim.

A few minutes later they were ushered through by the harbour staff at the end of pier. The boy was just being transferred onto a gurney as paramedics and the life guard crew continued to work on him. One of them jogged over. "You the boy's legal guardians?"

"Yes" The mother replied breathlessly.

"We need you to get yourselves to the hospital now."

"But….I was going to go with him!"

The chopper was already taking off.

"Every second counts they had to go. They are going to Centinela medical centre."

The female officer stepped forwards. "Come on. I'll take you."

The parents were cajoled into the car. "You alright sir?" She called as she shut the door.

"Yeah, fine my friend helped rescue the boy. I'm waiting for her." The officer approached him, key fob in hand.

"We will need to take witness statements from both of you, if I radio my team to get down here can you wait?"


Intuitively sensing she could trust him at his word she gave a curt nod before holding onto her radio to call in the report. "Yep, they'll be waiting here…...what's your E.T.A?...Five minutes? Great."

Not wasting a moment more she nodded in farewell to Gordon before heading off. The SUV swung wide before disappearing up to the gates. Gordon turned in time to see Tin-Tin accepting a helping hand from a crew member, wrapped in an orange blanket. Gordon was overcome with relief and concern all the same time. "Want to go and meet your friend? She was incredibly brave to do what she did but it was a dangerous thing to do to endanger herself like that." The man pulled off his helmet ruffling his chestnut locks that matched his moustache.

Gordon puffed up. "She's aware of the danger, she's trained in open water rescue."

The man held his hands up in a placating gesture. "Woah buddy! Sorry but we have to advise everyone of the dangers, I wasn't aware she had experience."

Gordon shook himself out internally. "Sorry. Lot of adrenaline, stressful day."

"I understand. Here she comes now."

Tin-Tin walked up on shaky legs, supported by a team member in an orange jump suit. She reached out for Gordon who immediately swept her up in his arms, tucking her head under his chin. He nodded his thanks to the team before they left to give them some privacy. Gordon steered her to the bench near their stuff, wrapping the blanket tighter around her. He crouched before her.


"Hey" Her voice wavered.

"The police just need to come over and go through the formalities are you up to that because if not I'll get them to visit us."

"No, no its fine. Let's do it now then we can go back."

"Alright but if it's too much just say. That was a tough rescue."

"I just need to know if he made it." She gripped the blanket tightly.

He held her hand in both of his. "We'll try and find out."

It was a very subdued affair home. Tin-Tin had sat sopping wet in the taxi, the rabbit sat forlornly next to her. Gordon hadn't let go of her since he'd got her back, all he could think about was what if he had lost her. It filled him with such an intense pain he almost couldn't breathe. Touch reassured him that she was still here. His heart went out to the parents too, he could only pray the kid pulled though.

Back in the flat he let Tin-Tin headed straight in to the bedroom to change, she was dazed and freezing. Sometime later she emerged in fluffy pj's. It was rare to see her without makeup. Gordon could see a few freckles across the bridge of her nose as he handed her a hot brew. She settled into the nook of the sofa with her legs tucked underneath her. He sat next to her flicking on the TV for some background noise and waited. He longed to reach out to comfort her but refrained. Instead he shoved his hands under his knees.

"He was so cold by the time I got to him he was already gone. I was too late." A tear streaked down her cheek.

He held up an arm. After a few moments she tucked underneath. "We don't know yet, you were so quick off your feet, you'd have given him the best chance Tin-Tin. I'm so proud of you. I'm just sorry I couldn't help, I should have just jumped in anyway."

"No, that life saver - If you hadn't thrown that I would have gone under. I was so exhausted, I'd pushed myself to the limit."

"The police said they would try and give us an update if the family permitted it, but until then let's try to remain optimistic."

She fidgeted in his arms. "I almost had him the first time but I had to come up for air, I should have held on."

"You did the right thing, you dying wouldn't have saved him." Gordon added softly as he shifted closer.

"I know."

Another long silence stretched between them as the nature documentary played on. Gordon was struggling to concentrate. He hated that she was so upset, he wanted to comfort her with more than words but that wasn't his place. He glanced down at her dark hair tumbling over his bicep, the ends silky smooth as they brushed against his skin. It was rare for her not to have her hair styled but he thought her natural straight hair was beautiful. Her warmth radiated up his side from where she was resting.

"I don't want to go home."

Gordon gave her a gentle squeeze. "At least you won't have to cook for yourself if you want a decent meal."

He felt her chuckle against him, her small sniff at the end tugged at his heart.

"Alan and I had a falling out."

So this was why she had been so upset! "Oh?"

"We were having a lovely evening. I just wanted some quality time together - you know a nice meal, then we would maybe go for a moonlit stroll around the grounds before retiring for the night. In reality we bumped into Alan's friends again where I had to endure dinner with them all, then he wouldn't leave them. It was getting late so I said I'd meet him upstairs. I waited for so long I drifted off. When I awoke, I was worried so I went to look for him and that's when" – her breath hitched. "That's when I caught him kissing some young girl in his lap. With all his friends laughing and joking surrounded by women."

Gordon could feel the heat rising to his face as his blood boiled. How dare Alan treat her like that! Did he really not see how lucky he was? She sounded so crushed it broke his heart.

He raised her up to look at him. "Tin-Tin I'm so sorry, you deserve so much better."

"He said it didn't mean anything, the girl came on to him."

"He's a big boy Tin-Tin, big enough to push a girl off his lap. I can't believe him! What a dick!" He added outraged.

She snorted through the tears as he leant across the coffee table to hand her a tissue.

"He is a bit." She sniffed.

"I hope you told him where to go!"

"I did. I was so angry Gordon; I've never been that angry with anyone before. Its all such a mess! I don't know how I feel. I don't want anyone to know, it's so embarrassing!"

She sat across from him with her hands in her crossed legs, her gaze cast downwards. He took her hand.

"Don't you dare feel ashamed for his stupid behaviour. The others will understand if you told them. I don't blame you if you want nothing to do with him ever again but I know you love him." Gordon stumbled over the last words. She did love Alan. "Maybe now you've had time to process it, talk to him and explain how you feel and see what he says. Maybe it will help you come to a decision."

"Hmm maybe. I guess I have to face it at some point. You won't tell anyone will you? I'm still not ready yet."

"I won't but I would like to give Alan a piece of my mind!" She looked horrified. "But I won't or at least, not until you're ready." He added to reassure her.

She yawned, it was getting late she ought to try and get some sleep. "I have to be up in just over four hours, I better try to get some sleep."

"I'll come with you to meet Scott."

She nodded. "That would be nice, well goodnight Gordon thank you. I feel a bit better now."

"Good. If you need me just come and wake me." She nodded again before scooping up the rabbit and retiring to her room.

Gordon fell back onto the couch. His hand had a burning desire to call his little brothers' personal line but he refrained, some conversations were best in person. Just wait until he got back on the island. His hands clenched as anger still coursed through him. His brother had some explaining to do.

Chapter 24

Chapter Text

Alan was waiting impatiently at the entrance to the gardens surrounding Tracy villa. The archway above him was interwoven with bright white fairy lights which were just starting to glow against the twilight sky, the air was balmy from the coastal breeze. He took a deep breath to try and calm his anxiety, his eyes fixed on the corner of the Villa.

He hadn't seen Tin-Tin all day, she'd arrived on the island and had retired straight to her room. He discovered from Scott that she'd tried to save a young boy that fell off a pier, he said she was upset as the boy might not survive. Alan was hoping that she'd had sufficient time to rest and that he might be able to bring some cheer to her evening to hopefully help her feel better. He had sent Kyrano with the invite for this evening knowing Tin-Tin would permit him to visit her. The rumour was she had accepted the invitation but she was running five minutes late. Alan checked his watch again before straightening his collar and flattening his hair. His foot tapped to its own rhythm.

Tin-Tin sat in her room trying to muster up the courage and motivation to leave. Having not caught much sleep the night before she was tired. Tin-Tin was also struggling to come to terms with what had happened to little James. He was so young. She was only really going tonight to try and take her mind off of waiting for news. Several times she glanced at her phone on the way home but there were no messages. Getting ready had at least kept her busy but she hadn't put as much effort into dressing as she usually would. She wore a simple satin cobalt blouse and cream jeggings with a matching Alice band. Tin-tin wove a brush through sections of her hair as her thoughts swirled; not knowing what to make of this meal. On one hand she was pleased that Alan was making the effort to reconcile and talk through things like adults but on the other hand she still didn't know if she could forgive him no matter what he said.

Realising she no longer had to face this alone, her hand hovered momentarily over her watch. Maybe Gordon could save her from over thinking things? and she could ask for news, just the once. She hit the call button.

"Hello. How are you feeling?" Gordon shift his position to see her more clearly and closer to his lamp.

"Hello; it's not too late, is it?"

"Not at all, you know me I burn the candle at both ends." He smiled eliciting a small upturn of her lips in return.

"I'm better than I was, I just wanted to know if you had heard anything about the little boy?"

Gordon's down-turned face said it all. "No news yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything. Is that why you called?"

"well yes but I was also calling for some advice."

"Interesting... have you decided to Punk my brother? Because I've had a few ideas on that one."

In spite of everything she laughed, trust Gordon to be thinking of that, she really hoped he wasn't serious though. "No, not that kind of advice, Alan has invited me to a special dinner here on the island somewhere. He sent me a menu and an invitation he had designed himself."

What a charmer, trying to glaze over his infidelity with cheap parlour tricks."I see; and is my lady attending?"Please say no.Gordon was struggling to contain his inside voice.

"Yes, I think it will be a good chance for us to talk, to decide what we do next."

"Fair enough. Well, I hope it helps to resolve things between you but don't make it easy, let him grovel."



She shook her head. "I've got to go now; I hope you are ok on your own. Did you manage to make some dinner?"

"Fried eggs on toast with some spinach on the side." He boasted proudly.

Tin-Tin rolled her eyes. "When you get back here my father and I are going to show you how to cook properly."

"I don't know if I can be tamed." He whispered, his eyes danced playfully in the dim light.

She eyed him appraisingly. "I don't think you'd be too much of challenge. Not for me anyway."

"I'll hold you to that."

"Goodnight Gordon."

"Good luck, go knock him dead! – well; maybe not literally but I would knock him into next week in the hopes he'd come to his senses and realise what a prize prat he's been."

"Good night Gordon." Tin-Tin repeated firmly in between stifled giggles. He always managed to ease her anxiety and to make her smile whatever the situation.

Alan's heart pulsed as she rounded the corner. He noticed herself consciously smoothing her blouse down as she approached. A pang of regret coursed through him knowing he had probably only added to that behaviour by making her think he didn't find her attractive anymore. He beamed a wide smile. "Tin-Tin, thank you for coming, please head this way." He indicted to the inner sanctum of the gardens. Tin-Tin slipped past him without a word. Instead she gave a quick glance and nod in greeting. His smiled faltered as he fell into step behind her.

Tin-Tin gasped as she saw the table laid out in white linens under a net of stars that twinkled in the early night sky. The garlands of freshly gathered flowers flowed around the pergola in cherry blossom pink and peach carnations. She couldn't help it, she was impressed. "Oh Alan! Its gorgeous!" He held out her chair for her before seating himself.

"I'm glad you like it. Starters will arrive shortly; the music playing is Virgil's composition but he pre-recorded it for me so that we could have some privacy." He glanced nervously, transporting Tin- Tin back to a time when she had first seen him as a young teen, his boyish charm and cheeky demeanour had instantly appealed to her. She hastily reminded herself not to let her guard down.

"Alan, I fear you have gone to a lot of trouble. I'm rather tried still from travelling home so I may yet have to retire early." She grabbed the pre-filled flute of prosecco in front of her taking a sip. Her sip turned into downing the glass, it seemed Dutch courage was in order this evening.

Alan re-topped her glass before sipping his own. "It's alright, I quite understand. I know I sprung this on you but I thought it would be a nice surprise all the same."

"Oh, it is."

There was another stagnant pause as both of them sat opposite each other. Occasionally; when Tin-Tin could feign interest in her surroundings no longer, she'd look back to see Alan staring at her before quickly adverting his gaze. Like he couldn't believe she was really here. She twirled her fingers around her glass while he drummed his fingers across his leg unknowingly.

Thankfully they were saved by the arrival of food. Tin-Tin smiled as her father served her whilst Parker served Alan. They were having Seared Tuna tataki to start, both thanked their servers who withdrew back to the villa until they were called upon.

The food was a welcome distraction and a chance for Alan to get his act together. The number of times he'd rehearsed what he was going to say, now he didn't know where to begin. Finishing his first mouthful he searched for neutral ground.

"How is Gordon? I heard his injuries were pretty bad, I hope there's no lasting damage. The last rescue we had we could have really done with his expertise." His knife scuffed awkwardly across the plate.

"He was quite poorly initially, at the last health check one of his ears was almost healed but the other is going to take more time. He's hoping he might be able to come back sooner."

"That's great news."

"It is." Tin-Tin cut a small morsel; she didn't have much of an appetite even though the food was exquisite.

The piano melody continued to permeate the air around them as Alan debated over his next conversation piece, he saw Tin-Tin in front of him as a young fledging in his out stretched hands. One false move from him and she'd take flight, never to be seen again. His palms were clammy against the cutlery as he set his knife and fork down. Seeing she was also finished he rang the bell for the plates to be cleared.

"It must be a shame to come home early, I bet it was nice to spend some time in Los Angeles, I've not been there since I was a teen. Did you get a chance to see some of the sights?"

"A little. I couldn't stray too far because your brother doesn't understand the concept of what gentle exercise entails or how to cook, but he did manage to show me a few sights including the observatory. We went to a show at the planetarium it was stunning and the view outside once night fell was beautiful."

Alan's face remained impassive but he was tense all over, the smallest of creases forming between his eyes. Tin-Tin sat with a wistful gaze, her eyes replaying some fond memory, one that he wasn't part of. "Sounds amazing, I've never been."

"Oh, you should visit if you can, we saw John's exhibit."

They were interrupted with the arrival of the main course. Tin-Tin tried to stifle a smile causing Alan to glance over his shoulder in time to see Parker and Kyrano trying to outpace each other to the table. "Chicken –

"M 'ilnese spag'etti" interrupted Parker.

Kyrano stared at Parker in disapproval before bowing to Alan and his daughter. Alan and Tin-Tin caught each other's eye as the two older men retreated bickering disapprovingly. They both caught each-other's eye before they burst out laughing, they couldn't help it. Everyone who knew the two men knew their rivalry when it came to housekeeping was legendary.

Tin-Tin chided herself for breaking her act. She was meant to be impassive, unmoved and making Alan work for every conversation piece. She was here after all for him to explain himself and so far, he'd been skirting around the issue trying to play happy families. She dug into the spaghetti deeper paying undue attention as she cut it into little tiny pieces.

Alan coughed. "Tin-Tin I wanted to invite you here tonight to talk about things. I… well, first of all I have missed you Tin. There's not a moment of every day that I haven't thought about you. I'm devastated we left each other on such terrible terms but most of all I am ashamed at how I've treated you Tin. I know sorry is not enough nor will it solve our problems but I am truly, deeply sorry and I need you to know that before I say another word." He gazed across at her solemnly, in her heart she knew he was being genuine. It was rather mature for Alan she reflected.

She didn't trust herself to speak so she simply nodded and placed down her cutlery indicating she was willing to listen. She leaned back in her chair as he took a swig from his glass before playing with the stem.

"That night." He shook his head. "I don't know how it went so wrong. The night before when we were talking and sharing our hopes and desires, I'd never felt so close to you and the next night before we headed out to dinner…... I could feel the raw attraction between us. It was magical." His eyes flicked up to hers, he was baring his soul in the hopes she would see what she meant to him. He felt horribly exposed but he pushed on.

"Then we went for the meal. I couldn't believe Ned and Jed were there. I'd not really had a chance to catch up with them at the track. Then we all had our meal together and it was swell just having company and being able to unwind with my friends and you. I couldn't believe my luck. Then the night started to blur. I don't remember much apart from you wanting to retire early, I should have gone then. I realise that now. I should never have let you walk through the lobby on your own for starters. I remember after you left, we migrated to the bar where the drinks kept rolling in. The music got louder; the crowd rowdier. It was infectious. It's been a long time since I went out, I can count the parties I've been to on my hands. Anyway - so we're in the bar minding our own business having a laugh when this group of girls enter. Jed clocks them instantly and excuses himself. Next thing we know he's invited them all back to the table and chatting away. You're not going to believe me but at this point I did try to leave but I couldn't get a word in edge ways and it seemed impolite to just leave. Then someone got another round in."

Tin-Tin tapped her foot on the table basin. Alan could feel the tremor of the metal. He gulped and pushed on before he lost his resolve. He had no idea how this was going down. Tin-Tin's face was impassive - much like her fathers, it was unnerving. "By this point – and its not an excuse! I was trashed. The conversation somehow got on to truth or dare as a 'breaking the ice' session Jed coined it. At first it was all pretty innocent. Go and steal a reserve sign off a table, when was the last time you…..." Tin-Tin raised an eyebrow. "Y-you get the gist. Then it was my turn again all of a sudden and one of the girls – Katherine - I think dared Lottie to kiss me. I politely refused explaining I was taken but she pouted at me and the next thing I know she's in my lap and kissing me. I was surprised and inebriated so it took me far longer than I would have liked to get her off."

"Her tongue was down your neck and your hand was on her behind." Tin-Tin drained her drink, her eyes not leaving Alan's the whole time.

A hand went behind his neck sheepishly. "I'm sorry Tin-Tin! Like I said I was wasted, for a moment it could have been you for all I knew.."

Tin-Tin made to stand. Alan grabbed at her across the table "Forgive me! That came out wrong! What I meant to say was it really was my own fault but I was really out of it, that's why it took me so long to react. Not that you can be replaced or look the same. Your special to me Tin-Tin. You really are." His blue eyes looked on in desperation. It must have stirred something in her for she sat back down.

Tin-Tin sat in silence. Alan regretted the meal, it all felt like it was about to come back up, the wave of nausea was overwhelming at the realisation he had really lost her.How could he live without her? what if she never forgave him? He'd still be here watching her move on with her life seeing her everyday but as family acquaintances and not lovers.

"You know you still haven't worked it out, have you?"

"I'm sorry?" He asked; genuinely dumbfounded.

She threw her hands in the air in exasperation. "The whole weekend was a bust Alan. We never spend quality time together anymore. I know its difficult because of our roles here, but we never make time for each other as a couple. Its always work or bedroom! There's no relationship, no excitement or quality time doing things together as a couple! That weekend was meant to give us that. In the morning I was going out with the girls then I would get to watch the race with them and we could all chat together and support our guys but then they never turned up and I was alone- and I know that's not your fault! But I was alone Alan all day. I watched you race but I had no one to share the thrill with or to celebrate your victory with. Then I came down to the box but you were taken away again by the sponsors. Then we go back to the hotel and I finally, finally thought this is it! Just you and me, a lovely date out. Maybe a midnight stroll around the gardens before retiring to our rooms. How romantic." She barked a bitter laugh before composing herself. "Alan all I wanted was to spend time with you, doing something different, something fun and all you did was avoid me all day then wind up with someone else."

Alan hung his head. He was so stupid. "Tin I had no idea how you were feeling. Do you really think our relationship is so boring?" His voice was barely a whisper. He felt like his heart had been rendered in two.

"Oh Alan! That's not what I meant!" She saw the pain wash across his features from where she had wounded him. She tried to reach for him. He pulled his hand back.

"Yes, it is! I always knew I'd never be enough for you! I know I'm not as exciting or have the life experience that some men do; but I thought you loved me for who I am?"

"I D-! I did Alan! I just think we've become trapped in a routine. I think that night you came across that woman there was something in you that just for a moment thought what if? What would it be like to kiss another woman? You can't deny it Alan!"

He frowned. She was right. He had been lying to himself and her. He hadn't resisted at all. He'd been gratified that someone so attractive and outgoing would want to kiss him and as her lips locked with his, he'd felt an inexplicable buzz of desire as she explored his mouth with her tongue. He'd hungrily pushed back his tongue running across her teeth seeking permission to delve further. His hand had snaked up her thigh well before Tin-tin had arrived. She was right, his curiosity had got the better of him but that didn't mean he didn't want to be with her, that he didn't feel for Tin-Tin because he did but there was always that nagging feeling that he was missing out if he settled down. He was too young and so was she.

He sighed placing both his elbows on the table and running his hands through his hair, shielding his face. This was all such a mess. "Where do you want to go from here?" He reached out for both her hands – food long forgotten. "I don't want to lose you Tin-Tin but I don't want to chain you to me if you're unhappy." He looked like a broken man. Tin-Tin found herself squeezing his hands.

"I think that you and I have both become complacent in this relationship and to each other's needs. What you did Alan really hurt me; deeply. Because I do care for you but I just don't know that I can trust you….after what happened, but I also think that maybe you aren't ready to settle in a relationship and maybe I've come to realise I'm not either."

"So, this is it then, you're breaking up with me?" His voice became tight, his throat suddenly seemed to be constricting him like he couldn't get enough air. His eyes glistened.

Tears started to well at the corners of her almond shaped eyes. "I don't want to break up with you but I am suggesting a break for both of us. Just for awhile just to give us a chance to find ourselves again and to see if we both truly want the same thing. A chance to start afresh." She could feel his hands shaking and felt terrible. He was more upset than she had anticipated. He was devastated.

"Fine." With that he pushed away from her, chucking his napkin on the table as he did so. He swiped an arm across his face annoyed that he was openly crying and betraying his feelings. The metal chair scraped abruptly before he fled into the night.

Chapter 25: chapter 25

Chapter Text

The late evening sun waned below the horizon, marking another impending night alone. This was the worst time for him. At least during the day, he could exercise and explore the city however as the nights drew in, he felt isolated in the little condo. This evening in particular he felt quite fatigued as he sprawled on the lounger with a blanket draped over his shoulders. Lights were just starting to twinkle into life as the sky bled red. He turned his phone over in his hand, the light illuminating his steely expression.

His mind was a tempest of fractured memories interspersed with an intolerable longing. He ran a shaky hand through his fringe, he was on the verge of obsession. His mind replayed the moment where her hands firmly gripped his waist at the observatory whilst wondering what it would be like to be held in her embrace - what was she doing right now? Was she alright? Or was she lonely too? After-all she was on a break from Alan, she must be missing him. He imagined her alone dutifully conducting maintenance checks or scribing for his father. Her face schooled into a pleasant smile whilst she was breaking inside. He wanted to be the one to console her, to make her feel loved.

His stomach flipped and churned between desire and guilt. He felt so awful, he simply couldn't pursue his feelings for her without hurting everyone he loved. Alan would be so angry, hell! If the roles were reversed Gordon would be fuming if one of his brothers was attracted to his partner, but at the same time… Alan had his chance. He hadn't been just trying to instil some confidence in Tin when he said she deserved better. Tin-Tin was bright, kind and loving, she always put the needs of others before her own, especially Alan and yet he never treated her with the same reverence. He would always put himself first, he'd always want to go clubbing with Lady Penelope or out with his friends while he left her behind at home like some prized trinket in a cabinet. To be brought out on special occasions as proof of ownership and paraded. He should want to be with her above all else. He should cherish her, tell her he loved her every day. Alan wasn't ready for a serious relationship but Gordon was. Having seen his own parents' relationship callously cut short and then nearly dying himself, he wasn't afraid of commitment, but he was petrified of the knowledge that time was short. He had no idea if she even could bring herself to like him in that way - was the fear of rejection greater than his fear of time passing him by?

His phone buzzed, startling him. The white blue glow causing him to wince. He peered at caller ID: Withheld. He thumbed the green touch point.


"Gordon Tracy?"

"That's me, how can I help?"

"Gordon, its Officer Monroe. I spoke with you and your partner the other day when she rescued the little boy off the pier."

"Oh. Yes! How is he?"

"I'm sorry I haven't been in contact sooner; it was touch and go for a time but the family want you to know that although James' has been in an induced coma he came around yesterday and is progressing well. They wondered if your friend might like to see him? He wants to thank her for saving his life."

"Oh wow, that's amazing news!" Gordon's heart soared with his voice before faltering. "Unfortunately, my friend has left for home but I'm still here, I'd love to see him if I can and pass on his message."

"That's would be fantastic! His parents are really keen to see you too. They were amazed by your handling of the situation and how you kept everyone calm. They said your free to come by the hospital tomorrow, visiting hours are eleven till four."

"I will; thank you for calling officer Monroe."

"You're welcome." He cut the call, holding the edge of the phone to his mouth. He should phone Tin-Tin but he knew she'd be so disappointed at not being able to go so he decided he would keep it as a surprise for when he saw her in person. He beamed to himself. Such good news! He was looking forward to meeting James and his parents under better circ*mstances. He had a few errands to run in the morning, he found himself making a quick mental list, his earlier problems fading as he hopped off the lounger to get ready for bed.


It was mid-morning on the island. Alan was sat with his shades on by the edge of the pool reading. Scott and Brains were sat at the table opposite pouring over the chess board in the middle. Brains was one of the few chess opponents that Scott found really challenged him. The only other family members who would play with Brains were Gordon and his father. John and Brains had stopped playing each other long ago, their competitiveness put a strain on their friendship so both had come to the logical conclusion it was for the best.

Tin-Tin and Penelope made their way across from the villa. Parker huffed along behind as he carried two beach bags brimming with towels, beach ball and magazines. "Good morning Alan."

Scott kicked the back of Alan's chair so it scraped a little. Alan's face remained impassive, not even glancing up. Tin-Tin's smile faltered.

"Where are you girls off to?" Scott paused his game, concerned at his brother's lack of tact and poor Tin-Tin's crestfallen expression.

"To the beach. It's not often Penelope gets to experience going to the beach and actually achieving a tan."

"Or being warm enough for one to not to be wearing cardigan and trousers." Added Penelope.

Scott chuckled. "Its not always that bad, I've had some warm days in the UK." His eyes sparkled in fondness at a memory, his dimples becoming more pronounced with his smile.

"I might be exaggerating but Tin-Tin is right, this is by far the finest spot to relax and the most private beach I'll get to experience in awhile. I'm quite looking forward to it."

"Well, you girls enjoy yourself but don't forget to stop by on the way back. We'd welcome your company."

"Sounds splendid. We shall see you in a little while." Penelope purred.

Scott turned back round to survey the board. His king was under threat from Brain's wayward Queen, seeing the inevitable he surrendered by placing his king down, the piece rolled off to the edge. Brains tutted.

"Sorry Brains but I know how that one plays out. No point waiting for the inevitable."

"W-well I'd ah! best be getting back to the err lab anyway."

"Got something cooking?" Scott co*cked his head to one side.

"S-something like that yes…. I'll let you know once its ah! Perfected." He leaned on the arms as he pushed up out of the chair. Brains was very cagey about his prototypes - especially since the Thunderbird Six fiasco. He'd learnt if he spent enough money or invested enough resources before Mr Tracy got wind of the project, he was less likely to veto the idea or change his mind.

Scott leaned back, his gaze flicking across to the prone form on the recliner. He rapped his knuckles on the table as he pondered his next move. Let sleeping lions lie, or face getting his head bitten off trying to impart some brotherly advice?Ah! screw it.He stood stretching for a moment, before strolling over to sit on the side of the nearby vacant recliner.


Alan flicked a page. "Hey."

Scott relaxed his shoulders. "How you doing?"

"I'm reading."

"I know but I couldn't help but notice you were a little terse with Tin-Tin earlier." Alan huffed flipping another page.

"I know things are…... strained between you right now but there's no need to be impolite. She's worried about you."

Alan slapped the book down. "Oh yeah, she's so worried about me that she ended our relationship."

"I thought you said you were on a break?" Scott frowned.

"We are." He crossed his arms angrily.

"Can I give you some advice?" Scott leaned forwards elbows on knees.

"Do I have a choice?" He muttered.

"You're both young and not had many other relationships. Your always in each other's pockets here. It doesn't make for the easiest relationship, especially living with the rest of us. You and Tin-tin have been together a long time, it's not uncommon to have doubts in a long-term relationship. Now I have no idea what your break is about, but sometimes its good to step back and evaluate your relationship. If you really care for each other, you'll find a way to make it work but only if you talk to one another. If you continue to be dismissive, you'll push her away. Is that what you really want?" His light eyes bored into Alan's.

"No of course not! but she's made herself quite clear on where we stand."

Scott shifted; debating whether to admit something. He ran his hands down his legs. "Rose and I split up."

Alan whipped round; eyes wide. "You did? When?"

"Couple of months back. We got into a row over moving in with each other and the logistics. I know we've not known each other long but I felt more than ready….. turns out she didn't and couldn't provide what I would deem a valid answer as to why. I grew frustrated and she became irrationally angry." Scott swallowed, as his mind recoiled from the way her next words had burned him. "She said: I can't do this right now. I can't be with you anymore; you need to leave." His chest constricted like he'd been hit with a wrecking ball. "She pushed me out the door before I even knew what was happening - it was so fast." Scott stared at the floor.

"But your together now, aren't you?" Alan's own troubles were momentarily forgotten as he was gripped by Scott's revelation.

"Yeah, we're taking it slow but we're together and that's all I care about. I won't lose her again." He clenched his fists on the edge of the seat.

"Then how did you get her back?"

"Because of you."

"Me?!" Alan replied incredulous.

Scott gave a small smile. "When you mentioned that she might have been worrying about me; you were right. She pushed me away because she thought she was protecting me. Rose knew she couldn't move here, not her not with her career but at the same time she didn't want me living with her elsewhere when she thought I'd become an easy target and that people might discover International Rescue. She was worried I'd be attacked or that TB1 would be stolen. So much so she ended it so I'd remain here. Threat eliminated."

"I had no idea, Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because if I admitted it to you all, then I'd have to admit I really had lost her. Only Penny knew and she tried everything to get us to reconcile. I wasn't sleeping, Rose wasn't answering my calls. Turns out she wasn't eating and working overtime to stop herself thinking about us and I had no idea!" Scott ran a hand through his hair. "This is why if you really want her Alan you mustn't give up."

"Thank you for telling me. That can't have been easy for you, I see where you are coming from now. I thought that was it between us but maybe there is a chance. I shall at least try to be more amicable."

Scott stood to ruffle Alan's hair "Atta a boy."

Alan scowled ducking out the way whilst Scott chuckled. It was up to his little brother now.


Gordon tapped his feet, glancing at the time on his luminescent green display. It was 2am and he was on a remote section of road on the outskirts of Wrightwood waiting for his ride. He'd got the all clear to travel yesterday and he couldn't wait to be home. After spending the last week alone, he was really looking forward to being back in his family's company. He still wasn't cleared for active duty but the doctors promised it wouldn't be long and they also advised that once healed he should be able to dive again but his ears may always be more susceptible to changes in pressure than they once were, but he could live with that. He shuddered but not because of the cool night air, he shuddered at the thought of being told he'd never dive again. He wouldn't have coped. It would have been worse than when he broke his back.

The familiar thrum in the air drew him away from his unpleasant thoughts as landing lights came into view. Gordon waved cheerfully knowing Virgil would have easily picked up his form on the thermal imaging cameras. The thrusters hissed as the landing gear docked into place. Gordon scrabbled up the boarding aisle as the door whooshed open. Virgil smiled, greeting his brother by putting an arm around his shoulder and lifting his bag off him with the other.

"Good to see you buddy, I've missed you."

"Same here, it's good to be going home."

It being a personal trip; Virgil was in civilian clothes, his favourite olive green shirt and chestnut waistcoat. He took his seat back at the helm as Gordon dropped into the co-pilot seat. It wasn't long before Virgil had them airborne.

"So how have you been keeping yourself amused?"

Trying to keep my mind off being lonely and failing."Well, mostly video games and documentaries but I've been down the beach a fair bit." Since Henry and Tin-Tin had left, Gordon had taken to spending hours on the coastline, for people watching helped him feel less isolated – or at least that's what he told himself. Anything was better than being by himself in that condo where he was climbing the walls.

"Out of the water I hope?"

"Yes" Gordon rolled his eyes. "What have you fella's been up to?"

"Well, we had a pretty hairy rescue on a sinking ship, a mine shaft collapse, A Tsunami evacuation and a wildfire evacuation, even John got to go on a rescue with Alan last night. The ISS suffered a complete power outage so he and Alan had to ferry up the repair equipment but stayed to help fix the issue as the crew only had fourteen minutes till the emergency gen went out too."

"Oh wow! sounds like you guys have been run off your feet! I bet John was thrilled to be involved."

"Sure was, I'll let him tell you about it, I know he's dying to." Virgil smiled.

"I look forward to it."

Gordon settled into his seat, his soul already lightening. He couldn't wait to be home where he belonged.

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Chapter Text

Virgil was still reversing into the hangar as Gordon bounced out of his seat. He smiled to himself; someone was happy to be home. He finished flipping off the power before pushing back the wheel, taking a minute to stretch as he stood. His hands almost scraped the roof space.

"Fancy helping me do the post flight checks?"

Gordon pulled a face, groaning as Virgil slapped a tablet into his hands. "Don't tell me you forgot about them? You really have been gone a long time."

"Haha!" Gordon replied sarcastically. "I call dibs on interior!"

"I guess as it's your first night back, I'll allow it." He jested.

Gordon sailed through his list; keen to try and catch most of the family before bed. He was buzzing to see Tin-Tin again. He could almost feel an invisible magnetic pull forcibly dragging him to her, knowing she was mostly likely just above them. He managed to wait a couple of minutes for Virgil to complete his, before he literally skipped the steps two at a time up the gangway to the elevator. Virgil watched Gordon rock on the balls of his feet before his eyes wandered upwards to meet his brother's.

"What?" Gordon stared back.

Virgil broke into a small smile. "Nothing, just nice to have you home."

Gordon grinned back just as the elevator docked in the lounge. Kyrano was waiting dutifully to try and relieve Gordon of his baggage. "Kyrano, it's great to see you, are you keeping well?" Gordon placed a hand on each of his shoulders, surveying the man. Tin-Tin had been worried as her father had suffered a couple of his 'turns' recently. For some reason he seemed to have these absent seizures, the doctors stressed he was in perfect health for his age despite these alarming episodes.

"I am quite well; thank you Mister Gordon. I hope that you are in better health now?"

"I am indeed! Ready and raring to go."

"Not until I see that Doctor's note." A voice growled.

Gordon turned to face his father, not deterred by his tone. The euphoria he felt at being home made it hard to dampen his mood. He handed over a folded A4 report. "I can start light duties with another recheck in two weeks. If that comes back clear I can return to water sports - aka water rescues but at least another month before I can deep water dive."

Jeff frowned at the bit of paper before glancing up, his face brightening. "Well, that's excellent news! The sooner we can have you back on the team the better; Welcome home son. He extended an arm which Gordon clasped midway in their usual greeting. He swung round to face the rest of the lounge. He could see Scott and John to his left and to his right Alan sat next to Tin-Tin. The soft lighting cast shadows across the lounge floor making it hard to see everyone clearly but she stood out like a beacon. His gaze settled on the arm draped across the sofa behind her. Tin-Tin was sat forwards with a slight gap between them, her hands folded in her lap.

"Are you alright Gordon? Sick of us already?" Alan quipped. Gordon could feel the heat rise in his face as his blood pressure spiked. He realised the room had gone quiet. He gave a smirk.

"Something like that. I've just effectively had a month as an only child, it's going to take some adjusting back. Turns out it has several benefits such as there still being food in the fridge and no channel hopping hogs." He looked pointedly at Scott and Alan in turn.

"Just what are you implying?" Scott raised a brow. Gordon rooted around in his bag before chucking a large red packet at Scott's head. His lightening quick reflexes snatched the bag out of the air. "Twizzlers!" He ripped open the packet and shoved a handful straight into his mouth. Raucous laughter filled the room.

"What?!" He shrugged as John slipped one out of the packet only for Scott to snatch it back. "Nah! uh!" he replied with his mouthful.

"Oh, come on! Here; let me save you some calories." John bartered palm extended. Scott scoffed in reply before he relented and held half of one out. John snatched it before the offer was revoked. With Scott you learned to take what you could get. He popped it into his mouth and sighed. It was rare he got candy on five and if he did it was gone within the first forty-eight hours.

"Boys it's nearly midnight, sugar might not be the wisest idea." Jeff frowned.

"Yes; on that note, it really is a delight to see you looking so well Gordon but I ought to get some beauty sleep. We can catch up in the morning over breakfast?" Penny fluttered her heavily lidded eyes.

"Sounds good." He smiled.

At that point most of them stood and made their excuses to retire for the night, including his father. He realised he hadn't had a chance to catch Tin-Tin and for a moment his heart faltered, his hand still clutched on another important letter. The room was abuzz with all his brothers vacating, obscuring his view of where she had been sat. He tried to make his way across before being intercepted by Scott who grabbed him in an unusual display of affection. "Good to have you home! Your quite welcome to Thunderbird four and your dratted wet suits." Gordon laughed into his shoulder and when Scott finally let go, there was the girl he'd been dying to see.

He glanced around and realised they were alone. He swallowed as she moved closer unsure of what to do now faced with her direct attention. For him alone. He ran a hand through his sandy copper fringe.

"It's good to have you home. It's too quiet here without you." He was aware of her every moment but unable to move himself.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He co*cked his head to one side in a portrayal of innocence. A smile crept across her lips which made his heart swell.

"Peaceful, serene, disaster free -" She folded her arms as she reeled off the list.

"Boring then." He folded his arms.

She snorted which he'd never seen her do before, her cheeks coloured as she laughed. "Adorable." She scowled at him briefly before giggling herself. There was a long pause as they assessed each other in the half light.

Alan had got halfway down the hall before he realised, he'd left his phone in the lounge. "Shoot!". He double patted his pockets and groaned before retracing his route. Alan bounded up the steps towards the entrance of the lounge, pausing on the threshold. He could hear voices, namely Tin-Tin's and Gordon. He stepped closer to the corner of wall and peered round. They were both stood in the centre of the room. He could see them clearly despite the looming shadows surrounding them. They were close to each other.

"Well, I guess we ought to be going to bed, you must be exhausted." She turned to leave as he reached out a hand to stop her. He gently clasped her wrist. Alan stifled a sharp intake of breath.

"Wait! I have something for you. Well - it's from someone I know you'll want to hear from." He sheepishly proffered a folded piece of paper.

Intrigued, she carefully took the letter that was extended to her. Gordon swung his holdall back on his shoulder as she unfolded the crisp paper. Her hand went to her mouth in surprise as she gasped. On the page was a sellotaped picture of James in his hospital bed surrounded by his family and Gordon with a giant white bunny having the life squeezed out of him by a gleeful James. It had a bandage in the same place where James' cannula was. It looked just like her soft toy, the one Gordon had won for her, she noticed his sister had one too. Below the picture was a drawing of herself bobbing on the water with a life ring and a small boy holding on. She teared up as she read;Hello Tin-Tin. I'm sorry you went home. I wanted to thank you for savin me. You were really brave and I'm really sorry I put us in dangr. I know now that I musn't go near water, mom and Gordan have told me. He is very funny! I was sick but I'm gettin better now and I can't wait to go back home! I promise I will never go by water on my own again. Bye-bye James.It was signed with his name and a big smiley face. Tears pooled in the corner of her eyes as quickly as she tried to swipe them away.

She sniffed. "He's alright! I've been so worried about him. I thought the worst! When you said he was still in hospital…. Oh Thank you!" She rushed at him, knocking him back a step as she hugged him. He held his arms extended, palms awkwardly open for a moment before tentatively embracing her back, inhaling Jasmine as he did so. She placed a light peck on his cheek which caused him to blush.

White hot fury transcended through Alan as he watched his brother from the shadows. Tin-Tin hugged everyone, including all his brothers. She was tactile in that way; it annoyed him but that was just who she was. What got him, was the way Gordon had flinched when Tin-Tin embraced him, the way his hands quickly went to her waist; but worst of all was watching him breathe her in, the way he relaxed into her waiting arms like it was his homecoming. He knew that feeling all too well for that's how he felt when he was with her. She was his personal refuge. His fists clenched by his side as his jaw locked. Who did his brother think he was! He was of the mind to go over there right now and… and….

"Alan? Is everything alright?" Tin-Tin exclaimed surprised. Gordon looked like a rabbit caught in headlights behind her.

"Tin! Er yeah, I was just going back for my phone."

"Oh!" She stepped aside to let him through the small entrance way. "Well Goodnight."

"Goodnight Tin-Tin… Say would you like to go for an early morning walk tomorrow?" Seeing the flash of reluctance in the set of her mouth he added. "For old times' sake, just as friends of course." Did he imagine her features brightening a little? She bowed her head as she contemplated his offer.

Alan stared boldly into Gordon's tawny eyes; the challenge was clear. Gordon's face remained impassive but his body was tense, the vein that ran the length of his neck was prominent like a thick cord.

"Yes okay. Say ten am?"

"Sure, I'll meet you in the kitchen."

"Alright. Good night Alan." She Turned waiting for Gordon to follow her.

"Night Tin."

Alan simmered as he watched them leave. Only once they were out of his sight did he leave to retrieve his phone.

Gordon somehow managed to make it back to his room. He chucked his bag on the chair with greater force then he'd intended. His brother had some nerve! The possessive way he'd still been trying to assert himself over Tin-Tin in the lounge and then asking her out like that! After what he did to her! Gordon paced. And she just let him! That was the worst thing, Tin-Tin had been broken by him and yet she was still letting Alan worm his way back into her affections!

He realised he'd made a fatal error. Alan knew. Knew that he liked Tin-Tin. He must have been hidden in the wings the whole time. Gordon hadn't expected her to rush at him like that, had no time to prepare or to stifle his instinctual reactions. His reactions would have only pushed his brother's jealously into overdrive and Alan was never one to back down, he always got what he wanted. That look he'd given him in the corridor wasn't a warning, it was an assertion.She's mine. He took a shuddering breath, inhaling the jasmine that was still imbued in his collar, the memory of her soft lips on his skin assaulting his mind and heart. He dropped on the bed placing his head in his hands, he'd allowed himself to hope but it was futile. They could never be more than friends.

Chapter 27

Chapter Text

It was five AM. After the seventh night of tossing and turning he'd snatched up his gear, seeking refuge in his usual routine. His head dipped up and down in time to his butterfly stroke, the water rippling around him. As he reached the front of the pool he grabbed onto the ledge. His eyes finally level, he clocked the tan brogues and white chinos that were waiting for him. He lifted up his goggles and rested his arms on the edge of the pool. "Morning dad." He stripped his cap off and removed his ear plugs.

Jeff looked down; the disapproval etched plainly across his features with coffee mug in hand. "Do you ever do as your told?"

Gordon flashed an impish smile. "I was told I couldn't submerge my ears in water but I've been having baths and showers; this is no different right?" He shrugged his shoulders.

His father's face remained unchanged. "So, what's your plan for the water training? You're starting this morning I believe?" He took a sip.

"Yeah, I want to start with water fitness so we'll be doing sessions here in the pool three times a week, then I will aim to teach them a few useful skills such as breathing exercises, perfecting their form, how to swim with a casualty as well as how to cope with cold temperatures. I envision that taking about four weeks, hopefully I'll then be well enough to take them through some diving exercises, how to prep and maintain the equipment, common dangers and so on."

Jeff rolled back on his heels impressed. "Sounds swell, definitely something that they all need to be competent in. When you get a moment send the training plans to me and I'll ensure they're all on board."

"Sure thing…... you know, you can tag along if you want. You might enjoy swift water rescue. Actually come to think of it their going to need a casualty." He beamed at his father.

Jeff ignored him. "Just you make sure you don't push yourself too hard." His dad replied gruffly but there was a brief hint of concern in his gaze. Gordon seemed well enough in himself but the dark circles around his eyes and his pronounced collar bones told a different story. It had concerned Jeff enough to seek his son out at this early hour. He would need to keep a close eye on him he reflected.

"I won't." He tried to splash his dad's feet but Jeff side stepped with ease. He waited for him to hop out of the pool before they retreated to the villa together.

Come mid-morning the full household had assembled by the pool in marked groups of onlookers, assistants and participants. Penelope was sat under the parasol, keeping Jeff company. Poor Parker looked fit to collapse in the heat under his full butler assemble, with Kyrano waiting on Jeff's left hand side. Brains and Tin-Tin (who were both proficient swimmers and divers) were based at each end of the pool to keep an eye out for any difficulties (namely cheating) so that Gordon could concentrate on his main charges. A rather uncomfortable bunch of men lined up at the pool's edge in full wet suit gear. Virgil was self-consciously smoothing out his suit while trying not to look over at the group gathered under the parasol. Scott yanked at the collar which he always found too constricting and Alan was wittering about John being a lucky devil because he had returned to Thunderbird five yesterday evening. Jeff had assured him John would be undertaking these exercises on his next turn on earth which naturally, did nothing to quell Alan's sense of injustice. Gordon stood behind them in his own wet suit looking as comfortable as wearing nothing but his own skin. He strode confidently down the line ready to begin.

"Right then! I hope you've had the sense to get in the pool since this training was discussed. In order for you to effectively rescue people in the water you need to have stamina and strength as well as technique. Fundamentally you should never enter the water until you have attempted to reach, throw and don't go!" - but it's more likely that we will be required to enter the water after all other rescue attempts have failed. Therefore, we're going to be looking at your endurance before we hit open water. Today we will be assessing how many laps you can complete but remember! Its not a race, it's about pacing yourself and conserving that energy. Even the shortest water rescue can be taxing as poor Scott here has been discovering. Gordon snatched Scott's hand from his collar.


"Concentrate. Any questions?"

"Just one." Scott piped up again. "Technically I've done more water rescues this month than the lot of you combined so can I skip the endurance bit because I've got some fundamental checks to do on One." It was well known among the family that Scott detested swimming, he was rarely - if ever seen in the pool.

Gordon slowly walked up behind him. "You should be pretty good with the extra experience; I expect to see you ahead of the pack. If I suspect your lagging there will be extra pool time." Scott could feel Gordon's breath on his neck.

"Yes Sir." He muttered dryly as he smirked. He stared resolutely in front but that didn't stop him hearing Gordon chuckle. Virgil's lips quirked in amusem*nt next to him.

"Right! On my mark: 3,2,1 – Go!"

The three men vaulted off the edge of the pool. Scott gained the most distance simply from the leap but Alan was already quicker and starting to pull away. Virgil was the most graceful to enter the water and took off easily after the others. Alan was blazing ahead. So much for conserving energy reflected Gordon. He walked alongside observing their techniques, assessing their effectiveness so he could identify areas for improvement. Brains was counting the laps and Tin-Tin was on hand to help should anyone have any difficulties. Alan flipped over first before being quickly pursued by Scott. Gordon noticed them both clock each other and up their pace. Both were naturally competitive in everything they did so he wasn't surprised there was some competition going on, Virgil meanwhile was setting a sensible pace with good steady breaths. Gordon anticipated him going far.

Jeff was keeping a watchful eye on proceedings in the shade. It was at least eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit as Lady Penelope sipped her tea. She smiled demurely as she caught Jeff's eye.

"You know the British are renowned for complaining about the heat, maybe you wouldn't suffer so much if you didn't drink ten cups of tea on some of the hottest days of the year." His attention drifted back to his sons in the pool.

"That is a bit of an exaggeration Jeff tea can actually be rather refreshing in the heat."

He shook his head in disbelief as a small smile still continued to play mischievously at the corners of her mouth.

"So, you're still leaving us tomorrow? You know your quite welcome to stay. We've enjoyed your company and I think Kyrano and Parker have almost bonded this time."

"I'm sure they would disagree…. Yes, it's time for us to leave. I'd say he's quite ready to come back, wouldn't you?" Penelope inclined her head in Gordon's direction.

Jeff watched Gordon crouch at the edge of the pool as he reminded Scott to time his breathing and to extend his arms further. Gone was the young entertainer of the family, today he was in full operational mode. His concentration solely focused on assessing his brother's skill sets whilst using his specialist knowledge to guide and improve them. Out of all of them that had served Gordon had seemed to adapt back into civilian life more easily, retaining very little of the usual tell-tale mannerisms that were conditioned into them. Not so today. Jeff clearly saw the serviceman before him, Gordon was resolutely disciplined in achieving his objective of ensuring they were all capable of handling water rescues.

"I think your right Penny, he may not be able to dive yet but he's certainly well enough to be participating in rescues. I should have known he was becoming restless. He's always been one for action but I focused too much on only utilising him for his specific specialism and not for his other qualities. Gordon's is just as capable as Scott when it comes to coordinating an operation, his flying skills may not be on a par with Scott or Virgil's but he's still far superior to most pilots I know. I aim to ensure it's a fairer process as soon as he is well enough."

"Very wise. I think he will be much happier for it and international rescue will benefit from having him more operationally active."

Parker piped up from behind. "I've always liken'd Mr Gordon to a Swiss h'army knife, he's capable of many a task if one knows how to u'tilise 'im. Multifunctional like."

Jeff chuckled. "Well, his mother and I certainly didn't know what to do with him at one point. Or his teachers but you're right Parker, he's always been bright. It was half his trouble." Penelope noted the fondness in his voice. If she had to hazard a guess, she would say Gordon had been forgiven and Jeff had learned a valuable lesson.

Gordon watched his brothers enter their twelfth lap and could see visible exertion in all of them. Scott's pacing had become desperately erratic as he struggled to keep momentum. Meanwhile Virgil had slowed completely, his movements becoming laboured as he struggled not to touch the floor of the pool in the shallow end. Alan looked the strongest but then being an astronaut and racer, he had expected that because that's what his training required of him. Alan was effectively an athlete in his own right with both his professions being physically and mentally demanding. He was also much younger than his brothers giving him a distinct advantage.

Scott was the first to raise his hand. "I've had enough!" He pushed his elbows over the edge of the pool before flipping his hair back.

"Thirteen and a half lengths, now i see why you struggled with that rescue. I'm going to recommend you train three days a week for thirty-minute intervals with ten minutes rest break factored in."

"Are you serious! How many lengths?" He pulled himself along the side with his arms to the steps, too exhausted to hop out like he usually did.

"Twenty to thirty I'll email you your program."


Gordon gave a wicked grin as extended a hand to hoist Scott up the steps. His legs felt like lead as he hobbled off to change whilst still grumbling about his impending regime.

No sooner had he returned his attention to the pool, Virgil was making a hand gesture under his throat signalling to Brains he was done. Gordon peered at over Brain's shoulder at his clipboard.

"Twenty-five laps, pretty impressive Virgil!"

"You could say that with a lot less surprise." He pushed up on strong forearms before kneeling onto the edge of the pool, rivulets of water cascaded off of him.

"I thought you'd do thirty at least. Three times a week for you also but I want you to aim for forty laps in forty-five minutes. I will also email you your program." He clapped him on the back as he groaned.

"Y-you seem to be enjoying this….. ah.. Far too much." Brains counted another lap for Alan.

"Me? Enjoying this? Nah!" He winked before turning back to watch Alan. He noticed Tin-Tin start walking towards their end of the pool to join them, his smile fading. He tactfully crossed to the opposite side of the pool before they could meet, avoiding eye contact. Since that first night he'd come home (and almost come to blows with Alan) he'd made a conscious decision to distance himself from her. He couldn't ignore her because he knew that would break her heart but every moment he spent with her made him feel like he was being run over hot coals. Every little touch set him aflame, the way he would catch her watching him made his breath hitch and his chest freeze. It had taken him two days to realise he had been unintentionally roaming the villa in the hopes he would bump into her, a fleeting chance to catch her alone. Nope he had to stop; it wasn't fair on her plus Alan was who she really wanted and he should be fine with that; but he wasn't. His face set in a grim line.

He picked up the pace to walk alongside Alan who was steaming ahead in the pool. He was fast but his technique was sloppy. "Alan, you need to too be looking at the bottom of the pool and reduce your kick." Alan couldn't retort as he was too focused on pushing ahead.

"He's doing well, isn't he? I was surprised Scott finished so early."

Gordon jolted forwards like he'd been hit by electricity. Tin-Tin was stood almost shoulder to shoulder with him. "Y-yeah but he's young, he can handle it. Scott's almost a decade older than him."

"Don't let him hear you say that or you won'tsurvivethe next decade." Virgil wandered past with an energy drink in hand.

Tin-Tin burst out laughing placing a hand across her mouth whilst Virgil winked before moving on. Gordon took the opportunity to increase his distance.

"I'm going to go and check in on Alan before I discover Scott's hiding in the bushes. Would you mind giving my dad an update on the session?"

"Of course." She hesitated clipboard in arms. "Gordon is everything alright? I haven't seen much of you since you came home."

He'd already started walking, waving his hand in a dismissive gesture. "Yeah! all fine here, just lots of catch up on you know? I'll see you at lunch." He smiled walking backwards a little before flipping round. He hated turning his back on her.

Alan was panting at the side of the pool as he tracked Gordon's movements round the perimeter, his chest heaving. He had been talking with Tin-Tin but Alan was too far away to hear what they were talking about. Tin-Tin lingered after Gordon walked away, was it just friendly concern or because she missed him? Either way she looked concerned and he didn't like it. They had been together in Los Angeles for two weeks. Alone. Something must have occurred between them. Alan's blood ran cold, his face drained of colour as the sweat on his forearms became clammy. Realisation dawned like a punch to the gut, was this why Tin-Tin had put them on a break? So, she could leave him for his brother? It was the first thing she had said when she came home, with that spiel of him not being ready to settle down. What a joke! He saw it all now.

Gordon got the number of laps from Brains. Forty-five. Intermediate territory in swimming terms. He walked over to the edge and looked down.

"Finally, you took your time. Maybe you should concentrate on the task in hand." Alan glowered up at him. Gordon was used to Alan baiting him so he pressed on.

"Forty-five laps. You would do better to angle the tips of your fingers and concentrate on extending your arm from the shoulder rather than trying to race everyone. Its not a track day. I want to see a stronger technique with better body alignment in the water. I recommend four days training for thirty-minute intervals with the aim of doing fifty-five laps."

"I'm not doing that! The others are only training for three and I did the best!."

"They have more duties than you and Yes, you are; dad's keen to make sure you all follow the programs set."

"Don't I even get a well done for lasting the longest?"

"What do you want a medal? It takes longer than one pool session to earn one." Gordon's whole-body posture was rigid.

Alan pushed himself up out of the pool still dripping wet as he towered over Gordon.

"Just what is your problem with me?"

"I don't know you tell me." Gordon stared upwards; his eyes ablaze, chin jutting upwards. Brains shifted nervously on the periphery.

"You're the one who" –

"Alan! Will you walk with me to the house?" Tin-Tin neatly sidestepped in between them.

"Who what?" Alan retorted.

Tin-Tin turned, her eyes pleading with Gordon to drop it.Not here.

"And no, I won't walk with you to the house, we're on a break remember? The one you were so keen to enforce after being away with" –

"Think very carefully before you finish that sentence or you'll find its more than a break." She struggled to maintain her composure, her winged eyes sparked with fury. Alan's height swamped Tin-Tin but her defiant stance had him stepping back. Gordon watched in shock, the implications of Alan's words hitting him like a freight train. The way she planted herself between them with her back to Gordon whilst facing off with Alan. Was she shielding him, did her actions mean something more?

Klaxons blared from the villa. They all turned towards the house where Jeff was already at the top of the steps. "This isn't over." Hissed Alan.

"You heard the lady - drop it. We've got more pressing matters now." With one last glare and a concerned glance at Tin-Tin, Gordon turned away from them both. "Brains could you send me the reports from today's sessions please and I'll write them up in a bit. Let's book in a review for three weeks' time before the fourth week assessment."

"Y-yes Gordon, they will be er ready within the hour."

"Excellent thanks Brains." He set off at a jog for the house. He arrived just in time to catch the end of the report, all the family and friends were stood around the large desk, their attention fixed on John.

" A distress call from the Himalayas. There's been a major rock slide, the whole village has been destroyed but most people managed to get to the bunker in time, the only thing is the bunker is under one hundred and thirty odd tonnes of rubble and boulders the size of houses. The village is so remote that there are no emergency services to cope with that kind of extraction." John finished his report, his microphone catching the light as he turned towards the camera.

"Right. Scott; get going, we need to you identify a safe landing site and base of operations."

"Yes father."

"You three take Thunderbird two with Pod five with the Excavator and the Mole."

Virgil made straight for his launch pad as Alan sped off to the elevator already peeling his wet suit to the waist.

"Problem Gordon?" Jeff tented his fingers.

"I err. You mean me?" He pointed at his chest, incredulous. "I can go?"

"Yes; you. I've still got four sons here since I last counted, haven't I? Now go!"

"F.A.B!" Gordon scrabbled for the elevator but drew short when he saw who was glowering there. He stepped in as far a way as he could from Alan. With the click of the safety bar the lift descended with both men facing forwards with their fists clenched, leaving an anxious Tin-Tin in the lounge. She watched intently until she could see them no more. She could only hope they would focus on the mission and not each other. Alan's jealously tainted everything, it would be his undoing.

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Chapter Text

"This is Thunderbird one to base."

"Go ahead Thunderbird one."

"I've reached the danger zone. A second slide is underway; you should see it Father! The Rocks look like they're being carried away by the current, except there's no river!"

"How long have you been monitoring the activity, are there any other emergency services on the scene?"

Scott glanced at his watch before checking his instrument's. "About five minutes now. There are no teams on the ground - it's too dangerous currently, but there is a police helijet that's airborne with me. They've advised this second rock slide started twenty minutes after the last one. They haven't been able to contact those in the bunker yet so we have no idea what the situation is. The village has a population of five hundred according to the stats John gathered."

"Alright son, I'll advise Thunderbird two to hang back a bit. Let us know as soon as you have a secure landing area."


Thunderbird Two cut through the cloud laden skies as she increased in altitude before leveling out once again. Virgil was running at half pace after his father had advised him to hang back and await further instruction. It felt odd to be pulling back on the acceleration when they were heading to a rescue. His fingers tapped on the wheel nervously. It was quite the situation. One hundred and 20 tonnes already and now another rock slide which would only add to the load. Did they know the pressure capacity of the bunker? How much air did they have? Had it been compromised by the tremors? Virgil knew these would be the kind of questions Scott would be gaining intel on right now but he couldn't help but try to anticipate the risks involved. It was part of his training after all. He bit his lip in concern. This rescue could easily be an all-nighter and beyond.

Alan had claimed the co-pilot's seat next to Virgil so he didn't even have to look at Gordon, he was still seething from earlier. They way Tin-Tin had been so quick to cut him off wounded him. She never let him explain or gave him the time to express his view so that when he did, he couldn't help but blow his top. He deserved to know if he was being dumped. Alan wondered if it would be so painful if she'd met a stranger. His stomach was in knots, he felt deeply betrayed that his own brother had some kind of hold on her. Had she been waiting for him to slip up so she could be free?No, no way! she's not like thathis inner voice protested, but burning jealously within told him it was true.

Gordon played with the strap across his shoulder, he should be elated. This was his first rescue in almost half a year but instead all he wanted to do was to get back home. He knew Alan was blinded by his bitterness (as usual) but he'd inadvertently sown a seed of hope in Gordon's heart and Gordon detested him for it. He had been doing all the right things; distancing himself from her slowly, repressing his feelings and trying to be adult about the situation. To learn to live without ever knowing if they could be together, if he could have the honour to call her his partner. To love her. He had even stopped himself from pinning Alan against that wall the night he had come home and shaking him till he apologised to her and admitted he wasn't worthy of her love. Now all his hard work had been ruined, he was at the end of his tether and when they were done here; when professionalism would no longer dictate his actions, he would hold back no more.

The rock and scree spread for miles in all directions. Huge fissures had opened in the earth to form new cliffs where there had been mountain sides only hours before. Scott had not been idle whilst waiting for the rock slide to subside and had quickly identified a large plateau with a semi- flat cap as a suitable place to land. It was still some kilometres off the danger zone but that simply couldn't be helped on this occasion. By the time Thunderbird two arrived he had established mobile control and was deep in communication with the local authorities and John. Luckily John's translation software wasn't needed on this occasion, Scott's former unit had been deployed on a lengthy humanitarian mission in this region. He was by no means fluent but he knew enough to get by.

There was a tense moment as he observed the sister craft land, he strained his ears and eyes for any signs of subsidence – thankfully she landed without a hitch. He watched as she rose upwards on her struts. The Excavator rolled out alongside the mole before picking up their pilot. They trundled over before nosily rolling to a stop nearby.

"Right; gather round." Scott stood and handed out three tablets with a satellite image in both 3D and thermal options. "The local emergency services noted the first call was received in the early hours of this morning. They haven't been able to communicate with anyone since but the caller had stressed that most of them made it to the bunker so that will be our primary focus. The search teams will continue to recon from the air and see if they can identify any more survivors for us to rescue."

Scott pulled up a satellite image onto the larger screen of mobile control, adjusting the dials to strengthen the picture. "The activity has now ceased but John has advised us to be mindful that all the ground around here will remain unstable for days. There will likely be aftershocks. For that intent and purpose, he will be monitoring the scans with Brains for any activity as our early warning and I will remain here to ensure the fleet remains stable."

"Where do you want us?" Alan interjected as he secured the tablet in his concealed trouser pocket.

"I want Virgil to start creating a path from above, to the west of the bunker there is actually minimal rubble compared to the rest of the buried structure, Brains is confident you might be able to reach them from there but its gonna take a steady hand. Drill in the wrong place and you could start another slide."

Virgil nodded. "Alright, I'll patch in Brains for support and get started." Scott nodded in dismissal as Virgil sprinted over to the truck and hoisted himself in.

"I want you two to use the mole to extract as many people as you can. Brains has already triangulated the best possible course for you but feel free to call if you hit a snag. If you start underground from here, you're less likely to disturb what's above but you're going to have the channel at the exact depth you've been given, too close to the surface and you could start another slide."

Alan and Gordon stood apart refusing to look at each other. "Do we a problem here?" Scott barked sharply. The tense behaviour between the two by the pool earlier had not gone unnoticed, Scott couldn't have them unpack that again now.

"Nope, we'll get on it now." Gordon flipped the key card up in his hand, he was the one who'd driven the mole out of the pod, he'd be dammed if he was going to give up control.

"Good. Off you go."

They both took their respective seats, Alan glowering the whole time. Gordon refused to acknowledge him as he belted in. Alan loaded the tablet into the dock on the dash which would set their course before turning his attention to the external cameras.

The silence was tangible as Gordon stared resolutely pushed forward the controls, the sound of thousands of tonnes of earth rained down all around them as they tunnelled deeper with the occasional scraping and dinging of rocks as they clanged against re-enforced steel.

"You're detouring by twenty degrees."

Gordon's jaw tightened. "How about you do something useful like radio wing command to see if he's made contact with the casualties yet? Instead of wasting our air."

Alan was just about to retort when "Mobile base to mole, come in. Mobile base to mole.Come in." Scott's tone was professional as ever but those who knew him could hear he was frustrated.

"Why don't you answer? I might deviate another twenty degrees just by talking."

Alan gritted his teeth. "This is the Mole to Mobile control. Go ahead."

"What's your status?"

"We are approximately ten minutes away."

"Keep up the pace. We've now managed to confirm there are three hundred fifty people in the bunker."

"Gee that's a lot of people to evacuate in the mole." Gordon murmured as he increased the speed marginally. He didn't want to bore too fast in case he triggered any unwanted movement.

"It is; but we're still hopeful that Virgil can clear the front entrance and take the majority of people through that way. You guys will be entering from the far emergency exit. Take as many as you can, be aware there's likely to be wide spread panic. These guys have been trapped for almost eight hours now."

"Ok thanks Scott. We'll report in once we are on the scene." Alan signed off.

"You know that was code for punching the daylights out of fearful people is not an approved method of assisting them?"

Alan couldn't help but take the bait. "That was once and a very different situation."

"Um hum. Anyway, looks like we've arrived. Let's check in with Brains." Gordon opened up the line that would connect them directly with base. The grinding of the rotors wound down as Gordon killed the switch. It was darker than night but thankfully the moles lights lit the exterior. They were in some kind of service corridor about the size of an underground train line. Directly in front of them was a large concrete door which looked clear thankfully. They really didn't want to have to drill through it as it might compromise the structural integrity.

"Mole to base. Hey Brains we've arrived, some advice would be welcome. Here is our video feed." There was a bout of silence as the scientist surveyed the data. Alan and Gordon were so deep underground they couldn't see Brains as the video was too distorted when they ran both feeds simultaneously. "Hmmm. Well the ah….. Door frame and the door itself looks to be structurally sound but there is an ah… significant problem." Gordon automatically flicked open the channel that would link to mobile control.

"Problem being?" prompted Alan.

The printer on the desk started to produce a series of slides. "Y-You'll ah… see from the images that the wall to your left has a large crack from ceiling to floor. There is also one on the right. It looks as if the actual bunker has been compromised by the err sheer weight of the rocks. Probably impacted further by the fact they would have fallen from great speed and height onto the roof above which has caused an ah massive displacement. Y-you are safe for now but there's an eighty percent chance of collapse.

"Good to know, thanks Brains. in that case we'll get to it. Can you monitor the situation for us?"


"Fellas, take as many people as you can in one trip even if they have to stand." Instructed Scott.

"F.A.B" Replied Alan.

They both stood to hop out of the mole grabbing first aid kits which they strapped across their bodies. They had no idea what to expect, the signal was still patchy and any communication they'd had with those inside the bunker was hard to decipher. Alan held his torch high, the light from the mole also projecting behind them. The walls were dank with moisture from the recent rains, sediment was still pitter-patting from above them where the mole had broken through the service tunnel. Their footsteps echoed on the stone slabs as they approached the door.

"The mole has capacity for twenty-five seated so realistically if we really pushed it, we could take forty - Forty five?" Alan wanted to confirm the plan prior to coming face to face with the panicked public. Now they were here it was easier to segregate their differences until the job was done.

"Sounds like a plan, we prioritise the injured first, then the kids and women agreed?"


Above ground Virgil was grappling with the sheer amount of rubble. He wiped an arm across his wet brow. It was painstakingly slow; he knew he'd come quite far in the forty minutes he had been going but he still felt like he had achieved very little. Some of the boulders were taking twice as long to crack with the drill simply due to their sheer size but Brains had expressively warned them, they couldn't use explosives on this one, the ground was too unstable. He sighed.

Scott had finally established authority over the search and rescue, fire, medical and police teams in a battle of wills with the chiefs and senior officers. It being so remote these teams had been drafted in from the next largest town over one hundred and thirty kilometres away. At one point he his patience was thoroughly tested whilst they all shouted over each other but he had managed to wade in and convince them that his plan of action was the best possible course of action. Reluctantly they had agreed. Now he had two search and rescue teams heading to locations John had provided based on the thermal imaging scans Scott had taken of the area upon arrival. The Police were setting up an emergency evacuation site where the people would be transported to safety and the medical teams were establishing a medical bay in the most secure location that Brains had recommended. This meant Scott could now concentrate on ensuring his brothers were supported so that hopefully they would be retrieving the first causalities soon.

Gordon clipped the decoder to the control panel for the door, a couple of minutes later the keypad flashed a luminescent green and they were in. The noise hit them on entry. Hundreds of people talking, shouting, wailing. Chrildren crying. For a moment they were simply overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in such a small space. It was painfully basic within the emergency shelter. It was also immediately apparent that it was overpopulated. The smell of hot bodies in a tightly confined space assaulted their senses, making their nostril's flare. People were huddled on the wooden benches and the floor in their family groups.

"We're going to need a translator."

"On it." replied Alan.

A hushed silence was descending sweeping through the crowd like a tusami as they strained to catch a glimpse of their rescuer's, people nudging each other and quickly standing and craning their necks as they tried to get a look.

Scott voice sounded over the comms as he spoke in Nepali. "This is International Rescue. Please remain calm, we are here to help. The situation is dangerous you must be guided by our operatives. Our rescue vehicle is small therefore we can only take so many of you at a time starting with the injured. Do not push, rush or try to flee. Our operatives will take you when its your turn - not any sooner."

Alan and Gordon braced themselves. In a crowd this large there was always a risk of a stampede, it only took a couple of runners. Scott advised them that he had asked for the injured to be prioritised, they dared not leave the door in case anyone slipped by. The noise suddenly broke out again with voices rising as they tried to make their way to the front of the were pushed and elbowed out of the way as the rabble ensued again. They both looked at each other. Boy! This was going to be a long one.

Virgil felt like he was getting close, the rocks and boulders were starting to give way to smaller rubble and scree which was encouraging. The dot flashing on his screen indicated he was just minutes away from making contact with the doors. "Come on old girl… don't fail me now." He patted the dash as the excavator squealed against an especially solid bit of rock. Then suddenly the resistance gave way causing him to surge forwards. He brought the bucket down to scoop the last of the rubble away before making the final descent. There was the door! "This is the excavator to mobile control. I've made it! I'm at the door! Send down the rescue team and we can start and evacuation."

"Well done, Virgil! That's fantastic!" Gordon and Alan had been sent in the mole as back up as they didn't think the bunker would be accessible from above ground. With both them and Virgil now beginning evacuations they should be able to get everyone out reasonably quickly which was imperative, there could be more seismic activity at any moment.

"Base to mobile control."

"Receiving you base."

"How goes the operation? Do you have an ETA on completion?"

"Not yet. We're just extracting the first casualties now but there's an estimated Three hundred and fifty odd in the bunker and another one hundred missing. How are we doing on the seismic activity?"

"Brains predicts there could be some aftershocks but thinks the worst have passed. We're monitoring the situation closely. There have been two additional call outs in the last hour but John's managed to divert them to other emergency services."

"Right. Well we'll try and get done here as soon as we can so we can be available should we be required."

"Alright, keep us briefed on the situation."

"Will do." Scott eyed the flashing beacon on channel five. One of the rescue teams. This was going to be long and arduous despite his peppy promises to his father. He could just tell.

Gordon and Alan were on their third return trip. It was becoming a lot swifter now they had a routine going and a pre-drilled path. Gordon continued to man the controls whilst Alan refilled the first aid kits and grabbed the next load of water bottles ready to hand out. He'd just sat down when the emergency beacon flashed. Scott's voice filled the cabin. "Brace yourselves incoming aftershock! You have two minutes!"

They both looked at each other in shock. Usually, they had much more warning but everyone knew how unpredictable the tectonic plates and fault lines could be here. They were almost at the bunker there was no time to turn back.

"We're too far under Scott, Shutting down and implanting emergency procedures now." Gordon pressed the button that set the automatic harnesses off, no sooner had they wrapped around them the shaking began. "Hold on!" he shouted. Alan braced himself for impact against the desk. The whole cabin reverberated around them, the vibrations snaking up his arms and legs. Gordon cut the engines and squeezed his eyes shut; the room was spinning. He no longer knew which way was up or down. They were falling. The lights in the cabin flickered out as their world crashed around them. "Alan?"

"I- I'm here!"

Gordon stretched towards where he thought his brother would be, his hand tracing across the desk. A vicious jolt and his world went white before he was catapulted into darkness. The sound of earth splitting finally ceased as the vibrations subsided. The pale blue glow of the emergency lighting kicked in, supplies were strewn all over the place, cupboard doors swinging on busted hinges, water bottles had burst leaving slick trails. Two prone figures were slumped against the controls, Gordon still had his hand outstretched palm down, inches from the crook of Alan's elbow. Alan's other arm hung limp off the desk, his head slumped to one side. "ALAN!... GORDON!... REPORT! A – an…G…" The radio crackled before reverting to static.

Chapter 29

Chapter Text

Tin-Tin skittered along the corridor nearly knocking her father's prized blue porcelain vase off the counter as she sped past. As soon as she had heard what happened, she had sprinted off. Her breath coming in short sharp bursts as the panic welled inside her. She burst through the swing back doors into lab, which continued to swing wildly behind her. The lab was Brian's inner sanctum where the majority of his ingenious ideas were brought to life. His work stations were miraculously clutter free, each tool and component had its own designated space on the metal trellises above or in carefully labelled drawers below. Only the rubber mat that protected the metal worktops below showed signs of wear with scorch and pocket markets from various experiments.

Her eyes roved the space anxiously. "Brains!" She called out several times, where was he? She paced over to the door of the containment unit and then the washroom but no one was there. The doors clattered from behind, causing her to whip round.

"Brains! I heard the news. I want to help find them." Tin-Tin wrung her hands together.

"I-I'm sorry Tin-Tin. There's not much that we can err… do. We have their last k-known location but the communications have failed and we have no other vehicle that can ah! reach them." His pushed his specs back up.

"Oh." Suddenly realising the hopelessness of the situation, she dropped onto a stool. Tears threatened to spill, her eyes burning as she forced them back. "Could I sit here and wait for news? I fear I'm getting in Mr Tracy's way."

"S-sure. Try to worry, I'm sure they are ok it wasn't a err major aftershock and the mole is v-very robust."

Tin-Tin sniffed. Brains looked away not knowing how to respond before suddenly scrabbling for his pockets.Where were his manners?He pulled out a fresh hanker chief "Here." He offered awkwardly. Tin-Tin gave a weak smile as she accepted it from him.

"Thank you."

"Take as long as you need. I'll be err just next door." then practically bolted out of the room, hitting himself with his clipboard in the process.

Once he had left, she rested her elbows on the counter, burying her head in her hands. She felt so guilty. Her last words to Alan were awful and he'd effectively accused her of dumping him for Gordon! If that was to be their last exchange…. when they were so broken…... to have to live with that for the rest of her days knowing they left each other so wounded…. She shook her head. And then there was Gordon. Gordon was her closest friend here on the island. He understood her like no one else, could cheer her up on the worst days and make her believe in herself again. She'd been offended by Alan's accusation because she'd never do that to him but at the same time it dawned on her like an awakening. Alan's accusation hurt because it was closer to the truth than she was willing to admit, even to herself.

She couldn't deny the appeal, The more time she had spent with Gordon the more she discovered what a true relationship could feel like. When she was with Gordon she never felt alone in his company. Being together was infectious, she couldn't not feel joyful in his presence, the way he made her heart jump when she caught him looking at her. Or when he got flustered in her company. She enjoyed the regular teasing that cemented their bond. She could never do that with Alan for fear of offending him, apart from their love of parties they had very little in common but there was this spark, this attraction that still anchored her to him. Alan had the potential, she always believed he could be moulded into the man she envisioned being with. Gordon on the other hand was the polar opposite to Alan. Gordon was kind, mature but funny, protective but not possessive with it. He could read her moods in a way Alan couldn't comprehend. Sometimes he misunderstood her intentions and needs completely, yet Alan was daring and charismatic. You couldn't help but be swept up in his youthful enthusiasm for living life to the fullest. She bit her lip, her stomach cramped painfully, rolling with anxiety and panic. To lose one would break her but if they were both gone…...

She scrubbed her eyes and opened the communication channel so she could hear the full operation that was underway. All she could do was hope and pray, pray that they would both return unharmed.

"Scott there must be something we can do!" Virgil implored.

"Virgil we're out of options here, we don't have another mole or any way of reaching their location. They're simply too far under. Brains has estimated they'll fallen at least another 20ft - 30ft below the level of the bunker. We need to prioritise rescuing the rest of this village then we'll review the situation. Brains says we don't have long till that bunker collapses, it's at thirty percent integrity now. I'm still hailing them every ten minutes." Scott pushed back in his seat, kicking the dirt in frustration. He was still running through several potential rescue scenarios in his head for their brothers but he was coming up blank. As much as it pained him, he knew that rescuing two people over a village couldn't be justified. Even if they were family. Primary objective first then they could secure the secondary objective. It may seem cold but that was what he was trained to do.

"Okay well keep me updated, I will try and evacuate the rest of the villagers with the emergency services here."

"Will do." Scott cut the transmission, unable to bear Virgil's concerned tone any longer.

"This is mobile control to the Mole. Gordon – Alan do you read me?" Scott strained his ears for any little sound that might tell him they were alive. "Guys! Come on, are you receiving me?"

"Sir?" Scott swivelled round to see a local army sergeant had arrived. With one last concerned look towards the silent console, he addressed the sergeant.

"How may I help you Sergeant?"

"Kham Sir. We overheard two of your own are missing, underground?"

"Unfortunately; yes that is the case."

"I'm very sorry." Scott nodded in acknowledgement. "We have been working on a prototype, a kind of underground tank to help fight against the separatist cells who hide their units underground. We think if you will allow us that we can reach your missing men."

Scott's blue eyes seemed to spark. "I'm listening" ….

Fingers twitched on the work surface, the cabin was still eerily silent with all the power disengaged expect for the emergency lighting and life support systems. The fingers clawed tighter around the counter before his eyes fluttered open. Gordon lifted his head he hissed in pain. "Gee that hurts." He rose more slowly, his fingers probing the wound in the dark to quickly assess the severity. Some bleeding but the cut felt shallow so that was something. Probably a mild concussion brewing, maybe a lump or bruising later. "Joy" he muttered sarcastically. As he started to become more aware of his surroundings, he suddenly remembered he wasn't alone.

"Alan!" Gordon fumbled for the harness, realising at last minute that he was sat sideways. They were on their side. That wasn't good. Using his stool leg and the counter to balance on he reached up to Alan's prone form. He shook him firmly, not being able to reach his neck or arm to feel for a pulse. There was no response but the movement caused one of Alan's arms to slip towards him. He reached out for it before firmly grasping his wrist. Gordon sighed in relief at the steady rhythm of his brother's pulse. "Alan! Its Gordon, wake up!" He shook him again. This time there was a grumble. "Come on Alan!"

"Get off will you."

"Yep. You're definitely your normal self." Gordon pushed back awkwardly into his seat.

"Woah, where are we?" Alan struggled against his restraints, the sensation of suddenly being awake on his side causing him some confusion.

"Somewhere below the Himalaya's - rockslides and earthquakes, you know standard workday stuff." Now Gordon knew Alan was okay he turned his attention to the controls. His hands skimmed over the desk for the transmission button.

"I remember the aftershock." He glanced at his watch. "I estimate that was approximately thirty minutes ago?" Alan rubbed the back of his neck, he was stiff and a little sore in places but otherwise well.

"Yep. This is the Mole calling Mobile control, can you hear me?" Gordon strapped his harness back on, it was the only thing that would keep him suspended in this position. "Mobile control do you read us?" All they heard was static. He tried his watch but it was the same story. "Damn it! We're out of range, or worse the comms are damaged. Can you get a fix on our location?"

"Erm….. three of the four external cameras are damaged or offline. According to the map we are twenty to twenty-five feet below are last location. We must have fallen down somewhere." Alan rolled the cursor integrated into the console as he tried to reposition the one functioning camera but it was wedged against something hard, most likely rock.

Gordon tried the ignition. Tick. Tick. Tick. "Not good." Okay, no need to panic yet, he would just simply shut all the systems down and start again. This time he fired the ignition and pumped his foot on the accelerator several times. Tick. Splut. Tick… "Come on baby!" Alan patted the dash.

The sound of the engines roared and spluttered into life through the cabin. Both boys slumped back on their chairs in relief. Gordon was just about to engage the drill rotors when Alan whipped his hand over the controls preventing him. "Remember Brains said we needed to stick to the path or face more collapses."

"I know. What do you propose we do? We can't get hold of them and they haven't got the rescue equipment to get us out of here. We are literally up the creek without a paddle here." Gordon threw a hand in the air.

"Alright. I'll plot us on a forty-five-degree protectory until we realign with our original course. Just take it easy."

Gordon waited impatiently whilst he readjusted the coordinates, it was freezing in here, the heater must have gone off when they crashed. All his hairs were on end, the joints in his fingers stiff from the cold.

The mole rumbled a long at a steady rate, one that Gordon hoped wouldn't bring more rubble crashing around them. Both of them had seen the devastation around them and knew they were lucky to be alive. Alan checked their sensors plus the readings to ensure that everything was indeed functioning as it should be.

"Did you sleep with her?" He blurted.

"What!? No!" Gordon looked at him incredulously. "Seriously you want to do this now?" He pivoted to face his brother.

Alan stared at Gordon realising he was telling the truth. A mixture or relief and embarrassment rushed through him, colouring his face. "Yes, we could have died back there and I would never have known! It's been tearing me apart all week!"


"Good?" Alan looked affronted.

"Yes, you deserve every moment of the pain it caused you. You kissed someone else Alan. You're lucky she chose to give you a chance to redeem yourself by offering a break. If you'd broken my trust like that, you'd be out of my life quicker than you could say I'm sorry."

Alan cringed. "She told you, she said she wouldn't tell anyone."

"I thought I'd upset her by spoiling your weekend away. It took me days to discover the real reason she was crying herself to sleep most nights."

Alan hung his head. "I don't deserve her."

"No; you don't asshole." Gordon didn't take his eyes off the map. Alan didn't even respond; his brother was right.

"So, there's nothing between you? Only that night you came home…." He asked meekly.

Gordon's shoulders twitched forwards as if something was pushing him in the chest. "No. We're just friends, all I want is for Tin-Tin to be happy."

"As do I." Alan replied sincerely.

"Well learn to act like it." He retorted. Tin-Tin may be willing to forgive but Gordon wasn't going to make it easy for him. Let him stew.

An awkward silence permeated the cabin once again. Alan was going to go and tidy up the supplies to give his brother some space but he was worried there might be further aftershocks and thought it best to remain where he was. It was at that point he noticed the red dot gravitating towards them on the map, any minute and they would collide. "Say what do you suppose that is?" Alan indicated to the radar.

Gordon glanced across before doing a double take. "Something's coming towards us! But there shouldn't be anything down here! Try the comms."

"This is the Mole to mobile control, do you read me?" Still static. Alan thumped the desk in frustration. "Why is it when one of us crashes the one of the first things to get damaged is the communications?"

Gordon shrugged but it was a fair point. Gordon started to bring the Mole back to a slow crawl ready to greet whatever was coming towards them. Alan pivoted there one remaining camera to the front, the picture was grainy from the damage but they could still make out the bit drilling through the earth. They were now mere meters from whatever it was so Gordon came to a halt completely.

They both watched in fascination tinged with anxiety as the red blip continued on its crash course. They watched as the soil and slit started to tremor in front of them before a massive drill bit burst forth. Both men leaned forwards in surprise. It was some kind of machine, a brighter yellow than the mole and decked in more lights than a Christmas tree a small cabin made the main bulk of the vehicle with a rotor drill bit on the front. It wasn't as long as the bit on the mole but it was wider in girth. The module was raised up on compact caterpillar tracks and had a network of windscreens over the top of the cabin a bit light a hood you would get on a jet co*ckpit.

"I thought we didn't have another mole?" Stated Alan.

"We don't" Gordon replied still in awe.

The machine stopped in front of them. They stood; unsure what to make of the situation, not wanting to be the first to go outside in case it was a trap. Suddenly there was a knock on the outer door. The clanging felt alien, causing them to jump. The door hissed open as a garrison cap peeked around the corner.

"Scott!" Alan exclaimed.

"Thank god!" Scott shouted something unintelligible out the door and waved. The other vehicle started to reverse back the way it had come. Scott hopped in and crossed the floor in a few short steps. He had Gordon's chin in his hand surveying the cut to his head before Gordon even knew what was happening. He jerked away.

"We're fine." Alan backed away so he didn't receive the same treatment.

"What was that machine?" Gordon asked intrigued.

"I'll tell you later - What happened? We couldn't get hold of you at all!" Scott crossed his arms.

"Comms are busted from where we fell and overturned."

"Any other damage?" Scott asked concerned as he walked around the interior surveying the damage he could observe."

"Smashed external cameras, most of the rations and first aid kits spoiled and a few dings but otherwise not bad all things considered. Do we still have people to rescue?" Alan asked.

"Nope Virg's got the last of them. Just waiting on you."

"Sorry we made you get off your ass." Gordon gave a wicked smirk before Scott cuffed him over the head. They all teased Scott about mobile control at some point. They knew Scott's role was a specialism few of them could emulate but that didn't stop them taking the mick that he spent most rescues sat at a desk. Alan laughed as Gordon half dodged the blow. Scott was just relieved they were safe and semi happy to take the jesting for once.

They set off once more. Alan and Scott prised off the panel and worked on the comms till they were close enough to the surface to be able to communicate via their wristwatches. Virgil was waiting for them when they emerged with all the other kit packed and ready to go including mobile control. The lads loaded the Mole straight onto two before hopping out to greet Virgil. "Right, everything's good here I think its time to go before you two get in anymore trouble."

"But it wasn't my fault this time!" Gordon protested. Scott could hear them bantering and bickering all the way to the cabin. He grinned. Sometimes there were benefits to flying solo he did not envy Virgil's trip home.

Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Tin-Tin stood on the gangway in the hangar, her hands gripping the railing almost as if she was trying to physically hold onto her frayed composure. As soon as she heard engines, she had rushed down the elevator to await them. Naturally Scott arrived well in advance of the others and had already headed straight to the lounge. Thunderbird two had literally just landed.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the elevator rise from Thunderbird Two. At this distance she could just make out Alan by his blond hair and well-built frame next to his brother's smaller more athletic profile, his copper tones catching the light as they ascended. She knew they'd only got a few scrapes and bumps but to see them walking out themselves and chatting to each other for helped to ease her earlier anxieties. To her relief they seemed a lot less hostile with each other, whatever had been brewing seemed to have been broken. She would have to talk to them both at some point but for now her main priority was to make sure they really were okay.

She quickly pressed the elevator button so that it would stop at her floor. When the elevator drew level both boys' eyebrows rose in surprise. She rushed in arms extended towards Alan before catching herself and slipping into the gap between them. "Oh, I was so worried when you went missing! "Are you both alright?" She checked them both over starting with Alan before then noticing the crimson stain on Gordon's uniform. She glanced up in alarm and gasped as she caught sight of the wound, her hand outstretched she tried to sweep aside his fringe for a better look. Gordon gently caught her hand before lowering it to her side.

"Just a cut, its worse than it looks. Alan took a nasty hit to the chest but I think we'll survive, won't we?"

"No worse than nearly getting microwaved by the sun." Alan gave a wry smile and squeezed Tin-Tin's hand. If it wasn't for her determination that day, they wouldn't be here now. She hesitated at his touch before returning the gesture, she was surprised but pleased that he was being so agreeable.

"No worse than nearly having your organs combust and your ears blown." Gordon shrugged nonchalantly. He twitched as Tin-Tin's skirts caught the back of his calf. The lift was very interesting to him in this particular moment. He watched the blurred greys intently as the lift continued upwards.

"No worse than nearly being eaten by a giant alligator or two." Tin-Tin untangled her hand from his grip as they neared their destination. Alan paused before removing his grip completely.

"No worse than jesting you ate a transmitter to our father who has as much of a sense of humour as a bear awakening from hibernation mid-winter." The elevator clicked into place as they all burst out laughing, the tension easing somewhat between them. Alan and Gordon indicated Tin-Tin should step out first. She headed straight round the corner of the screen to greet Scott who already had a large plate of chicken salad on his lap. Gordon made to follow her leave before an arm barred his way. He looked up at Alan warily only to discover his attentions were focused elsewhere. Alan was watching Tin-Tin tease Scott over his appetite, the way she pushed her hair behind her ear was nothing short of endearing. His father remarked upon something that caused her to smile in a way that made his heart ache. He withdrew his arm from Gordon's path, holding out his hand instead. He swallowed before facing his brother. His crystal blue eyes resolute and filled with regret. "She would never forgive me if we continue to quarrel." He looked away his confidence suddenly faltering. "You were right earlier. I do deserve this and I'm sorry for the accusations I bandied about, it wasn't fair of me. You've had a tough time of late and I know Tin-Tin is a good friend to you. I also know Tin-Tin would never… she cares too much to spite someone in such a way even if she has been hurt deeply." He caught Gordon's eye with his chin held high. "Truce? For her sake?" Alan gaze bordered on hopeful, his face unguarded. The anger and torment that had been there only hours before had passed over like a bad storm giving way to clearer skies.

Gordon's brows shot skywards, whatever he had been expecting when they got home - this wasn't it. He glanced towards Tin-Tin just as she looked over her shoulder. She saw them both, Gordon staring straight at her, his expression stoic. Alan's hand was extended, his back turned to her. Gordon seemed to make up his mind before confidently shaking Alan's hand. Both men stood for a moment before Gordon used the back of his free hand to rest against Alan's forehead as if attempting to check his temperature. Alan swatted him away, gently shoulder barging Gordon who pushed him back not angrily, they were jesting with each other which they hadn't done in a long time. She turned away her mixed feelings ensnaring her further, what was she going to do?


The boat passed under the compact rocky archway that signalled their return to the island. Gordon was at the helm as he steered them inwards. The small yacht was overfilled will activity, Scott being one of the tallest hopped over the top rail, clinging on till he reached the edge where he leapt off to secure the line. He deftly lashed it to the bollard as the others gathered their diving gear. Gordon cut the engine before watching them all disembark. He swung his gear over his shoulder before locking the cabin and hopping back onto the walkway.

It had been a great session. Gordon had focused on some simple diving exercises with a little capture the flag activity that created a bit of 'friendly' competition. In the end Scott and Alan won leaving Tin-Tin and Virgil defeated. They were all in high spirits - not to mention ravenous. It wasn't long before they had all piled into the kitchen where Kyrano had already prepared a small feast in anticipation. Gordon had quickly pushed himself back to peak fitness, he was stiff as a board most nights but content in the knowledge that he hadn't lost his ability just yet. It did mean this appetite wasn't far behind Scott these days though. He made straight for grilled sea bass just as Scott grabbed the other side of the plate. Their eyes locked, forearms tensed. Virgil rolled his eyes and passed another freshly prepared dish of bass from his side of the table. Scott relaxed. "Why thank you." He grinned warmly.

"You know Kyrano creates enough food to keep an army going, there's no need to jostle for it." Virgil admonished them.

Gordon paused swallowing his mouthful. "Yeah, but Scott eats more than entire unit that's come back from an eighteen-month deployment."

"Hey! I've had to live off more rations than you can count. I can regulate myself."

"Air force aren't known for their rationing." He plucked some peppers off the platter.

Scott frowned. "Someone's quite recovered, aren't they?"

Tin-Tin snigg*red somewhere to Virgil's left. Gordon just grinned back at Scott before helping himself to the last of the potatoes directly under his brother's nose. Scott snatched the last one, they both laughed just as the alarm sounded.

They all scrabbled from the table with a scraping of chairs and clatter of cutlery hitting plates. They quickly filtered around their father's desk who was already in deep conversation with John. "John's reported there's a situation on the London underground. There's been a collapse on the metropolitan line, trapping one of the main services. As of yet there are no reports of casualties but it's already been declared a major incident. Scott head on out, John can brief you once your airborne."

"Yes Sir." Scott replied, already mid rotating out of the lounge.

"Virgil; take Alan with you and use Pod 2 with the mole and the stabilising gear."

"Yes Father."

"What about me, Dad? They sound like they need all the help they can get."

Jeff paused. They could do with him but Jeff was aware Gordon had been on nearly every rescue this month. He'd only just reached his fitness level prior to the mine incident; Jeff was worried in his eagerness to support the team he was over exerting himself. He seemed to be throwing himself into his work of late, if he wasn't on a mission then he was training, if he wasn't training, he was running through exercises with the others. Jeff had barely seen him.

"Alan will suffice, the three of them should be more than enough and with him going to relieve John within the next week it will do him good to stretch his legs before he goes." Gordon nodded, a little disappointed. "Next time Gordon. The way things have been lately I don't anticipate it being long." Jeff called John back in for an update leaving Gordon to excuse himself. His eyes fell on Tin-Tin sat next to the coffee table.

"Fancy a game?" She indicated to the chess board.

"Tempting… but maybe later, I just remembered I haven't written up the reports from this morning's training session."

"No worries. I understand." She smiled brightly.

Gordon bowed awkwardly away in the direction of his room. He hated lying to her. For the last month Alan had been good on his word. His jealously had simmered down completely although it was obvious, he still had feelings for Tin-Tin. He was giving her the space and time she needed to heal and Gordon begrudgingly respected him for that. If Alan was prepared to set an example, then so must he. Gordon stepped across the threshold of his room, making straight for his personal balcony outside. He slumped down onto the lounger. He'd done his best to stay away. Every rescue, every drill, every maintenance check he was there. There had been no downtime since he had returned to full fitness. At first, he revelled in it, the feeling of having a purpose again made him feel more alive than he had in months. Then he realised he was avoiding her completely, actively taking on more tasks to aid hiding his avoidance. There could be no repeats of animosity between him and Alan, not when they had to live and work together so closely.

He sighed as he gazed out across the island. It was mid-summer; the isle was thick in vegetation, the plants in full bloom, the sound clamour of birdsong filled the air. He tried to relax in the moment, to shut his intruding thoughts back in the box from where they had erupted. Him and Tin-Tin were effectively alone. He was itching to spend time with her, for it to be the way it was before when they were just friends. Happy and content with their relationship, none of this wistfulness that punctured his every waking moment when he wasn't occupied with working. When Alan had offered the truce, he'd decided to leave it in Tin-Tins hands. If there really was anything between them then she would have to be the one to make the first move. As far as Gordon was concerned his love for her was not reciprocated. When they had got back from that mission he had watched as she stepped in the lift, her first instincts had still been Alan; you didn't need to be a relationship expert to determine her body language. There was a part of her at least that still cared deeply for Alan and Gordon wasn't sure he could ever compete with that deeply ingrained first love.

Eventually he forced himself to write the reports, losing himself to the performance analysis and recommendations that his father would expect as part of their weekly update session. There was a tentative knock at the door. He leaned back checking his watch. Wow! Seven PM! Time had flown. He depressed the button for the door without even thinking. Tin-Tin stood bare foot in the hall in his favourite green floral blouse, the one that matched her eyes. She peered behind him into his room as he quickly hit the button. "Hey. I'm guessing its dinner time?"

"Yes, your father was wondering where you might be." They fell into step alongside each other, their arms barely touching but it still felt electric to him. This was the closest he had been in weeks; the scent of Jasmine enthralled him once again cloying around the last dregs of his resolve.

"Do you know what's for tea? I hope its…..."

"Chicken Parmigiana?"

"For real?!"

"I made it myself, I know its your favourite."

"You mean you thought of me? How kind!"

"You can think of me when you clean the dishes."

He barked with laughter as they entered the lounge. If only she knew. Jeff caught the both of them on the way to the dining room. "What are you two up to?"

"I was merely suggesting it may be Gordon's turn to do the dishes."

"Ah I see. That would explain things." With three older brothers Gordon had very quickly learnt he could skimp on household duties from an early age. They settled for tea together, Gordon sat next to his father and Tin-Tin hers. Gordon noticed the lack of his brothers as they settled down for their meal. He knew his father wouldn't have left the desk until the mission was over so they must be on their way home. He tucked into his dinner, the melted cheese and Parma ham calling him. Brains came in last minute to take the seat on the free side next to Gordon.

Dinner was pleasant, Jeff and Brians discussed his latest plans for the fleet, Kyrano and Tin-Tin discussed her father's garden and his idea of extending it around the back of the villa. Gordon concentrated on his food until his father asked about today's latest training exercise. He immediately downed his knife and fork gesturing animatedly with his hands. Tin-Tin peeked around Jeff's shoulder to see Gordon in his element. She watched him closely there was something….. different about him tonight. It wasn't often he got to spend time with his father away from the others, he seemed more relaxed. He wasn't cracking jokes or causing chaos, he was just himself and it warmed her heart. His passion for diving and sharing his knowledge with his family was on full display as he relayed the days events to his father. He smiled as his father praised him but he wasn't grinning or smirking it was genuine and lit up his features beautifully. He really was handsome when you stopped to appreciate him. "Tin-Tin?"


"Tin-Tin are you alright? I was asking you about your day."

"Sorry father, i'm well thank you." She blushed.

Once dinner had been cleared and dessert was served; It was then that the guys absence was raised. "I take it they're on their way back? Gordon forked another helping.

"The boys aren't returning tonight. They're staying at Penny's. Scott radioed in to ask permission after Penny learned they were in the area but little did he know Penny already called ahead. She needed and I use her words 'A few young wealthy benefactors.' to support a charity gala after some last minute no shows. She would have had to cancel the event so I allowed them to stay over. They'll be back sometime tomorrow."

Both Gordon and Tin-Tin locked eyes at the same moment. She glanced away first. Gordon's pie was momentarily forgotten. Jeff took the pregnant pause as a sign of Gordon's displeasure. "I'm sorry you couldn't go son."

He snorted. "Don't sweat it! You know I'm no socialite. One would say my etiquette is lacking."

"Well, when you swap the snaps in crackers for flashbangs I would agree." Jeff held out his hand for Gordon's empty plate.

"I saved that party, dull as ditch water it was."

"I'm not sure Mr Rodgers shared the same sentiment." Jeff smiled wryly. He'd never liked the bastard and was pleased to have an excuse to retire from that party early thanks to his young son's behaviour at the time. They'd never been invited back either which was an immense bonus.

Once the plates were cleared Gordon insisted on clearing the plates and loading the dishwasher, despite much protesting from Kyrano. "I can handle it, let your daughter spoil you." Tin-Tin looked torn as she led her father out. Her gaze lingered as she left, it felt like snowflakes peppering his skin. Gordon took a shaky breath; the stack of plates chinking in his hands. He had finally seen what his heart had been daring to hope for, she felt the pull too, the attraction. His stomach chose that moment to painfully remind him of the meal he'd just consumed as it flipped, the nausea bubbling to the surface leaving him queasy. He was in dangerous waters now; the siren's call would be his undoing.

Chapter 31: Chapter 31


A little warning: You'll notice the rating has been upped to mature for this chapter for depiction of adult themes of a sexual nature. If you would prefer a toned down version you can read it here on fan fiction:

Chapter Text

Alan stood nursing his gin between his brothers. He didn't want to be here tonight at all but Penelope had insisted on all three of them coming. It was ironic really that only two months ago he would have jumped at the opportunity to be invited to one of Penny's exclusive parties and now he couldn't care less. He cast an eye around the opulent room with its high ceilings and its elaborate gold leafed coving. The low burble of chatter reminded him of the communications relays on Five. Right now, he felt just as solitary as he did up there despite being surrounded. They stood waiting for their hostess in the far corner of the room where they hoped to draw little attention to themselves. The polished dance floor was empty, bordered at the fringes by societies finest who remained in the shadows where the gauzy glow of the chandeliers couldn't penetrate. Waiters weaved a complex, yet efficient pattern amongst the attendees, offering champagne and canapés. A string quartet created a warm ambience as they waited for the evening to begin.

They were all unusually subdued having completed their mission a mere hour previously. They were exhausted but couldn't say no to a friend and Scott in particular had his own reasons for wanting to stay. He'd not taken his eyes off the entrance since they arrived. Alan had been meaning to ask how things were between him and his partner since learning about their troubles but Scott was notoriously private about such things and Alan had not yet had the courage.

The doors swung open from the private entrance creaking loudly as if protesting at the treatment. Parker was in his ceremonial best as he took his place at the side of the door. The lady of the house stepped out of the shadows, diamond tiara refracting every colour of the rainbow. She wore long white gloves and a dusty pink silk number that fell about her shoulders and ended in a sculptured fish tail. She waved for the crowds to continue as she crossed the threshold. Once the babble started anew a secondary figure emerged from the dark recesses, their dress was dark in colour but twinkled and glimmered enough to form a hazy outline. The clunk of a glass on a tray drew his attention back to Scott who had dumped his glass and stood expectantly. His whole being centred on Penelope's mystery companion.

Alan turned back in time to see a petite woman nervously pushing a stray chestnut lock back behind her ear with a midnight blue gloved hand. The dress that had shimmered in the dark became a glittering midnight beacon in the light. She smoothed her hands down her front trying to stick to the periphery behind Penelope whilst visibly searching the room, her elegant neck stretched a little as she tried to peek over and behind the taller guests. She was beautiful but Scott was right, she was much thinner in appearance.

"Excuse me." Scott uttered roughly as he cut past them. Alan watched as he confidently strode across the empty floor causing several heads to turn in his direction – not that he noticed.

"He's been waiting months to see her." Virgil took a sip of his own drink, keeping track of the pink in the corner of his eye.

"He's a lucky man." Declared Alan.Lucky that his partner took him back. Could luck strike twice?He wondered. Scott stood before Rose dipping his head to hear her over the crowd. To Alan it seemed as if time stopped for a moment before his brother closed the distance and hugged her tightly, Rose responded in kind before wrapping her arm around Scott's and giving him a playful bump with her hip in response to his whispered attentions.

Alan turned away necking the last of his drink. "Refill?" He pointed to Virgil's empty glass.

"Thank you." Virgil didn't have to request a soft drink, they all abided to the one alcoholic drink when 'on duty.' Only on a rare true vacation might they indulge. Alan had sworn from now on he would abide to the rule when on leave too.

Alan wound his way across the short distance to the outer hall where the bar was located. The red and gold carpet plush underfoot. Unfortunately, he ran into several acquaintances of his father, all demanding to know how he was and why they never saw the old boy these days. Alan hastily made his excuses; he wasn't in the mood for small talk this evening. Deciding he couldn't cope with the claustrophobia he pushed out of the foyer into the gardens at the front of the property.

It was a crisp cold evening on the cusp of Fall. The sky so cloudy that no stars were visible but the moon could be seen between waning between the clouds as they skimmed along the ebony skyline. Alan took a deep breath, he missed her. More than ever. At first, he had naively thought she would forgive him and come round after a couple of weeks but it had been almost two months now and although now back on friendly terms the warmth and fun-loving nature of their relationship had not returned. The closeness they had shared was now silted with mistrust. Their relationship seemed like a distance memory from an age long ago. It was almost as if the loss had aged him. He wasn't that petulant young man he had been.

"You're hurting me!... Mike let go! Listen to me!" Alan's head whipped round. He listened carefully; he could barely hear her distressed pleas.

"I said LET GO!" Louder this time. Alan ran to the left of the grand house towards what looked to be a summer house. As he rounded the corner of the small hexagonal building, he discovered an older man with his hand gripped around a much younger woman's wrist.

Alan stepped in forcibly wrenching the man's grip as he shielded her. The man resisted for all of a few moments before Alan pushed on the pressure point between the man's thumb and finger which caused him to slacken his grip enough to pull him off. Just a glimpse of her face was enough to see she was angry but Alan noticed she was shaking, her hands clenched so tightly the knuckles were white. Powered glass crunched under Alan's feet as he drew level with his opponent. The man was a few inches shorter than Alan, not overweight but a well-built hulk of a man with a receding hairline that was just visible in the security lighting of the grounds. His mouth was pulled into a sneer, his eyes flint like in the half light. Without warning the man lunged at Alan causing the woman to yelp.

Alan ducked; the gentleman's aim so clumsy he guessed he must be under the influence of something. Alan straightened. "I think it's time you leave."

He could hear the woman behind him on her phone, she was describing an assault to what he could only assume was the police. He just had to keep the man talking. "Go now and no one need know about this."

The man barked with laughter. "You think I care? You interfering little swine!" He lunged at Alan again, this time catching him across the lip. Alan wiped at the blood feigning a look of surprise. As the guy came in for another blow Alan socked him one into his exposed stomach. The man doubled over coughing. Alan then shoved an elbow as hard as he could between the man's shoulder blades. The woman screamed as the man charged from his crouch, grabbing Alan around the waist before crushing him into the summerhouse. Alan felt a panel give way beneath his back and groaned. He went limp before he kicked and struck the mans shin causing him to hop back. Blue lights flickered across the man's angular features, his pupils remained constricted in the bright lights as he threw up a hand to shield his face. Realising the source of the lights he started to stumble away across the garden before vaulting into the fields. Shouts were raised as two police officers shot after him.

"Are you alright?" Alan approached the woman who was backed against the summerhouse porch. "Did he hurt you?" He wheezed.

"No, thanks to you. Are you okay that was quite a hit you took?"

He flicked a handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe his lip before dusting his jacket down, he was dismayed to see it was covered it had moss lines tracking up the back that must have transferred from the wooden panels. The woman was still shaking, the night cold. He shrugged off his tux jacket wincing at the movement before draping it around her shoulders. "Don't worry about me, I've seen worse I'm just glad your safe now. I guess we better wait here till they return." He indicated to the swing chair on the porch.

She smoothed her crimson dress underneath her before sitting on the cushions with her clutch in her lap. She drew his white tux closer around her, honey blond curls spilled over the black lapels. Another police car skidded to a halt next to the other one on the drive.

"What's your name?"

"Felicity but my friends call me Felix."

He held out his hand. "Alan."


Gordon had made his excuses and retired to bed early, for he could no longer stand orbiting around a world that would never be his to call home. He'd found himself noticing her every move, the husky musical quality to her voice, the way her blouse alluded to everything yet showed absolutely nothing. He felt like he was magnetised to her core. Just being in near her engulfed him in a white-hot fire he couldn't extinguish. He slapped the shower controls jumping at the freezing cold water as it cascaded over his bare shoulders and scrubbed himself raw.

Much later he slipped into bed, the Egyptian cotton sheets conforming to his body. He was extra sensitive to the weight, the way the sheets draped across his mid-drift and pooled between his legs. He kicked them off in annoyance, the sensation of sheets against bare skin making him restless as his mind continued to wonder where it knew better. He ground his teeth in frustration.

Eventually he began to feel the lull of what promised to be a satisfying sleep. As his eyes lost focus and his body relaxed into the familiar conforms of his mattress his mind sparked once more.You left the dive computer on the boat.Staring at the ceiling in bitter resentment at being wide awake once again he rolled over to the edge and scrambled for some shorts and a shirt.

He needed to get the computer. He had several between IR and his own private ones but this one was the one he would always dive with as preference; it went everywhere with him. It was an older model but it was his W.A.S.P one - or namely it had once belonged to Glenn so it held a strong sentimental attachment for him. He liked to think that by using it, Glenn was still having adventures; living on through him. luckily, he hadn't been using it at the conference. He would have been devastated had it been damaged.

Gordon took the long way round from outside his room to the external, entrance to the cove a few kilometres from the house. He slipped in the secret doorway looking left to right before heading to the boat. It appeared the area was deserted, the security lighting making his bare arms appear pallid. He hopped into the boat, opening up the cabin and heading inside. He wasn't quite sure where he'd left it. After searching high and low he eventually located it on the dashboard. He was just about to reach for it when he heard the door softly click open behind him.

Her scent drifted inwards on the lazy sea breeze, the only relief on this humid night. Gordon twisted slowly to see her stood blocking the doorway. The security light had long clicked off, meaning he could only make her out by the dim little light in the cabin, and the pale moonlight that shimmered through the cave entrance. The only sound was the waves lapping at the yacht. She wore a long translucent chiffon nightdress through which he could see her perfectly silhouetted calves. His eyes trailed upwards towards her hips, his eyes blackening with need as the urges he'd been resisting for so long clamoured within him; demanding to be sated. Her head was tilted to one side with her hair unbound, her lips slightly parted as she stood watching him. Seeming to make up her mind she hesitantly stepped towards him. His expression had rendered her speechless. His whole body was taught, she could see the muscles tensing in his forearms and the slight tick in his jaw. It was almost as if he was at war with himself.

He stepped closer, bare feet padding across worn boards. He got to within a couple of feet before rushing the final few steps. He pulled her into him, desperate to feel her skin on his. One hand was firmly ensconced on her waist, the other immediately wrapped up in her hair as he crushed his mouth to hers. A few halting moments passed in which she remained wrapped around him but didn't return his kiss fully; then just as he was doubting himself, she launched herself into his kiss, running her tongue along his teeth, kissing deeper and more desperately as she gave into her own desires. Her hands were already dragging off his shirt. He paused long enough to pull it over his head before his mouth was on her neck leaving her weak in his arms. He lifted her up with ease before planting himself on the leather bench with her atop him. In between more hurried kisses he realised with a jolt this would not be comfortable, so he swept her up once again causing her to yelp in surprise before retreating to the bed in the main cabin. He wedged a foot in the door forcing it to slide open as her back banged against it momentarily. They fell through the door and straight onto the bed, straddled together.

He was lost completely; intoxicated by the feeling of flimsy fabric, roughly brushing between their skin. The only barrier left to conquer. His thumbs traced the curves of her breasts before they brushed over the tip of her nipples in quick succession causing her to gasp and push into his touch, flooding him with warmth in return, his need to be released becoming increasingly apparent. He wanted this for so long, here…...tonight. It was beyond his wildest dreams. His eyes widened in surprise as she unhooked the back of her nightgown causing it to slip down to her shoulders, just skimming her cleavage. He froze; breathless taking in the sight of her in the shadows, her face hidden as her bare shoulders glimmered in the shaft of twilight. With the tiniest shrug of her shoulders, it fell all the way pooling around her hips. His hands gripped her waist harder, grinding her onto his pelvis in desperation, begging to be let out. Need and want were one and the same as his lost himself to her touch.

She trailed her hands down his chest, the tingling sensation like snowflake kisses on his bare torso as she made her way down before flipping his waistband and taking him firmly in hand causing him to shudder in pure ecstasy. Just as he was at the brink, she slowed causing him to groan and grab at his own flies. Instantly understanding she pushed off to allow him to free himself before slipping out of the folds of fabric completely.

He roughly pulled her forwards onto him before deftly rolling over to pounce on top.His hand painstakingly trailing in between her breasts before trickling down to her navel and below rewarding him with a sigh that blinded him with desire. Her legs clenched around him before she reached out to grab him, her kiss explosive, leaving him gasping under the assault. They both interlocked, lost in the moment. The sensation of finally connecting with each other on a deeper level overwhelmed them both beyond sense as they fell into steady pace. Time seemed to freeze as he drew closer and closer to moment, he heard her call his name in pure abandon as he cascaded over the precipice he’d been fighting against for so long. He gently rolled over with her still inside him onto their sides before collapsing with the release of tension. He couldn’t see her clearly in the light but she still shivered under his touch as his fingertips danced along her side before gently guiding her leg back over his. She slipped under his chin, seeking shelter in his embrace.

Outside the waves rocked and crashed in rhythm against the rocky out crop of the cove, the moonlight glimmered over the ocean bathing the bay in an otherworldly light. It really was a beautiful night in paradise.


After Alan and Felicity had given their statements to the police, they had retreated to the house and explained what happened. Once Felicity had explained she would be home alone Penelope insisted she should stay the night with them. She shouldn't be alone after such a terrible ordeal. Felicity was secretly relieved as she had been dreading being alone. After some reassurances between friends and brothers Alan and Felicity had retreated to a private parlour. He sat back in an armchair using the arm to prop his elbow whilst he held an ice pack to his face. His shirt was stained with smudges of blood.

"I'm sorry I ruined your evening." Felicity kicked off her heels before tucking her legs underneath her, still wrapped in his tux.

"Honestly it was a welcome distraction – not that you getting attacked was -" He flustered sheepishly. "I heard you telling him to let you go and it sounded serious so I went to investigate."

"Thank god you did." She shuddered. "I was in serious danger; I am indebted to you."

He smiled. "There's no debt to pay, seeing you safe is dividend enough."

She demurely smiled back. "So, I take it you're not enjoying the ball tonight?"

"Its not the ball as such….. its more the lack of company and the memories that come with it." A pained expression fluttered across his features before quickly smoothing out once again. "I didn't want to come but Lady Penelope is a good friend and I couldn't let her down." He pressed the compress onto his lip.

"Sounds like you're the perfect gentleman." She toyed with the top of her glass.

He snorted before making direct eye contact. "Far from it. It's been brought to my attention recently that even gentlemen have their flaws." He glanced away again.

"Women do too." His eyes flicked back up in surprise. She laughed, the sound chiming around them. "Don't look so surprised, we just hide them better than men." She winked.

"Oh, I see. You must teach me some time." His lips quirked.

She stood. "Shall we try and show our faces?"

"I suppose we should." He chucked the compress on the table; his face wasn't going to get any better for it now. Felicity crossed the room and offered him a hand. He accepted as she pulled him up. Alan winced again at the movement as it tugged on his ribs.

She gently rested a hand against his side a worried frown marring her smooth complexion. "Are you sure you haven't broken something? Should we call for a doctor?" Alan tensed at her small hand, his shirt suddenly feeling pervious to the touch. A small flutter spiked in his stomach.

"I – erm I'm sure thank you. I've had worse."

She handed him his jacket. "Why do you get into brawls often?"

"No, more…... sporting injuries, I'm a racing car champion by trade, naturally it can be a hazardous profession." He tried to shuck the suit on over his waistcoat but found he couldn't so she gently eased it over his shoulders before grabbing onto his lapels where she hovered, lifting her head upwards.

"Sounds fun."

"It is. Look erm Felicity" –


"Felix. I"

"Your taken, aren't you?"

"Yes – no…. well, it's complicated." Alan cringed.

"Apologies; I didn't mean to be so forward. I can see I have put you in an awkward position." She bowed her head.

"Not at all. I just want to be honest from the start. I was in a long-term relationship that recently hit the rocks. We were on a break only now I'm not so sure it's a break as much as a break up." He smiled weakly as something snapped inside. Admitting it out loud ripped open a wound he thought he'd cauterised.

She placed a gentle hand on his arm. "I understand. You're at a crossroads. Not quite sure of how you feel or which direction to take. If your ready to leave what you know behind you for a future that's not yet clear."

"That's a pretty good summary actually." He murmured.

"Well why don't we reunite with your brothers and their friends and see if we can relieve some of this doom and gloom? Pining outside on a cold Autumn night won't help you, but your friends and family will find a way to lift your spirits if you let them."

"Okay." He dusted himself down one more time as she walked to the door, hand poised on handle.


"Ready. And Felix?"

She turned to look at him.

"Thank you."

"You are most welcome, seemed we were both in need of rescue tonight."

"Indeed." He replied before the buzz of the ballroom greeted them. They stepped through the door melding into the crowds. It was in that moment Alan realised the underlying anxiety he felt was the fear of being alone. He'd convinced himself he'd never meet anyone else who would be interested in him, who loved him like he loved Tin-Tin but in meeting Felix he realised that maybe he was being too harsh on himself and that maybe love could strike more than once. He loved Tin-Tin but being on a break was tormenting him, it wasn't fair to either of them, they were still bound with each feeling as if they owed the other something. It was time he made a decision to be honest with himself and her. When he returned to the island tomorrow, he resolved to finally force himself to have the frank conversation he'd been avoiding. Did she love him? or not. It was a simple question.

Relieved he'd made up his mind, he extended a hand to help his new acquaintance down the steps before joining Scott and Virgil. The night was still young and he was determined to enjoy it.

Chapter 32

Chapter Text

in-Tin lay in the dark, the perspiration cooling on her exposed skin. She shifted onto her side, pulling the sheet closer so she could watch Gordon who was sprawled in a deep slumber next to her. It was so unnatural to see him so still, so relaxed. He looked defenseless yet Tin-Tin could swear she was seeing the 'real' Gordon for the first time and it warmed her heart. She snuggled a bit closer so she was tucked under his outstretched arm. A little crease formed in her brow as she stared at the paneled ceiling of the cabin, hands on her chest.

How did this happen? Her eyes rolled across to her left in disbelief. Being around Gordon lately had left her with whiplash. One minute they were sharing a joke or laying the table together almost touching, the next he could barely even make eye contact. She thought he'd reached a turning point. Since coming back to the island his father had made sure he was heavily involved in all operations from training, to missions and maintenance. It seemed he'd finally found his purpose again. She had been happy for him, even though he seemed distant with her. When they were away in LA alone he'd been so close to her, she felt more and more connected to him as they got to know each other better. So why, when they got home had it all changed?

Now she knew. Somehow he had fallen for her and had been trying his best to box his feelings away but he'd never asked her how she felt which filled her with sadness. She missed their special companionship especially their daily game of chess. She liked trying to break his poker face, she would do her absolute best to throw him off and try to make him laugh by mimicking his every expression, his body language. Then he would start to copy her and it would get out of hand till she couldn't take it anymore and would protest that wasn't what she looked like. She knew every little detail of his features from the slight lift his in right brow, to the way he puffed his cheeks when under pressure. His lips would always quirk upwards eventually before breaking out into full on laughter. When had she crossed that line? Really? Was it at the observatory when he'd brought the stars to her? When he comforted her on the sofa in the little condo above the city skyline or was it last Christmas when he stole a cheeky kiss on the cheek under the mistletoe and danced her round the tree? She could still see the fairy lights refracting back at her from his pupils. That was the first time she realised that there was a spark. A spark that was snuffed as soon as Alan linked arms and spun her away.

She'd always been destined for Alan, ever since that day he shyly plucked up the courage to ask her on date, she'd known she was his. Or at least that's what she had thought. Those early days they were besotted with each other. Alan would always call her every night without fail when he was on five. She would message everyday when she was at uni. The wanton desire when they both finally managed to get hold of each other was always enough to set her alight. Many a night they spent planning their next adventures, talking of their futures. Then she came home. They were so excited to finally live together but as time went on and as they started sharing the same space, things started to change. Alan left a trail of destruction where ever he went clothes; empty crisp packets, week old coffee cups. They discovered they had very little in common in terms of hobbies other than balls and social functions. Sure, they both shared a passion for space but Alan was focused on the speed of travel whereas she was focused on the quest for the unknown and the beauty of deep space. Tin-Tin tried to take an active interest in his gaming and racing but just couldn't see the appeal. Yet they carried on as she pushed those feelings down, conditioned herself into smiling and telling herself she was in a stable relationship with a handsome young man who loved her. What more could she need? Living with someone was simply about compromise, she just needed to learn that relationships weren't perfect. In time she came to believe it.

Tin-Tin ran her hands down her face. She should had just stayed in her room and not gotten curious when she heard the patio doors go next-door. Then she wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. She had wondered if he might talk to her if she went out for some air too but when she opened her doors, she'd already found he was trotting half way down the track that ran to the cove. Curious; she left her balcony, tracing his footsteps. As she got near, he paused. She melted into the shadows as he traced a 360 of his surroundings before opening the hidden door to the dock. Now even more intrigued she padded across the dusty pathway, the ferns snagging at the delicate folds of her nightgown.

She hadn't meant to startle him. He froze completely, his back still turned to her as he reached for something on the shelf. A memory echoed to the surface of Scott telling her about Gordon. "Gordon struggled after the accident; it was a long time before he could set foot on a boat again without getting jittery. He still doesn't like it if he can't see whose on board." She was about to announce her arrival when he flipped round. For a moment she wasn't sure it was him, he was so tense, his expression hard. She didn't understand till his hand ran up her spine and into her hair. The only sound that escaped her was a short "Oh!" of surprise before her lips were crushed against his, the blood rushing straight to her head. She could feel his frustration in the way his hands wrapped in her hair and the heat that pooled between his thighs that had her responding in kind. At that point they both could have been lost at sea and not known, it was more than desire it was a desperate need to be closer to her. He was consumed by his need for her and she could feel the despair in him. She found herself welcoming him, she wanted to take away his anguish - anything to let him see how much she felt for him in return, to soothe the turmoil inside him.

Tin-Tin glanced towards the crack in the door, was it her or was it getting lighter? She realised for the first time that she had no watch or phone which rallied her into action, leaving her tangled thoughts behind. Gordon was still on his back, his arm folded across his chest loosely. She carefully sat up peering at his face before gently twisting his wrist outwards to see the watch – why did he have to wear the face on the inside of his arm? She gently pressed the button to illuminate the screen only to hear the sound of a dial tone. Calling Scott, the text bloomed. "Oh Shoot! No no no no!" She yelped quickly terminating the call. Gordon jumped awake freezing at the sight of Tin-Tin on his chest before the shock began anew at the touch of skin on skin. Suddenly he didn't know where to put his hands or what to cover up first.

"Sorry I was just trying to see the time." Tin-Tin lifted off of him, Gordon averted his eyes as he cleared his throat.

"It's 3.40 am. We ah! Better get back." He jumped out of bed quickly trying to locate his clothes. Tin-Tin watched as he bent double searching for them whilst trying to remain side on to her.

"Are you ashamed?"

If it was light, she would have seen he was as red as a beetroot. "No! I…. er mean no of course not, its just I ah…. Well… you…. me. I shouldn't have." He just found his shorts only to drop them as Scott called back. He cancelled the call, the disbelief evident on his face in the white blue glow of the watch. "You called Scott!"

"Not intentionally. I think I cancelled it before it connected."

They both caught each other's eye in the half light. "Thank god for that! I don't think I need a lecture."

They both laughed, Tin-Tin continuing way after Gordon had finished.

"Why are you still laughing?"

"Sorry, just I can't believe this happened. I think I'm a bit hysterical."


By now Gordon had turned a lamp on to better see his clothes. He looked abashed. He quickly searched around his feet before heading around Tin-Tin's side, he got on his hands and knees, groping under the bed before holding up a blue chiffon nightdress at arm's length as if it might burn him. The fabric flowed through his loose fingers triggering flashes of recent events. He threw on a shirt pulling the hem quickly down over his shorts.

"Thank you." She reached out for it gratefully.

"I'll erm, i'll wait outside." He strode out before catching himself on the door frame. Gordon swore before stumbling out of the small cabin.

Tin-Tin blushed, a bubble of a giggle escaping her. Everything was such a mess but she couldn't help but feel for him. A few hours ago, he'd been a force to be reckoned with at the sight of her in the doorway and now he'd seen literally everything and was quite clearly overwhelmed. Maybe she wasn't the only one that felt a tide of emotions and confusion.

She made sure to make plenty of noise as she stepped up to the deck, wrapping her robe around her. Gordon was sat on the bench seat with his head in his hands. "I'm so so sorry! I never wanted to put you in this position." The worry and reproach were evident in his dusky amber eyes. The security light had flicked on again.

She sat next to him and gently clasped his hands. "Granted I came to talk but you clearly had other ideas." He tried to take his hands away as she held on tighter. "But it takes two people Gordon, I could have stopped us at any time; but I didn't. Gordon I…. Alan and I - now I've had time to myself…... I see that maybe I was doing him a disservice. I was trying to shape him into someone he wasn't because I loved him, but that's not love. He also abused my trust and whenever I look at him all I see is that night, every time he tries to hold my hand - to touch me I wonder if he's wishing he was touching someone else. Our relationship lasted so long because I knew that for all his faults, he loved me and that his heart was in the right place. I can't get that feeling back." She let go of his hands and sat back.

Gordon couldn't process this. What had he done? Here she was defending his actions! If Alan found out, no it couldn't continue! His chest constricted at the thought, the pain radiating outwards. How could he never touch her again after tonight? Never offer her physical comfort, never kiss her soft blush lips again, feel her hair cascade through his fingers. "I'll leave." He stood before he could change his mind.

"Leave!" She rushed to step in front of him. "You will do no such thing."

"I can't stay, you have no idea!" His body tensed with a wave of emotion; his expression pained.

"Gordon. I feel it too." She slowly gravitated towards him. "I don't know what it is but I know that my life is fulfilled by having you in it. I like spending time with you, I enjoy your company, l adore the way we endlessly tease each other in a way that can only be describe as brutal honesty." He huffed out a chuckle. She moved a step closer with each confession till she her hands rested on his chest. "I care for you Gordon, more than you can imagine but I'm just not sure I can rush into this one. I need to make sure I get it right this time, I don't want to hurt anyone else." She held a palm to the side of his face. "Don't leave. Let me sort things with Alan."

"But" –

"It's not your concern to worry about, its going to take some time for me to be ready for a serious relationship again. I don't expect you to hold out for me Gordon. I might not be what you hope for." She murmured softly.

He clasped her hand and lowered it to his lips. "You're all I hope for and more. As long as you need. You know where to find me."

A single tear traced down her cheek. "I wish things were different."

"So do I." He pressed his forehead to hers as time stopped. With one last shaky breath, she pulled away. Tin-Tin didn't look back, didn't see Gordon fall to his knees and collapse back into the bench as he shoved the heels of his hands in his eyes. "Haven't I suffered enough?" He whispered, his voice raw with emotion. The lights blacked out leaving him to his grief.

Chapter 33

Chapter Text

Gordon stayed in late. He tried foolishly to go back to bed, hoping that he would fall into sweet oblivion where his mind would stop tormenting him. Except it didn't. All he could see was her as she walked across the beach or laughing with him over breakfast, meditating in yoga, her starstruck expression of wonder at the observatory. He could feel the echo of her touch at the base of his neck, how her fingertips caressed so carefully down his back, the feel of skin on skin that made him feel alive. The scent of Jasmine still lingered all over him like a toxin, yet another bittersweet reminder of her but he didn't want to shower because then it would be like last night hadn't existed. He'd rather suffer daily for eternity than to forget the events of last night. No matter how ashamed he was of his actions, his loss of control.

Come seven AM he heard muffled footsteps next door. He stood touching the wall silently, hand splayed as he heard the pump kick in. Water gushed just audible in his room. Eventually the shower stopped before he heard the hair dryer. He could picture her in a white fluffy towel, her hand working through the kinks in her hair as the other directed the flow. He heard when the door opened and closed, yet he didn't leave. He couldn't face the rest of the household. Not yet anyway.

Just after eleven AM the sound of Thunderbird one's jets could be heard as she pivoted into the hideaway under the pool. Tin-Tin knew she had perhaps just over twenty minutes till Alan was home. All night since she returned to her room, she had been deliberating the best course of action. She'd spent most of the morning in Jeff's private study weighing up her options and seeking permission for what she was planning to do. There were a few times she was close to tears at the thought of the damage she had done to two young men but she somehow managed to keep it together.

Scott rotated through to the lounge in his favourite checkered collarless jacket and sky-blue turtleneck. Jeff had just seated himself on the sofa next to Tin-Tin with a paper in hand after granting clearance to land. Scott vaulted onto the couch, jostling his father who was closest. Jeff chucked his paper down on his lap and lowered his reading glasses. "A good night I see."

Scott grinned, barely able to contain himself. "It was a great night! Thanks for letting us go dad, I really needed it."

Gordon slipped into the room unnoticed. He'd decided it was easier to come out now before Alan was back. "I bet you did." Gordon deadpanned in a suggestive tone. He was wearing shades as he dipped into the armchair opposite.

Scott rolled his eyes before his features softened. "It was a wrench to leave her again. I barely felt like we had any time together." Tin-Tin's gaze flickered across to Gordon whose expression remained stoic.

"I remember those days with your mother, it was hard being away from her for so long. We often used to stay up all night the night before deployment to make the most of the time we had left." Jeff reminisced, a memory that once brought pain now filled him with warmth.

"Well, being one of five we can attest that you really did make the most of your time."

"Gordon!" Scott shook his head in disbelief.

Jeff looked like he would have clipped Gordon around the ear hole if he was close enough but also couldn't hide his amusem*nt at his son's cheeky comment. Scott was grinning like a Cheshire cat trying not to laugh out loud, his dad had walked into that one after all. He took a swig of his coffee he'd brought back with him.

"Well if Scott takes after me it seems I'll be a grandfather several times over within the next five years."

Scott lost his coffee all over his lap, his eyes wide. Despite feeling fragile Gordon couldn't help roar with laughter at his brother's expression. He passed him the tissues across the coffee table. "Grandfather? You said you were too young." Scott spluttered trying to recover himself.

Jeff dismissed him with the wave of a paper "That was years ago. I'm not getting any younger you know. I always fancied myself as a grandfather."

"Have you now?" Scott finished dabbing at his pant leg. "Well, you have five sons so I would say you have a fair chance. Firstborn doesn't have to be first at everything you know."

Uncomfortable with the turn in conversation, Gordon stretched. "And on that note, I'm hitting the pool.Someone'sdelayed my morning swim long enough."

"You could have just stayed in there, I reckon you can hold your breath long enough while I park her."

Gordon gave him a sarcastic head tilt before turning on his heel. He couldn't help but listen sharply for the sound of footsteps or for Tin-Tin to excuse herself but it never came.

By lunchtime Alan and Virgil had arrived back on the island. There was one main topic of conversation that was dominating the table. Alan's black eye. Jeff cut through his steak. "So, Alan, how did you come by that shiner?" Jeff words were light but laced with disapproval.

"It's not what you think father. Alan helped rescue someone last night." Interjected Virgil as he helped himself to more salad dressing.

"Oh?" Jeff raised a brow.

Alan finished his mouthful before laying his utensils down. "Well, I went outside to grab some fresh air when I heard screaming. I ran to the back of the property and found a man harassing a young lady. He had hold of her. She'd told him to let go but he wouldn't, so I told him to leave. Anyway, long story short he took offence and my face is the result along with a couple of bruised ribs but thankfully he hadn't touched her. That was the main thing." He glanced nervously at Tin-Tin, he felt like he needed to clarify he hadn't touched Felix either but caught himself.

"Alan saw him off father, you should have seen the size of the man when they caught him later, he took two cops down with him." Scott scoffed.

"Sounds dangerous but I'm glad you were able to protect her Alan, you did the right thing." Alan smiled at the praise. He was surprised to see Tin-Tin looking concerned down the end of the table. Was it out of worry for his injuries or that he'd been in the company of another woman?

"I'm alright honestly, no harm done other than a few bruises."

"Good to hear it, was this guy one of the guests of the gala?"

"Yeah, but he'd come in place of another associate, Penny had quite a firm conversation with the business this morning to say if that's the kind of people they employ she'd rather not have them as donors."

Jeff grunted his approval.

"So enough about our antics. What did you guys get up to without us to entertain you?" Alan asked brightly.

Gordon's fork clattered loudly against his China plate. He had been playing with his food but now his appetite fled completely.This guilt is going to consume me, where's a damn call out when you want one?He quickly swept up his napkin to wipe his hands. "Not a lot, I decided to run some maintenance on the yacht. I noticed she was overdue a check."

"Well, that sounds positively dull, you should go to the gala next time. Henry was there."

"Was he? I can imagine his mother dragged him along."

"You guessed right, he says hello and that you should call him." Alan grinned. "What about you Tin, did you get around to that book or yours or maybe the new gym class?"

"No, just a quiet evening. Mostly reading in the lounge but I did help father in his garden for a while." She was careful to give Alan her full attention cursing herself for the higher pitch she could hear in her own voice. She gave him her best smile in return.

"If it wasn't for my daughter, we would not have the salad here on the table tonight. I had a migraine so she kindly offered to harvest it for me." Kyrano took his daughters hand in his to which she gently squeezed back. She wouldn't admit to anyone how worried she was by these ongoing migraines. They seemed to be increasing in frequency. Tin-Tin had never considered her father as old but lately he had become much more sedate and forgetful at times. She hoped it was nothing serious. She was still worrying about it as she cleared the plates. How could she ensure he was looked after? She was so absentminded she didn't notice as she dropped a glass.

"Steady!" Alan caught it one handed, his lightening quick reflexes certainly had their uses. "Tin?"

She shook her head as if emerging from an imaginary haze. "I'm sorry Alan, I have a lot on my mind."

He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, she tried not to flinch but it was too late. She caught the hurt expression. "Sorry you surprised me. I was somewhere else." She repeated.

"No harm done. Look I need to speak to you, I don't want to be stuck in this limbo much longer. Fancy meeting me in twenty minutes at the beach? Then we can have a chat…. about things." he squirmed.

Little did Alan know she had been trying to rehearse a similar conversation all last night and then altering it this morning to include her news. She wasn't ready yet but she knew she also needed to do this soon. Her circ*mstances were becoming pressing and she couldn't keep leading these two men on much longer. Although she wasn't fully to blame, she knew she had played a part in all this too. She cared for both of them each in different ways. She needed to try and put things right for their sake.

"That sounds like a good idea to me, I'll just help clear up then meet you down there." He nodded before taking his leave with a tentative smile, his black eye was a mottled purple yet his face still exuded handsomeness. She realised with a pang she would never kiss his gorgeous face again. A couple of months ago she would have felt awash with sorrow now there was merely an echo of the pain, fading with each waking day.

Gordon watched Alan head down to the beach from the shade of the swinging chair, he'd tucked his legs in so he was hidden from view. Once again, he was in turmoil. He'd barely been near Alan since he had come home. Gordon had done his best to ensure he was always somewhere else until lunchtime where he couldn't get away with his unobtrusive behaviour any longer. He felt like a bomb waiting to be detonated and being around Alan which only increased his anxiety. The remorse he felt for his actions and how much hurt he would cause his brother made him feel physically sick. He wished Alan had never messed up his relationship, for that little spark of hope had lit a wildfire Gordon could no longer contain. He loved Tin-Tin. Steeling his resolve, he stood and started to make towards the beach along the poolside just before he heard footsteps above. Not in the mood to socialise he retreated to the shadows.

The footsteps were soft yet fast paced as someone hurried down them. Gordon's eyes widened as the person drew level with his hiding place."Tin!"

Tin flew round at her name, almost jumping out of her skin. "Oh Gordon! You made me jump!"

"Sorry. I just saw Alan, I was on my way to talk to him."

"Gordon, I don't think that's the best idea. I was just on my way, he asked me to see him."

"Tin-Tin, let me tell him. what I did was unforgivable, I need him to know it wasn't your fault."

Tin-Tin glanced nervously at the veranda before indicating they should move closer to the path away from the house. "I'm not going to tell him."

"What! We have to!"

"Gordon please; you know how much this would hurt him if he knew. Anyway, we are on a break. I've not asked him what he's been up to because its not my business. I'm not committed to him in any way. I'm technically not in a relationship anymore."

"Technically I'd say that was a Gray area. Alan won't see it that way."

"No he won't because he won't know. Gordon, I need you to trust me." She looked towards the beach, her expression peculiar. "The next couple of months are going to be hard for all of us but its for the best. Just remember I don't expect you to hold out for me."

"What do you mean?" He stepped closer.

"I can't tell you now, I have to go he'll be wondering where I am. Just please don't say a word to anyone."

He looked torn but seeing her worried expression he replied "I promise". With one last bittersweet smile she spun on her heel and left him alone. He turned back towards the villa adding confusion to the hot mess of his contained emotions. He took comfort in the fact that he trusted her with his life, now he just had to trust her with his heart.

Alan was sitting on the shoreline by the time Tin-Tin reached him. He was barefoot with his knees up in front of him. She really didn't want to do this. She didn't want hurt him, yet she needed to be free. She wondered what he wanted to tell her; she didn't think she had the strength to argue with him if he was ready to plead with her for another chance. "Alan!" She called before she could procrastinate anymore.

He waved as she approached before patting the ground next to him. She tucked her legs under and knelt beside him.


"Hi" She replied awkwardly.

They watched the waves crash on the shore for a few minutes, the cloudless sky above them was unrelenting. She had forgotten her shades but thankfully was wearing her sunhat which provided a brim of shade. Alan was wearing his favourite ray bans. The ones she brought for him, the thought was tinged with sadness.

Alan let the fine sand filter through his hands as he lowered his legs. "Tin-Tin I've been thinking."

"Always dangerous." He grinned, her comment breaking the invisible barrier between them.

"Let me re-phrase that, I've been contemplating – taking stock of our relationship. You know its not till you have to live without something you realise how fortunate you've been. I took what we had for granted and I…. I didn't see that till very recently. I neglected you Tin-Tin and for that I'm truly sorry, I was blinded to what I had." He picked at his laces. "But I also think your right Tin, deep down I didn't commit to you fully because I was chasing what I thought I was missing out on. I was too afraid to admit it to even myself. You're my first and only serious long-term relationship. I was scared of what I perceived I was missing out on. Some nights I just wanted to see where they would take me like the other lads did. I was too immature to see everything I wanted was at home."

Tin-Tin made to interject but he stalled her. "Tin-Tin I betrayed your trust in the worst way. I care for you; and always will, but I now understand why you wanted to go on a break and I think it's for the best if we remain apart. I can't keep holding on to you, onto us when I'm not sure if I can settle down. I don't want you to feel like you are being led on." He gazed openly at her trying to assess her reaction, she was statuesque which made him worry for a moment that she'd taken his honesty the wrong way.

She lifted her head to the side to see him more clearly. "It's not all you Alan. I started to wonder if we were together for the right reasons. At first it all seemed so clear to me, I was content with our life together but I started to realise I was asking too much of you. Lately I just felt we were stuck. I missed that initial spark we had, that night we were away I felt like it could be rekindled but then when I found you in the bar…..." She trailed off, staring at her hands.

"The night I ruined it all and broke your trust. I know you don't trust me in the way you shy away from my touch." His mouth was down turned, his shoulders hunched forwards so that he seemed to shrink. "I didn't really help myself ignoring you when you first suggested we should break. I was angry with myself and bitter about the whole thing so I took it out on you."

Tin-Tin couldn't help it. "You do that a lot."

"I don't think I do." He frowned.

Tin-Tin co*cked her head with a dead pan stare which caused him to frown deeper. She sighed. "Let's not go there, it won't help us. I'm sorry things have turned out the way they have Alan I really am. I've thought long and hard about us and I just can't see myself getting past this. Especially over the last couple of months, I've come to realise that I've also become too sheltered. I haven't had a chance to be on my own, to enjoy the independence and freedom it affords. We've been together for much of our adult lives." She went silent, not sure how else to convey her confused feelings. This was the longest conversation they'd had in a long time.

"You know I met a girl last night? The one I rescued. She was beautiful, well spoken and had this wonderful energy about her. The kind of girl who could stand out in a crowd. Anyway; We talked for a long while and spent most of the evening content in each other's company, it could have gone further i suppose. Except I felt nothing. She was just a friendly face. What if its not all what it cracked up to be? Freedom? Finding that special someone?"

"We can't stay together for the sake of security against the fear of not finding our soulmate. We would never be happy."

"I suppose."

"I'm sorry Alan, I hope that we can still be friends in time."

"Better to have you in my life than not at all." He replied contritely.

A single tear tracked down her cheek. "We better get back."

"You go on ahead... I'll be along in a bit." He swallowed, gazing out to sea.

She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder before the pressure of her weight left him. He watched her walk away up the beach. Away from him for the last time. He drew his legs close again, bowing his head over his knees as he tried to blot out the worst moment of his life. She'd left him for good.

Chapter 34


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Gordon sat with his feet dipped in the pool on another sun kissed day. He swished his legs savouring the cool feeling of the water as it rushed over his calves. He was a bag of nerves as he watched the skies intently. Six months. That was how long she had been gone. Six agonising months of being wrenched in two and he still didn't know if there was hope for them.

He replayed that day over and over. The memory would come unbidden in the middle of the night or assault him mid mission. Sometimes a paragraph in a book or a turn of phrase from one of his brothers could trigger it. He couldn't forget, it was like he'd been caught in a time capsule ever since, suspended until she came home.

They'd sat on the rocks overlooking the bay as the sun set, the orange and red hues making it seem like the sun was bleeding into the ocean, colouring it an inky yellow. He knew she'd been crying from the tear-stained tramlines where her usually meticulous eye liner had bled, her skin a mottled pink. He'd braced for the worst already trying to reinforce his heart with steel. She spoke softly to her hands, not able to make eye contact at all. "Gordon there's no easy way to tell you this….. but I have some news and I wanted you to be one of the first to hear it. Splitting with Alan has been really tough and I think we both need time apart to recover. I'm taking up an apprenticeship at the Tracy industries division in Malaysia for twelve months where I will study spacecraft computer programming to enhance my bachelors in aerospace engineering. I've been wanting to complete it for awhile but there's never been a good time…"

He remembered sitting there being struck mute. His throat felt like he swallowed a thousand knifes as he vied for control over his emotions, he didn't know whether to beg or shout at her to stay. Instead, he astounded himself entirely as his hollow voice replied. "Congratulations on getting accepted! That's a hard course to get onto. I am sure you will ace it." He managed to flash a weak smile but the trembling at the edges betrayed him.

"Oh Gordon. I'm so sorry, I really wish things were different. I just….. I can't…" She broke.

"It's ok I understand, Alan needs time, you need time." He remembered the detachment he felt at that exact moment. He knew it was never going to be easy all living together but now he was losing her completely. He was stupid to think they could all remain here together. Had he really been naive enough to think she might just strike up with him straightaway – if at all?

"I'm going to miss you." She sobbed. His heart burned as he pulled her into one last embrace.

"I'll miss you more." He whispered. He gave her one last chaste kiss on the top of the head before he left her there crying. How could he comfort her when he was in pieces? Seeing his heart bleed wasn't going to make her feel any better, was it? He staggered across the jagged rock face before collapsing against it at the end of the footpath. He'd lost her and it was all his fault. He pushed her too quickly, he should have been more patient! If only he had given her time to work through her feelings for Alan first. He was wracked with guilt knowing she was carrying the burden of not telling Alan what had occurred only few nights ago. She shouldn't be leaving for his actions, yet there was nothing he could do.

"Hey! I could be drowning here!"

Gordon snapped back to reality as John bobbed up beside him. For the first time in two years John was home for Christmas after Alan had insisted on taking a stint over the holidays. They all knew why but Alan refused to be drawn out any further on what was already a sore subject. He had taken the split better than they'd anticipated but his confidence had been knocked, he tried to ignore Tin-Tin if she cropped up in conversation and he struggled to be alone with Kyrano. Jeff had been in contact every day since his son's changed shift to keep a close eye on his youngest. Gordon was relieved he didn't have to tread water around him anymore. Alan had been incredibly amicable towards him and it was unnerving to say the least. It also did nothing to appease his own guilt and anxiety at the whole situation.

"Don't worry - with your hollow bones I'm pretty sure you'll float."

"Ha-ha wise guy. Bet you don't know how many laps I've done." John anchored his elbows on the edge of the pool, his breaths coming in fast and hard as he tried to regain control, his chest visibly pounding with the effort.


"Gee-Whizz! That's impressive right?"

"Second only to me."

"Wow! I guess I'll call it a day then." Silence. John frowned as Gordon gazed heavenward again. He always had a comeback for when they tried to get out of training. John hadn't been back on earth for two months but he could see something was wrong with his younger brother. He'd been worried about six months ago when Gordon was bed ridden with some mystery virus. Gordon was rarely ill, injured yes but ill – never. Scott had said that it made him lethargic and that he'd been confined to his room for the full three days. His father tried to get Gordon to see the doctor but he'd refused. He wouldn't let anyone visit him in case it was contagious. Whatever it was he'd seemed to have recovered, or at least they all thought he had. "Gordon?"


"Look. I don't mean to pry but you don't seem your usual self. Its not an after effect of this virus you had, is it?" John turned and leapt onto the ledge so he was sat next to Gordon. Gordon didn't even flinch as the dispelled water seeped through his shorts.

"Virus?" Gordon recovered himself, shaking his head. "No, that seemed to be some one-off kind of thing. I'm just tired. It's a full-time job making sure you lot don't drown yourselves on rescues. I had no idea what I was undertaking."

John snorted. "I may not be an Olympian but I spent many years in a pool for astronaut training so I can't be that bad because I survived. So, you can worry a little less. Is this anything to do with Tin-Tin?"

Gordon twisted around abruptly. "What do you mean?" His shoulders tensed; his hands looked like they were ready to springboard him away. The conversation had turned on a dime. John raised his brows in surprise at such a strong reaction.

"Nothing in particular, only that she's home today and I know you and her are closer than the rest of us. I can imagine the separation has been hard. The island must be pretty lonely without her when the others are out. I seem to remember you were too ill to say goodbye, which can't have helped." John knew from the rescue logs he kept that Gordon had only been on two of the eleven missions this month, sure Brains was around but he was almost always in the lab during the day working. It really wouldn't surprise him if that was why Gordon was feeling low.

Gordon's hands eased down onto their palms again as his legs went back to swishing in the water. "It's been…strange but I've gotten by, it's given me more time to prank dad and I've been keeping Kyrano company."

"I bet dad's been enamoured with your attentions."

A ghost of a smile flashed across Gordon's face. "And he hasn't even opened his present yet. Tt's a work of art."

John shook his head before clapping Gordon on the shoulder. "Well at least Tin-Tin will be home soon, maybe she can keep you out of trouble." Gordon jolted forwards as the pressure of John's firm grip left his shoulder as he pushed himself upwards. John didn't see Gordon's crestfallen expression at his remark. Gordon doubted their friendship was still intact after all that had occurred between them. A familiar whine filled the air that had Gordon scrambling to his feet, Thunderbird One was already above him. The pool started to slide as he clambered back into the safety of the lower floor of the villa.

Gordon meandered at a slow walk to the lounge, full of apprehension but with a quake of excitement at the thought of being able to see her in person. Their relationship was currently awkward, neither knowing how to handle or express these new feelings, both unsure of how far they should tease each other or what topics were 'safe'. The naturalness of their friendship had fled but every tentative message, GIF or email seemed to be closing the rift. He'd last messaged her just last night and she'd replied with how excited she was to be coming home and to see them. His hand trailed along the dresser in the hall, slowing his steps as he got closer to the lounge. From the messages they had exchanged it seemed Tin-Tin still genuinely cared for him, she always asked about his day, how he was and what he'd been up to; but then Tin-Tin was a sweetheart she'd ask most people those kinds of questions. His brothers occasionally asked after Tin to her father so he took some comfort in fact they obviously they weren't all on direct messaging terms with her. At first, he'd been hurt at her leaving but he could also sympathise with her reasoning. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel rushed into a decision that would make her uncomfortable. He remembered after the first night they'd spent together she said she felt something for him, he had to take this as a good sign, surely?

He stepped into the lounge just as Tin-Tin and Scott came up in the lift. He would always escort her up if she'd travelled alone. Scott gave her one last hug before offering to deposit her suitcase in her room. Kyrano stood patiently next to the desk and smiled as his daughter caught sight of him. "Father!" She squealed and ran across the room before colliding with him. Gordon felt a rush of love for her as she leant back, the concern evident in her expression as she assessed her father's condition. Gordon had tried to reassure her but knew she would have to see for herself.

He slipped by undetected to join John at the seating area as Tin-tin went to hug his father. "How's your studies going Tin-Tin?"

"Very well thank you, I'm predicted a distinction at present."

"That's swell!" injected Virgil playfully hugging her from behind. Gordon tried not to scowl at the easy-going gesture, he and John were a lot less tactile than Virgil and Scott. John eyed the chess board on the table. "Fancy a game?"

"You bet!" Relieved at the welcome distraction, Gordon helped to set up the board opting to take the black. Tin-Tin, Brains and Virgil had gotten swept up in a conversation about the latest Callisto rover and the feat of engineering that it was. All of them seemed to be speculating about its latest capabilities and if the programming would be sufficient for its exploration needs. After awhile the game acquired his attention completely, you couldn't afford to be complacent when John played like Alan raced.

Eventually a silent crowd gathered. Scott propped himself on the arm of John's chair as Tin-tin and Virgil settled opposite. Brains hovered over Gordon's shoulder. Gordon sat forwards with his hands interlocked between his open knees assessing the board. Somehow, he'd allowed his older brother to corner him between a Rook and a Bishop with the Queen on the war path. Gordon had his King, Queen and one measly prawn left. His queen was too far away to assist and his pawn not worthy to counter attack. Sensing defeat, he sighed. He knew he had too much on his mind to best John today. "As its near Christmas i'll play nice…." He flipped his king down to fresh cheers from Scott. Scott was always gleeful when someone managed to beat him for he could rarely do it himself.

"Why thank you, I think you saved us both a painful conclusion there. Gee is that the time?" John stretched looking up at the clock.

"There's monopoly tomorrow." Gordon replied jubilantly which elicited several groans of consternation's. "What?! Its Christmas! You all promised! Christmas is truce day where the game is no longer forbidden. I'll promise I'll be good this year – if you leave the airports alone."

"Hmm not likely." Muttered Scott. They were his and he commanded them like USAF bases. Everyone knew if you controlled the airports, you controlled the game. Although Virgil would swear by Mayfair because that's the way Penelope played and you stood to make the most profit if you could bag Park lane he would argue.

"Now Scott you wouldn't be thinking of snatching said airports, would you?" Tin-Tin smiled. Gordon snapped to attention suddenly acutely conscious of her presence once again. A pounding struck up in his chest.

"I don't have to snatch what's already mine sweetheart." Scott winked as he grabbed his tumbler.

"Hopes and dreams from the jailhouse." Gordon mocked to bouts of laughter. He felt electrified at Tin-Tin's distinct peal of laughter, he'd missed her so much.

Scott sipped his drink. "We'll see."


Christmas eve was drawing to a close as Gordon finished the last of his maintenance checks. He'd tried to spend time with the family but the more time he spent in her company the more he felt exposed, like everyone would know his true feelings for Tin-Tin. So, he'd retreated to the safe confines of the hangar with a task that never failed to grant him some escapism. His calloused hands trailed over the underside as he inspected Thunderbird four for any signs of cracks or damage. He'd already extracted a large wad of rubbery seaweed from the service panel and buffed out a couple of scrapes. His hand extended to the left just as a shadow passed by. He co*cked his head "Hello?"

No response. Odd; he could have sworn someone was there. He pushed out on the board, the strobe lights of the hangar blinding him momentarily. He tried to get up, grunting with the effort as he realised his back had locked. "Dammit!" he knew he'd been under for too long. A shadow passed across him before she knelt down. "Are you alright?"

He that was a loaded question. "Erm yeah just doing a bit of maintenance so I better get back to it." He tried to push off back under but winced at the jarring sensation. He felt himself pulled forwards again, the castors squeaking in protest.

"Gordon Tracy, are you avoiding me?" A soft smile bloomed at odds with the concern in her nephrite eyes.

"I'd rather not be." His eyes went wide, that was definitely meant to have been in his head! She burst out laughing.

"Come here." She gently pulled him off the board so they were stood together. "Gordon, I'm so sorry I left the way I did. I was worried. I didn't want to rush straight into another relationship but since I've been away; I keep thinking about little things like last Christmas when we danced, when we had the water fight by the pool and I slid taking us both out in a splash - you shielded me from hitting my head on the side. Then there was the time where you shielded me from the rain with your jacket last monsoon. I like the way you play with your fringe when your nervous, you have a way of brightening my darkest days." Her words rushed out of her, leaving her breathless. "Oh! i'm making a terrible mess of this! Gordon I can't stop thinking about you." She put a hand to her mouth surprised by her own admission.

He was numb, the cold spreading to his extremities and rendering him senseless. Was this real? She backed away crushed by his silence, cringing into herself. "Oh no. I'm too late, aren't I? You must hate me for leaving like I did." She turned away.

His hand whipped out grabbing her wrist. "Hate you? I get disappointed when I look at my phone and it's not you, I daydream about what it would be like to hold you in my arms, I can't think straight when I'm near you. I don't hate you Tin; I love you!"

She gasped whispering faintly. "Love me?"

"Ever since I clapped eyes on you at that observatory." His hold on her was fragile, still not believing this moment was taking place in reality.

She glanced up at him surprised. All these months after that night on the boat and now he chose to spill his heart. All that time he'd tried to deny his feelings to protect his brother, to protect her. Her heart swelled with joy that had been tentatively brewing since that morning. She knew Gordon cared for her, perhaps even wanted to be with her and she prayed he would say yes to dating her; but this was more than she could ever have thought possible! It made her giddy in a way she'd never experienced before. She took his face in her hand, tracing the contour of his well-defined cheekbone as he melted into her touch.

"I can't wait to be with you." Tin-Tin murmured softly.

His hands fell to her waist. "Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked hesitantly. "Because i'd understand if you didn't. I know our relationship won't be easy not with Al" -

"Look up."

He frowned at her perplexed.

She rolled her eyes. "Just do as your told for once. Tonight is about you."

He squinted above him his upturned face breaking into a grin. Tin-Tin pressed the button in her pocket that worked the overhead winch. They watched as the hook nosily unwound to just above their heads, the cluster of fresh mistletoe spinning around.

He slowly looked down. "Is that what I think it is?"


"You know most kisses under the mistletoe involve a tussle - usually with an overzealous man" –

"Oh, I'm counting on it." She replied huskily into his ear lifting onto her tip-toes. He shivered as he felt her exhale.

"I've always thought…"

"Stop thinking." She pulled him into a hard kiss, crushing his lips against hers before pushing deeper and longer leaving him winded. He pushed her up against the side of four, his hands tracing along her sides and down to her hips. One of her hands was lost in his hair as he caressed her neck, his lips skimming her exposed skin causing her to whimper out loud. Her other hand unzipped his overalls. His lips broke into a smile against her neck as he worked towards her clavicle. Not thinking was easy. "Anyone down there?"

They broke apart, eyes wide before slipping to the floor. Gordon put a finger to his lips and indicated she should stay low. He mouthed "I've got this."

He swiped a rag out of his back pocket and pretended to wipe his hands before stepping out of the shadows.

"Rather late to be working on Christmas eve isn't it son?" Jeff stood arms resting on the railing above.

Gordon glanced at his watch trying to steady his wrist. "Wow is that the time? I had no idea. I've just got to change a fuse and I'll be up."

"Alright; but don't be too late, you need to give St Nick time to visit before sunrise."

Gordon beamed. "I think he's already been."

"Well, your old man needs his beauty sleep which can't happen when you come banging along the landing in the middle of the night."

"Ten minutes I promise."

Jeff grunted. make that thirty then. "Goodnight, Son"

"Night dad!" He started to walk away.

"Is that mistletoe?"

Gordon coloured, feeling the rising heat above his collar. "Yeah, but its all part of an elaborate scheme to get John his first kiss this Christmas."

Gordon could feel the eye roll burning into his back. "Forget I asked."

"Already have."

Once he was sure his dad was gone, he pulled Tin-Tin up off her knees. She helped him to pack up the tools before they walked to the elevator. They both smiled at each other as it went up.

"So where do we go from now? I take you want to take things slow?" Gordon held her hand.

"With the family yes, I think it would be good to keep our relationship on the quiet for a bit longer but for us no."

"I think can live with that." After all its not like he hadn't led a double life before. Better to give Alan as much time as possible. He squeezed her hand before breaking their hold as the elevator came to a stop.

He leaned down "Meet me outside my room in ten."

"See you in five."

He snorted before practically falling out of the elevator. She giggled as he left. It wouldn't always be this easy, there would certainly be hurdles to come but none of that mattered tonight. She was safe in the knowledge that what ever repercussions they may face, they would face them together and there was no one she'd rather face them with. He was hers and she would be his.


And that's the end! thank you for reading. I may very well write a sequel to this one but it won't be for some time yet.

The Trouble with Paradise - LMC25 (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.