The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)

17 THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1936 IRON. COAL, AND STEEL CLOSING PRICES DISTRICT BANK LIMITED INCORPOILTING COUNTY BANK LIMITED BANKERS FOR OVER A CENTURY HEAD OFFICE; SPRING GARDENS, MANCHESTER STOCK EXCHANGE Fairly Busy Day Ends Account OILS STILL FAVOURED FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES The rates given in tne. following tables are those current iu London on the various centres, except in the easo of Alexandria, the South American, and Far Eastern centres, where the, foreign rates on Lo'idoii arc quoted new company will discharge the Cyprus Company's liabilities, estimated at 90,013, and will pay over to is a sum of 73,000. This, 'it is anticipated, will enable a distribution to be made to the holders -of the 130,000 6 per cent cumulative redeemable preference shares of each of 10s. per share.

The agreement- itself makes no provision for any payment to the holders of the 111,395 ordinary capital, hut in order to induce such shareholders to support the sale the Tunnel Portland Cement Company will subscribe and distribute three deferred shares of Is. in the new company for every two ordinary shares in the Cyprus FINANCE AND BUSINESS Tclrphftfl Central 0918 uurnsii l-L'NDS liT-iiT'L-I-v C3 nr i I43n nil 1 JaiL-Dw. 2V Coils. -X L.uii 1 3-X I. 2'7.

Cauvcrzwii 1'. 3yi li'l. llpij VH: i----i ar-2 liTid 10C1; 1 115 Ili 1-V ii, 1 TsSl i Hlii 111 11312 i ssu ss A-'IIp J4S l.Mli 1...1 4 o2 friz 91S IV l'Mi "3 1141 Kr-i 1 -'is i a. M. ii.i.

il. iV. a.i. J.l Fii.1l:i' fi (. i'i rv h'.

LivaI Lai-- Ilink ul KiuLuia Stt KLTIitip.ii 17. 217. Iri-ii 11J -Us -'a k'2'-; in. J7 -T-; iu. iV.

19S0.5D... ii Binninh in z' '4S-SS ji-l 47-67 1 An.tmiix lyij WV-37 Ki 4- 1131 ir-ia llfi.o 1:3 lUl! iioi Anna 5u 5jV il-lj Turkish 4 ci'-o" ItS! 1191 Ui FOKLIGN liONDS THE BANKS9 USE OF THEIR FUNDS IN 1935 Railways and Rating Judgment From our Financial Fditor ol l'loec Km-Ihoic ol l'rcf. Sept. 1331 Humiicss Cl.i.c Neu Y. rli 4 4 l-JSl Moiitrral 4 SSi 3si4 4 iW-iytUg MoMti) 9 7 2 'lS-2s 17 2D-1S-2S l'rn I 124 21 Hrii'sels I 31i 2S-23 32 29 2-3 23-31 (ieiievn 1 2.22 in lfi 13-1-21 I i-l'on i 11J I-17s llOJ3 liS'i-llMj 2s-22 31lb3Sl4 3652 3r75ia Koine, I 94 4S 61-6 S2 6134-S2 I 12-2i-12 33 12-2fi-12-30 I 27 32 lcil2 sellers off.

1S12 -etlers iiff 11914-H912 'nTla 34 S1- 2-il2-271. '2--il'' -37 12 Mom-no, 4-loi I iSHj-a 5-f-h'71l4 LntiiA 'n-22 Ijta 14S3-15ia 43-56 'Wi-i lfl" Warssn 43 I 2il9-2f3i 2rJi26ai, Amsterdam 12 11 7-7 lo ls 19 95 Ibis 4a 22 3t22'45 Stoekli.ilm 19 35-1946 Hclslnsl.irs... 19323 22-U; 2271- Allien 3rc sellers KeUn.ile 276 32 213-222 212-222 Hucrurcst -elli-rs P117 -sellers Constan'plc ll'i bUi Sis -eltera Si'iria. .73 6 3.S-.41S 38S-41S ll.A. tel.

11-4-3 1S-23-1B-43 1-30-lS'40 Lima lii-i 19 SJ m. 13 83 nom. M. io 23la 22'8-231b llio T.T -211, s.l. 2a3.1.-Uiit.

Valiviraiso 43 NoihiuaL TiomlniiA 17p12 Venezuela 2i 23 13 00 uoni. I'l'iC unto. Aleunrlrw 9H2 9712 972 Hoiiitav 1 1. Is. 13.1.

li. rls.l. 1. Sljil. Is.

21.1. Is. 314.1. t4 H7.I. Muuichiu I 1-.

235.1. Is. Singapore I 1'. 2. C3i2a.

Iblnv- I 14-11 7 23-1 2h 7-23-i'2S liol'e I 1.. i. 1. 21-d. lelier-in 3nl4 96I4 llnneknk 1 I I t-r Ko

i-lul-s l'rice- er Mil Jan. -Doc. ArK. nyw 9'.

ss EEi, lie. 4v II.G.HI! svij l'. i- 33 do. iy, 1837 sc.ij i7i2 L-2 -s -3 Kl.ij yji; an. iy lijn ISelmiimi'- HU I'! t1: 134 5912 l'Mij .1,1.

iZ bib slf rl.i. 4111 It IS 171, 17 an. 37. 171a ITEj M-'j 3 r-SI4 7'-j 7 11-; Tili SJ12 43 1- HiilLli.r,.-,: W4S 1J L-i 21 13 tcl- 6V ISifi 1 1 is l.ib 3C Ctv Hooii'v 7 23 37 1021: ltes 10-'2 l'Si 331i 731. do.

iym 19j: 77 70 SO an. n-. 1913 91 -1 l'Xln j-4l3 133 Opchn-Slev. EX 1-C4 1 1 3 2 103U l.pj 11 11. iy, It'-U K-14 1 -a i-retah flitps 'l-i 27U r-O'.

-f-1 I 7d -512 39 oiXlii I.n. 4J I S3 S77a .12 GipoV 67. I 371 61 29'2 .1,.. 7X 1924... J3 41 I 4iSj 31 43 liontrrij li'.

4S 47 Ij 14 -ai, 97 nu. SX 1924... 91:4 L'i'i 37 bits ESI4 dn. biX 1930.. fciJ4 SSJj stl- 7.

101; Mm. 67. Ti-. IMs ui, 141 13 II-1 11.1 1.1 47. 1322 13 1 3j -I4 1-3 20 an.

77 li.S. IhIi iLu2 I 35l2 lSlp 221; 22 24 1 I 27-4 cT1; tin. 7.irfi'e 30 t9 91 1 7414 2S1; 7lV yulj 12 41 221s 1024 67 1924 lold itOSlo SO Sineili-ii3iXi-jS llD i23 144 10 i J'-a Jlj I 41S16 Jl2 50 tniKUdy :3 b'j 40 55, Old Brand Street, E.C. 2. Telephone, yational S256.

Fkipav. The account was rounded off with a fairly busy day, but apart from further aethitv in the market business was largely in connection with the settlement, which will be heavy. At, one time Australia 3 per cent tcrin was dealt in at as low as it discount closed 1-llj duwu aruuivl 11 Ji-count. British "ciicrally were slightly dearer at the though the Ji per cent Cotivcrsnui Loan 1 7 1 and oid Consols (53 lo-t value a little. This market lacked busnuss.

In the oil nuuket botiL fid. i am! Royal Dutch cU) were alter uealiiiir had roauincd in Tliropuiorton btreet, and aiier another large turnover hud occurred ufiicial transactions. On the other hand, less well known oil shares were wanted, and Anglo-Iranian further rn-e to his. Other appreciably dearer i-hares included British-American Tobacco, (it fi, Rolls-Royce 5-lGi, and (juinness NOTABLE OPTION BUYING Heavy option dealing occurred. One-firm alone took Is.

0d. a share for three months" calls on 10,000 United Molasses C2fis. Is ltd.agaiiisttM.OOOAlexican Eagle 7 1 tl. and 4s. lid.

against I.lhkj Marks and Spencer (4 15-1(1). Long calls on LViurtauUls (5Us. yd.) were cfieeted at 2-. on cllridi-'e Provincial Stores tts. 9d.) at Is.

and on British Uxygen at Gs. To cover any maior fall witiiin three months Brig Motor Bodies rates were only nominal. IrreiruUir ihanges i re in clos-ing prn-i-s inui anec share-, Uritannu- C23 were 10s, dearer and "cottiah Ciuon A jiattlv paid (19 rose OJ. On North Bnti-h Mercantile split chares will be dealt in, at, first, probably, around I'Ji the ordinary shares, which are being 'Piartered, were dealt in to-day around international stocks demand, l-'iom Paris of Chiirteiej (24s. which clo-ed Concession- were in some iiere was buying 'id.

10 Tintu 7-. 01. dearer. "d.i, and Roan Anlelope V-i'i in addition to hearer oil share-. I)e ers ii-ues were sliLthtlv iii-aper.

Tea sharp-, too, were chiefly on offer, but many rubber haros weie hi -'her. MARKETS CLOSE CHEERFUL Ruyint! of Southern Railway stocks continued ami prices fuither advanced. On tiie other hand, London Transport (lllEU) further fell a point on balance. Among foreign securities or tiie leading Argentine railways wen; again fractionally higher. Prices are raielv laised in the railway markets at the ol an account.

In the loieiL'U market Japanese loans were chiefly on offer. IJra.dian bonds, however, hail naiii-. and the 3 per c-ent tfilt Loan 1 71) clo-ed 2i points up. Tne quotation for Austrian -ih per cent (ssij was advanced 3 points. Aiuunir overseas hanking Mcuriti.s Hong-Kong and jJanKiiig Mrther declined to -v smaiicr uusincss was dollar stinks.

In early Court (leahne- hell Lniun (Jli ami long options SI' Interna; i on nl Telowhone am) 'lelegi-pii (17), with a cam of S2, and Consolidated tias 3 all notalilv learer. Motors National t)i-tillers (S2' tieneral i and Pnite.J States (t.s4';, on the other hand were lower. In Throgmorton street there were attain fail ly lar'e late markets in oils an 1 Tiie was iu-erf id. PRINCIPAL MOVEMENTS Rises London, Fkiuav. Tins banks have Riadually beon getting this use of more cash during 1j35.

In November, 1034, they had only 1,911,000,000 of deposits, and a year later they hail 2,039,000,000. In December, Kii, they had 1,071,000,000 a year later, as shown iu the combined clearing bank figures for the last month of 1935 now issued, they had 2,091,000,000. The banks used these extra deposits mainly to acquire bills. At the banker' holding of is 67,000,000 higher than lust December's figure, and makes up about 131 per cent of their total resources. Jf tin.1 bankers' loans to the money market a lid short loans to Stuck Exchange lent be.

added to the hill holclmtt; they are found to be using u- 23 jier cent of their resources, on what, ran be called the. short-term I'miim-iiii; department of their services. A year ago the sum was and the proportion 201 per cent. The banket-, have not expanded this part of heir business in pursuit of KU-at naius, for the return on bills this last year has hardly been 17-32 to per cent and that on most of their short loans i per cent. They have h' hi money in hills and market ioaiih iii.uiiIv to avoid holding an excess of i ash or of ioverinueul securities or (list minting criinnieix-ial loan- against! i l.f.v ho- in or at ma'deonate inlevest i-juei Tl.c I li.i'ik-, hae jointly durinir the year about i.

1 1 .000,000 to their luiue biddings of Go erniuent nei-iirit ies -considerably ovrr twice the holdings of li or six years ae.o. But this cildition to investments has been I'-ss than propoi lonal to lie increase 10 d'-iM-j(s. Tht' banks now cu cr only per i-i'iit of agajiist. ocr :.0 pi-r cent year auo, with invesi-tui'iits." What is the net return on I lust- in est iihmu On ihc cs mimts it is probably very small, I lie banks prefer short-term n. est incut and the sliort-trrm of 1 per cent bunds.

Perhaps 1 tin- bulk of lu eminent fairly equally into iiii-itions befoie and afu-r the War Loan i nir, I'i sioii, vhi'-h has meatly h. umed tjilt market conditions, hanks may be c.irnin;; round 11 per (hi! ii IJo. non. ihiO new .1 tne bant. have added 1100 000 1 ld th'' pyopel in-i i.nii nf eoorcd I;,i l.lods, and 1 rov.nci.u lonks na counttK for iiiost 111 this leduetion of tilt' propoi on ot Bankeis ai 1 cituent'y asked how t'ney ime to i i-nitasre so small a pur! ion ion of new HOM1-: RAILWAY'S Gt.tVi.stdrn nr.

4iCs 2 -412 33j L. N'. 1-. i o5i U.i. rl4 18 L.

M. A 11-is I li 3 3'-4 Sniitlu-ru lSa '1 I J. 2. I 1CJ1- 31 COMMERCIAL ND INDUSTRIAL 24 3 27 3 10 3 3 Ad 66 3 9 14 .) 74 3 133 3 67,3 8 4J .1 21 5 20 3 11 a I07B 130 in 'J 7 13J l''l 3 121 3 112 3 1 24 6 3 Ai.i 0,3 f- fi If, 3 3' 0 33 3 2n 'j 9 Ass.i.l.i,r.Iu.l. 4-.

Assi.t.l'.L'L-m'nt 71 3 41 3 Alls! in 4- J' IUir.1 7- 0 liarWcr 3 I .6 0 4-IJ2 T-a rl t0 3 I. ii i 1 0 o7 0 I 7 3 1 7j (2 '3 111 6 12c 3 1 lletilPri Levis' -I 7 3 A-siil- 5.7 0 41 134 4 i4 3 45 13j 21 3 Horns 3 Ikivril i 13 3 llni.luu.1 Dven: ii'l4 Hrnol 1 lint. Ainei.T.iL' 1 21 3 1- (ii. 2 a 0,3 11 1 13 3 3 l'J 3 9 0 0,6 -li2 1 l-. -3 3 i ij I -M6 -0 3 1 fjlj-U4" 39 Kd 71 1- 3 lint.

I 3 lint, 1'" lint. Iiivnintci 3 6 72 0 3-1 0 Jo 13 llotisli 3 11: lirltlah Oxygen 0115 fc3 3 Krit.l'-r-.l riilCn 43i Ciitil's ASVlcssI; 8 73 3 Uablt, if 6 3 (. A '3 CclAllL-aC C.Alll. 3 -n I 63 74 Odrttu f4, 3 CS 0 1 0 3 7 3 Cmik.S.m, Cd 7 3 53 6 -7 3 Pi 3 3 GO 6 CmirUiiMi S3 7J c-i 10J! 27 3 27 3 Ouniir.1 1 5 'Ueiini! I 2C 3 23 3 3 Oistiller- -2 3 JJini Iojj Hulibcrl 41 1 41 0,3 27 3 nn.l M.I 27 --3 iS Knir.Sew (Jott 11' -6 3 27 Fi -03 it KniL-C. tt'nSP'ul 7 0 JS 3 t'onl Mutnrs JJ Jj :4 3,3 13 3 23 li 20 71 -t-0'4 Witliyj 2'' li C' 3 li On-Lisilil 27 7- 3 C.i-ii.

l.lcctn.'...; 6 '-r'10 47 3 Uii.ilr'yl'lallii.l J7 3 i 3 1 1-1 Ouinrip-s 1 lr-7 6 ln? 1 5 I to Uarrmls stnic- 14. lloni. 7 1 IB .2,6116 7 7j lldTiie a Ciilon'l 7 '1 is 3 I lu.t-0111 21 3 -Hi- llydro tlci-Hcj; rl5 (-In -3k 37 lian.Cti.-ni.eJr.l.' 3i 1, 4: -3 9 ii.i. t- l'U ilmp. 3 7 a -Me Int.

Siclel (81.. -6I2 405. 'lj 71. Vi i 3 at. 4j 7 ji r.S 3 33 -I 33! 6 11 9 3 GO 3 30 9 29 3 3 74 9 03 44 34 104 (- a -3c 10j 50 0 20 0 11 7J 1LI 9 Vi ii 10 75 'J -s.

29 :) 1:. 71 132 fi K3 71 U'j 1-P 134 -i 117) r. 1- fi ll 1 ili 7. li li4 4, 443 'J t't i sy 0 j.ia 5 eu iaj 43 32 i 1-evQf 32 3 75 7F 3 r'n 4i -VlLiiM Ir.m'a Anthi-i Hjiliiiis Uijiiil U.S. A Brown C.on'elt I.A!r,1 Conset: ilrL's.

2 0 UiIein.U.H. SB VoseJtl'tTl'rs. I 3 3 2 6 .0 6 i-11 1: S'th Durtaaia. 43 9 9 '-3 3 St.ivn!cv I 4S 6 rO 3 lfl J7i -n li I pH swan, lluiuor Zih 10 71 illunnu 11 i l-CJ IV ry 1IV1 DcinnMi. Lolls 30 Uiipit i -3 9 lh a Ii Unit.

31 3 J. Vu-kcrs 20 4-0 1 OILS tO 41 Mc.x. h-vle -1-12 I'lii-cnn iltevil Uutch.l -rP 9 'sliell -rJ li Sterna K'inTiK -n ill Cent -lis i rmiii ul Lcs, Vnitisi -e i v. p. AliSle.E-u a i AiiKlKu'etBI Alllllis IPLNI li' Ajiex (Tnind' Altoeii 1 H.Bomei.l'.s.; Brit.

Ui.muli.; Hrit.CVu. oni. Ilurmnh K'l-m iej -f is '8 E3 ieo i 10 3 45j 1 l-l MINTS Risd West African risf 1 ui AlUUgll Ult'MU! Li 'l'i Const Kwalm urakluii 2S 9 4-0 3 24 3 -0 3 City Deep 3J52 (1. IrUldll U0115. M.

Utcll 315 -'31 lrlu 9 li ij Tirkwu Crow 11 Mines -i-lis I r-ij. i Alosaa 42 0 ll.liZ.UOllteiU 7 I AtulriliiiiB Uurtiiin 3-i2 1 J2 Atnul. -3 1 t.Dnj.'K'1'iit Coils. Mm.J.1'. tO li Kiist.

llo.lLil.l.J vta i16 View :1 3 62 3 OS jSnlpbiiio 110, 16 1c 14 0 3 119 i OeiluM i-riis llViluna Jos)1 Cicldenh'is Dii lb3z I i Itliadciian: Uen. Lrroot let 1 --'32 '12 IC 111 A Motor l16 .13 -r3 6 Ik-en, 71 J-Tji' PiJJ Ulouc 2f- 'P 3 ltg i iLomihhii I 1 7j 2 Lonely Heef -s 3 33 3 ll(-(eiuie 12 liV is 9 i K'nod. An-AnC it 3 3'-9 4-1J2 ilihokans S3ifi 19 -p0 3 itomi Aiitetn 3.33,4-03 i Tr't 17 9 -Oil fOLl! Heniiersons J'tinro Inv. Kllicht'a Liu-e t'rnp I-iiinlaiertn Liilpa'rdif Viet' Muiiacri'nt'nil do. 1 Moiiilcr- Deep' 1 Mo.iiler.

4li5 3-l6 113 -r0 3 3516 12 1 N'wKlenn'tn state At.1 N.mrse I Iti.n,( l.e,M.fs..f Itan.t 9lfl loiiian 21 lis 1 s-32 I32 60 0 llm 27 1 17 6 510 13 1 Miic.Hintoui llnn.i Selecr'n 2Uj- AllllCOIlilll Siq 4-lfi i.iisc i.eep 1 1 S. J2-o -s. Lov. 14 0 SruurwiLter IS 7j -il-rliiuis 1 iii6 Mil' Sisel I I2H15 ninn 1 r.7-f I Van Con 1 Wn Ilyit 115. Vaultyn Deep 1 (i 233i" Vi. Con.1 3 West 2Jis 1 WAVittt'rsr'ri 315j2 WltwiUfrc-i Dp 12lj2 irmn Corf 6 0 116! 13 11 12 9 3 0 3 0 6 -3 li liee. or Keiiran Cioat. l.iiiuion IN. UiO.t in Keuoii 'Ulo Tint 15-au tinnciscu Smniese jSoutli 1 1't-epci Toulon a 0 1 17 '-0 3 H'ib --16 1-es iB 33 i 20 6 -3 3 il 1 3155 T-10 IS 3 IU 9 il2 1-IXE1J TRUSTS, acppaeil by tne irinpA-iies "r-n-st llrit.i47 3 4S 3 Seeomt 3 31 '3 Thir.l "24 3 bid Fourth il.i.'23 3 23 3 National A 39 6 43 (l.s 11.... "23 0 24 0 .10.

20 11 21 3 to. Ur. Km 11.A 24 25 6 -3 do. 11... 11 3 11 9 For.

Gov't I Tr. 19 3 20 3 Com'eiem 24 25 0 Uold l'riHi. Dp. "27 71 l.i.i 2nd. "20 12! 3rd "In 0 IS 3 1,21 li (Sill K.iiteii' V.

I. 6 20 0 Hunil.S.T.i2 1(22 14'la lOjiC' 1 Ji IllVPStOt-K I Uen.r.t. 20 0 1.i. do. 211.1 1 11 In IJ F.T.

3 21 'J ft 1 22 3 Ltd. Inv. 1 2' 3 21 0 T.n!l!iii,:-'l:- 9 19 9 11.1. i3 fi I do. IB -i 19 r.

do. -23 3 210 I 21 3 21 22 ii tie 19 6 23 6 Cjr'p L'nit-i Certs. Av. 21 7i Anial. F.T.

1 I Cts.S'li.U.23.6 21 6 Invest. Gas I I i 15 9 IS 9 Br. licn. F. I 0 1 1 T.subL'iut "23 7J 24 7i I do.

71 bid 1 do. lfc lPi J9 101 I'liu-'oalC 21 Vi 22 lt'i liisur.iiice. "23 3 24 3 Ilk. In, 111.. 219 lilld Cert.

"44 3 26 5 y. t. I ami 0 21 0 do. 21 Sr. F.T...

21 .1 Jli it. 9 19 9 do. Com p. 21 6 22 6 U. 10) 23 131 2nd 74 17 74 419 13 i I Lx lj-j I jc In, 1.1:5.

l.z Lx ul. Li ingt. RECENT ISSUES Ilsiirs l'i li sl2. llsi fall -16 -f'lS iy. Ins tlii i.

(aUnjHl, JJB 1 1E ois i'lCliur) ll.Jllid 5B (lis BANK RATES loin -T lor; I'til. Stuu-s 1 lies. Hunk li- lent, J-ch, 1, 1- ..4 J'cr CE-ilt, Jail, 9, 39V1 a ht cent, r-cjit. iil, lyjv 1 per cent, Sept. 9,1936 ,..3 -r cent, J.iri.

15. ly3fi I per cent. May Id, 1936 percent, July 9, 1U36 2l2 per cent, Drc. 1, 1933 li percent, July 2D, 19Jo 4 per Lent, Ilec. 1, 1933 3 ji.t Z'i.

135 (J eriiii.riy It.ily Nelticrlainli, licl*tuira Aiiitri.t Sweiien spnin KinS.iri'l liesuili: li 'lllii GRAIN MARKETS Friday. cj i.f-'. jt sLr-aj. In 1 1 inrre! itlf. 'ii tirinjv'i, "jmdrt'ij uu c-ri! w-Ve Aj.r 1 Mv o3s.

6J r. 2 tA A)ir-Mav Zl. Xo. 5 C'a- l-i. i Ari! Miv 2It.

i.J, 4 u). ai--J, N-h. 5 KB. 1 alJ- 1'2'i V) FtbrL.ary 65s 41 id Ni Nu,!, Aii-- ii-'irmr.

tts -A 7j So'-tn A lr-izri Jiai.Ltrj 521. ZZi. Id. lbrurv 31 cn Walen 1 March .51 15 I- rer.rji, rr, tfjarv 26s. 9J.

iir (j jar r. iTT I a ffl.fcf. JfJIN Iiape mure er elevator ii -ri have I I I'l'lj i i-. 4:,: fcH zijaize. LIVERPOOL, Fiiiday.

UJI! par-: 1' a-Ii 1 In. 3d fr T.jr'.'-f hitr-ULr. hlci. (AtLanl.cj 51 1. ami No.

4 ir.r -j Jarnsarv i 1 j. Ai.s- i-a! at. tit M2acl.ei:t:r oli. 6'J. 1 rA.ant:ri Januir- arl.

Hjil 2 7.L. No. 1 1 AriL-May C-ZjI. 2 S-j. 3 31.

-No A ZjjI. 71K o. I veri Jan ar 3d, Sr'- 3 ilvj ard No. 4 id i AtJJi.rii.aii Frbr-J-y o'J- Ibyary 33 Mrtii 53'. I.

Sou'-fj a.i-s Mairra April 51 ti. 26. 01 PoiU 0r. 54K.p 5 lo 27i. 64.

fijMt creels a radc-J Su'-urts to --ri. cental dearer, d-ie ti Srf.i rt-aricetav and anJ it luitAt th vsee'it ihe ri tio n-K ur 0 la e. The ct r. i s'rirjj on rriorr 60 per cent ol the rryp htrf ata jy beet. sold.

btte" i-jprcs's cauicd il.g'.t r-ri- fc leadinen in ff-s valued rtrc. erel. The. clo; was iLe alti loaJs. (iRADEU IVilKAT FCTURES Bui.np3 dnnc Prtvirjin fljenni Ct'leiSng ci'iiny allies Ilirjhr.

Lw-i vaSnci altji 6 3 i3 77g 8 73a M.iy 6 5 tii 6 i7a 6 5 f- 42 Juiy 6 5 Sis 47B to 6 4:2 MAIZE f.arce1! (dJe Jar-imi-r 2oi i-j'j IS. Jar-ia-. Fehrtary. r.d Mirco tJ- 7.7-!., b.te r.ew lor Jne ihip- rraeEt was traded ifi tL fAint h'arf, 3 5. 7l2'I.

i led at 15s. 6d- 6icl BRLKY ai Jaf.Lrr 15f- J-J jj-arierj at 1 5, rrtan January 15. id PE: 61. r'i at 27. bsjU; derr-ard rathfr hcTTfa'.

WHEATFtCD ard nitrhac-ed; iteady denied. (1. d.l a. S. (rr Ru-iian to! lab So.

1 44. 1 i lre! So. 3 X. Mia Si 4 Australian. il.r-.4-si,., Iti-iafe Dan Gal Pr, 7 Oi 6 lli 7 2 7 Ii B.

Hate Yell. Plate S(J. 2 Wlitte Flat Af'oin Yeltuvr 7 4 I5i lKnnbaa.a. 1 JTatArcsn 3 IS, Yell. Iti-sii-n iteajH (per tnrt tntar 21 rlo.

oM erap) 25 iUnjrorm b.p. atSr.13 Feaa rjcr taro.) 7 0 Patent 28 'j 50 0 Bakera Zl 0 25 0 Straiabtrun 26 0 27 0 25 6 Man'cta pts 29 6 32 0 French 23 6 Gr. Str'ghto 22 6 23 0 Wheat Feed BeetWeafgj 6 9 7 3 Ortt.Wea.fi9 6 3 6 9 Eroxil 7 0 0 Ord. Brat-. 6 5 6 9 Earlev(oer6G01b.

19 Dutch Jjf'fzt. 2J Outcb 16,11) 17 Oat. 'per 320 lb.j Mlaert Can. Feed SamUe Can. dn.

Wllite oCmn.Fd. IS SoJCan.Fd. 18 ao.a Laa. iu 9 JTo. 4-Can IS Plua ia.

6d. per aatek for the craotav-Idprtj of Grala l.i Mala. Flnixr Feaa Eeaca TtrrtaT Thli weeW Thia year Last yas 1,9 JKJ 2,319 284 7 198.820 1338 5,213 "1 2SS .22 611J3i 47.633 3373 1.157 37,061 19.S67 MANCHESTER FARM PRODUCE. Friday Pctatou: Clteihjre, 6s. to 7a.

5tL; Lincoln, white 7a. la Kdvardi St. (x1. per cart. Tnrnipi.

aiheI carrots, waiie.1 7s to 7i. 6J. per cat. Valencia, larae S. to 8s.

1 la all 9,. 6'1 ta ICs. per caic Lompanv. (Jn the agreement oecom inj; effective thn company will have a capital of divided into 300.000 redeemable 5 per cent preference shares of each. OOO.noo ordinary shares of 10s.

each, and 600.000 deferred shares of Is. It is intended in the first place to place for cn-h IjO.moo of the -preference shares at a premium of Is. and 300,000 of the ordinary shares. 0 er 200,000 of the ordinary, together with all the deferred share-, vv-il I be subscribed in cash by the Tunnel Portland Cement Company. The meetines to approve the.

agreement are to be held in Cyprus 0:1 February 10, but shareholders on the London register will have an opportunity of the offer at an informal gathering in LoikIou on January -28. West London and Provincial Electric and General Trust. The companv lias created 200,000 3: per cent redeemable debenture Mock (l'J5(j-7tji stock to be at 97 per cent to the piefer-mte and ordinary stockholders only. The sum of pi cent is payable on application, per cent on allotment, and the balance of 50 per cent on April 1. Applications, which lie j'or amounts of 50 or multiples, ehoukl reach the company not later than Tuesday, January -3 Interest on the stock will he pnyablo ha i r-yearly on -piil 1 and October 1 in each year, and the first payment, of inteiest will be on October 1, In the event of over.subscription regard will bo had to applicants' holdings vi the company's preleronee and ordinary j-luck.

The is-ue been undcru lif.en by Messrs. Urcnfcll and Co. for an underwriting commission ul 1 per cent nnj an overriding commi-sion of i cent, on the nominal amount the stock. The net as-e's as at Match 31, i oer the amount ol the s-tock two and thice-nuarter t.nn s. The interest on the -vjL-k will amount, less tax, to L5.4i'o, an averatre not revenue for tie- live years nf i.1 j.SVJ.

Anglo-French Banking Corporation. With reieienoe to the recent circular to shareholders them 1 sell their -hares at 7s. (Id. per'-hare. )ltr-.

Price, Wa; erhonse. and Co. announce that lKiieliolr)ers who hold in the aggregate ovi Su per cent of the is-ued' capital hae offered tinir shares on the terms and arrancrmcnts have been made bv ihe to the The necessary lnin-fr-r deeds will he di-patc-heil to the during the next few davs. J. Allrcrt Pr-lt and Co 1S2B) 'i- riT :i.i-'s Ir.ri,!, I li 1' 1 r.

lit 1 1. llB.72Bi, -1'rotlr i I lli--- I o. si t'j; O. tlC 01 LDnrton PrDduca Clearing House. -1J 3 LI ir ff-E-t lir f.

-e 'i-. lHU'l'Ti" f-harri 111:1 rj.i-l (4123 447 -i. is.u-m- ii ilis. at ol din and I'rc: llio- I nn.lon l'i e.u'.ii--i.reri kjr car to Oclol cr 1 1 10 ppr imrhar (n per Pill 1 2 u-r In 2 SCO I 3.8?)2 C53'. Peclnrd Lunt and Co.

del. I--! siir. eii 1 11 rnuns HieeriT 10 iidr rpnl war Iir ccnl I m. LI Tarran indmtfies. ni tlici -ir 1 i ritr ipar 1 null r-i 5.521 ci.rco i f.i- rp-tit T.i( ni.iin-pn.i n' i.7 1 nil; 2 0i; ea 5 I- k-iii.

1.670. Cnl'ier and A V. o. r-im 21 yer cetu nr. John Cattcn.

1'ro-t of 4.4 f' i 1 I i ul in i Crown Rrewing. 1 eu7i nirmv -n :c.I--'nip:, 3 er cer or. (e.iinar ii rrnt 1 MJO fi -ni an I'.J-'iir 1 Li i 0'1. I'laril Gjard-Brldgo Paper. In- and Hall i- 1 Corn Exchange- 2i r- l'er r.rnatnsan.-l 1 Coal and Allied U.

-((-- 1 i j- .1, ii, On Bank ol Ireland Pr i4S '2 11 1.i-m (l1 11.5Ss BeKait Ban'dEr-g. V'r, 43 5S3 i- n- lien i l.C i'. 1 Henderson Line Mp-r- 1' 1-n- 11- Ic-Pr r- 1. oil -i Jjri.4T 20 43 20. -Mary Law Union and Rock Insurin-e s.

Air .1 en i it. 44 -M 1'. Lonrlan nnd Lancashire Insurance rinai. in 31. C.

rapir. Queensland Insurance -I'rcf. 1 -3- Scr'B 41.9(.-S'. 1... 1 I'Ll', Ijlirvij 34.BC5 Aidlijrd Houst (Park Lane).

I aiolpr.d fi ail lor Birminrriam and District Investment Trust. cect Governments tlsnl --Po 1 Slacki and i-o rt Securities Invest- 41 U. 1 2, ppr -1- to ro' l'i lloU.e o. -i p--i (t, 11. rcer-, 8 1 4.4.

THE MONEY MARKET Treasury Bills Slightly Dearer I.os; ox. Fr.tinv. c-f offered ul: amount Mere were applied t3r was 3' the total the lotted a. under loans were 1 rates were tor Treastiry W00KS L1 onereu rcr a. 9-lo 1i-j2 cent, ar.i 1 I T)3j)cr.

Quo lions ana 0.1:1-. ran an 1 Hates IIaiiV tnijlan.i Ter ccr.t r- una 37. 2 Bankers" deposit i Brc-xer" call Brokers Day-tc-iny Ic-aju 7-oaj" Icaaa BiU IV cm -Jxv tfnlj -52 i irjonth' bank months' ln '15 i taor.tfc' it 1-Z 6 mor.its" irae 21: 5 Lust Tnraury liil rrze 52 I. per cenu In the builioa. marke: price 0: poli was tixed Id.

up at 140s. lid. per tine ounce. About -H4jX0 was paid ior the at 19d j)t-r ounce tanufird spot. DOLLAR'S APPRECIATION Further buying cf United State; dollars against sterling was noted In London the spot dollar appreciated to 4.95 13-16 4.r.6J), while forward premiums were widened.

Movements in the gold currencies were very narrow, the French franc being again, "unaltered at "4 61-64 and the. guilder at 7.27J. Spot Swiss francs were for, and the "final rate was 15.19 (15.20), three months iorward being in request at a reduced discount. The snot beiga was cheaper in terms of sterling at 29.3H 9 30), but the three months forward premium was advanced to oc. (3c.

1. The lira was called 61J (61i) and t'ne tree mark 12.25i (12.29). The Argentine currency appreciated to la.25 (15.33; and the Brazilian to 2 43.64d. (2 The Hong-Kong dollar eheapened t.i 1. 3ld (Is.

3 Canadian dollars were dearer at 4.95i 4.911 1. 1 usually LI" Li" 1 iser that at the prese-st' rale lh" selected u.ilhcs. but the hances few beriowcrs are reduet th ut in annua 1 hahi'u a forwnd. Tiie rate was the companies to rates woulct rep re-hlv ieducel. on an bv from I substantia, offset against the 1 hit, prospective increases coal ami erf tile Southern Railway certain moneys earmarked fur rate payments by the companies will be freed and may Ijecomu available for dividend payments.

Whether or not this puirfjeslion is sound the judgment will ho of first-rate importance to railway stockholders. The history of the present case, which is in the nature of a test case on a matter of principle, the result of which will he applicable to all the companies, goes hack to the Railway (Valuation for Rating) Act of 1030. Under the. Act the railways were to ho assessed for rates every five years, the first quinquennium beginning on April 1, 1031. The work of valuing the undertakings for this purpose has necessarily been eom-plifatril and has produced a sharp conflict of opinion as between the companies and the Railway Assessment Authority and various local rating authorities on the interpretation of the Act.

The companies claim that the Act introduced, and was intended to introduce, a new method of assessing them for liuinir purpose-. The Assessment Authtnity id it did not. The order of difference between them, expressed in cash terms, is that while the Railway Assessment Authority calculated that the Houtbrrii RailwMv should be assessed at 2,150,000, the Railway and Canal Commissioners made out the liiriu'c to be .077,000. l'i isionallv me routnern Jtailwav lias hcen 1 tlie Southern Railwav has aimu ll valu ot ono. In the one case, therefore, it is faced with a substantial inr-reae in its liability fin rates, in the other with an 1 1 i'ii more substantial decrease.

The House of Lords' judgment will determine which limine it is to he. Whatever the House of Lords decides the a.s.sesincut will be retrospective, and it is that if the fitr-ire determined by the Railway and Canal Commissioners is upheld1 the Southern Railway will be entitled to a refund of 300.000 a ear for the ie years 1031 -3. If the assessments of tiic other railways are modified pioportionately the threat Western will alo lie entitled to receive the London Midland and Si-ntti-ii 1.000.000, and the London and North Katern 730,000 a year. The position in respect of any such refunds is obscured by the fact that in Ui-2:) the railways were partially and since then they have bef'o sell 1 of (1i i'i'p-nnrf(r! of the red iction in local rates into a. I spc ial fund for pn mcnt of rebates on I criain siici-niea n.uii- The lel'uuds uuuld p.

csumalilv have nine nut of tin- future i-esouiens of account, for the rebates, have ady been tlisbui -cd. It is qucstum- ibis air- aolc. to say tne least, wnetner tne 1 ol account uoum oe aiicquate sucn circ*mstances to irn- l-lls'1 Motional Provincial Figures n.ircl.iys Rank, on the basis of lecenibcr balani-e-s'neet, had cmpioved of additional deposit rc-souiees as against lt'3l. maiu'y in the bill market. The increase in the National Pro ineial Dank's deposits is I bar JLTi.riOO.iHui.

ai-d it ha used these I 1 Tiriuiari.v to mak hurt loans to Stock F.xi haime tirms and bill biokeis. Cash and ad.ances are ea. biihtly down and bdss and ie. estment ea' ii I up compared with n-a. CS5 47 s.5;?.s:4 J2.27;l.:sj 6.

3 95 J4.6ol.-ii5 1 .1: .4 I li.niT -S 44.1:9 1: A. Ivan, ts C-h tc 111, 517.3S; 1" i d-1 In the Sihvr Market Sellers silver further put down the spot price in the bullion market to-day to H'd. per tandani ounce. Since the I Chinese Li'o-. ci nnicnt has controlled 1:1 de.i'.ei? i-i Bombay mined the Shanghai Indian i have main! deter uce tne nrice.

middle ot 1 eck nese de. 1 --o Boiitbay. COMPANY AFFAIRS i Cyprus and General Asbestos between liouidation of the company, in 'wrucii event will eceive no return whatever on their investment, and acceptance ot three deferred shares of Is. each in a new company for every two ordinary shares of now held bv them, is offered the ordinary share holders of the Cyprus and General Asbestos Company, successor to the business of the Cyprus Asbestos Company. Announcing a further and larger loss for the year to June 30 the directors of the company express the opinion that it- is impossible for the company to continue as an independent mning enterprise under existing marketing conditions.

They have therefore entered into a provisional agreement for the sale of the assets to the Tunnel Asbestos Cement Company, a new company recently formed by the Tunnel Portland Cement Company to manufacture and sell asbestos cement. As consideration for the the 11 I 1 1 1 iiiiu- i i-. I (I -i v- .1 on- In the improvement ot prntit.iui.ny t'le list the banks have certainly1 ebi repayment of a great many' oi-ihie ioans, and th--v find ab'e difficulty in relondmg tiie money; on terms new bori-cnvcrs. wiio iM i Linei cheancr aceiimmod.i e-i oniec-n'-'-'i- orsanisat ions. c-000 i a nd 'J-1 Combined Clearins per J1U0 U.S.

LtinJ-ii nt rca camd I l'rer. Ihl, 1 CK-M- Ij ih6 1 llliflles art 41 1R-W ll4'l Sliancliai is. ,1.1 1 2J, I 1 2J1.1 .1 1 iilver Rate ror payments the Bank af Enfiland: BKrcpmcnt Piastres 621 e-. J. a- isli ar.rdi.nt I'tranis SI.

1 lur C.nit:(i:lrr AnpV-ltaliMi Jelits I.ircbl.SZ Empire Exchange Rates ll'cr 100 1 llu. inj: rats S.ii-li llni illO0-s J410C1I, Iliin.lcs.a fcSHJa Ai.stmlia tlltlS1 1144 New Zeal in. I IBlZS'j E1'J4 l' I'. Ucio a mi Forward Rates of Exchange Current rales on certain centres for settlement one month forward are shown below New Vrk- lirusseis, Vnrla lloliiina Sl.itn 3a la epui iiiiili-i bj ut 'I t.i 1 CL-tlUine-s isjs tu li'j- nvi-r sjiut 1 I 'L cMits i. L-r iot 4 Li nvor spot 315 t.i iiB over i.iu.t OLDHAM STOCK EXCHANGE IiiVLicst ua on rood calo yustcnliLy oil the coitcu Jiuli fchuru jnurUot, but busim-s only iii-jLJeriite.

i'ricc-i sU'iuly, with a linu undertone. In tiic )tc; liitt iotj tr tfc tiL-a ai 3i acJ IhiVy at. 1j, o. ij ii ai-d MHi'Jj v.jit. niijuiii-J lur ait j.nd jtoyiun at 4o u.

hun lt fLrm aronud 11 O. tcri.hurit tic. ai.d ALliertui. arobiid -i. lJuuii tj.itr ail.

Jo'j, Ucrarj at Ntwhty IliriR-, at, aud Must Icy toria 3 'J Mel-buurue were en d-iy dt 44-; nd itt 3j4-1. -Alitcrt, 1U1.0, iOo.O, I4i2i Asl, 17.0; A). 0.tfc Atlitrtou, S-4Jj, 3-t O.oi, Oj i5; ioUun IJ iJiJiuaLi, iUtj, vJati. liruiidi-tcjne mil, 4,0 dia.i ditto a p.c.

Uultft, 0,3: Catru fird 3 Closer. Crolt, and ittale. 'lJ, 2(3; Combined HspUan oJaj, Of7i2; ditto 5 c. o.y, Couisuercial. 18.6 dia Ll'lJUiJ, 3 3, Uroiner, 3 3.

3t; JJee, 11,0. 11 Deltd, 0,44. Devon. 34 U.j.e. J.a, Uraoo 3 3, 4 Hrjjumit.

ldz, Eclirfe, 23; Kra. EJ.ll-j. 10, li-j. facii. 3 i.

Falcon, Sb, 5.10J; 5,3, 34: Fir, HdIIv, 0 0. 10 0: 16 Lancaabire Cotton Curijoration UaO 5-16. t0 7-16: ditto Oa6; rlttto income X16, jE17; Maiest-io preL, l'J 6. Maple, Marland, 0 Marlborough. 7u.

Meibrmme, 4,0, 4 a. Milr.row, Z73; Mo-iler 30, 3 M-iLutl, 33. 7, N'ewhev King. 256. 27'rS; Ocean, Zi.O, Prlt, 3i6.

376; PJ. 13: PJitm. 26. 3 Prjr.fn Wales, 4 0. 6 Rot, Rovtr-n.

4fj6, 516; RnubT, 17 '6 fihaw Clouph, 2'3, 3 Slack. 140 12 PiimnerH. 0-9, 13; Sun. 17.6. 1B'6; Ruin I.JTie, O.

I'mled, llj. Virtnna, 3412. 40; .1 and 0 9. ltli: Willo Bank, O'o. 1,3: Wren.

li. 4J. 1 be lolicn.c.ij era Ct.v,rs;ou d-Uo tin. 102rf; Utrrby poj dt.oQ 5 jir. rtvL H'J'r; ar Ijiii, 105 15-16, 106 3-lfj, lu5 15-16; Allied lioaffjusdera, 'itiiO; Afiyc.

1'ortUitd JcLDtnt, OlJ; Alaoc, Eloctnc, 43; Assoc. UnLi'h M-aitstcn, lir'Ja; liabcucki and VS jlcox uni d3 Hj; Urocjtlehun WhuLcn i.J j4i6: liritiah-American 'lobacca 'rd lL'j Ci.mmrdl, J.aird, 6'lli, tt'J; Couriauid, o'i ltjN; L-iit. J. and 61 p.c. 31 'riinrlt, Cor, 83, Oj MaU Truit, 560, Dun top, 4l10iA Duuon'i Breviary 7 c.

Ondfrcy, Pfiillini. 48 l.r. 18 H2. Gmanmi, Cicneral 1 jr i' 3 I me mat Nickel, London rVjiimy Frueh'rl'J and Leasehold J.r,.- Temperat jre farbunnatiun, Zll'i Mcl'r. Tfj.O; MoTtir.s IjCO) pJ'L 15-1G MicKacl.

Sum. and Orwiwich, 76 4 a. fl. 10,: I'rtidtniinl 40; Pearl An.irar, 25 Radiation, 7B'-ti Uedj-ern ki. fiber.

0. fi'l. ii, ii a7i2, 8 a 9. l'a. sy; RJo d4 ir 37 Ililey Cocntry, 6 pr- 21 7t 3'alfv Coil.

44 Stanton Irc.i 32 T. Tiiijuy, 6" fi; 'Iu 66 r. V. TavU.r. 10 T'nt-d 26r6 ''6 (2r; Slat Steel.

84fi: Walker r. Ktimlraii 2j 9: Wall Paper d-M Wfii-f rcmh. 7 31 ij fVjnol rlati'd 4'6: 1 4j New 1 63.: Mines, 44 "r.juaT-.rr.L 1 fl'iirnah d. 7 0: 9. e'JO.

dum "7 2nd prf 33 T'lmdad 91; Klarane Prrif. Kala Kanfunr Plant 2'6: rj I Faanadron Rubber 16'72; Bn--h r.i -lira. 1 3. LIVERPOOL TERMINAL SUGAR MARKET Tr lar i 1 an.l T'l'e-l qu.el'J pr.iei. ahoin: S-'ar Ol-FICIAI.

CALL I'MCE-i anil. Liicdoil Ccstlict Cine S6 c.l.t. -tlnjiiy- 5 JO jj.m Cloalnir li. II. B.

Jan Mary 21 March .12 Mar Austint 4l2 December 61j 6 i' 12 i 0 6 21 5fl 'i 15a IU 2I4 5 234 5 Z'2 H2 fi Jl2 Ei 6I4 1 6I4 -i 612 FOR HOME INDUSTRY LESS TO POLISH or ihe "Silver Foal Book co SAMUEL FOX CO. LTD. Sioctabrldte World, Nr. Sheffield. 01WLI.R MET VUu STAINLESS STEEL YtMt BUaOEAS UltCHUrt STOCKS IT aAlJI i 'I 4 hd Vj lira, 1 1 e.

P1 1 71 11 an -s 21 Ml t'. ir.tal Argentine lily 12; fi Hallway po d' pi Suuthern ltnilway 22; In Britannic 2-'51 pj Internal!" mil $17 Sg f-cotl i-h Tnion A li "6 M'i'idi in 11 s's -j ulan-is "1 I1. 1 pi Taii'lj. Li.ob. 2:: 1 1 i.lxyg.

11 12u 0 i -116 'i 11?" 4 -H 4i i'" 2i -MJ' r. 9 I'A 1 --i 1- i. -OS 77 i i 1 1-0 -ia i'j' i -i ij i l- 0 -7 3 3 -s -0 3 i 42 1 ii 'i I 37 3 2 3 -ir 7) ii 1, ,1 9" -C' 6 b'. 3 7- 9 -r. 3 71 5 1,1 6 ir 1 4J is -j a 4 3 OH lO) Ji 'J 46 6 4- 41 17 '-li A'i iSia HI -03 -1 6-'' a 7r 3 74 lii U7 I'O 12! lajij in 113 117 109l2 13 3 Banks IV i-e ah 1 i ri 11 Is 15 4 14.4 12 2 pir.s..

2h0 50 --1-2 27. JS7 Midland Pei 4j0 P. l.7 II J1.4 A iv.o:,,- 40 .4.1 4ii Lloyds: i. js: 373 Ot IV i esllS d-ii 10 5 10 7 10 3 A.lut: 35 sS Barclays: l-l 402 3K --S4 of IVoesr.s ifh n.i ie.3 i A-i 33 40 42 Weitminsur: osu 22-5 315 3C? i s'a l--5 101 A.iViUict'S 2o 35 2-s National Provincial: l'epcsits 29S 21 of Deposits c.ish 10.5 1XS 12.3 Advances 37 oS To describe tiie uses to hu J.P7! ll 0 11 4 ll. 1 41 15 5 293 06 tne banks rut their extra deposits to refer to how they got them to raise, climcuit problems.

7 9 143 0 tsrs 1 Marks i7iE.RCif -Miii pule it. 1 lV-tcn i I'. A. 0. i l-F I lv-ti- 1 "nit I r.i.

11 J.rr,-.., ll ii- -iLcr- d'taii 11 r1. Matth II 'i eUt 3k, J.J Tri Ivjs s. iuniori Newah; Vnilever 1 n't Mi'laWt, I "tattr-i 111 c'- Will net uln yComb it. Wlur.rtl: Li-r; Ii 19 7 17 i he i 74 34 63 121 I'A I Hnl. W.

1.1. 1 tate i l.vie bt' Mt. (ict. Sci'lUsh Inv.X. I i a ha.rc a 1 6 KA.NKS rciri-Lay- ri.j.

li (i iDCO A Rrit.Uv.-: v-Char-Jri: India lliatrist A .1 li Kns.Sct.t A ho: Lloyrs- Martin. 4. ili.ilamt ii2)p KB 3 li l.l1 1 li'a" ri i. 1 l. fx 6 6' Nat.

or Eypt -21; Sat. ot India 43a Dia. 3 '3C. J'. 431.1 iJ-i IJ 1.

1 Dn.i.s..r-1. 4I2 S. 1'-3ib' UnionDisc'nt I 6 a.1 l.p.i ii 3 Dl sc -lis INSURANCE 32.e Ccrn'l Uiilrjn. Itig Eajjle Star ic ZVw tmploy rsL tt 4 sietuAcci'terit 277i -CSuArl'an tig Leiiil. A Lane; 14 N.lintk Mer.

Norlliem 1 Ptoen: I I 'HciyaL iHnyal Kic'ge I -1 llB lis 1 FOREIGN COLONIAL RAILWAYS B.AJi Painu. Bi.Jt. B.A. We-tem. 3J.

Cent. Argent. 2 1 ir i HilUXl.lM2.j 9S2 -r 2 li-'t Ilia 12Jj RUBBER AND TEA A.r.i3uiiia:r 16 3 -rC'lj i A-rvglo-Ctj lis i Aiigla-D-jTcb. 227 0 3 LcmrL AaiMic i i5 3 I 25 0 1 276 I Ii 9 1 Lumut Cevior, Firai 4 5 0 1 i 5 Com i i 5 5 Ferat 3 3 Qj3 125 lUni Tntvjmtxl 10 13 rZ2 EtberJohflre 15 5 Docan 1 liubter Tnat. K.lnt-K-TrU3t 20 Oeo.

Cerlo. His -riss Srada4Vxn 33. 7 i Z76 ieo 23..0 2J0 2 ISO 10 0S I RishtI.wLd Si'-Js -t3Z Studio Tcx- i imuenaa :2 i2 1 10410, 14 Jivt ran BUAycr. 2E-0 Knaaanine 3 4J Teiogoredic 13 0 hW. 39 I-ili iCi 133 proportion of bank ueposiis heM on i had lor a moment been re a Iv havers, current account, as against deposit 1 ha resumed To vras distincrly greater toward nrs was described as ltiim! end ei 1935 than a.

year earlier, i tive selling It was added that there Betw een November. 1P31, and aic diffn. ultics rciorted from Falls it I.C'iiuo;: 1 IIontr-Koiig 'J. a Kwai; Mining lout 20 0 in (i 1 Pit 1 luj H)7 ijiJ Settlement Dates -p- i.rt. llCh.e Jan.

Jan -Feb. 4. 0 Ai-C'-lJU LIVERPOOL STOCK MARKET ere a mo ye- 's Breii.rT 9(5 2: or '1 w.i.'- IthVr i.n 22 9: ,2:, n- Q- n-. Irae. C.r;cra: o.i 2 12 nri.

i- JLsil.a-eu or.l 99 9. c-iia. Tire: A. 2 j9 1 T.nO 55 ICI2' t'-T, 7 rur. pri 21 al I-cs 5 3, c.

3 H4. L.1. 8 -'p' 54 7 cct. c2 7i 8 p- rem. firef.

20 ci-Itt. t. 79 rji an! I.v'.c Ijlr. 91 Cj; o2 10-2 c'j-n 30 --i Col-J run 2a 2JTssts 7 G. 2- 9.

7::. 26 2 it SU, 2-? 25 .2 -3 26 6. 2 9. Zh 2-j 9. 2 Ids 26 71 26 26 6, 26.7: 25 9.

26 10' Z.3 Co --rciAi 9 17-32. 916. Ir.i'.'irf. 37. si 90 9 3 i 7 prri 2t 3 25 '11 9 I.

e-r 9-16 I 22 Sta lrj-4- Car-T. l-a-M ir-L. 81. V.cti-i 3 i'z 20 r. n20 6'-.

C--at Pt'am Shi3 5 t-t: 20 6: l.a-rath:.-. -4. II a I a sicaa i.os 23 a--a. i- Xci: accctinL PARIS BOURSE PARIS. a rnara-ej It Tr-la; oi.r-.

tc, -cr tie iLe -If tie Yeaterdav'a r-1 in Rcctei -aas r-a rail litit pT.0-1 cl-aeJ wttbcuS nich cLa-aee en the lay. Tie r.ty ci baricirz ahres Ir.terraticua!" rerezine? a. iteajr market, v.ih stnall ea Fcreifr.era -neritlT 5feerieJ a itead- arjeararee. altllriRh asae aep Kt-rptin li red and to a les Crfsl.t Fcnrier faed to 1 ai zzich as late ari pr-re. 1 Eoral D-ttrh reediaj 1 to 23.6r.CV B-a-4l-jnl were hipher the cLinter.i share were qr.ittl- itea-i? ard rtri.r-irt tastes cenerallT ahaiie Interest rubber share.

ai alio rather bt prei in -'nitae-a xaaued to -I recent a-aiia. Th lata aeaaire cc the Panraet ii feata-eteti. ir-art fi-ra a ree-oTen 100 tran. in Ecral 23.730 Healer. BIRKENHEAD CATTLE Friday.

ttp e-i. a i to 7rl n-MTEiiarT triflWfiwj -flUi. htiry ciher ducriptisu.53d. It 6rL. Ttranj ccl Et gain oc.

a ifva Tmne. With new uuen inpcretj tarMtcr rsw cn the nrutet Calebs vzzl poenrr liszxasd-At lavfr Tatl-ta. The Sect ccU.if rrm.1 ICd. tc IOI. tz: crniro irna'! weijil- All prices iwtr lb linlrfrff -v.

e2lL spjlies: 1,709 Irish cattle a-d 1,057 November. 1P35, only 1S.CW.000 were auded to deposit account, while i. were aaaed to current accounts. Sew savings -were nrobablv of no c-reat importance as a direct orirrin of the additional batik deposits. Rather it may be said that Government spending and notably the exenance control purcnase or goui ana ioreign currencies aurin currencies brougnt into existence assets which the banks took up, crediting the sellers with claims against thera termed deposits.

Thus perhaps it is more correct to say that the banks expanded credit ilcns; particular lines in 1935 instead of along other lines rather than that they used deposits to increase one type of asset but not another. Railway Rating Case The judgment of the House of Lords upon the appeal against the reduction in the Southern Railway's assessment for rating purposes, expected to-day, will not now be delivered until Friday. Recently there has been a certain amount of buying of home railway stocka on suggestion that if the llouseof 'Lords upholds the revised I i a..

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.