SlaughterMAX. Now on /idgames! (2024)

This community project is meant to spread the joy of making and playing slaughter maps.

Release version is on /idgames:

There is a version for coop that isn't included in the idgames release. It still needs some testing and will be released separately.

SlaughterMAX Credits


===========================================================================Advanced engine needed : BoomPrimary purpose : Single play===========================================================================Title : SlaughterMAXFilename : smax.wadRelease date : 1/1/2020Author : VariousEmail Address : [redacted]Other Files By Author : N/AMisc. Author Info : See bottom of text file for full credits.Description : SlaughterMAX is a community project meant to spread the joy of making and playing slaughter maps. All maps that were submitted and had a UV Max demo recorded were included, until there were 32 maps. The demos are also included in the zip file, so if you ever wonder "how the heck is this even possible?!" or just want a good show, check out the demos! Note about difficulty settings: Ultra-Violence (renamed "UV Max") is the main difficulty that all of the demos were recorded on. Hurt Me Plenty (renamed "Casual") is slightly more forgiving and is recommended for casual play. Hey Not Too Rough has been re-branded as "WILD!" and has experimental, ridiculous, or very hard gameplay that is sometimes barely tested, and will usually be harder than UV.Additional Credits to : See bottom of text file for full credits.===========================================================================* What is included *New levels : 32Sounds : NoMusic : YesGraphics : YesDehacked/BEX Patch : NoDemos : YesOther : smaxcoop.wad will eventually appear and can be loaded by itself and contains some necessary fixes for coop playOther files required : None* Play Information *Game : Doom 2Map # : 01-32Single Player : Designed forCooperative 2-4 Player : Coming SoonDeathmatch 2-4 Player : NoOther game styles : NoneDifficulty Settings : Yes* Construction *Base : New from scratchBuild Time : About 9 months from project start to finishEditor(s) used : GZDB, DB2, SLADE, GIMP, MS Paint, Bitmap Font Writer, HxD, and whatever else the various authors used!Known Bugs : There's at least one soft-lock. Watch your step!May Not Run With : Some of the maps will not be performant in GZDoom, for exampleTested With : PrBoom+ or GlBoom+, complevel 9* Copyright / Permissions *This work is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view acopy of this license, visit are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;and remix, transform, and build upon the material. If you do so, you mustgive appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate ifchanges were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any waythat suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use thematerial for commercial purposes. If you remix, transform, or build upon thematerial, you must distribute your contributions under the same license asthe original.* Where to get the file that this text file describes *The Usual: and mirrors===================================================================================== SlaughterMAX ==================================================================================================================================PROJECT LEAD: BenjogamiMAPPERS:42PercentHealthA7MADantares031ArchiBdubzzzBemusedBenjogamiDanielAlexanderDododamianelmlefloatRandKiller5mArt1And00m3r11339MemfisNirvanaRjYScottySpectre01tourniquetXyzzy01Yousuf AnikMAXERS:A7MADAncalagonantares031BdubzzzBloodite KryptoDanielAlexanderelmlemArt1And00m3r11339Player177Spectre01The Green HerringTITLEPIC is by DanielAlexanderM_DOOM, INTERPIC, BOSSBACK and Status Bar are by antares031Title midi is from EverquestIntermission midi is a midi version of "Chill and Rigor"from 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 DoorsThank you NoisyVelvet for recording the autoplay demosThank you elmle for testing WILD mode===================================================================================== CREDITS FOR EACH MAP ==========================================================================================================================MAP01: Mud ElementalMap by: MemfisMax by: AncalagonMax time: 0:01:53Midi: from Phobosphere=============================================================================MAP02: ShowdownMap by: DododamianMax by: A7MADMax time: 0:04:13Midi: E3M1 (Untitled) by Bobby Prince =============================================================================MAP03: Canyon BaseMap by: DanielAlexanderMax by: DanielAlexanderMax time: 0:12:25Midi: Last Ninja 2 - Central Park Loader OST=============================================================================MAP04: Struggle BugMap by: A7MADMax by: Bloodite KryptoMax time: 0:01:29Midi: "Heretic E1M9 Graveyard" by Kevin SchilderAdditional credits: Sky is by Mechadon=============================================================================MAP05: The Broken MachineMap by: DanielAlexanderMax by: AncalagonMax time: 0:03:22Midi: Street Fighter II - Ken's Theme=============================================================================MAP06: Sons of LibertyMap by: ScottyMax by: Bloodite KryptoMax time: 0:09:13Midi: "Yell Dead Cell" from Metal Gear Solid 2Additional credits: Sky is from Sunlust=============================================================================MAP07: Lift of EnlightenmentMap by: BemusedMax by: Bloodite KryptoMax time: 0:01:42Midi: "Gutknot" by Thyrbse, from Hell Revealed 2=============================================================================MAP08: Dang!Map by: 42PercentHealthMax by: AncalagonMax time: 0:08:16Midi: "Legion of Fear" by Knightrider of DoomAdditional credits: Sky is by Eradrop=============================================================================MAP09: Heavy ImpactMap by: Yousuf AnikMax by: Bloodite KryptoMax time: 0:22:21Midi: Children of Bodom - Lake Bodom (midi version)=============================================================================MAP10: VelvetMap by: floatRandMax by: Player177Max time: 0:09:40Midi: "Crystal Teardrops" from Castlevania: Symphony of the NightMapper comments:"When I started working on this map concept, I had some few constraints; * A rather constrained space, after coming from Confinement project I hadsome hungering for more.* Contains invasion finale that can be accessed from start* Shortcuts and secret doors aplenty"Originally I had floated idea of making map sort of silly 'revenantfactory', with conveyors moving them around, and finale being bit comical bitwhere you open security system to slam a button that releases all revenantsinto the factory. I had even thought about using 'Spalding Factory' themefrom Barkley Gaiden. However, I must I struggled with the theme (perhaps itis just that I kinda am bad at using Doom2 textures), so I kinda went with my'safe space' which is magical libraries etc. A throwback to 'Felt' ofDisjunction and first map I made public. But perhaps it is masturbatory toreference something so recent - and something that is not perhaps that great. "Either way, doing slaughter-style gameplay proved to be bit difficult withthe set constraints and maybe feels like afterthought. I hadn't really donethat much slaughtery stuff, outside of specific encounters fromDisjunction - map10 finale particular. I also tried to make the finalencounter difficult to cheese, a situation where you have no safe corners tosit in and you have to use to shortcuts / openings you made prior, but if yourush the switches to the exit you can access outside section which can be usedto safely kill revenants. Oh well. It isn't the fastest way apparently, so Iguess it isn't that bad of a deal. "Oh, and I did enjoy making those 'elemental plane' sections. The 'elementalplane of fire' worked out much better, but the water one? I guess I didn'thave as many ideas as I hoped. Oh well." -floatRand=============================================================================MAP11: ritournelleMap by: tourniquetMax by: Player177Max time: 0:09:37Midi: "Amethyst Princess" by rdwpaAdditional credits: Sky is from Speed of Doom=============================================================================MAP12: AbscessMap by: NirvanaMax by: BdubzzzMax time: 0:05:18Midi: Secret of Evermore, Mini-bossAdditional credits: Sky is by Mechadon. Bdubz for testing and demo, Scottyfor fixing sky transfer woes.Mapper comments:"I was originally going to make the map a much more wide open, canyon-likespace, utilising the contrasting rock textures you see in the starting areathroughout. However, once I built the entrance to the main building, Idecided I liked the idea of a river of blood pouring out to form a large pooland the concept became "where is this blood coming from?" I'm a big fan ofusing the default Doom 2 textures (it's one of the reasons I was drawn tothis project), because I think it forces you to think outside the box interms of textures-use. In this vein, I was inspired by the gaping maw inSunder map 2 and decided I would design my own giant demonic mouth using theIcon of Sin's big ugly teeth. I really like how it turned out and love theDoomy boxiness of it all."This big mouth inspired the rest of the room, with the skin and braintextures overtaking the area and this room inspired the name of the map; thedemonic presence sort of eating away at the rest of the world. If I had, hadmore time to edit the map I would have altered the final fight to be a bitmore exciting, but I was happy to punch out a little map without too manyhangups. At least Bdubz enjoyed it :D" -Nirvana Maxer comments:"I put the most effort in to getting a FAST time for this map because it wasturning out to be a little friendly competition ;p 5:2x was my goal and itended up being 5:18. I think to really improve it anymore it comes down toinfighting RNG with the first encounter that you skip. (sometimes when i wentto the final encounter there was barely any hell knights left, other timesthere was a lot left and a cyber) Also screw those mancs on the cliffs :p"-Bdubzzz=============================================================================MAP13: Rocketfest 2018Map by: ScottyMax by: BdubzzzMax time: 0:06:49Midi: from Rise of the TriadAdditional credits: Sky is by MechadonMaxer comments:"This demo was the most fun to record and the time ended up being pretty goodfor me since I'm not a speedrunner :D" -Bdubzzz=============================================================================MAP14: SlaughtersteinMap by: Xyzzy01Max by: BdubzzzMax time: 0:07:02Midi: "Evil Incarnate" by Bobby PrinceMapper comments:"...what. I literally made this random throw-away map (that I probably wasn'teven planning on releasing) over a year ago to deal with mapper's block I hadat the time, and somehow it's now part of a much larger project?! ._.Regardless, I am immensely content it found a home here; making it qualifyfor this project really opened my eyes to the world of slaughtermapping, andnow I hope to make more slaughtermaps in the future! :D"Anyway, the idea behind this map was to just make a challenge map, totallystyled to that of Wolfenstein 3D. I always loved those secret maps in Doom IIand decided to make my own! The various encounters in this map used to be mucheasier, but they all had a similar theme: a fight that forces the player towork with the limited space they have in each room and incentivize the playerto herd the monsters and find ways around them to access ammo. I think thefinal version of Slaughterstein by Benjogami still has that aspect intact,which is a relief! I went all out on making this as 'wolf' as possible byhaving ZERO light variation, items and monsters arranged in a grid, largesecret areas, and I even simulated vines that are hard to see through likethe ones from that game. The thing I like the most about this map is itssimple nonlinearity; you can make your own path through it by choosing whichdoor to open next. I think about the only thing I would change aboutSlaughterstein, looking back at it, is making those secrets less generousthan they are. ;)"I gotta say, for a map that I wasn't really taking seriously while buildingit, it's becoming one of my favorites! I should make more like this one...Oh, and thank you Bdubzzz for maxing it! You got thismap accepted after all." -Xyzzy01Maxer comments:"Mostly a casual Max with a couple of fast strats I practiced. Nothing toimpressive ;p What was fun about this map is there's a lot of ways to goso you had to think about 'whats actually the fastestroute to go for a UV-Max?'" -Bdubzzz=============================================================================MAP15: NecroveinsMap by: BenjogamiMax by: A7MADMax time: 0:05:22Midi: Original by PRIMEVALMapper comments:"The idea that started this map was the maze of viles far below the floor thatwould resurrect stuff that died in the middle of the map, and everything elsewas speedmapped around that. I made it in a single day, less than a week afterthe project was started, because I wanted to set a casual tone for theproject, with simple but bold visuals and blunt gameplay that still inviteddifferent approaches."I chose the map for the 15 slot because it was easiest to patch a secretexit into my own map ;)" -Benjogami=============================================================================MAP16: Blood and StonesMap by: BdubzzzMax by: BdubzzzMax time: 0:21:43Midi: "Atlantis Theme" from Banjo TooieMapper comments:"My first map I completed. The focus was more on gameplay that I findenjoyable/challenging and not map design/detailing/layout. There definitelywould be a few things I would change looking back at the map but I think itsbetter to leave early projects untouched and look back at them.. Did Iimprove as a mapper? :thinking face emoji:" -Bdubzzz=============================================================================MAP17: Literally UnplayableMap by: BemusedMax by: AncalagonMax time: 0:11:06Midi: "Gotham" by Lee Jackson=============================================================================MAP18: Swiss Cheese StrikeMap by: BdubzzzMax by: BdubzzzMax time: 0:23:28Midi: Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger/Secret of Mana medleyMapper comments:"2nd map I made that again mostly focuses on gameplay. The textures usedthroughout are kind of random. This map has a couple encounters that ended upbeing pretty cool but maybe a little extreme for your averagedoom slaughter player." -Bdubzzz=============================================================================MAP19: Last LightMap by: BenjogamiMax by: Bloodite KryptoMax time: 0:11:41Midi: "Opening to Hell" by Bobby PrinceAdditional credits: Sky is by Mechadon, edited by BenjogamiMapper comments:"Similar to Necroveins in that it started with a single gameplay concept thatI wanted to explore: a huge mess of corpses inside maze-like partitions, andthen a huge mess of viles is released into the center of it. I didn'tparticularly care how the corpses got there, even if it was more grindy thandifficult, because I felt like the vile phase would be a good payoff."But of course making all those corpses is a large portion of the map, so itshould be somewhat interesting. I decided that each of the 3 keys shouldtrigger fights that were tense by themselves, and that choosing betweendifferent orders and combinations and timings of keys should bean interesting process."The tall bright fireblu pillars that mark where unused megaspheres are was apurely functional addition---while testing, I found it annoying that I didn'tknow where the megaspheres were, and adding a bright fireblu pillar that wentdark when the megasphere was grabbed seemed like a good way to fix it. Thisled to the map's name and the theme of fading power/light." -Benjogami=============================================================================MAP20: The Mouth of MadnessMap by: elmleMax by: elmleMax time: 0:32:37Midi: A remix of the Shinra Company theme from FF7 called Son of Chaos=============================================================================MAP21: The OuthouseMap by: BenjogamiMax by: Bloodite KryptoMax time: 0:03:54Midi: from The Elder Scrolls: DaggerfallAdditional credits: Sky is by MechadonMapper comments:"I made this map and then wanted it to have a home, because I really likedit. Because it's a small map and doesn't really stand by itself, and becauseI didn't have any ideas/motivation for a set, I thought about the sort ofcommunity project I might like it to live in, and came up with the rulesetfor SlaughterMAX."After writing my comments for Necroveins and Last Light, I realize thatall of my SlaughterMAX maps (and probably a lot of my other maps) start witha single gameplay idea (usually involving viles) that I want to explore (sothat I can play it myself :D). This map's idea was to have a whole mess ofviles that the player can't deal with and has to run from, and then to havethose viles pursue the player and filter through the map and combine with theother resident monsters to create a randomized oppressive mess for the playerto solve. I wanted every phase of the map to be very oppressive. It's also abit of a love letter to Doom's wonderfully simple but random and surprisingmonster pathing. I like to make maps that play differentlyeach time." -Benjogami=============================================================================MAP22: Electro WizardMap by: A7MADMax by: Bloodite KryptoMax time: 0:10:28Midi: "Bergschrund" by James PaddockMapper comments:"A map dedicated for players to take their anger onhordes of Cyberdemons and archi's" -A7MAD=============================================================================MAP23: Pandemonium UnveiledMap by: ArchiMax by: A7MADMax time: 0:12:57Midi: "I Sawed the Demons" remix by Jay Reichard=============================================================================MAP24: Dead RingerMap by: A7MADMax by: Bloodite KryptoMax time: 0:22:32Midi: "Guardhouse" by James PaddockMapper comments:"I forgot to tag all the monsters with the 'deaf' tag , ooops..." -A7MAD=============================================================================MAP25: Castle of HellMap by: BdubzzzMax by: BdubzzzMax time: 0:18:52Midi: "Sidstyler" by Machinae Supremacy Mapper comments:"4th map I made that is themed outside of a castle ( ended up being thesmallest and undetailed castle ever). The idea was you eventually go to ahell like area in the map. I wanted this map to be short ( so it was easierto MAX) but to still have an epic final fight, which I think it does ;)"-Bdubzzz=============================================================================MAP26: EviscerateMap by: Killer5Max by: Bloodite KryptoMax time: 0:10:44Midi: "Goin' Down The Fast Way" by Lee Jackson=============================================================================MAP27: BacknForthMap by: BdubzzzMax by: BdubzzzMax time: 0:34:01Midi: Forest Theme from ActraiserAdditional credits: Sky is the EP4 sky from The Ultimate Doom by Id SoftwareMapper comments:"3rd map I made where I actually thought of a concept before making the map.You go 'back and forth' to a new encounter at the end of the map each timeand when you go back something changes on the map/monsters appear etc. Thiswas harder to do then expected and ended up just being small encounterswith more monsters. I also tried to stick with a 'theme'for the map. (marble/hell textures)" -BdubzzzMaxer comments:"This map was by far the hardest to get a UV-Max demo for. It eventually camedown to nerfing some problem encounters." -Bdubzzz=============================================================================MAP28: The Eclipse of BetelgeuseMap by: antares031Max by: antares031Max time: 0:41:38Midi: Psychedelic Eyeball - The Day of DefeatAdditional credits: Sky is by MechadonMapper comments:"Try to load this level with GLBoom+, if you're having a frame-rate issue.Thanks, and have fun." -antares031=============================================================================MAP29: Skindustrial Sector 04Map by: Spectre01Max by: Spectre01Max time: 1:34:01Midi: "Winds of the Destiny" by Petter M\E5rtensen, from HR2 MAP20."Church of the Machine" by Symphony X, from Scythe 2 MAP30.Mapper comments:"*HNTR is the intended difficulty!*Large, abstract "skin-tech" city that's partially submerged in an ocean ofinfected blood. Designed to be played from a Pistol Start. Originallyintended for DMP2017, as a sequel to my map from the previous year, thislevel ended up here instead. The goal was to make a map which pusheddifficulty to the limit of what I find enjoyable in Doom: Medium-scale,high-threat encounters that limit the player's mobility; whether through highmonster density, environmental hazards, or dangerous turret monsters (hencethe 4 Cybers in the central tower at the start). I also wanted an epic finale,which lead to the creation of the sandbox-ish, macro-slaughter fight to wrapup the map. Considering how long the map ended up, while maintaining a highlevel of difficulty, it wasn't very friendly from a saveless/speedrunningperspective. I ended up moving the intended difficulty to HNTR, and the morereasonable HMP to UV, so the map could qualify for this project." -Spectre01 Maxer comments:"It was still way harder to get a successful exit than I expected. Playingconsistently for a long period is not my forte. The demo ended up being 94minutes long, largely due to extremely conservative play in the final area(also platforming in Doom). Also, -shorttics really suck." -Spectre01=============================================================================MAP30: Bugger ThisMap by: RjYMax by: The Green HerringMax time: 0:01:44Midi: "Opening to Hell" by Bobby Prince=============================================================================MAP31: Assassin's GreedMap by: mArt1And00m3r11339Max by: mArt1And00m3r11339Max time: 0:54:19Midi: "Evil Incarnate" by Bobby Prince=============================================================================MAP32: Power OverwhelmingMap by: Killer5Max by: AncalagonMax time: 0:15:16Midi: from Gubble=======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

Project specifications and rules


Basic specifications

Format: Boom

IWAD: Doom 2

Textures: Only IWAD textures, plus you may use WFALL, LAVFALL, and SLMFALL from cc4-tex, and you may transfer a sky. Please include the falls and sky in your wad file, if you choose to use them.

Acceptance criteria

  1. All maps must have a complevel 9 UV-Max demo. You can record the demo yourself, or you can post your map in the thread and hope that someone is inspired to max it. Please be kind to your fellow Doom players and don’t harass them for demos. If you don’t want to do it yourself and your map isn’t attracting any takers, maybe it’s a sign. The demo doesn’t have to be fast, but it does have to be saveless, deathless, complevel 9, non-TAS, with max kills and secrets.
  2. It has to be a slaughter map. What’s a slaughter map? I dunno, but I know one when I see one! Monster count doesn’t really matter to me. Size doesn’t really matter to me. Anything that’s hard or that might be called a “challenge map” is probably fine. Anything that has an intimidating number of monsters attacking/pursuing the player at once, even if it’s more grindy than hard, is probably fine. But I don’t want to be in the awkward position of saying “this definitely isn’t slaughter, will not include,” so please do your best! Perhaps check out this thread for reference. We’re looking for something like high 2 and up (“high 2” meaning the hardest maps from wads that are rated 2). Although Combat Shock is listed as 1?! Whatever, the list is far from perfect, but hopefully gives you some idea.
  3. Maps must make no use of map-specific actions, exits, or features (7, 15, 30 kinda stuff). If we get 30 or more maps, secret maps will need to be warped or clev’d to, and something special will need to be made for map 30, I guess!

Both the mapper and the maxer with the best time will be credited in the CWILs, and the fastest demo for each map will be released with the final compilation, so I’m hoping for some fun competition.

IMPORTANT! Once a map has a UV-Max demo, that’s the version of the map that will be in the final compilation. I can’t think of another way to make it fair and fun for the maxers. Changes that don’t desync demos are fine. If there’s a bug that really wants to be fixed but it will desync a demo… well... if a max demo was recorded, how bad can it be? ;)

If you want to post your map forsome feedback and testing and want to reserve the right to make changes, pleasespecify "not ready for a max demo yet" in your post.

Please also…

  • Implement Medium difficulty such that it’s slightly more forgiving than Hard. If you don’t, I’ll do it lazily for you.
  • Implement Easy difficulty such that it’s a fun or ridiculousreimagining of the map. It can be harder than Hard and it doesn’t need a demo, but it’s a good idea to test it with saves at least. See my map for an example of what I mean. If you don’t do it, I’ll do it very lazily for you.
  • Keep a single post updated with the latest version of your map for easy reference.

MIDIs! PRIMEVALhas generously offered to compose midis for SlaughterMAX. If you'd like him to score your map (preferably once the map is done and has a UV-Max), please give him a PM with some thoughts about the style of midi that you'd like, an example of a track that you'd like it to be similar to, or however else you can make your wishes known! (It's probably too late to do this if you haven't already)

Misc. notes:

  • Arbitrary due date for all maps and demos is January 31st, 2018. However, if we reach 32 qualifying maps with demos earlier, map submissions will be closed and there will be 1 month to work on finalizing those max times.
  • If you want to make more than one map, that’s great. Let’s say a maximum of 4 maps per mapper for now.
  • If you’d like to make a TITLEPIC, M_DOOM, INTERPIC, status bar, or anything else like that, that’d be great! Post it in the thread and we’ll have a poll at compile time if there are competing submissions. A speedrunning AND art competition? Wow! Sorry if you don’t win---I think you’re great just for participating!
  • Maps will probably be ordered by me, by some vague sense of difficulty. I thought about ordering them by best max time, low to high, but then the end of the wad will be huge and long, and I’d prefer some long, grindy, easier maps at the start rather than short, brick-wall-hard maps. But maybe they’ll be ordered by best max times within a few different episodes or something.

Final changelist:


- smaxccop.wad removed from release, will be released separately- ritournelle: new midi: "Amethyst Princess" by rdwpa

RC2 changelist:


- Slaughterstein and Canyon Base: Swapped map slots- Slaughterstein: Improved Wild mode- Canyon Base: Improved Wild mode- Struggle Bug: Fixed a missing texture- Heavy Impact: Fixed a midtex rendering through floor in software- Rocketfest 2018: Improved Wild mode, demo is in sync again- Blood and Stones: Improved Wild mode- Swiss Cheese Strike: Improved Wild mode- Electro Wizard: Changed some W1 teleports to WRs- Electro Wizard: Improved Wild mode- Dead Ringer: Improved Wild mode- Castle of Hell: Improved Wild mode- Back and Forth: Fixed some missing textures- Back and Forth: Improved Wild mode- The Eclipse of Betelgeuse: Updated map and demo added- Assassin's Greed: Improved Wild mode- Added smaxcoop.wad which is a standalone wad with fixes for coop

Edited by Benjogami

SlaughterMAX. Now on /idgames! (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.