Responsibilities and functions of the Secretary-General (2024)

SecretariatGeneral: it refers to the executive,administrative and financial apparatus of the Council that regulates works ofthe Council and provides it with data, information and studies.

Responsibilities and functionsof the Secretary-General:

TheSecretary General of the Council shall exercise the following functions andresponsibilities

1. Running the technical, administrative, financial andorganization work of the Council, under the supervision of the Chairman of theCouncil.

2. Follow-up of different administrations in theimplementation of their tasks and responsibilities.

3. Making suggestion of the formation of administrative,academic, evaluation and accreditation committees, and review theimplementation of the Council's decisions and follow-up this implementation.

4. Participate with the Chairman and members of theCouncil in making policies, plans and programs of the Council.

5. Study and review the applications submitted to theCouncil in terms of form and content.

6.Preparingthe decisions and recommendations issued by the Council and its committees, andsubmitting them to the relevant authorities.

7. Ensuring that the forms and technical rules to befollowed by educational institutions are filled out when presenting their applicationsto the council.

8. Coordinating with the relevant authorities on commontopics and issues presented to the Council.

9. Follow up of educational institutions on implementing theCouncil's programs and work plans, and submit reports thereon to the CouncilChairman.

10. Acts as rapporteur of board but is not entitled tovote.

11. Carrying out the duties of the Chairman of the Council.

12. Carrying out secretarial work for the Council’sadministrative body and its committees, and arranges for its meetings.

13. Follow-up of educational institutions to submit thetopics listed in the Council's work plan on the specified dates.

14. Any other tasks required by the nature of his work as SecretariatGeneral or assigned by the Higher Authority or the Chairman of the Council.

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Responsibilities and functions of the Secretary-General (2024)


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