Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), November 4, 1854, p. 2 (2024)

9 atffikbffigp jm vim ahna prince menscuikoffcoajnoapdcd in person all the heights were crowded with i und t hi russian army counted 400l0 bayonejjsr- from all the points of the crimea in tfc orningtberejtrttfed from thitodusia 60t foavah nd0 piecca of heavy tad fieh itulefy from tbe beighu which beys fapjeilwrnisnans coum oounnsamtaft ttawtry man from he 19th to the moment when we arrived oa the bubbjtaacb print napoleon at the head pnavyioji f aabicgbi yiileuafanrw 6re f jta wt aiao batteries the pnnee showed himelf worthy of the great name he bears we then armed at the foot of the heights an- der the fire of tbe russian batteries then sire commenced a real battle along all the eesroattle witttir eptodetwtjrilnjbir fcate of wafer yborbajestv may be proud of wiolherirlhehave not degenera- tetbjta are tle jpwier ofamtett and f jaaa at halfpast 4 the f waaamrraberahrmtonous ait oasa dean earned at the pojovofth merer waa aachaaihnaia evaa la woaadad rosa frosxvtbe groamd to join fc ow itft the bngh mat wib luae maaseaof the enemy aod with graat dia- e u everything waaarmouatad v tba koghh attaeawlin raasiaa- posi- h admirab otd tliih m an ewrried them and drove o th b ot o h rivals that of antiquity aaoa and musket shot calmness which never left him in the midst of be displayed a the your excellency will be able to judge if thee is much prospect for the russians in varna jbr reinfotov hedeytsballbel be awsatell 4eeavey is real abt ita plate the moral aad spirhfof tfclarmi are admlmble therjfe natats ofrqops of hi arms left hereon tslbtkrsyw re6ht at mbek before the end of the month my health is as usual it has sustained damage amid suffering crisis and duty all tww wnl p me imyngfthajaddle 12 hoars on the day of battle hot my strength will not give adien monsieur le mareehal i shall write to your excellency when i am before sebastnpol receive 4c afaaihil a di saiht aahatjnt the russian account are happy to find that the young mens assocutioa of toromwta which we wbh cffirednttelfcofcall ie great question of human anctjhat lu members are deter- j to far ah their influence extends not to cmsjnteoanc the timeserving policy of thejaetpl5fwrofthmejsociuons in tmfeighbotg landwhishwe nominally ohriaiian but which in too manyinstances ignore the very first principles of chris tianity twaho a w to c to r mijmtyi ddmlbloiisr djuastaaic jtma wwul to hoar they arm ajeaul 3 appreciated hero with christians across the line lest tbe christianity i canada be brought to the deplorable condition of the spurious article current over there tktam los ct wwh awr000 atarahalpaskiewitch issued a bulletin on the 8rd at warsaw giving the buasian ver- sion of tbe battle of the alma the loas itaaoaoycr throa da vthe allies is reported to have far weeededt that whited sepulchre the american jtjacjlsocjet lately thou we hope not successfully been trying to gel a foot hold here and no pains will be spared to that of prince meosohavoc tbe russian loss is put down at 2008 the english say 6000 and on thewbotetbe wsrsaw des patch is maovto mad prety- much as if the victory waa ahogatheroirbo aideoftba ruasona instead of against them th carriage of prinoa menachikoff with h private ec wa taken b the frenel rw tngwhgr wi mo bwatall the villages reach finea formed on tbe heights and tbe artillery opened its fire tbea it waa no longer a retreat but a rout the russtansthrew away their muskets and knapaackiin order to rua t fatter if sire i had- had cavalry i should have obtained immense reanlta and menschikoff would no jooger have had an army bat it was late or troops were barrasmd and the ammunition of on aruuery was exhausted at 6 oclock in tbe erecting wa encamped on the very bivouae of tba russians my tent is on tbe ver spot wfaerethat o prin men- cjnkdat mood in tbe roorning aad who or assooiatioa which does not by word and cgwterjnossjaj mensebikoff an enghetaayvjjjjjj tf tove not their tbe battle the- theypa suffering severely from- illness during the hottest of tbe battle o much so that he bad to be sup one account says he left hie carriage there i have taken possession of it with his pocketbook and eorreapoodenoi- and shaiuske advantage of t information it contains too kaaeian army wul probtyberfelentairy- two leagues from this and i shall find it ttr morrow on the katacba but beaten- and de- anrahzed wbfle the allied army isfuhof arbour and enuusiaaa i have been compelled to remain here in order to send our wounded and those of the ynifnyin i wfanintilp- anddfptoftmre he had eleven wounds on bis body but at lajttboountrbbwaaatflh aapsjutitkwttndtrovisioaftomtrftset i the engkhhave had ifioomarjmtr ienjeamial the duke of cambridge is weiljib division and that of sir geo brown were superb i have to regret 1200 men ken it amial 3 officers killed 84 wounded 253 subofficers and soldiers sall- ad and j03s wounded gen canrobert to whom is due in part the honor of the a wss sh wounded by the splinter 7a shell which struck him in tbe breast sad hand but be is doiag very well gen thomaaon of the division of the prhee is seriously wounded by ahallifa tbe abdo- ma t ruasuma have lost about 5000 men the field othstle b covered with their dead and our field hospitals are full of their wounded we have counted a pror partkai of seven boaaiaa dead bodies loose fnmth tba russian artillery caused as lam but ours is very sapeljottorthbirartt shall ab my fin regret not having had with me my two regimaata of african ckasseurs thwzooaves wen tbe sdmirauoo of both armies they art the first sobfien in the world aeeestsre the homage of mypw- iwasljityspeet and of my entire deroted- muuaosal a dc satbt amaob bit bt auaaaai da by blmobr mri wfcikr urnni mill ruts c w otniji stiller bbbibos 0 w jixtalt cliroi4 kobtrt bowdttaai r w l b sunta bwri c w a bjoaulowloa wbrrtaailuah ihywood d17 cll t h i yoh 1 mtont or tub l soldiers france and the emperor wul be satisfied with you at abaa yoa have proved to the russians that you are the worthy deeendanta of the conquerors of lylaa and of the moskawa yon have rivalled m courage 7 ny b aad your bayoqe ibave earned fbrommme aodwehefended positions soldiers yoa win meet the uaaaans on your nmdv sw you wul eonqaef tbem jmhave 5tla to the cry of kef imftptmrr andyouwill only stop ase- haawipnl it is there you wfll enjoy the re am which ye will have well deferred kamef baltleof alma sept fa beaqaarters at alma settle field at alma sept jj18a4 motmdrwmtosttemy omoal report sfreaeh aeeeont to your eieelleney of the detail of the nlsdktday of the 30th but 1 laaim f- the- otmrler to start without srvina a few words about our brave soldieri the soksmrffiisdaabdtbeaa tersts are hhi under our eotoura memieur le mareehal this tbe battle of alma has proved there b tbe same glow the sbaantoiuiam courage everything eaa bedom with ujnen when they have bfospired with eoofidenee tbe allied armies have earned poswona truly formi- oabie in roinz wer them yesterday i rt- he is badly wounded in tbe feet another in the hands amonjrtbe wounded on the british side waa sir c newton of tbe scotch fusilier guards he wss shot in tbe leg and fell when downrtbe russians are studio bsve brutally fired upon him and best him with their muskets and nothing would have pre vented bis brains being beaten out on the but the- thickness of bis helmet orcsp brother whom thdy have seen how can they love god whom they hare not seen v 8 provincial freeman saturday nov 4 1854 tratrtttk mnuirmm iti f aurad wfilpper r laeal aavata corwiimcturtir tmahw wtoakv colaiuo frmous winrlar c w omci d fjptiil dwrohd b t wantefw brasmk cyrr ckraj d a a orara tilactaatte wm wab rwir mi w braws wal ckemv rm t 1 ku wii r t h t sb tfebk w bfowa bjvrlsbsaj wb shu vblmllpbls jifsiubnkl7s jl ctrj nlm rmbj c w u moki boiud botklo lttl roaw abbanibarik c w jotuhasd c h colli brakruk c w nssn tfci 11 rr tf- iitmiroauscaj bwutasp big bmi y hasxwiwsivwis twiiulwn mwi thrlsttmi as- mcifstsm gaia an entrance and spread their noxious sentiments quietly and insidiously but none the less surely whenever occasion ofiers7 canadian christiana occupy a poaitkm which pecttharlyenablea them to hold and disseminate sterling christian troths out side of the influence of and holding a posi- tkm above prmlavery churches the only way they can exerein an influence for good k fewiywtnntwvitieewithanychnrch tttttvtfvoriimu ofyfrahutble journal o hear the ti pressed oaiaiab of one upon his first visit to her majestys dominions also to know that cimftniaa interest is not entirely forgotten bere in the far west in that th pruvin- maine r vermont- mbtwiiin after having heard and read so much pro and eon concerning the province of ca nada latlsst resolved to know for myself the truth of the problem by crossing over the water after long meditation the scheme waa mamve journey and on the 29th of auguat i arrived in canada and com- siencedby first journeyin aforeign land the frankfort ky ytfavaa thus describes tht funeral of the rev london farrill of lexington who waa borna stave in vir ginia and moved to thai city more than thirty years since he was pastor of the first c bapt church there and had succeeded in building up a church number- jandfeotnenibbrir more than eigl he had baptised more than five thousand persons during the course of hit ministerial labors s we were in lexington on sunday last and witnessed the fnneral procession of the rev london ferrfll a colored minister of tua ftnanal wtuvm laftti mm announced in our last usne with tbe prediction that his ho niu in waw hamnshhh nnfi in tnnnecll- cul three or four in new york ono or two remains wouldbe fouowedto t g hy wyi s jn jllinnu nnd on or tivo in neir jere ih9e4waskimll received inrfirrateovwitlrtlieutniostpolit o- irgennu we we right m that s fouowmgesalajaltiho-tt- j putting the number u bt m possible we judge there were between fifteen hun dred and two thousand persons in the pro cession composed of about twelve hundred men and tbe rest woman a thousand of whom were walking four abreast tbe rest were riding in sixtyodd carriages and twe or thirty were on horseback such a number of pertonirpaying theirfaarts bute of respect to the dead we have not seen since the burial of henry clay and we have no doubt tbe regret of those who ac companied the corps of brother frr31 as he was familiarly called by all who knew vhim to the grave was equally as heartfelt as that of thegreat number of mourners who followed to their resting place the earthly remains of the illustrious statesman jtanrn wcrn there from all the adjoining in flhuthnni i was in 3untiesand sunday last will be a day the w to counties remembrance of hieh will never be oblite fta from their memory the procession reached from the first colored baptist church to the cemetery a distance of fifteen or sixteen squares ness during my short stay in that city ronto is also most undoubtedly a rich city and well worthyof a visit while in- her majestys dominions after leaving toronto in my course to tbe west i visited hamilton and spent a shor timew jier very enterprising inhabi- unts hamilton 1 most say if not as rich as toronto certainly presents the appear ance of a greater commercial city from hanston i steered my xtmrse t chatham regret that i did not stop in london and there waa kindly received by mine host mr d by whom i was treated with all the af fection of a brother the next day after my vited by my a respectable colored man named henry f smith while passing up centre street oa ins way to church last monday evening the gfoev m speaking of the young mens christian aaaoebtfon of this city which by m evil eommaaicstions has been tempted to stray from the path of christian duty bat which w rejoice to learn no longer see men at trees walking- says 1 a esvyosmgmenvchriatiaii aasootttioa was held at buffalo in june lest m which e duly accredited represent diclfrosa tbroqln too his seat at the begmiwof lb atasfeo mr holland the toroito3elegtvrr properly presented the following reaojtmmi that the vrtoaso to this ccovenltai rwgntos the christian senrtr mail is christ jesus ihereto nehbef bond nor he and tbrrefan- cordtally lavw au caristiaa founx smb of whatever degree ot conatiien in life 10 an equal participation in the advantages ihaetecuoooarceakalamdsdamwd mudas t he wordiog of thw resolution was however ha ahn wa too apparent to meet with sympathy even in a cruriaasoc tion and it- wm k referred to the bushes oommittee ia other words nothing fartbar was heard of it- at a meeting of the toron to asaoemtfen shortly after the return of their delegate a motioa waa made by c of the members that ihb asmdalioo deeply regret that the fa td ress jootanton of uw y m c awodatioor of the b v- r vrgfish and french had held them the beoumbeverubirthm everythmg ia mpre calm and ehellhwm brought in by thedoaert- etawprwoners are more brtcise we can probe tbe enemys wound the ices of the russians is considerable tbemwur stores it to bare been above gvooq the army fitdwieartened iirtbe jfe 20th hlmd uplilin twoitrineei jo with the left wing marched on elsrai the ri wing proeea to bemek but they welrewitnobt provisions thwoawjedenembberedtiwm the road itrewed wwtthem tbipodtd sue eeaav atmsuur to misistre wldarloriou paw to ow mifiury history and gives to searmy a moral force equivalent to 20000 xo bumun have ft 00 the field f faftu ytfona knapsacks nd more than flfc muskets it was a regular rout mmenbthikoff and his general were 7wiog kh w oolud 8tslcs aad british provinces acid in bunatoskabulaav shrinked from discussing iu ope convcniioq the rnoluiipn ubmlbcdbr te of itt ileriia and iarther ibat it should hav taeulyrejtcml ihai rswlurlon ihe sptrlt of klch was u decideaiy u hanaoey with the dic- utes of the gospel at tttaneubg referred to thin resolu tion wa rieoted by a majority of three and a motion paatedap a mnjon with the united bute associations without any reference to the question atthemeet- ing on tuesday evening this subject again came up and a free discussion ensued which malted in the following reaoftrooo being adopted thai ul aawclalloo drsfres emphaticahy la reheraie ine sentiments embodied is me rso- tmioo propowdtiy its delegate si tbe coovcauoo teal ia bufaloia jona iuc aad would trey 10 tbe goeral committee 0 the alliance that if lb leslioient of um said resolution be sot re- fzol in the formation oliu eoostilutkm kl cb i said ath why any diftvrence of opinion on this quesouu sbouldvbtiiin amonjfrt ur young menit h difficult to imagine friendw dk- eomkma however always tend to good jod iredob tiorthuiathe pretent insuaee thaajtod of some may have reserved ia- oeme which sljrbbjnbjsjh goad to wtmrtto was attacked by three ruffaxuvuweoirwint breshra and maloae who pursued him to bis own house where alter being struck with a boardby irwia with such force u to break it and stabbed three timet with a large knife by maloae he fell overpowered his wife cried murder which caused a nunv berof persoas to eolleet woo detained tbe t wa eoaveved to the ii posiee tatidn sergeant mc caffrey and otters henderson tad kealy hastened to tbe spot and arrested the offend er irwm and breabu are eab driver and matoa haehee hut a few days out of the penitentiary from a letter ower dale of oetober 25th received from bjehawnd viigibia by a gen- tlentan is thk city we have been permitted to act h following circ*mstance a eelond young nata and womaa being about to get married ad bmetisg with strong op- posrtiob to their wishes from the girls ssother and sttpfatber cttompted to elope but were iatercepted oa aa examination of the matter the girl was found to be of fullage and they were aceordmgly married the affair bayiag thus terminated contrary to the wisht of the opponents mr reuben west tbe stepfather became so exasperated that be took advantage of tbe feet that the young mta mr smith bad visited the city f philadelphia about year previous and badbubarrested rader tl law p coloredpermsfrom reridmgia virginia after having visftad a free state mr smith was obliged to leave and lut week started brbostoa tbs parties we are informed are all well kaowa by persons in toronto and should west ever show his fee here be will be treated with the scorn he so richly merits a correspondent of tbe 5 sends tbe after complete survey of natures works tbejnitfirajfalu i and tte adjacent -curi- ositie sorb as the suspension bridgexun- dya lani battle ground with its egyptian like towei ifortbe accommodation of visitors wbowiahltbget a perfect view of the spot on which wss thetene of one ol the bloodiest battles said to have occurred during the late war between tbe united states and great britain i took tbe e av 0 r r- atll senile j my way with great speed down to th town of niagatavtherei found tbe royal maif- steamer peerless and after a few very pleasant hours sailing i found myself safely tanoedtlthetoronto wharf stepping ashore i found plenty of hacks and cabs in readiness to convey passengers to anypart of tbe city but of course i only engaged it bein late in the evening a a lit- tie rainy too when i arrived i concluded to remain in doors until the morningsboald ar rive the next morning came and i started out to see ind lea whatever i could about the fast city that i ever tard visited in ca nada among other places that i visited i shaltmention that to tbe office of the pro vincial frtman and being highly delighted with my verypolite reception from tbe lady in the guair i was constrained to enrol my nme on tbe list of yearly subscribers to our- orgae the jvirtiiwiaj jveesia i would not be doing lasbee to myseli ana tne unitrt states lejjewcoigiefls the following table exhibs the result of the congressional elections in the eleven states which hav voted compared with the present uongresp arkansss california florida pennsylvania ohio indiana iowa south carolina 8 6 20 21 0 1 3 is 12 1 1 47 4 0 0 10 1- 39 total 21 6s administration majority in the present congrmajoprttonajpritvjnjhejew congress 44 loss to the administration fix in the abovetable weheve conceded the election of fuller itrthe 84 districtofmaine though it is not improbable that milliken may receive tbe certificate on account of fatal in formalities down in aroostook but- it is of not so much consequence that the administration is in a minority in these states wc want to know how slavery and the slave power stands compared with free- dom and the free power go we are obliged 1 r w ii li tttnrttl- to place the six missouri whigs wiinihrzr administration men jriving slavery 27 and leaving freedomonly59 amajonty of only 32 one hundred and fortyeight members are yet to be chosen 74 from free states and 74 from slave stateain lhecontest upon slavery it ia not safe to rely upon any southern member for a voteonlhe right sidesowemayadd 74 tothe chosen and yield the slaveholders 101 mem bers without further remark afull ft use consistb of 234 members a majority being ll 8 the only question then is can the slaveholders get 17 more members from the free states yet to elect these states are iheiotlowjog btalu membtn mew hampshire 11 2 4 33 5 statu illinois mmhtn 9 michigan 4 wisconsin 3 calculation rertdert close wo we b jiemthatfreedom is boundto succeed boston telegraph worthy friend mr d to participate in a little bunting excursion and being accommo dated with a gun and the other little neeo- saries we began our excursion to the bush we had not travelled far before we came up with a small body of the aborigines who were enjoying themselves as if perfectly at borne but as our business was with tbe other aborigines the fourfooted and more massachusetts rhode island connecticut new york 33 total 74 new jersey we cannot see where the seventeen pro- slavery men ar to co fromt th ma o have never-unulnow- been furnithed with anything definite enough to place before the public of late itwas reported that the british antislavery society had adopted this coloured institute and deputed mr scoble a leading english aboitioniit to superintend a thorough re- volutioniiinptif the establishment hutit would seem fromdrburns letlerhajas yet there are no symptoms ofnewtrlonnd vigour our columns are open to any par ties officiallv connected with the concern should they wish to answer dr bums queries or to furnish any explanation on the subject we have no other object iu con senting to the publication of the drs notes of his visit snd impressions than the deve- lrtpmentoftruthandthebenefitof cniourca people x piwoc73 things at buxton is douhtless owing to the prudentnndcnerfeticmannrementofthe ev mr kinsr aw j curnjipontiencb of the nr tribunej bloetlbhdds at washington washington d c fridayoct 6 1854 a few days since while passing down tenlkjgeefrfromysyl the smithsonian institute before reaching the canal i was overtaken and passed by a large dog which i afterward learned was a bloodhound with bis nose on the scent close to tbe ground as he hastily ran along he dragged by means of a rope tied around his neck a twolegged creature apparently in pursuit of some game and who but for some after developments might hare passed in tbe worlds great eye for a man natur filing little interested in the nutritious ones we passed on the otberside i cannot speak of the result of our excur sion at present any more than to say that it was fine oner before iieft finaly i visited the principal buildings therein among which i only have time to speak of the markethouse i make this re- mark simply because i have heard so many ex such as if yon go tojcana da you will starve freexeto death e but i en imprtially say that the market did not present any such dreary aspect as above quoted at all i truly concede that chatham is well termed tbe eden of canada here my mind became thoroughly convinced of tbe fact that there is a field for colored mn to labor in a long way this side of liberia i must remark ia conclusion that in short canada is in my opinion the colored mans home in america i will also state that to day i received my first number of the pro- object of their pursuit as my steps quickened my eyes followed them about a square when the dog taking a sudden lurn to the right run between two high piles of boards in a lumber yard atthe canals bank jerking the attach ed appendage with him as i approached a few steps more nearly i beard tbe most hideous and heartrending screams of a child and fearing one of tbe several children whom i saw on the bank fishing had fallen therein hastened to the spot for his rescue but my fears hadnor been for tbe worst jfor here almost under tbe stars and stripes of a nations flag which so boasts of her freedom fwas i an eye witness to a scene heart-rend- ing appalling and terrific in the extreme for there saw i a man of tbe south as he bad made bis appearance through tbe batch- way of a small vessel jerking aftekhim in a ru and heartless m tb g of gods children a wellformed lad with a threefoldlighter skintbantbe mao-hunters- black soul whose countenance although dis figured with fright terror and tears bespoke a mind sympathies and affections of these the tyrannical fiend and man of the south proved destitute and void by his grasping the stronger specimen of humanity by the ankles and with a swine of his whole per son bringing him over his right shoulder ut tering in a loud and earnest voice as he placed him there g d d m yon ill learn you to run away i ill show you who you run away from 1 and thus they passed from the vessel up tbe street followed by the hound whose acute scent was for the present dispensed with great god i could but exclaim as i gaxed on tbe children nsu fren by mail and read it g2gti2s pleasure it wsji dear to me as gold yet i was constrained to share the joy with my friends in inviting them to the perusal of its columns afterwhiehmsny questions were asked by those who bad only heard of tbe psper what paper is it t where is it published 1 who is editor are you a subscriber t ke my answer is yes i am a subscriber and hope erelong to see many of the young gents of this city engaged in the ss enterpris success to canada and prosperity jo the circulation of ihe frtman my it be read by every colored inhabitant of this continent until the rev samuel r ward shall have accomplished bis design without another mission to eng land g wisixr w tati ciaciaimiiqhio oct 27th 1854 we infer fronvtbe concluding sentence of foflowing to tost paper hi feswttsto sb be bore correspondence ibat the wnter item in it a few days since rrooeously supposes that tbe mission of mr do pedro blanco sold to parties ia ward to england was for tbe purpose of florida ia 1838 fifty ariecas which were establishing this paper on a permanent basis haded 0 th waster eoest of pnda- vy w therefor just refer him to an arti- soorbnjt dren that i might not write my first impres sions and with a heart wildly palpitating with indignation i have delayed giving you the above for some days during which time i bave been induced from witnessing this scenevto read through mrs stowes world- renowned uncle toms cabin at a former time i bad laid itaside unperused relieving that a high sense of honor and humanity breathed in the hearts of our southern breth ren as well as of those with whom it has been my pleasure to dwell and therefore i waspfejudiced against the worktahu doubt ed its truthfulness i have now given to you a scene acted in the metropolis of our nation consonant with those described in that work although i would not have otherwise than witnessed it i trust a similar one may never again be mine to record publish it then to prove the truth of tbe writer just named to our american people scenes like these should be kept before tbem and when occur ring made to them as familiar in their mouths as household words panirstlvanix pollocks majority for governor reaches 36200 the prohibitory liquor law is defeated by about 3000 roa- jnr- weted for anironlnjanel under the river the jamaica mission is established for the emancipated people of the island of jamaica i six principal stations and four outstations there are connected with it sevea ordamed misrioitiries amt churches mr kfcbmdsonndmrqav kppe bwiw sucoessfuut is difficult to n mi 4 ai ttiijinaannnnta 01 vecemts and expen- ntorrthaiidinary7iowergotnorwardat mr richardsons station in the midst of this work his health failedand he was com pelled to leave it there is very great de- rnond in jamaica for an increased numbr of teachers half of the institution in the summer of 1863 being in the neighborhood i paid a transient visit to the scholars pn the fisfhbefptwftrflnovit w n my gay from th num nhcerl had an interview- with you when schools under thecare of the mission num bered 716 although it is feared that like the children of israel when brought out of bondage comparatively few of those who were adults when emancipatedwillenter the heavenly canaan yet there are among them many excellent exhibitions of christian character and it is confidently hoped that many of the young may by the blessing of god be saved and trained for usefulness itis to save these especially thanhemissioir asks for an increase of laborers report of the amsaddyfat sept ir oui nrtal frnin ihe cauidbn fr frew t tbrdawa institute we beg to call public attentionjo a letter from the rev dr burns of toronto in re fereticertolhesthistoryanorpresent post tion of the dawn institute which appears insir coluipnsjojday it bhigh time that both the canadian and british publicsfiould be enlightened as to the real state of affairs in that localitv we have repeatedly heard expression of dissatisfaction in regard to sign of the scheme as an american edu cational institute- have been from time to tmtf hfidvdbt to the public and it is to be lot as the to what extent these scenjhat from hnvc fromjirst to last been collected on be- ttecejji jnt you were so kind asto say thaf il ti hen had any notes of my visit which might be thought interesting to lay before the public tbe free prsss w at my service i did not yt that time embrace your offer because my infor mation was scarcely in a suitable matured state last week i repeated my visit in company with two friends and our exami nation of the premises wa mor minute- thamnyfonue iu th result i now beg to lay before the public through your jiages on sabbath last i was engaged in open ing our new church at wallaceburgb and on monday forenoon we came up to dres den 12 miles up the east branch of the sydenham river7 formerly knownarth rlea7ciwktlhdoountryijm ioutaid beautiful and the land rich and in some places well cultivated and cleared dresden is a village of three or four hundred inbabi- tantylihoulduhlnkjl i situated ot south side of the sydenham and steamers and other vessels of considerable site 00m up tolt tfiegrounds of the institute ar in the immediate vicinity they he compact forming an oblong square with a road in the centre the cultivation seemed tlteplace7from respectable parties anxious prellyfairrandnhetiiimbetoffemiliesroc for the elevation of the coloured inhabitants xupanuvor tenants was said to be some six at eight a8maliwoodenbuildinguseda a female school was pointod out to me but i was told that this was agovernrnent erec tion and not properly a part of thelnstitute the school had been dismissed for the day but i learned llibl the number of oupila of both sexes was about twenty andthey wero taught by a female onenquiring for the brick house of urefto d tfibnted to the whntrofsomesuchpresidng mind there if thing bout to be nr- ranffod vo at the latter place we can t- t 1 j ill 1 tii fro properfoan t tt not considered- healthy for about a year however prior voun colored persons had been hoarded in not but think that if ia due to the public gene- 11 und srschoolofabout sixty pupilsfcepf rally that some statements in reference to the past history and present posture its affairs should be made it is only just that the past contributors to this benevolent en- lerpnsehoitldbehnformed- has be come ofthctrmoney snd wry lover ofhrajri country will be interested in details respect ing what is now becoming an important and numerous class of immigrants if there have been any unfortunnte inveatmentsor if confidence has just reposed in persons who have proved incompetent and untrustworthy it is the better course to state frankly the facts of the case as they are sure to be pro perly appreciated by all intelligent and rifthtminhpd individuals the land apper- tafning to the dawn institute must now be somewhat valuable and for our own part it will give us much pleasure should the in- stitute be speedily made somethinc be yond a nonentity though dawn and buxton aro in pretty close proximity there is abundent scope for the benevelent opera tions of both among the refugees from slavery that have made their way to that section of canada a visit to the dawn institute dresden london c w oct 20th 1854 mb editor the proper name or title of the dawn institute is the american educational institute at dawn c w it originated snmpsivtpffn ypara a0 or there- by in a benevolent desire on the part of a few christian philanthropists to benefi the physical and moral condition ofthtcolored refugees from slavery in the states its ob jects were the settlement of families of of refugees on jand the training of them to habits of agricultural and mechanical in dustry nnd the supplying of them with the means of elementary education nor were their aims of a high missionary character overlooked the motive was thevery best and those who firet acted upon it were in fluenced by disinterested benevolence perhaps tbe man who stands most promi nent in the undertaking is the late james f fuller of london a member of tbe society of friends circ*mstances having brought that gentleman to the states the condition arid prospects of the colored men could not fall ttrengiure his attention and on a visit ho paid to canada generally and to toron to in particular he ascertained the numbers of immigrants fromalavery to canada and the probability of a rapid increase con sulting with friends in that city and among others with mr hiram wilson now of st catharine whose attention had also been called to the subject tho idea of a local settlement and an educational institution was suggested and immediately acted on mr fnllei went to england soon after and experienced no difficulty in collecting funds jbrjsberoes9jeaeyqlent yerysoon the sum of seventeen hundred and three dollars was by him put at the service of the friends of the undertaking two hundred acres of excellent land were purchased m the town ship of dawn and soon after one hundred more were added at a cost altogether of about 1200 dollars ths property was invested in rix trustees three colored and three white men mr fuller being one of the latter with the exception of this last gentleman all the trustees are 1 am in formed still alive rious measures were taken to oarry out the objects of tho undertaking and various ap peals have from time to time been made to the public in britain in the united states and in canada the erection -of- a saw mill and of houses for hoarding and eduoa- the chicago common council have 001k tjjng young persons of bpth sexes arid in gsnersl the ptgstcttipn of ft original two storiesoriginally intended for a boysl academy and boardinghouse and the walls of which i had seen last year i was told that some five years ogo it had been unroof ed by a storm thnt it had never been re paired and that after remaining in a dila- pidated state for years and the occasions restinjrplnce of cattle or pigs it had become somovihaldangcrous to passersjiy an was nnl mnnw mnnlk awr tofepn phtinllv down it waareprcsontedrmoreover to me that the- seleetion of a site had been unfortunate and to the unroofing a considerable number o by mr w p newman and another gen tleman of color whose name i did not learn the american free minion society had then the charge of it by delegation from th trustees and these we said to be the years had elaped since that time anu 1 could not hesr of a single pupil and as suredly none were lingering amid the ruins of those classic halls my attention was specially directed to the sawmill my first information of this erection was obtained in august 1847 if i am not mistaken from a colored gentleman who camo to to ronto to collect money for its erection bird fu i ha ha been in boston new england and had re ceived largely of the liberality of tbe roer chnnt princes of that city the nice and thefjwatcr course were prominent in his descriptive appeals bnt i felt not a littlo surprised to find that the mill went jy sleiim and was never meant to run in any other way there is however a ditch dug through part of tho grounds but this has no connexion with tbe mill and seems to be of private interest the mill like other erections around was in a state of dilapida tion and for twelve months had run nqoeu tho reason given mo by one of the forme occupants was the badness of the steani- engine but still the mill had run for four years and might have been kept going had it not been let to a third subtenant who had become bankrupt and gone off to the states betwixt the sawmill and the road on tho thelefrilinda y ap dresden- stands and upon the institution grounds the remains of a twostory wooden house with doors open windows all broken and the whole a melancholy picture of desola tion what may this be i enquired in reply an interesting history was given me of a benevolent lady from the states the name conld not be remembered who a good many years ago had got the house erected by means of money provided by herself with the intention of making it for girls what the brick hduse was meant for boy it had been finished and for a sea son so appropriated the scheme how ever i ikeall the other hme foiled and the worthy lady left the place with the view of transferring her services to monrovia in africa but died on her way out this was all i could learn of the matter the house appears to hare stood in its present slate for years and my friends and i felt sadden ed t the scene such mr editor are tbe facts of this case and you will do a valuable service to the community by bringing the matter be fore a discerning public the questions that arise are what nave become of themany thousands of dollars raised in britain and america for the dawn institute where are the yannnal reports of itilprogress and transactions have any audited ac counts been printed why are fhe build ings in such a slate where is the proof that the american educational tntuwte at dawn c w is anything beyond a nonentity a multitude of such questions may be asfed but i refrain let us have information on these points and in the meantime let no more money bo given to an object which has np to thi time been a signal failure the day following tbe one on which i mad this visit to dawn i spent at the coloured settlement at buxton there i need sasrcely say everything was reversed one hundred and fifty famuesdwelong in peace and in great prosperity school where the language mr taught with 100 scholars a church where an interesting and well dressed company of ohristisn worship- pw absembud a hrth wrdoflif



Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), November 4, 1854, p. 2 (2024)


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