No Place That Far - Chapter 1 - Anonymous - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

World building - This is required reading!


If you have comments to make that are beneficial, feel free to let me know, but if you're not interested in reading this for whatever reason, feel free to not read it. Or even chapters. For chapters that are more triggering, like miscarriages or stillbirths or discussion of rape histories, I aim to always put warnings before the chapter, and then give a description of what occurred in the chapter at the end notes. If you notice something that you feel should be done, let me know and I will do my best to get it done asap. Your mental health is all that matters! Thanks everyone.

Because Manbo is becoming a regular as of chapter 115, he will go by Grey, and Grey will go by Greyson, so keep that in mind if you notice any inconsistencies going forward.


For languages and translations, because there are a variety of languages spoken across the characters and the kids are just as multilingual, I will put an extra little cheat letter that I don't have in my other stories.
Since Nora is Irish, she speaks that primarily, and because she's been married into the family for 14 years, everyone has become able to speak it as well. 
So for instance, "putain" is french for f*ck, so I'll put the translation at the end of the sentences and paragraph. [ {f} f*ck ]
c = creole
f = french
i = irish
w = welsh

Phoenix & Grey/Manny speak Creole, and while my other stories very rarely had him speak it, he'll use it more in this story because the kids are older and more stable with languages so speaking four languages isn't such a big thing in pureblood circles. If you want to know Phoenix's history, read chapter 73 of this story. Grey teaches Auggie how to speak Creole because it's his first language, and the majority of the voodoo magic requires it in Creole. It's similar to how to canon has the spells from latin..

Siri & Remi speak welsh, when they are alone, simply because Remi feels self conscious about that part of him. His father was abusive to Remus' mom, and is worried that he'll accidentally get triggered in environments or situations that he can't explain why he's being triggered. He's never told anyone but Siri what happened {see chapter 121 for more about this}, so it's just easiest to not speak welsh with anyone who isn't in on the secret/Siri.

DAD: Charlus Potter
DOB: 1940
MOTHER: Dorea Black
DOB: 1940
Dorea’s orphanage is called New Haven, and she doesn’t usually call it an orphanage unless she is in formal meetings so people understand that it’s an orphanage. But there isn’t anything on the ground saying orphanage because it was important for her to not have the kids being forced to deal with it on a constant basis, not to mention Dorea is basically their mom so…

Dorea has three older siblings, Pollux, Cassiopeia, and Marius. Marius married Delia, who had Phineas and Helena, and Helena married John Michaelson.
They had Scarlett Michaelson, who is Nora’s mother. Meaning Dorea is Nora’s great great aunt, because Dorea’s brother is Nora’s great grandfather.

Charlus is on the St Mungos board of directors, meaning he met Nora long before she met Phoenix or Jamie. Charlus was one of the ones on the board pushing for her to be hired, and Charlus is the one who sent Jamie to see Phoenix while she was working. He wanted to see if they’d hit it off, making Charlus their technical match maker. He also is a potions master so he gets along great with Regulus & Draco because of this.

Dorea was a healer. She opened an orphanage, however, for were wolf children and she gets Phoenix’s help probono to help her be their healers and get them all Wolfsbane, that Regulus makes for them for free. Malfoy manor was donated to them and that’s where the orphanage is. Nora also volunteers there as a healer.

Since Snow never had a mother, Snow calls her mum, and they have an incredibly close relationship as a result. They do sh*t tons together and since Snow does’t work, she helps take care of the kids in the orphanage. She’s like a big sister to the kids.

Dorea is called Mum, and Charlus is called Pops by Jamie & Sirius, and Dad by everyone else.
Jamie likes to tease her by calling her dramatic things like Mummy Dearest.
The babies call her Nerna, because they can’t pronounce Nana.
He’s called Gerper

Dorea was abused growing up, in the Black family, her parents tried to marry her off to Arcturus, one of her cousins, who ironically married Melania and had Lucretia and Orion, and Orion is the father of Sirius & Regulus.

Because she was engaged to Arcturus as a baby, the fact that he sexually assaulted her entire childhood and until she married Charlus wasn’t anything that the Black family tried to put an end to. She had gotten pregnant with his child when she lied and told her parents it was Charlus’ so they could get married. Phoenix backed her up, lying about the DNA results because he knew what she was going through since he was her doctor too, technically.
She married Charlus when she was 15, and Phoenix helped her have an abortion. They had Jamie when they were 18 years old.
NAME: Nora Aida Kennedy-Black (no Potter)

DOB: October 13, 2006 (on a Friday)

Nora got hired at St Mungos when she was 17, because of her eidetic memory and her insane IQ. Becoming a master healer takes 9 years, but she made it in 8 years, and has been working as a healer for 2 years now. She was trained under Phoenix, in the Phoenix Ward (specifically created for werewolves).

Nora met Jamie in September, after Charlus sent him to see Phoenix when he knew Nora was on, and that's how the two hooked up. Jamie & Nora eloped that same night they met, and eloped with Snow on their first anniversary so they could all share the same anniversary. Snow & Nora met the night she and Jamie eloped, and they had instant chemistry, but it took them a while to hook up.

Since she’s a natural redhead, she has to have a pale complexion. Long hair, normally tight curls but she tends to spell it straight or get it straightened to make things easier on herself. Hazel eyes, meaning they change based on what she wears. Nora also has no Freckles.

She grew up in Ireland, since she’s Irish, and due to Scarlett's running away from home, Nora's never met the rest of the Blacks before she met Snow & Jamie and married Jamie and his family. Nora attended Beauxbatons since her parents teach there - which means Nora speaks fluent french, fluent Irish since she was raised in Ireland for her early years before her parents moved her to school so they could teach, and fluent english. She was in the Papillonlisse house, who is known for kindness, artistic ability, maturity, and idealistically. It’s represented by the colour purple and a butterfly on a leaf.

Her mother is named Scarlett Michaelson who was born in 1966, meaning she was 23 when they had Nora. She’s an actual part of the black family tree, see below for link, and she is like 10th cousin to the family. Scarlett married Cian Kennedy who is irish, and they had Nora. She was raised in an incredibly well balanced home, and she was bullied a bit at school but she’s a book nerd meaning she’s always reading and creative, so people forgot she existed for the most part. She’s never met any Blacks before marrying Jamie because her mother ran away from her family and refused to let her meet them..thus why Nora goes by Kennedy. Scarlett was terribly abused, as was the rest of the Black family, but the girls/women are the ones who deal with the most traumatic things.

Scarlett was engaged to the Black Family Heir, before she was even three months old, so it was Sirius until he transferred control over to Regulus, thus the engagement shifted over to him for Scarlett, but neither Sirius nor Regulus ever knew until after Nora had married into the family.

Because of her mother's horrific stories while Nora was growing up, so Nora understood that the Blacks were bad for a reason. When Nora meant Jamie, Phoenix is the one who officially introduced them, Nora was going to cancel the date the second she found out Jamie's mom was a Black, and Jamie was not only married into the Black family, but had children with the head of the Black family estate and holdings - Regulus. Phoenix is the one who talked Nora into giving Jamie a chance, and that's Phoenix wouldn't have married into the family if they were as toxic as the rest of the Blacks that Scarlett grew up knowing. Scarlett was horrified by Nora's decision to marry into the family, mainly because she eloped with someone neither of Nora's parents have ever met, but after spending time with the Potters, and Jamie & Regulus' family, Scarlett & Cian changed their minds about the whole relationship and are firmly on board with Nora being married into that family and having had Aster & Rowan with them. They love all their grandkids, and not just their blood. They treat every child as a grandchild, just as all the parents do as well. Because Nora grew up surrounded by Cian's family and extended family very close by in the middle of Ireland, so she grew up with the family being the heart of her life..and it's why she fits in so well with Regulus & Jamie's family.

The Black family tree, and her mother is on the far right bottom side, and I changed her date of birth since Nora's was adjusted.
The Black family tree, and her mother is on the far right bottom side. Born in 1983.


This is the information for rooms and things that are in the house or on their land, so I don't have to try and explain things in the story.

Following the elopement of the various parents in the main house and Rhiannon's house, Greyson/Kane/Kieran/Rhiannon and their multiple kids moved in to the main house with Auggie's people. They shared almost all of their kids, between their two houses, so they'd been talking about it for a while, but the elopement was the final nudge to combine houses. Valentina aged up to 23 and moved into her own house for health reasons.

Because Nora grew up in rural Ireland, and that's where her parents moved back after she graduated from school, and everyone fell in love with Ireland, so their property is in Ireland. They can aparate or floo, so it doesn't make any difference to the distance between her and Cian's family.


The family lives in 5 houses, with 2 guest houses. All of the houses have the same basic layouts, and these are the adults who live in those houses, based on primary relationships/marriages and children they share. The houses layouts and rooms can change based on need, exactly like the Come & Go Room or Room of Requirement in the Hogwarts castle.

Current primary relationships after time jump, those sharing rooms

main house: Auggie & Grey & Harry & Regulus & Severus. There is a bedroom attached to their bedroom that houses Greyson, Kane, Kieran, & Rhiannon. On the other side of the massive bedroom for Auggie/Grey/Harry/Regulus/Severus, there's another bedroom attached so that Grey and/or Severus can sleep in there if they want or need the space. The rest of the people can use it, but Harry & Regulus are terrified to leave Auggie alone without someone attached to her hip at all times, and the only way Harry slept during Auggie's birthday trip away, was to be heavily dosed with sleeping potions by Phoenix. Since Auggie's near death after her first transition, they need to be attached to her for Harry or Regulus to relax enough to fall asleep. They literally won't fall asleep until she gets back from nursing or doing whatever it is that she is doing at the moment. Anytime she wakes up, her bodyguards wake up too, because their lycanthropy means they can smell the instant her scent moves into the bathroom.
Regulus & Remus & Sirius - their bedroom is attached to the main bedroom where Auggie & Harry & Regulus are always sleeping, put the door is always open so anyone can go from one room to another, meaning they can wake up to anyone in their bed.
Draco & River & Theo & Wren.
Adelaide & Ash & Aster & Cami & Izzy & Phoenix & Rhea & Rowan & Sol - Adelaide & Ash & Sol have a bedroom attached to Cami & Phoenix & Rhea's bedroom, and Aster & Rowan sleep in the bedroom attached to the main bedroom. Sol & Ash have sex with everyone in the main bedroom, Sol usually sleeps in their bedroom because Ash has spent their entire lives sleeping next to her. He used the invisibility cloak at Hogwarts, to sneak into the Slytherin dorms, because he can't sleep without his twin wrapped around him.

second house: Jamie & Nora & Scarlett {she moves between this house & Cian & Dorea's house} & Snow.

third house: Charlie & Cian & Dorea & Scarlett {she moves between this house & Jamie's house}
Dorea & Minnie & Poppy {when Minnie & Poppy aren't at Hogwarts working}
Bella & Cissa & Lucy & Skye.

fourth house: Valentina - moved into this house after her parents married and Rhiannon's kids moved in, and her parents offered to age her up and move her into her own house if she wanted, so she accepted.

fifth house: Axel. Barty & Evan. Landon.

guest house 1: the people that are in the voodoo circles

guest house 2: everyone else


- Enormous Potion lab
- A couple special rooms purely built to contain a werewolf not on wolfsbane in case anything ever happens
- Wine cellar
- Separate one for ones not wine
- Three decked out theatre style rooms for watching tv or movies, or playing video games or whatever they want to do in there. The kids one just for them on their floor, but these aren't protected from them since nobody is hiding them from the sex going on in the house
- anywhere from 2-5 playrooms


First floor:
- Access to the back yard, to the patio, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, sauna, two hot tubs, basketball court. Bonfire. There is also a tiny garden for the kids to grow and be able to grab food from and eat right there like cherry tomatoes, or tiny cucumbers, etc. everything is kid friendly.
- Kitchen, with a sh*t ton of paid house-elves, and a number of human chefs that can travel with them into muggle areas and work alongside the house elves.
- A second kitchen that the family has access to and can feed themselves using without needing to bother the house-elves so the kids aren't raised without being self sufficient. There is a kitchenette in a room that's just windows, that they eat meals when it's nothing fancy. There's a couple smaller tables for smaller meals or for snacks. There is a huge island in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by built in high chairs for every baby, and they just extend this if they need to add or take away a chair whether temporarily or long term.
- Formal dining room
- Sitting room where the Christmas tree is, in front of the two story window at the front of the house.
- There is a half bathroom right next to the door to the back yard, and one by the front door..only sinks and toilets.
- three extra half bathrooms on this floor


Second floor: this floor houses the kids and teens
- the access is from the family kitchen
- It houses the kids, and babies, and rooms that they use on a regular basis like nurseries, playrooms, library for them, gymnasium style room for days they can't or don't want to play outside, and a room where the kids get together and decorate for christmas with a tree and everything.
- Each nursery has a full bathroom for bath times.
- There is an extra two half bathrooms on this floor

NURSERIES IN THOSE HOUSES divided into rooms, names in [ & ] are adults:

[ Adelaide, Ash, Aster, Auggie, Cami, Draco, Grey, Greyson, Harry, Izzy, Kane, Kieran, Phoenix, Regulus, Remus, Rhea, Rhiannon, River, Rowan, Severus, Sirius, Sol, Theo, Wren ]
Blake, Sparrow, Starr, Styxx
Scout & Sage
Atlas, Aiden, & Saphy/Saphira, they cohabitate with Lucy's house since he is Saphy's biological dad
Davina, Avie/Aveline, Carys
Callum, Finn, Bree, Arya
Slate & Corbin, they cohabitate with Jamie's house since Jamie is their other dad
Kala, Kai, & Knox
Apollymi, Nike, Simi, & Frankie
Guinevere, Eira, & Neve, the cohabitate with Snow & Jamie's house since that's where their mom and Guinevere's dad lives
Lorcan & Wraith
Willa & Remi
Henry & Haddy
Erik & Cael
Iris & Persephone
Azzi, Nova, & Dahlia
Elowen & Isolde
Echo, Daenerys, & Ivy
Blue, Wynter, & Rai
Kaida & Sera
Stella, Harlow, & Medi
Maz, Raven, & Aella
Autumn, Willow, Reigne, & Adeline
Maeve, Oakley, & Ainsley
Freya & Khali
Ciri & Isadora
Sable, Nix, Bronwen, Haven, Samara, & Wedsnesday

[ Charlie, Cian, Cissa, Dorea, Lucy, Minnie & Poppy stay in this house when not at Hogwarts working ]
Atlas, Aiden, & Saphy/Saphira, they cohabitate with their main nursery in the primary house since Severus is the biological dad of the boys

[ Jamie, Snow, Scarlett, Nora, ]
Slate & Corbin, they cohabitate with the main house since Regulus is their other dad
Guinevere, Eira, & Neve, they cohabitate with the main house since Eira's dad is Remus and Neve's is Sirius
Noir & Onyx


Third floor:
- the access is from the living room and houses the adults
- Every bedroom has a full ensuite & walk in closets for each of the grown ups with each bedroom
- Each bedroom is connected with those in their soulmate group but they all have an extra door to the hallways incase they need to not disturb the main rooms.
- Auggie & Grey & Harry & Regulus & Severus. There is a bedroom attached to their bedroom that houses Greyson, Kane, Kieran, & Rhiannon. On the other side of the massive bedroom for Auggie/Grey/Harry/Regulus/Severus, there's another bedroom attached so that Grey and/or Severus can sleep in there if they want or need the space. The rest of the people can use it, but Harry & Regulus are terrified to leave Auggie alone without someone attached to her hip at all times, and the only way Harry slept during Auggie's birthday trip away, was to be heavily dosed with sleeping potions by Phoenix. Since Auggie's near death after her first transition, they need to be attached to her for Harry or Regulus to relax enough to fall asleep. They literally won't fall asleep until she gets back from nursing or doing whatever it is that she is doing at the moment. Anytime she wakes up, her bodyguards wake up too, because their lycanthropy means they can smell the instant her scent moves into the bathroom.
- Regulus & Remus & Sirius - their bedroom is attached to the main bedroom where Auggie & Harry & Regulus are always sleeping, put the door is always open so anyone can go from one room to another, meaning they can wake up to anyone in their bed.
- Draco & River & Theo & Wren.
- Adelaide & Ash & Sol have a bedroom attached to Cami & Phoenix & Rhea's bedroom, and Aster & Rowan sleep in the bedroom attached to the main bedroom
- Jamie & Nora & Scarlett {she moves between this house & Cian & Dorea's house} & Snow.
- Bella & Cissa & Lucy & Skye share a bedroom in their house
- Barty & Evan share their bedroom in their house
- Charlie & Cian & Dorea share their bedroom in their house, and Scarlett shares this room on occasion.
- Cissa & Lucy share their bedroom in their house
- Minnie & Poppy share their bedroom in their house
- [ anyone not mentioned above has their own rooms..all listed bedrooms are purely static and they always go to rooms that aren't their base room ]


Fourth floor:
- has access is from the formal dining room
- this is where the offices are for the adults, an enormous gym and yoga studio.
- 3 libraries: one for magical sh*t & occult, one for Black family things that is blood warded so nobody non Black can enter, and one for muggle books. Each library is spelled to adjust to the users needs.



What the land around the house includes:
- The beach & ocean
- 3 ponds
- 10 streams
- Crap tons of forest for the werewolves to run during full moons
- 25 greenhouses for Regulus to use for his potion making for the family
- 30 greenhouses to grow a variety of trees (fruits and nuts), fruit, vegetables, etc for the family to eat
- A giant herd of Highland Cattle to eat (including breeding)
- A giant herd of sheep to eat (including breeding)
- A giant herd of geese to eat (including breeding)
- A giant herd of chicken to eat (including breeding)
- A giant herd of horses for breeding and family use, but they've started to sell sperm since it's gotten so popular
- A herd of unicorns that followed Auggie & Snow home from Hogwarts, and they hang around the property, breeding on their own.
- Dire wolf dogs that Moony knocked Raspberry up and Willow {female} & Harley {male} are a result of that full moon.


Just a reminder that I can and will adjust things as I write this, and things progress, so this is just a guideline but I will update it when I think of things that should be changed.

[ Everyone listed are soulmates of one another.. ]

Current Date: January 1, 2048

This section is where the people with appearances are moved to, needless of their ages:

Aelle (12) - Mackenzie Foy
Adelaide (31) - Chloe Grace Moretz, but with red hair and half irish, identical twins with Landon
Ash (30) - Reiky de Valk
Aster (17) - KJ Apa (red hair, ice blue eyes to match Rowan)
Auggie (40) - Lana Parrilla
Axel (39) - Mika
Azzi (9) - Nina Dobrev
Barty (87) - Mehro
Bella Black (83) - Katie McGrath
Cami (27) - Hailee Steinfeld
Charlie/Charlus (107) - Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Cian (71) - Michael Fassbender
Ciri (13) - Freya Tingley
Cissa (84) - Natalie Dormer
Daenerys (10) - Vanessa Hudgens
Dash (9) - Nina Dobrev
Dorea (107) - Hilarie Burton Morgan
Draco (66) - Tom Felton
Echo (10) - Vanessa Hudgens
Evan (86) - David Anders
Freya (13) - Freya Mavor
Grey/Manny/Manbo (more ageless than River) - Tom Hiddleston as Loki
Greyson (40) - Paul Wesley
Harry (66) - Daniel Radcliffe in Lost City
Isadora (13) - Freya Tingley
Ivy (10) - Vanessa Hudgens
Izzy (26) - Freya Tingley
Jamie (87) - Zac Efron
Kane (33) - Jensen Ackles
Khali (13) - Megan Donelly
Kieran (31) - Jared Padalecki
Landon (31) - Chloe Grace Moretz, but with red hair and half irish, identical twins with Adelaide
Lucy/Lucius (87) - Daniel Craig
Maz (12) - Hailee Steinfeld
Minnie - Kate Beckinsale
Noir (13) - Reiky de Valk
Nora (41) - Rose Leslie (with bright red hair)
Nova (9) - Nina Dobrev
Onyx (13) - Amy Manson
Phoenix (207) - Alexander Dreymon
Poppy - Sandra Bullock
Raven (12) - Sabrina Carpenter
Regulus (86) - Timothee Chalamet
Remus (87) - Douglas Booth
Rhea (39) - Camilla Mendes
Rhiannon (31) - Freya Tingley
River (ageless) - Alex Kingston
Rowan (13) - Madeline Petsch (Non-binary with red hair, ice blue eyes to match Aster)
Scarlett (67) - Michelle Gomez
Severus (86) - Kit Harrington
Sirius (87) - Karl Urban
Skye/Skyelar/Artemis (older than dirt) - Scarlet Johansson
Snow (40) - Lana Parrilla
Sol (30) - Vanessa Hudgens
Stella (11) - Danneel Ackles
Theo (66) - Ian Somerhalder
Valentina (23) - Danneel Ackles [ the one with ADHD & Autism & introverted who doesn't share her bedroom and has picky taste buds, and gets chronic migraines after social interactions ]
Wren (40) - Daisy Ridley
Zane (9) - Sebastian Croft

Kids under 13 years old:
Aelle (12)
Aiden (7 months)
Ainsley (12)
Apollymi (3)
Arya (nearly 9 months)
Atlas (7 months)
Autumn (12)
Avie/Aveline (7 months)
Azzi (9)
Blake (4)
Blue (10)
Bree (nearly 9 months)
Briar (12)
Bronwen (newborn)
Cael (6)
Callum (nearly 9 months)
Carys (7 months)
Corbin (7 months)
Daenerys (10)
Dahlia (9)
Dash (9)
Davina (7 months)
Dev (7)
Donovan (7)
Echo (10)
Eira (4)
Elowen (9)
Erik (6)
Finn (nearly 9 months)
Frankie (3)
Guinevere (4)
Haddy (6)
Harlow (11)
Haven (newborn)
Henry (6)
Iris (7)
Isolde (9)
Ivy (10)
Kai (2)
Kaida (10)
Kala (2)
Knox (2)
Lorcan (5)
Maeve (12)
Maz (12)
Medi (11)
Neve (4)
Nike (3)
Nix (newborn)
Nova (9)
Oakley (12)
Persephone (7)
Rai (12)
Raven (12)
Reigne (12)
Remi (5)
Sable (newborn)
Sage (3 months)
Samara (newborn)
Saphy/Saphira (7 months)
Scout (3 months)
Sera (10)
Simi (3)
Slate (7 months)
Sparrow (4)
Starr (4)
Stella (11)
Styxx (4)
Xander (7)
Wednesday (newborn)
Willa (5)
Willow (12)
Wraith (5)
Wynter (12)
Zane (9)

Babies on The Way & biological parents, put into pregnancies:

Lilith Reine {Rhiannon & Kane's daughter}
Alexander Augustus {Rhiannon & Kieran's son}
Amirah - Nala Amirah {Rhiannon & Grey's daughter}
Due: May 12, 2048

Noah Sloan {Rowan & Aster's identical twin sons}
Harper James {Rowan & Aster's identical twin sons}
Lennox Finley {Rowan & Regulus' son}
Due Date: July 23, 2048

BABY AGES, youngest to oldest:

Sable DOB: December 25, 2047 {Regulus & Severus, Nix's identical twin sister}; newborn
Nix DOB: December 25, 2047 {Regulus & Severus, Sable's identical twin sister}; newborn
Bronwen DOB: December 25, 2047 {Regulus & Remus}; newborn
Haven DOB: December 25, 2047 {Regulus & Harry}; newborn
Samara DOB: December 25, 2047 {Regulus & Sirius, Wednesday's identical twin sister}; newborn
Wednesday DOB: December 25, 2047 {Regulus & Sirius, Samara's identical twin sister}; newborn

Scout DOB: July 23, 2047 {Rhea & Harry}; 5 months
Sage DOB: July 23, 2047 {Rhea & Harry}; 5 months

Atlas DOB: March 27, 2047 {Izzy & Severus, Aiden's identical twin brother}; 9 months
Aiden DOB: March 27, 2047 {Izzy & Severus, Atlas' identical twin brother}; 9 months
Saphy/Saphira DOB: March 27, 2047 {Izzy & Lucy}; 9 months

Davina DOB: March 27, 2047 {Auggie & Severus, identical triplets with Aveline & Carys}; 9 months
Avie/Aveline DOB: March 27, 2047 {Auggie & Severus, identical triplets with Davina & Carys}; 9 months
Carys DOB: March 27, 2047 {Auggie & Severus, identical triplets with Aveline & Davina}; 9 months

Slate DOB: March 27, 2047 {Regulus & Jamie, Corbin's twin brother}; 9 months
Corbin DOB: March 27, 2047 {Regulus & Jamie, Slate's twin brother}; 9 months

Callum DOB: February 2, 2047 {Cami & Phoenix, Finn's identical twin brother}; 11 months
Finn DOB: February 2, 2047 {Cami & Phoenix, Callum's identical twin brother}; 11 months
Bree DOB: February 2, 2047 {Cami & Phoenix, Arya's identical twin sister}; 11 months
Arya DOB: February 2, 2047 {Cami & Phoenix, Bree's identical twin sister}; 11 months

Kala DOB: October 31, 2045 {Rhiannon & Greyson}; 2 years, 2 months
Kai DOB: October 31, 2045 {Rhiannon & Phoenix, Knox' twin sister}; 2 years, 2 months
Knox DOB: October 31, 2045 {Rhiannon & Phoenix, Kai's twin brother}; 2 years, 2 months

Apollymi DOB: August 30, 2044 {Auggie & Regulus, identical triplets with Nike & Simi}; 3 years, 4 months
Nike DOB: August 30, 2044 {Auggie & Regulus, identical triplets with Apollymi & Simi}; 3 years, 4 months
Simi DOB: August 30, 2044 {Auggie & Regulus, identical triplets with Apollymi & Nike}; 3 years, 4 months
Frankie DOB: August 30, 2044 {Auggie & Harry}; 3 years, 4 months

Blake DOB: December 10, 2043 {Sol & Ash}; 4 years, 0 months
Starr DOB: December 10, 2043 {Adelaide & Ash}; 4 years, 0 months
Styxx DOB: December 10, 2043 {Sol & Ash}; 4 years, 0 months
Sparrow DOB: December 10, 2043 {Adelaide & Ash}; 4 years, 0 months

Guinevere DOB: December 17, 2043 {Snow & Jamie}; 4 years, 0 months
Eira DOB: December 17, 2043 {Snow & Remus}; 4 years, 0 months
Neve DOB: December 17, 2043 {Snow & Sirius}; 4 years, 0 months

Lorcan DOB: February 14, 2042 {Rhiannon & Grey, Wraith's twin brother}; 5 years, 10 months
Wraith DOB: February 14, 2042 {Rhiannon & Grey, Lorcan's twin brother}; 5 years, 10 months
Remi DOB: February 14, 2042 {Rhiannon & Regulus, Willow's identical twin sister}; 5 years, 10 months
Willa DOB: February 14, 2042 {Rhiannon & Regulus, Remi's identical twin sister}; 5 years, 10 months

Henry DOB: January 17, 2041 {Harry & Theo, Haddy's twin brother}; 6 years, 11 months
Haddy DOB: January 17, 2041 {Harry & Theo, Henryy's twin sister}; 6 years, 11 months

Erik DOB: July 23, 2041 {Auggie & Kane}; 6 years, 5 months
Cael DOB: July 23, 2041 {Auggie & Grey}; 6 years, 5 months

Donovan DOB: November 7, 2040 {Rhea & Kane}; 7 years, 1 months
Iris DOB: November 7, 2040 {Rhea & Kane, Persephone's identical twin sister}; 7 years, 1 months
Persephone DOB: November 7, 2040 {Rhea & Kane, Iris' identical twin sister}; 7 years, 1 months

Dev DOB: September 16, 2039 {Rhiannon & Kieran, Xander's twin brother}; 8 years, 3 months
Xander DOB: September 16, 2039 {Rhiannon & Kieran, Dev's twin brother}; 8 years, 3 months

Dash DOB: April 1, 2038 {Rhiannon & Kane, Zane's twin sister}; 9 years, 9 months
Zane DOB: April 1, 2038 {Rhiannon & Kane, Dash's twin brother}; 9 years, 9 months

Azzi DOB: July 26, 2038 {Izzy & Regulus, Nova's identical twin sister}; 9 years, 5 months
Nova DOB: July 26, 2038 {Izzy & Regulus, Azzi's identical twin sister}; 9 years, 5 months
Dahlia DOB: July 26, 2038 {Izzy & Sirius}; 9 years, 5 months

Isolde DOB: July 26, 2038 {Auggie & Theo}; 9 years, 5 months
Elowen DOB: July 26, 2038 {Auggie & Remus}; 9 years, 5 months

Echo DOB: January 31, 2037 {Harry & Severus, identical triplets with Daenerys & Ivy}; 10 years, 11 months
Daenerys DOB: January 31, 2037 {Harry & Severus, identical triplets with Echo & Ivy}; 10 years, 11 months
Ivy DOB: January 31, 2037 {Harry & Severus, identical triplets with Echo & Daenerys}; 10 years, 11 months

Blue DOB: October 24, 2037 {Wren & Harry}; 10 years, 2 months
Kaida DOB: October 24, 2037 {Wren & Draco}; 10 years, 2 months
Sera DOB: October 24, 2037 {Wren & Harry}; 10 years, 2 months

Valentina DOB: October 13, 2036 - the one with ADHD & Autism & introverted who doesn't share her bedroom and has picky taste buds {Rhea & Regulus}; aged up end of December 2047 to 23 years old after the house doubled following the elopement of her parents. They approached her with the option of aging her up and moving her into her own house, which she was thrilled about and agreed without needing to get it any consideration.
Stella DOB: October 13, 2036 {Rhea & Regulus}; 11 years, 2 months
Harlow DOB: October 13, 2036 {Rhea & Grey}; 11 years, 2 months
Medi DOB: October 13, 2036 {Rhea & Grey}; 11 years, 2 months

Briar DOB: May 23, 2035 {Sol & Ash}; 12 years, 7 months

Maz DOB: July 7, 2035 {Auggie & Grey}; 12 years, 6 months
Raven DOB: July 7, 2035 {Auggie & Draco}; 12 years, 6 months
Aella DOB: July 7, 2035 {Auggie & Sirius}; 12 years, 6 months

Wynter DOB: August 3, 2035 {Cami & Phoenix, Rai's twin brother}; 12 years, 4 months, 3 weeks
Rai DOB: August 3, 2035 {Cami & Phoenix, Wynter's twin brother}; 12 years, 4 months, 3 weeks

Autumn DOB: August 19, 2035 {Rhea & Greyson}; 12 years, 4 months
Willow DOB: August 19, 2035 {Rhea & Phoenix}; 12 years, 4 months
Reigne DOB: August 19, 2035 {Rhea & Regulus}; 12 years, 4 months
Adeline DOB: August 19, 2035 {Rhea & Sirius}; 12 years, 4 months

Maeve DOB: September 11, 2035 {Wren & River, Oakley's twin sister}; 12 years, 3 months
Oakley DOB: September 11, 2035 {Wren & River, Maeve's twin sister}; 12 years, 3 months
Ainsley DOB: September 11, 2035 {Wren & Draco}; 12 years, 3 months

Noir DOB: October 31, 2034 {Scarlett & Jamie}; 13 years, 2 months
Onyx DOB: October 31, 2034 {Scarlett & Jamie}; 13 years, 2 months

Freya DOB: June 8, 2034 {Wren/Draco/Harry}; 13 years, 6 months, 3 weeks
Khali DOB: June 8, 2034 {Wren/Draco/Harry}; 13 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Ciri DOB: May 7, 2034 {Auggie & Phoenix}; 13 years, 7 months, 3 weeks
Isadora DOB: May 7, 2034 {Auggie & Grey}; 13 years, 7 months, 3 weeks

Rowan DOB: March 27, 2034 {Snow's oven, Nora's egg & Jamie's sperm}; 13 years, 9 months

Aster DOB: October 31, 2031 {Snow's oven, Nora's egg & Jamie's sperm}; 16 years, 2 months


People & who their bio parents are, first name the one who carried the pregnancy:
Adelaide {Scarlett & Cian, Landon's identical twin sister}
Aella {Auggie & Sirius}
Aiden {Izzy & Severus, Atlas' identical twin brother}
Ainsley {Wren & Draco}
Apollymi {Auggie & Regulus, Apollymi & Nike & Simi's identical twin sister}
Arya {Cami & Phoenix, Bree's identical twin sister}
Aster {Snow, Jamie & Nora}
Atlas {Izzy & Severus, Aiden's identical twin brother}
Autumn {Rhea & Greyson}
Avie/Aveline {Auggie & Severus, identical triplet to Davina & Carys}
Azzi {Izzy & Regulus, Nova's identical twin sister}
Blake {Sol & Ash, Styxx's identical twin brother}
Bree {Cami & Phoenix, Arya's identical twin sister}
Briar {Sol & Ash}
Blue {Wren & Harry, triplet to Kaida & Sera}
Briar {Sol & Ash}
Bronwen {Regulus & Remus}
Cael {Auggie & Grey}
Callum {Cami & Phoenix, Finn's identical twin brother}
Cami {Poppy & Minnie, and Phoenix's great great great granddaughter}
Carys {Auggie & Severus, identical triplet to Avie/Aveline & Davina}
Ciri {Auggie & Phoenix, Isadora & Izzy's identical twin sister, technically in uterus with Isadora but Izzy is the older version of her twin sister}
Corbin {Regulus & Jamie, Slate's twin brother}
Daenerys {Harry & Severus, Echo & Ivy's identical twin sister}
Dahlia {Rhea & Sirius}
Dash {Rhiannon & Kane, Zane's twin sister}
Davina {Auggie & Severus, identical triplet to Avie/Aveline & Carys}
Dev {Rhiannon & Kieran, Xander's twin brother}
Donovan {Rhea & Kane, Iris & Persephone triplet}
Echo {Harry & Severus, Daenerys & Ivy's identical twin sister}
Eira {Snow & Remus}
Elowen {Auggie & Remus}
Erik {Auggie & Kane}
Finn {Cami & Phoenix, Callum's identical twin brother}
Frankie {Auggie & Harry}
Freya {Wren & Draco & Harry}
Greyson {Wren & Harry}
Guinevere {Snow & Jamie}
Haddy {Harry & Theo, Henry's twin sister}
Harlow {Rhea & Grey, Medi's identical twin sister}
Haven {Regulus & Harry}
Henry {Harry & Theo, Haddy's twin brother}
Iris {Rhea & Kane, Donovan's triplet & Persephone's identical twin}
Isadora {Auggie & Grey, Ciri's identical twin sister since Grey's offspring DNA changes to the fetus already baking, she is the younger version of Izzy}
Isolde {Auggie & Theo}
Ivy {Harry & Severus, Daenerys & Echo's identical twin sister}
Izzy {Auggie & Grey, Ciri's identical twin sister since Grey's offspring DNA changes to the fetus already baking, and she is Isadora but a grown up version}
Kai {Rhiannon & Phoenix, Knox's twin sister}
Kaida {Wren & Draco, Sera & Blue's triplet}
Kala {Rhiannon & Greyson}
Kane {Izzy & Grey}
Khali {Wren & Harry}
Kieran {Rhea & Grey, Rhiannon's twin brother}
Knox {Rhiannon & Phoenix, Kai's twin brother}
Landon {Scarlett & Cian, Adelaide's identical twin sister}
Lorcan {Rhiannon & Grey, Wraith's twin brother}
Maeve {Wren & River}
Maz {Auggie & Grey}
Medi {Rhea & Grey, Harlow's identical twin sister}
Neve {Snow & Sirius}
Nike {Auggie & Regulus, Apollymi & Simi's identical twin sister}
Nix {Regulus & Severus, Sable's identical twin sister}
Noir {Scarlett & Jamie, Onyx's twin brother}
Nova {Izzy & Regulus, Azzi's identical twin sister}
Oakley {Wren & River}
Onyx {Scarlett & Jamie, Noir's twin sister}
Persephone {Rhea & Kane, Donovan's triplet & Iris' identical twin}
Rai {Cami & Phoenix, Wynter's identical twin brother}
Raven {Auggie & Draco}
Reigne {Rhea & Regulus}
Rhea {Auggie & Regulus}
Remi {Rhiannon & Regulus, Willa's identical twin sister}
Rhiannon {Rhea & Grey, Kieran's twin sister}
Rowan {Snow, Jamie & Nora's non-binary child}
Sable {Regulus & Severus, Nix's identical twin sister}
Sage {Rhea & Harry, Scout's twin sister}
Samara {Regulus & Sirius, Wednesday's identical twin sister}
Saphy/Saphira {Izzy & Lucy/Lucius}
Scout {Rhea & Harry, Sage's twin sister}
Sera {Wren & Harry, Kaida & Blue's triplet}
Simi {Auggie & Regulus, Apollymi & Nike's identical twin sister}
Slate {Regulus & Jamie, Corbin's twin brother}
Sparrow {Adelaide & Ash, Starr's twin brother}
Starr {Adelaide & Ash, Sparrow's twin sister}
Stella {Rhea & Regulus, Valentina's identical twin sister}
Styxx {Sol & Ash, Styxx's identical twin brother}
Valentina {Rhea & Regulus, Stella's identical twin sister}
Xander {Rhiannon & Kieran, Dev's twin brother}
Wednesday {Regulus & Sirius, Samara's identical twin sister}
Willa {Rhiannon & Regulus, Remi's identical twin sister}
Willow {Rhea & Phoenix}
Wraith {Rhiannon & Grey, Lorcan's twin brother}
Wynter {Cami & Phoenix, Rai's identical twin brother}
Zane {Rhiannon & Kane, Dash's twin brother}
Aged up kids:
Adelaide (born November 24, 2035, aged up with her identical twin sister Landon so Adelaide could marry her soulmates, Ash & Sol)
Ash (born April 13, 2028 with his twin sister Sol, and they aged them up to 11 so that Ash could transition)
Ciri (born May 7, 2034, Izzy's identical twin sister)
Greyson (born October 31, 2030..aged up after Rhea, his soulmate and wife, aged up and he wanted to be with her, Auggie, & Regulus romantically)
Izzy (born May 7, 2034, Ciri's identical twin sister)
Kane (born September 9, 2035 and aged up to 5 years old at birth..when Kieran & Rhiannon were born, he said that the triad wanted to be aged up together..Kieran & Rhiannon aged to 2 years younger than Kane)
Kieran (born April 1, 2036 as Rhiannon's twin brother, who was born last..Kane aged him & Rhiannon up as their soulmate and husband..Kieran & Rhiannon aged to 2 years younger than Kane)
Landon (born November 24, 2035, aged up with her identical twin sister Adelaide so Adelaide could marry her soulmates, Ash & Sol)
Rhea (born October 31, 2031 and aged up to be with Phoenix who wouldn't let himself have a relationship with her being so young, and she wanted to be with Auggie & Regulus romantically too)
Rhiannon (born April 1, 2036 as Kieran's twin sister, who was born first..Kane aged her & Kieran up as their soulmate and husband..Kieran & Rhiannon aged to 2 years younger than Kane)
Sol (born April 13, 2028 with her twin sister who wanted to transition into Sol's twin brother Ash..Sol aged up with him)
Valentina (born October 13, 2036 with her twin sister Stella, and womb mates Harlow & Medi. aged up December 2047 after her parents eloped and combined two homes into one, and they offered to age her up and move her into her own home. She was aged up to be 23 years old.)


Original Werewolves:

Newer turned Werewolves:

Born werewolves, meaning they don't need wolfsbane and don't lose their minds, and can transform into their wolf form anytime of the month..the born werewolves go by their real name since that's who they still are and it makes no difference to the children:


Original Werewolves:

Newer turned Werewolves:

Born werewolves, meaning they don't need wolfsbane and don't lose their minds, and can transform into their wolf form anytime of the month..the born werewolves go by their real name since that's who they still are and it makes no difference to the children:



Aelle - 5' 7" (4 inches taller than Mackenzie Foy)
Adelaide - 5' 7" (3 inches taller than Chloe Grace Moretz)
Ash - 5' 11" (Reiky de Valk's height is unknown as he died)
Aster - 5' 10" (same as KJ Apa)
Auggie - 5' 4.5" (same as Lara Parrilla)
Axel - 5' 10" (5 inches less than Mika)
Azzi - 5' 7" (same as Nina Dobrev)
Barty - 5' 10" (Mehro's height is unknown)
Bella - 5' 6" (same as Katie McGrath)
Cami - 5' 8" (same as Hailee Steinfeld)
Charlie - 6' 1" (same as than Jeffrey Dean Morgan)
Cian - 5' 11" (an inch less than Michael Fassbender)
Ciri - 5' 7" (5 inches taller than Freya Tingley)
Cissa - 5' 6" (same as Natalie Dormer)
Daenerys - 5' 4" (3 inches taller than Vanessa Hudgens)
Dash - 5' 7" (same as Nina Dobrev)
Dorea - 5' 7" (same as Hilarie Burton Morgan)
Draco - 5' 8" (an inch less than Tom Felton)
Echo - 5' 4" (3 inches taller than Vanessa Hudgens)
Evan - ? (David Anders is 6' 0" )
Freya - ? (Freya Mavor is 5' 10" )
Grey - 6' 2" (same as Tom Hiddleston)
Greyson - 5' 11" (same as Paul Wesley}
Harry - 5' 5" (same as Daniel Radcliffe)
Isadora - 5' 7" (5 inches taller than Freya Tingley)
Ivy - 5' 4" (3 inches taller than Vanessa Hudgens)
Izzy - 5' 7" (5 inches taller than Freya Tingley)
Jamie - 5' 10" (2 inches taller than Zac Effron)
Kane - 6' 1" (same as Jensen Ackles)
Khali - 5' 7" (4 inches taller than Megan Donnelly)
Kieran - 6' 0" (4 inches less than Jared Padelecki)
Landon - 5' 6" (2 inches taller than Chloe Grace Moretz)
Lucy - 5' 10" (same as Daniel Craig)
Maz - 5' 11" (3 inches taller than Hailee Steinfeld)
Minnie - 5' 7" (same as Kate Beckinsale)
Noir - 5' 11" (Reiky de Valk's height is unknown as he died)
Nora - 5' 6" (same as Rose Leslie)
Nova - 5' 7" (same as Nina Dobrev)
Onyx - 5' 9" (2 inches taller than Amy Manson)
Phoenix - 5' 10" (same as Alexander Dreymon)
Poppy - 5' 7" (same as Sandra Bullock)
Raven - 5' 8" (foot and a half over Sabrina Carpenter)
Regulus - 5' 11" (an inch over Timothée Chalamet)
Remus - 5' 11" (2 inches less than Douglas Booth)
Rhea - 5' 2" (same as Camilla Mendes)
Rhiannon - 5' 3" (inch over Freya Tingley)
River - 5' 7" (same as Alex Kingston)
Rowan - 5' 8" (2 inches taller Madeline Petsch)
Scarlet - 5' 5" (an inch over Michelle Gomez)
Severus - 5' 9" (an inch over Kit Harington)
Sirius - 5' 10" (3 inches less than Karl Urban)
Skye/Artemis - 5' 3.5" (half an inch over Scarlett Johansson)
Snow - 5' 4.5" (same as Lara Parrilla)
Sol - 5' 1" (same as Vanessa Hudgens)
Stella - 5' 7" (same as Danneel Ackles)
Theo - 5' 9" (inch less than Ian Somerhaulder)
Valentina - 5' 7" (same as Danneel Ackles)
Wren - 5' 7" (same as Daisy Ridley)
Zane - 5' 11" (same as Sebastian Croft)


Parents & Their Titles:
Adelaide - Mama / Mama Addie
Ash - Papa Ash {french for Dad}
Auggie - Mama / Mama A or Auggie {doesn't go by Manman since that's what Rhiannon goes by}
Cami - Mama / Mama C / Mama Cami
Charlie - Pop or Padre
Cian - Daid {irish for dad}
Cissa - Mom
Dorea - Madre
Draco - Dad or Daddy Dragon, or simply Dragon
Grey - Dad or Daddy, or Papa {creole for Dad}
Greyson - Dad or Daddy, or Papa {creole for Dad}
Harry - Roar
Izzy - Mama or Mama Izz or Mama Izzy
Jamie - Papa or Papa Jamie
Kane - Dad or Daddy or Dad/Daddy K, or Papa {creole for Dad}
Kieran - Dad or Daddy or Dad/Daddy Kier, or Papa {creole for Dad}
Lucy - Papa L or Papa Lucy {french for dad}
Minnie - Mom M
Nora - Mum or Mum N or Mum Nora
Phoenix - Papa or Papa P or Daddy P
Poppy - Mom P
Regulus - Daddy or Daddy Reg/Reggie/Regulus
Remus - Dad or Dad Remi or Dad Remus {no difference between english and welsh}
Rhea - Mama R or Mama Rhea
Rhiannon - Manman {creole for Mom}
River - Mama River
Scarlett - Mum {irish for mom}
Severus - Daddy S or Daddy Sev/Severus
Sirius - Daddy Siri
Snow - Mama S or Mama Snow
Sol - Mama Sol
Theo - Dad or Daddy Theo
Wren - Mama W or Mama Wren

No Place That Far - Chapter 1 - Anonymous - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.