Edition 340, May 2008 (2024)

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Citation options:
Work identifier


APA citation

Buninyong & District Community Association, issuing body. (1986). Buninyong and district community news Retrieved September 3, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-3367562145

MLA citation

Buninyong & District Community Association, issuing body. Buninyong and district community news [Buninyong, Vic.]: Buningyong and District Community News, 1986. Web. 3 September 2024 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-3367562145>

Harvard/Australian citation

Buninyong & District Community Association, issuing body. 1986, Buninyong and district community news Buningyong and District Community News, [Buninyong, Vic.] viewed 3 September 2024 http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-3367562145

Wikipedia citation

| author1=Buninyong & District Community Association, issuing body.
| title=Buninyong and district community news
| year=1986
| section=volumes ; 30 cm.
| issue=Edition 340, May 2008
| location=[Buninyong, Vic.]
| publisher=Buningyong and District Community News
| url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-3367562145
| id=nla.obj-3367562145
| access-date=3 September 2024
| via=Trove

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Edition 340, May 2008 (2024)


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