**DEAD32** #15 - The Future Warrior (2024)

"Graw" (The Future Warrior)
Grand Champion: Dante's Abyss XII
Cameo: Dante's Abyss XVI (Unmade)*

**DEAD32** #15 - The Future Warrior (1)


Graowr stands at somewhere between 4' 5" and 4' 7", given majins' propensity for their mass being all over the place. Despite her diminutive stature, she maintains the kind of body structure only seen in steamy adult novels, courtesy of her race's creation many, many umptillion moons ago. Rather than her standard gi and flashy ensemble, this time around she's wearing something far more mundane and normal. Like all of her race, she completely lacks defining features like a nose, eyebrows or even eyelashes, which often makes her expressions seem exagerated or hard to decipher.​


A naive, uneducated simpleton at first glance. She isn't unintelligent, just profoundly uneducated. Fascinated with ideals and flights of fancy about things being cool and flashy. While she's ultimately a (mostly) good-hearted sort, she barely has a textbook understanding of right and wrong, much less good and evil. Has a very childish lack of filter, and is liable to just blurt out or say things offhandedly, such as if someone or something is pretty/handsome, ugly, cool, lame, or the like. She is very easily distracted or enticed by the promise of a good fight, something really cool to look at, or somethiing tasty to eat. Her childish naievety also includes a proportionate temper if something doesn't go her way, or if someone lies to her or does 'nefarious stuff' to someone or something she actually likes.​

Possible Reactions

She is boisterous and cheerful at almost all times, and may even come off as somewhat brash or outright insensitive. She seems to have no concept of fear regarding violence, and will thus show no hesitation at all. As mentioned above, she has no filter and is likely to just say whatever's on her mind at any given time, though she will very rarely actually get intentionally mean or genuinely insulting. She's more prepared for the Abyss this time around (or so she says) and won't hesitate to resort to violence or even beat people to death, given she just assumes they'll be fine afterward.​


Lord Zedd is (was) her 'best friend', given their partnership in 'the old place', much the the space warlord's constant consternation. She would recognize him on sight, and probably go out of her way to help him out any time they crossed paths. But she knows he's a ground, and would be prepared for punches instead of hugs.​

She's also very likely to recognize any DBZ-based or related characters, as far as their canon forms (or the non-canon ones from Xenoverse) and history go.​

‘Combat’ Style

At first glance she's a blunt instrument in a world of nails. She leaps in head-first, firsts and ki flying. She has precious little in the way of actual training, so everything she knows is just natural experience and learning she's picked up along the way, making her a damn sight unpredictable as all hell. She has a virtually complete lack of fear and unshakable confidence, but for all her childish demeanor and naivety, she isn't stupid -- if something isn't working, she won't keep beating a dead horse and will try something else until she hits on a winning idea. She has a profound lack of forethought or long-term planning though, and anything beyond the next few minutes escapes her -- she won't be planning any ambushes or traps or the like.​

Eligible Abilities

Majin Physiology (1,950)

Adaptation Incredible Heat & Cold (200)
Adaptation Need to Breathe (200)
Adaptation Space (300)
Adaptation Radioactive Environments (50)
Adaptation Chemical or Toxic Environments (50)
– Limited (Only ingested)
Adaptation Disease (50)
– Limited (Only ingested)
Adaptation Falling (100)
Adaptation Nonbiological Anatomy (300)
Endurance 7 (700)

The body of a Majin is an extremely complex, but wonderful thing, which can comfortably and easily endure a mind-boggling assortment of environments.
They might complain about it, but they’re virtually unfazed by even the coldest or hottest natural temperatures.
They don’t even really have lungs, so breathing is completely optional for them!
Space is just another locale for them; they can lounge about among the stars at their leisure.
They can virtually ignore and laugh off most forms of conventional radiation.
They have a digestive system so powerful and robust they can eat almost anything; even things that are poisonous enough to give week-long food poisoning won’t even register to them, and even specialized medicines or drugs which can cripple or even prove lethal to normal folk won’t have any real effect on them. That’s only if they eat it, though; they are, shockingly, somehow just as vulnerable as anything else if it’s an inhaled or injected substance.
Their rubbery, malleable bodies can just effortlessly absorb the impact of even extremely high falls and bounce back (literally and figuratively) with zero effort.
Their bizarre, magical gum-like bodies are extremely difficult to comprehend. They don’t have anything like bones or blood or organs whatsoever, and thus are incredibly difficult to actually damage in any meaningful way.

Add on top of all their absurd survivability, any majin worth their salt is going to be incredibly enduring and almost obnoxiously energetic. They still need to eat, drink and sleep like most anything or anyone else (and they have MONSTROUS appetites, on top of that), but they can endure and persist through an astronomical amount of activity without rest.

Majin Resilience (2,100)

Protection 7 (700)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
Healing 7 (1,400)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]

A majin’s body is incredibly difficult to damage, even harder to make that damage significant enough to matter, and further difficult to actually keep them down. Graowr is a shining example of that, her malleable and gummy body withstanding all manner of harm in a comically effective fashion. Her body can and will cartoonishly bend, dent, twist, deform, have holes blown through it or pieces and chunks blown off….to seemingly no ill effect. Within a matter of moments, she can simply pop and poof back into shape, ready and raring to keep the fight going.

Inhuman Strength (200)

Move Object 2 (200)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]

Most majin are quite a bit stronger than they look, regardless of their size. And certainly, larger and more obviously muscular and bulky ones are going to be even stronger. Graowr is quite small and petite by anyone’s standards, but she still possesses an absolutely absurd and disproportionate level of strength all the same.

Majin Martial Arts (1,600)

Agility 5 (1,000)
Damage 4 (400)
– Ranged (+200)

While calling it an actual martial art would definitely be a bit of a stretch, it’s what they like to call it. It capitalizes on their rubbery, malleable and flexible bodies to utilize unorthodox and ridiculous means of attack. They employ plenty of jumping, leaping, flipping and springing about and outmaneuver or confuse opponents while striking wildly and unpredictably. They can effectively turn any and every square inch of their body into a weapon, the normally soft and gum-like texture seeming to harden to steel at moments of impact. They can even stretch and extend their limbs out to an impossibly long, inhuman range, punching and kicking striking at ranges of several meters, and even able to make long lunging grabs and grappling thrusts at much further range to further their wild unpredictability.

Ki Blast (300)

Damage 2 (200)
– Ranged (+100)

Graowr fires projectiles of condensed ki energy from her hands, which explode on impact. They might not always follow a straight line, and she can throw them in bizarre arching or even spinning/spiraling trajectories, but they function like dumb rockets and will always go toward a specific destination, rather than any kind of actual tracking or the like. They might not be very powerful individually, but they can be very rapidly thrown in large volleys one after another to lay down a heavy stream of suppressive fire.

Energy Wave (350)

Damage 7 (700)
– Ranged (+350)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
– Activation (-350)
– Concentration (-350)

Though the exact nature and appearance of the beam might change from one use to the next, the end result is pretty much the same, at the end of the day. Graowr winds up, charging and gathering energy into one or both hands, in her mouth, or in front of her. Once ready…she proceeds to be a complete dork, shouting out the name of the attack in question, before letting rip. A concentrated beam of dense ki energy, which can be maintained to cause continuous damage as long as she can keep her concentration and keep pouring energy into it. When she runs out of steam, or just opts to stop firing it, the beam tends to either blow up for dramatic effect, or else flicker out into a stream of sparkling motes of light, also for dramatic effect.

After-Image (1,700)

Teleport 2 (600)
– Limited (Cannot move through objects) (-100)
Illusion 3 (600)
Concealment (Extrasensory) 6 (600)

A basic but deceptively potent and useful technique. An incredibly swift movement, such that for all intents and purposes the user teleports, often to avoid an attack or to dart into an advantageous position. The deceptive part is the illusory doppelganger left behind, a perfect (visual) copy of the user. It only persists for a handful of seconds before breaking down into a flickering and see-through image that quickly fades, but in that brief window the user’s presence is all but erased, enabling sudden surprise attacks from blind spots to catch foes off guard.

Mend Beam (750)

Healing 5 (1,000)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
– Concentration (-250)

A beam of bright blue-white light and energy Graowr releases at a target within a few feet, which envelops them in a gently glowing aura; she can do so from one or both hands, a single finger, her eyes, or even from her many hair-tentacles, depending on the situation at hand. It takes dedicated focus to utilize it properly, but those under its effects rather quickly find themselves experiencing a quick recovery from most wounds. Provided she gets to them in time, it can bring someone back from the brink of death, heal someone who has been quite literally cut in half, or even cure long-term conditions and injuries like sickness or blindness.

Transfiguration Beam (1,000)

Variable Creation 3 (600)
– Ranged (+150)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
Debuff (Transformed) 5 (500)
– Ranged (+250)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
– Concentration (-250)
– Limited (Target can still use Abilities which don’t require specific body parts/movements) (-250)

A signature and trademark attack for nearly any majin worth their salt. A bright neon-pink beam of energy which can be fired from an outstretched finger, or from one (or several) of Graowr’s hair-tentacles. It arcs out like a crackling lightning bolt toward a target, and on contact changes it into something else. Like most majin, Graowr will typically use this to turn random objects (or occasionally people, in a horrifying majin-esque disconnect from reality) into various food and candy, though occasionally may make other objects. Graowr does typically announce what she’s going to turn her target into when using it, as well.

When used on living targets, those of a strong enough will may remain conscious and aware of their new state. While being turned into candy of some kind might seem like an awful fate…those of a sturdy enough mind can still fight back. It’s difficult to use weapons and the like while in such a state, certainly, but if they have any natural abilities which can act independently of their transformed state…they can still use them relatively freely. And resisting hard enough to give Graowr a sound enough wallop or otherwise agitating her enough can make her focus lapse, mercifully returning them to normal.

Kiai (600)

Damage 1 (100)
-- Ranged (50)
Move Object 3 (300)
-- Ranged (150)

An intense blast of nearly invisible energy, manifesting as a something similar to a burst of compressed air. It doesn't pack much of a damaging punch, but it hits with enough force to violently shove and push targets away and off-balance. It can be released from an outstretched hand, with a mere gesture or wave of an arm, or even from the eyes with a focused stare, making it a versatile option against unsuspecting targets.

Destructive Aura (600)

Damage 3 (300)
-- Ongoing (300)
-- Affects Multiple 1 (150)
-- Indiscriminate (-150)

Graowr's normal aura of energy when fighting seriously is a shade of blue, similar to her own skin. At need, or desire however, she can amplify her energy output tremendously, causing her aura to take on the same vibrant hue of pink as her eyes, and fill itself with crackling arcs and flashing sparks of bio-electricity which can prove quite harmful to those in close proximity. This also induces a noticeable burst of air pressure and a near constant draft of air up and away from her while active, for yet further added visual flair.

This flashing aura is of course quite something to behold, but it also attacks recklessly and constantly, leaving anything and everything in close proximity to her in danger of being struck and damaged.

Super Focus Application - "Angry Explosion" — Harkening back to classic angry majin tactics, Graowr just lets a massive wave of vibrant pink ki explode from her body in all directions over a considerable distance. (Super Attack)

Extra -- I got nothin' else to really add, I don't think. Maybe take some inspiration from DBZ Abridged Goku in terms of mannerisms/attitude? She's a similar level of uneducated bumpkin, though probably slightly more overall intelligent. Her autistic superpower is knowing an improbable amount about lasers and the physics involved in explosions and martial arts maneuvers.



".....I'm hungry. Are you a people or a food?"​

"You're mean. You're like, really mean!"​

"I'm gonna deck you right in the place that wasn't meant to be decked! With an actual deck!"​

"There's a place out there where everything is normal and peaceful all the time. I don't really wanna go to that place, it sounds awful."​

"You're pretty! I'll make sure to punch you in the not-pretty places!"​

"Wow...the kais must have hated you. They really messed you up when you were being made, huh?"​

"If I had a wish on the dragon balls, what would I wish for? .....probably for, like, a whoooooole lot of candy!"​

Threads/Post - https://multerra.zulenka.com/index.php?threads/breaking-the-mold.2272/

* - Legally speaking, we at Syntech are uncertain at this time if this is the same Graw or not

**DEAD32** #15 - The Future Warrior (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.