DA left out what they wanted from Sam Williams case, it took an attorney to amend a memo, what else do we not know? (2024)

DA left out what they wanted from Sam Williams case, it took an attorney to amend a memo, what else do we not know? (1)

DA left out what they wanted from Sam Williams case, it took an attorney to amend a memo, what else do we not know? (2)

DA left out what they wanted from Sam Williams case, it took an attorney to amend a memo, what else do we not know? (3)

There was an initial memo from Sheriff William Honsal, a response from former HCSO Sam Williams' attorney, an amended memo and an email personally sent from Williams to Sheriff Honsal. All are lengthy, I have provided excerpts from the first three documents mentioned but am printing the entire email from Williams. The response from Williams' attorney contains information he mentions in his personal email to Sheriff Honsal.

I covered the case, the preliminary hearing, the trial. You can compare those posts, testimony and court records. I saw the video, the jurors saw the video, the jurors did not want to convict Williams. All this has been previously reported. If you read my post about William's email to his former colleagues, you definitely want to read this email.

I have spoken about selective justice, selective enforcement numerous times. Anyone who has had their own experience with HCSO, the DA's office,the local courts will have deja vu reading this email from Williams who served this community for over two decades. There were no issues prior to this case. When Williams was arrested and charged, I did my own research into his alleged victim via court records on my own. This was before the preliminary hearing.

Nothing will change as long as Rex Bohn, Michelle Bushnell, Honsal, the Maggie -Eads administration who benefit from each other being in office and their cronies allow selective targeting and personal agendas to dictate what happens at 825 5th Street. Ordinary people ousted Kreis. The only reason these others keep getting re-elected is because of apathy, weakness and selfishness.

Sam Williams email to Sheriff Honsal:


I know my attorney filed a response to the memorandum you wrote, but I also had some additional things I wanted to share. First of all, you know me well enough to know that I take responsibility for my actions and mistakes, and I own them when I make them. I don’t blame shift and I don’t shirk away from consequences. That said, I believe what happened to me was wrong on many levels, and the story that was painted was done so in a certain way to suit the narrative that was initiated from the start. My life has been utterly destroyed, along with my children’s lives. At this point, all I care about is the truth and it being told. So I apologize in advance for the lack of brevity, there is no way to cover the issues that way.

If the memorandum had simply said, I was being terminated because I was found guilty of a crime that made me ineligible to be a police officer in the state of California, I would have had no further input on that. However, the synopsis prepared in the memorandum of intent to discipline/terminate, did not contain an accurate representation of the facts in this case, nor was it consistent with testimony offered in the trial. Since this document will be a matter of public record, I felt it was prudent to dispute the information in an effort to make sure that it is as accurate and factually concise as it can be, based on the evidence.

First, Danielle and I did not separate in early March, nor did I move out of my home in McKinleyville in early March. In fact, if you recall, I spoke to you on the phone from my residence, prior to obtaining the temporary apartment, on Monday, March 20, 2023, when I called you for advice on how to best deal with any potential criminal behavior on Danielle‘s part. In fact, even today we are still not legally separated. Furthermore, it was stipulated by the district attorneys office at preliminary hearing that I had every right to be at my home and that I had not moved out, nor given up legal standing to my residence. In fact, the deputy district attorney even argued at preliminary hearing that it would’ve been fine if I entered my home on March 24th, and simply said to Brian Kelsey Jr. and Danielle, ‘You two knock it off.’ My legal standing to my home was made further apparent the more the district attorneys office investigated the case. Since Danielle had told them she had the locks changed on the residence and that I should not have had a key, investigator Steve Dunn followed up on that in an attempt to confirm it, but instead found evidence that was to the contrary. He even located the potential changer of those locks, Gavin Winbigler, who said this was false. However, investigator Dunn failed to completely and thoroughly investigate or document the investigation into that matter because it had become exceedingly clear that Danielle had been untruthful and was not a credible witness, and that was not favorable to their case. However, I had my investigator go a step further and contact the landlord Steve Samson, to confirm the locks were still the same as the ones that were installed when we moved in, in 2019. They were confirmed to be the same locks even after Danielle moved out. She provided the same keys upon move out. Not to mention, I clearly used my house key in the video to enter my home. The judge also concluded at sentencing that I certainly had a right to my things in the home as well. This picture being painted, of my daughter and I just showing up and entering a home we had no right to be in, is absolute fabrication by the DA’s office.

Next, I was not certain the vehicle parked in my driveway belong to Brian Kelsey Jr. as you stated. This is why I said in the video, it ‘looks’ like Brian Kelsey’s vehicle. Also, I did not know he was Danielle‘s new boyfriend as you stated. She repeatedly told me they were just coworkers and friends, and she even testified in court that they were only friends, even up to and on that 24th day of March. Even Brian Kelsey Jr. told me they were just friends, so exactly was I ‘supposed’ to know something different?

You said that I made the decision to enter the premises unannounced while armed. Again, that is misleading, because the premises was my home, and it would be highly uncommon for anyone to announce themselves when entering their own home. Even so , it was not completely unannounced either, as we had video cameras on the front walkway and at the front doorstep. Those video cameras were hooked to a live video, able to be monitored from anywhere in the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Furthermore, that video monitoring system alerts with a loud beeping noise when someone or something as small as a moth is in the viewfinder. This is also clearly visible on the video I provided. And you can hear the audible monitor chirping in the background. It would have been alerting the entire time I was walking up to the house and at the front door prior to entering. I would have thought this video would also be a matter of evidence, but it was not collected.

You said, I entered the home and went directly to the master bedroom. This is also misleading, as the front entryway opens directly into a great room where you can clearly see the entirety of the living room, dining room, and kitchen with a simple glance, whether someone is there or not. I had a clear view of this entire portion of the home , as I walked in. There was no one there, so I proceeded to the hallway that leads to the remainder of the home. That is what any reasonable person would do when finding a strange car in their driveway. Once in the hallway, I could see clearly into my bedroom through the open bedroom door. I saw Brian Kelsey Jr. looking directly at me as he was withdrawing his penis from Danielle and attempting to get off of my bed. I can only assume this is because he saw me first and must have known I would not approve of him being a guest in my home, my bed, or my wife.

Having foreknowledge that Brian Kelsey Jr., carries a firearm, and realizing the gravity of what I had just interrupted caused me great fear. I did brandish my firearm and issued a threat to harm Brian Kelsey Jr. should he fail to leave my home, as you stated. It was my belief that this was a conditional threat, and not a crime. Furthermore, I was lawfully in possession of my firearm, the one I brandished at a person I believed to be an armed and uninvited subject in my home. It was my belief this also was not a crime. My sole intent was to get him to leave without harm to myself, my wife, or my child. There is absolutely no way I would knowing commit a crime with a firearm.

I would also like to point out that you failed to mention in your memorandum that Brian Kelsey Jr. also had a firearm and attempted to retrieve it from its holster, in what I believe was an attempt to use it against me. I forcefully took the firearm out of his hands and from him. I continued to order him out of my home until he complied. This is also captured on the video I provided. He left my home without a scratch. Then, I immediately called law-enforcement as soon as Brian Kelsey Jr. left my home, and I requested deputies respond and take possession of his firearm. It should be noted that Brian Kelsey Jr. did not call police until much later, and at that time did not wish to be a victim of any crime. Deputies did respond and they did take possession of the firearm. Although deputy Nasca later testified in court that he was ordered to return the firearm to my residence because he did not have the legal authority to take possession of it. That directive was completely inaccurate and outside of normal protocol and policy on how to proceed under those circ*mstances. The deputies even knew at that time that the firearm was registered as a concealed carry weapon with the sheriffs office. They knew the legal owner of that firearm did not reside there, and was forced to leave under unfavorable circ*mstances. It makes absolutely no sense to me why a directive was given to return the firearm to my home where the gun owner was just forced to leave. It placed not just me in a potentially dangerous or even fatal position should I have lawfully returned to my home, but also Brian Kelsey Jr. The case was clearly being investigated as a crime, and the firearm was evidence in that case. It is a complete break from protocol, and policy, as well as standard law enforcement investigative measures to leave weapons that are evidence, especially firearms, at the scene of a crime that’s being investigated and involves firearms. Add to that this firearm was authorized by you, the Sheriff, to be carried concealed by the owner. When someone who possesses a ccw is involved in an incident involving that firearm, it is generally investigated to determine the appropriateness of the ccw carriers actions prior to returning the firearm. I would like this matter looked into, as I believe it was ordered with malicious intent, and handled recklessly and without regard to anyone’s safety.

As you know very well, Captain Quenell was the duty officer that morning. You also know he has a deep seated hatred for you, and anyone who supports you or helps carry out your mission as the Sheriff, that included me. This is only one of many directions he provided in this case that I believe were motivated purely by a desire to undermine you as the Sheriff. This was made further evident at trial when investigator Steve Dunn and DDA Myers made accusations about you and the undersheriff mishandling the previous incident involving Brian Kelsey Jr. and I. They seem to imply some sort of cover-up, and stated that you and the undersheriff did not handle it correctly to begin with and that is why this incident occurred. Essentially blaming the two of you for the escalation. This is information that captain Quenell helped obtain by reaching out and interviewing former deputy Jordan Walstrom, however, he failed to document it in a police report. Perhaps another thing that should be investigated. I would request that as a citizen.

Steve Dunn later reached out to Jordan Walstrom and interviewed him about a phone call I had had with him more than three months prior to this incident. It is worth noting that Jordan Walstrom is very good friends with Brian Kelsey Jr. Then the DA’s office attempted to have Jordan Walstrom testify in court that I was a ‘dirty cop’ that was trying to cover my tracks through some quid pro quo. Except it was completely false and after an in camera hearing with him, it was clear the information he was providing was uncredible and restricted from trial.

Your memorandum is accurate when it speaks of my work history and performance, and I have never had my character or integrity called into question professionally.

The incident at my home was recorded on cell phone video by my daughter as you stated. However, it is again misleading when you say that I invited her to the scene. The scene was our family home and she also lived in that home. She had her own bedroom there and had spent every night there for the previous three years. All of her belongings were there and she also had every legal right to be there.

On the morning of March 24, 2023, after this incident occurred, I was ordered to the sheriffs office, where I was placed on administrative leave by you. You treated me awfully, as if you had already made up your mind based on what the duty officer captain Quenell had told you. This is something you have struggled with since becoming sheriff. Knee jerk reactions without all the facts. Then I was ordered by you, and escorted by captain Quenell to his office for an interview in the criminal matter that was being investigated. I was completely honest and cooperative, and although under an extreme amount of stress, having just found my wife in our bed with another man, having had a serious encounter with him being armed, and now having had my employment placed in a questionable position, yet I provided a statement even after asking for representation. I also provided the video. The video clearly contradicted Danielle‘s statement, which was the sole basis for bringing me in for questioning that morning, and serving me with an emergency protective order. The emergency protective order stated that Danielle said I pointed a gun at her and threatened to kill her. The video clearly shows this is false, and in fact it is clear that I did not say a single word to her until after Brian Kelsey Jr. had left my home. Thus, she was never a victim in the case. After viewing the video, the captain and chief investigator exited the room and left Sergeant Filipini in there with me. Sergeant Filipini indicated that the video had clearly shed some light on the inconsistent statement of Danielle, almost with a sentiment of relief. However, the captain and chief investigator came back into the room and asked that Sergeant Filipini step outside with them. When they re-entered, Sergeant Filipini served me with the emergency protective order anyway. I later provided my firearm to the captain. Again, if there was not legal authority to take possession of Brian Kelsey Jr.’s firearm, then it begs the question as to what the legal authority to seize mine was. Captain Quenell did not document any portion of his involvement in this case in a police report. He did not even document the fact that he was present for the interview of myself, nor did he document that he and Lieutenant Taylor came to my home and seized my firearm as evidence. This also is a deviation from policy and procedure. My question is simple…why?

As I have reviewed the internal affairs investigation, I am only seeing a single interview conducted by the administration, and that is an interview I provided to a third-party investigator working on the agencies behalf. I am very familiar with how internal affairs investigations should be conducted, since I have conducted many, and I am perplexed as to how my daughter, who was an eyewitness to this event and took the video recording that I provided, was never interviewed. She would have provided much more detail on the incident, and is quite credible. I am also at a loss as to why Danielle would not have been interviewed, and furthermore, dumbfounded that Brian Kelsey Jr. was not interviewed for the internal affairs investigation purposes. I am certain if I had conducted an investigation that was going to result in the termination of a 23 year employee, the chain of command would have demanded that I interview all of those involved parties. Perhaps it was because it may have been a fair and unbiased investigation that would’ve revealed problems with their witnesses and created problems for the DA’s case against me?

As soon as the EPO had expired, Danielle and I spoke and she told me that she did not request an EPO. She also said the probable cause for the EPO was not her statement. She told me she never said I pointed a gun at her or threatened to kill her. She said she did not even want the EPO, but the deputy told her she needed it for her own safety because I was dangerous. Furthermore, she stated that she did not call the deputies back to the residence and was surprised they came back, because when they were there the first time I had asked her in front of them if she wanted to provide with them a statement and told her they would be happy to take her statement, she said no and left the room. This should be on the deputies body worn camera footage. But I was never provided with that footage as discovery, as I was told there was no body camera footage taken at that point. This is also a deviation from the policy. It is quite unorthodox for the sheriffs office to return to a residence where there was no indication or report of domestic violence, to solicit a victim and give them legal advice. Again, I can only assume this was direction given to the deputies on scene. I would like that investigated as I believe this was also done maliciously. As a citizen, I would like a formal complaint filed and the issue investigated.

It is also worth noting that DA investigator Steve Dunn has had a personal hatred for me for about 15 years. This is common knowledge among many in the profession, including his supervisors, both the current chief investigator, Kyla Baxley and the former chief investigator, Wayne Cox. It was also common knowledge to many of the former civilian Superior Court clerks, and his former girlfriend Kristy Silva can attest to this. In 2017, I applied for an investigators position at the DA office. Steve Dunn, who was a senior investigator at the time, along with Kyla Baxley, met with chief investigator Wayne Cox. He informed them I had applied and he was considering hiring me. Steve Dunn made it clear he was not happy with that notion. In fact, he was so upset it caused Wayne Cox to call me, and as a friend, he essentially asked me to withdraw from the application process because Steve Dunn would make it miserable on him if he hired me. I withdrew my application. Then a few years later, Steve Dunn applied for a lieutenants position with the Humboldt County sheriffs office. I opposed his candidacy for the position because he was not qualified, having never even been a supervisor much less an administrator. I know this information made it back to him, and I can only make an assumption as to who told him about our confidential discussions within administrative meetings. Again, I believe that was likely captain Quenell. He and Steve Dunn are friends and hunt at the same clubs. Danielle has first hand knowledge of investigator Steve Dunn’s hatred of me and she and Brian Kelsey Jr. took full advantage of it. Chief investigator Kyla Baxley was aware of all of this information, and should never have let Steve Dunn investigate this case. However, as chief investigator Baxley was conducting some of the investigation herself, she had determined that Danielle was untruthful and uncredible. Once this was learned by Danielle, she went into the district attorneys office and demanded that chief investigator Kyla Baxley be removed from the case completely. The district attorney complied with Danielle‘s demands and completely walled off chief investigator Baxley from the investigation. Danielle told me right before the trial began that investigator Steve Dunn and Candice Myers had made clear to her their disdain for me personally, and that they seemed far more interested in wanting to destroy me professionally than they were in seeking justice. This is also unorthodox. I would request this be investigated by the DA’s office or the attorneys general.

Furthermore, investigator Steve Dunn has a history of this kind of manipulative abuse under the color of authority. He pulled similar hateful stunts on other Law Enforcement officers, even those in his own office, and at the task force. All the while he was hooking up with confidential informants. This is the person selected by Danielle and the DA’s office to be the primary investigator and second chair in the courtroom on my case. It’s just repulsive and ethically bankrupt.

Perhaps this hatred is why Steve Dunn failed to properly investigate a felony committed by Brian Kelsey Jr. and Danielle. On July 5 of 2023, I canceled Danielle‘s cell phone from my account. Only a couple of days later, she and Brian Kelsey Jr. met with Steve Dunn to accuse me of sending a threatening Snapchat message to Brain Kelsey Jr., from Danielle’s Snapchat account. It should be noted this is an account I did not even know existed. Nor would I have been able to access it. They provided him with screenshots of the message, where you can clearly see that Danielle‘s phone does not have cellular service, but is connected to Wi-Fi. The message said something vaguely threatening in linguistics I would never use. I asked my attorney and investigator to immediately go meet with the district attorney and make sure this was fully investigated. I informed them that I was in the state of Utah in July 2023, And that since Danielle‘s phone had been disconnected from cellular service and was clearly using Wi-Fi, they would be able to obtain an IP address and Geo locate the address from where the message was sent. I was confident it would be Danielle and Brian Kelsey Jr.’s residence or at a minimum in Humboldt county. My attorney and investigator did as I asked, and met with the deputy district attorney and Steve Dunn. They were told the DA’s office would not be investigating it further because it was ‘not cost-effective’ for such a low level case. I find that dishonest and corrupt and quite frankly bordering on a Brady violation. Because this further investigation would have revealed exculpatory information for me, and convincing evidence that they had conspired to commit fraud to frame me for sending a threatening message via Snapchat. Instead, the taxpayers bore the burden of thousands of dollars spent on an expert for me to try and track down the messages. Unfortunately, when Steve Dunn served the search warrant on Snapchat, along with my email and cellular accounts, he failed to send me the required notification within 10 days, or at all for that matter, that he had breached my fourth amendment right and searched my email, social media accounts, and cell records as well. So I had no idea there had been a search conducted or that there was any alleged message sent via Snapchat until September 2023. Rather unorthodox not to speak to the potential suspect and simply ask if I sent it. Especially given that I was so forthcoming. I know on nearly every case we sent to the DA they wanted an attempt at a suspect statement prior to pursuing it. The expert witness the defense hired wrote a scathing review of Steve Dunn’s investigatory work on the matter, after he learned that Steve Dunn wrote a search warrant for the wrong Snapchat account belonging to Danielle. Thus he obtained no data for her account. The expert concluded that Steve Dunn was either completely incompetent or a liar. While I believe both are true, if it is the latter, that should be of grave concern to the DA and the community. I believe this was done maliciously. As a citizen, I would request a formal complaint be filed and the issue investigated.

You said in the Prior Personnel History section, ‘We discussed Brian Kelsey Jr. with you in a previous threatening phone call incident.’ I am unaware who you are referring to when you said ‘We.’ I met privately with you in your office one day on an unrelated matter, in which you indicated, on what seemed to be more of a sidenote, there was nothing further forthcoming regarding my interactions with Brian Kelsey Jr. It was during this conversation that I informed you I had substantial proof to believe Brian Kelsey Jr. and Danielle were involved in criminal conduct within the secured facility of Semper Virens, a county facility where they are both employed. I informed you that I had even written a letter to the Director of DHHS, Connie Beck, to bring this to her attention as I felt it was of great concern. It was at this time, you directed me not to send that letter and to leave it be. I did as you ordered, even though I had knowledge and proof that the two of them were bringing drugs, marijuana and mushrooms, into the facility and using them while working the night shift. They were also taking medication from the facility as well. This was criminal and should’ve been investigated, as this is not behavior that should be dismissed, especially since you authorize Brian Kelsey Jr. to carry a concealed firearm in the community.

Under the policy and merit system rules violations section, I believe the county merit system rules listed as sustained violations are inappropriate, as they seem to indicate they are of an on duty nature. In fact, one of them even states ‘while on duty,’ which I clearly was not. Another states ‘neglect of duty’ which I would not be obligated to if I was not on duty. As you have previously noted in that memorandum, my on duty performance has been above reproach.

Again, if the memorandum had simply said I was convicted of a crime that made me ineligible to be a police officer, I would have simply agreed. I was forced to a jury trial because the district attorneys office made no attempt at reaching a resolution. In fact when my attorney attempted to negotiate with DDA Myers, her only offer was ‘If he never wants to work as a cop again and not possess a firearm we can talk.’ This is certainly not an attempt to negotiate in good faith. She made it abundantly clear throughout the entirety of the case that she and Steve Dunn were only concerned with destroying my reputation, my character, and my career. This is something I was told DA Eads was making all the calls on, and I can only assume she was fully and accurately briefed. It has been made abundantly clear to me over the last year through this investigation that the truth and what is morally and ethically right is of no concern to many in your agency and the district attorneys office. That is why I felt it was so important to document this accurately and appropriately.

It should be known that I received and still receive so much support from so many colleagues who knew this was a whitchunt. Also, from so many civilian citizens in the community. Early on, DDA Reese even reached out through my attorney Michael Robinson, and told him to wished me luck and that he had personally told DA Eads he wouldn’t touch the case. I had unbelievable support from so many in the Sheriff’s office, even Sergeant Filipini reached out to my investigator to tell him he thought the case was ridiculous and hoped I won at trial. I can’t help but wonder why he felt that way, since he is the one who sent the case to the DA for a review, of all misdemeanor charges. Perhaps it could be because he was given direction on how to proceed that he did not agree with. You stayed absolutely silent for over a year though. In fact, when this incident happened on March 24 of 2023, I had actually accepted your invitation to join you at your home to watch the UFC fights on the 25th. You didn’t even call or text me to cancel, I just know about politics and appearances so I was a no show out of courtesy to you. Still, it hurt me deeply. As a brother, it cut me to the core that you couldn’t find it in yourself to reach out to me in the darkest moments of my life. I know Jodi sent me a text on the day I turned myself in, but it just wasn’t the same as hearing from you. I made so many personal sacrifices, along with my family, to help you succeed professionally, to support your mission, any time of day or night I was there to serve you, and I couldn’t get a single text of support from you in these crucial moments. Dozens of other administrators, former administrators, former chiefs and sheriffs from many agencies, even magistrates reached out to me in support, but not you. Prior to his departure, EPD Chief Jarvis, even invited me to lunch, in a public place, to be supportive. We enjoyed conversation and fellowship over a meal. That is true leadership. Then after more than a year, you saw me in the courthouse for trial and wished me luck. After the trial my attorney contacted me to tell me he spoke to you about my resignation. It saddened me to hear that you both spoke about my case and agreed any of you would’ve acted in the same fashion. It’s a shame you couldn’t have taken that position publicly in the beginning. I am confident the vast majority of men who found themselves in my position would’ve acted similarly or much worse. In fact, so many people have said that I showed great restraint in my actions considering the circ*mstances. Nonetheless, I understand your position and why you did what you did. It was just the wrong decision. I know you are a good man, a politician first, but a decent man, and I forgive you.

I also feel it is worth noting that the jurors in my case said they did not want to convict me. I can only assume that is because the spirit of the law allows for reasonableness, morals and common sense, and the letter of the law is just what it is. It is a struggle all law enforcement officer face as they try to equally apply it, and something the general public does not always grasp in the face of jury instructions.

Throughout the entirety of this investigation, I have been one hundred percent honest, and completely forthcoming with any and all information I had regarding this incident or any incident prior. I have been transparent in all my communications with Brian Kelsey Jr. I have been completely cooperative throughout the entire process, even while watching the dishonest and corrupt political games be played in the background. It is shameful. Shameful that the community can’t leave a dollar in their center console without getting their car broke into, shameful they can’t drive down 4th or 5th St. without having a drugged out zombie stagger in front of them in traffic, shameful that murder cases like Richard ‘Dick’ Drewery and so many others are scoffed at when we ask for prosecution, and yet shameful so much time, effort, and tax payer money was spent on prosecuting and literally ruining a 23 year officer with an impeccable career for something that most reasonable people would’ve handled the same way.

My only desire at this point is that the truth be known. It is important to me that the community know just who their leaders are and how they operate. It was me this time, but it could be any one of them next. Our justice system is the best in the world, and I have great respect for it. However, it is only as good as those we select to have stewardship over it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope you take the time to look into the very serious improprieties I mentioned. These things can’t simply be glossed over with a statement like ‘He is just upset over a conviction,’ as we are well past that. I look forward to hearing the results of my investigative requests.

Respectfully, Sam Williams

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DA left out what they wanted from Sam Williams case, it took an attorney to amend a memo, what else do we not know? (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.